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Soil pollution with Cd is an environmental problem common in the world, and it is necessary to establish what Cd concentrations in soil could be dangerous to its fertility from toxicity effects and the risk of transference of this element to plants and other organisms of the food chain. In this study, we assessed Cd toxicity on soil microorganisms and plants in two semiarid soils (uncultivated and cultivated). Soil ATP content, dehydrogenase activity, and plant growth were measured in the two soils spiked with concentrations ranging from 3 to 8000 mg Cd/kg soil and incubated for 3 h, 20 days, and 60 days. The Cd concentrations that produced 5%; 10%;, and 50%; inhibition of each of the two soil microbiological parameter studied (ecological dose, ED, values) were calculated using two different mathematical models. Also, the effect of Cd concentration on plant growth of ryegrass (Lolium perenne, L.) was studied in the two soils. The Cd ED values calculated for soil dehydrogenase activity and ATP content were higher in the agricultural soils than in the bare soil. For ATP inhibition, higher ED values were calculated than for dehydrogenase activity inhibition. The average yields of ryegrass were reduced from 5.03 to 3.56 g in abandoned soil and from 4.21 to 1.15 g in agricultural soil with increasing concentrations of Cd in the soil. Plant growth was totally inhibited in abandoned and agricultural soils at Cd concentrations above 2000 and 5000 mg/kg soil, respectively. There was a positive correlation between the concentration of Cd in the plants and the total or DTPA-extractable concentrations of Cd in the soil.  相似文献   
学龄儿童肺功能水平影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用逐步回归分析方法对与室内、外空气污染和机体状况等有关的因素对广州市学龄儿童肺功能 (FVC、FEV1 、PEFR和 FEF2 5~ 75 )水平的影响进行研究。结果提示 ,影响肺功能水平的主要因素是内因 ,身高的影响最明显 ,呼吸系统疾病或症状发生与肺功能水平下降有关 ;室外空气污染使肺功能水平下降 ,SO2 、NOx 和 PM2 .5 的影响明显 ,PM2 .5 的影响明显大于 PM1 0 和 TSP;居室或厨房通风不良、家庭烹饪用不洁燃料对儿童肺功能的生长不利 ;被动吸烟对女性儿童肺功能有不利影响。对各种影响因素 ,PEFR和 FEF2 5~ 75 比 FVC和 FEV1 更为敏感  相似文献   
Malaysia is in dire need of alternatives to landfilling for solid waste management. Recently, landfills have faced the problems of overfilling, overflowing of leachates leading to pollution of water resources, and uncontrolled dust emissions adversely affecting the local environment. With the rising cost of urbanization coupled with the high rate of waste generation, one possible method of waste treatment that is receiving particular attention by the government is incineration. Incineration of solid waste is rather new in Malaysia, with limited usage in handling small sources of waste generation such as the municipal solid waste (MSW) of resort islands; however, its potential in ameliorating the problems associated with solid waste treatment may make it an attractive alternative to landfill. This article presents the results of test runs conducted to investigate the performance of a locally designed and manufactured rotary kiln incinerator (RKI). The test runs were conducted using MSW collected from the Shah Alam municipality. The combustion efficiency was analyzed by looking at the temperature profiles and chemical species concentrations. To complement the combustion characteristics measurements, predictions of the air flow in the incinerator during the process were also investigated. The overall performance of the RKI suggests that it is suitable for treating MSW.  相似文献   
The strong fluctuating component in the measured concentration time series of a dispersing gaseous pollutant in the atmospheric boundary layer, and the hazard level associated to short-term concentration levels, demonstrate the necessity of calculating the magnitude of turbulent fluctuations of concentration using computational simulation models. Moreover the computation of concentration fluctuations in cases of dispersion in realistic situations, such as built-up areas or street canyons, is of special practical interest for hazard assessment purposes. In this paper, the formulation and evaluation of a model for concentration fluctuations, based on a transport equation, are presented. The model is applicable in cases of complex geometry. It is included in the framework of a computational code, developed for simulating the dispersion of buoyant pollutants over complex geometries. The experimental data used for the model evaluation concerned the dispersion of a passive gas in a street canyon between 4 identical rectangular buildings performed in a wind tunnel. The experimental concentration fluctuations data have been derived from measured high frequency concentrations. The concentration fluctuations model is evaluated by comparing the model's predictions with the observations in the form of scatter plots, quantile-quantile plots, contour plots and statistical indices as the fractional bias, the geometrical mean variance and the factor-of-two percentage. From the above comparisons it is concluded that the overall model performance in the present complex geometry case is satisfactory. The discrepancies between model predictions and observations are attributed to inaccuracies in prescribing the actual wind tunnel boundary conditions to the computational code.  相似文献   
湖库型水体总氮总量控制目标的区域分配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于层次分析法原理,以资源禀赋、社会经济、农业生产生活、污染治理水平为主要考虑因素设计指标体系和层次结构,建立了湖库型水体总氮总量控制目标分配方法,并在石头口门水库流域进行了应用,为湖库型水体总氮总量控制目标分配及石头口门水库流域总氮总量控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   
研究了丝藻对含钼废水中MoO2-4的吸附作用。分别考察了初始pH、吸附时间、温度、投加量以及竞争离子等5个因素对吸附过程的影响,并应用吸附热力学和动力学方法对吸附机制进行了探讨。结果表明,丝藻在初始pH 1、吸附时间40min、投加量为1.0g以及30℃条件下,对含钼废水中MoO2-4的去除率达82%,平衡吸附量为0.657 0mg/g。PO3-4对MoO2-4的吸附具有较强的拮抗作用,平衡吸附量下降至0.380 0mg/g,SiO4-4对MoO2-4的拮抗作用相对较弱,而SO2-4对MoO2-4的吸附却有一定的协同作用。丝藻对MoO2-4的吸附等温数据更符合Langmuir吸附等温模型,准二级动力学方程拟合的吸附动力学过程相关性较高,20、25℃下的R2都在0.99以上。说明丝藻吸附MoO2-4属于化学吸附,受化学反应速率控制,且丝藻可以应用于含钼废水治理领域。  相似文献   
An environmental assessment of six scenarios for handling of garden waste in the Municipality of Aarhus (Denmark) was performed from a life cycle perspective by means of the LCA-model EASEWASTE. In the first (baseline) scenario, the current garden waste management system based on windrow composting was assessed, while in the other five scenarios alternative solutions including incineration and home composting of fractions of the garden waste were evaluated. The environmental profile (normalised to Person Equivalent, PE) of the current garden waste management in Aarhus is in the order of −6 to 8 mPE Mg−1 ww for the non-toxic categories and up to 100 mPE Mg−1 ww for the toxic categories. The potential impacts on non-toxic categories are much smaller than what is found for other fractions of municipal solid waste. Incineration (up to 35% of the garden waste) and home composting (up to 18% of the garden waste) seem from an environmental point of view suitable for diverting waste away from the composting facility in order to increase its capacity. In particular the incineration of woody parts of the garden waste improved the environmental profile of the garden waste management significantly.  相似文献   
本文以长江口潮滩沉积物的系统磁性测量为基础,对照化学分析和粒度分析等数据,初步探讨了潮滩沉积物的磁性特征与重金属元素含量的相关联系及其机理,建立了重金属元素含量与磁参数的定量关系模型,并揭示了长江口潮滩重金属污染的空间特征及其与沉积环境的联系。本项工作成功地探索了利用磁信息研究潮滩重金属污染的技术路线和应用前景,指出了在一定区域内,利用适量样品的磁性测量与重金属元素分析数据,建立其定量回归模型的可行性。从而可以在区域污染调查中,通过广泛的磁数据测量,由经验公式定量地估算不同滩地部分的重金属元素含量,以全面了解潮滩重金属污染的空间分布,分析其规律和机理。由于磁测方法具有快速、简便、经济、易行等特点,它为大范围的潮滩重金属污染研究提供了一项实用有效的辅助手段。  相似文献   
本文综述了我国汽车尾气污染的现状与发展趋势,着重阐述了我国汽车尾气的催化剂研制和催化净化器技术水平和现状,提出了我国汽车尾气污染控制技术的发展方向,并探讨了减少汽车尾气污染的对策和建议。  相似文献   
Based on hourly measurements of NOx NO2 and O3 and meteorological data, an ordinary least squares (OLS) model and a first-order autocorrelation (AR) model were developed to analyse the regression and prediction of NOx and NO2 concentrations in London. Primary emissions and wind speed are the most important factors influencing NOx concentrations; in addition to these two, reaction of NO with O3 is also a major factor influencing NO2 concentrations. The AR model resulted in high correlation coefficients (R > 0.95) for the NOx and NO2 regression based on a whole year's data, and is capable of predicting NO2 (R = 0.83) and NOx (R = 0.65) concentrations when the explanatory variables were available. The analysis of the structure of regression models by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicates that the regression models are stable. The results of the OLS model indicate that there was an exceptional NO2 source, other than primary emission and reaction of NO with O3, in the air pollution episode in London in December 1991.  相似文献   
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