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Background, Aim and Scope The article is focused on dioxin, furan, PCB and organochlorine pesticide monitoring in the surface waters of the Central European, protected natural reserve Krivoklatsko, under the UNESCO programme Man and Biosphere. Persistent compounds are presently transported via different means throughout the entire world. This contamination varies significantly between sites. This raises the question of what constitutes the naturally occurring background levels of POPs in natural, unpolluted areas, but which are close to industrialised regions. Information of real background POP contamination can be of high value for risk assessment management of those sites evidently polluted and for the defining of de-contamination limits. Preserved areas should not be seen as isolated regions in which the impacts of human activities and natural factors are either unexpected or overlooked. Every ambient region, even those protected by a law or other means, are still closely connected to neighbouring human developed and impacted areas, and are therefore subject to this anthropogenic contamination. These areas adjacent to natural reserves are sources of diverse substances, via entry of air, water, soil and/or biota. After an extended period of industrial activities, organochlorine pollutants, even those emitted in trace concentrations have reached detectable levels. For future research and for the assessment of environmental changes, present levels of contamination would be of high importance. This work publishes data of the contamination with organochlorine pollutants of this natural region, where biodiversity and ecological functions are of the highest order. Materials and Methods: Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were utilised as the sampling system. SPMDs were deployed in two small creeks and one water reservoir selected in the central part of the Krivoklatsko Natural Reserve, where it could be expected that any possible contamination by POPs would be lowest. The exposed SPMDs were analysed both for chemical contents of POPs and for toxicity properties. The chemical analyses of dibenzo-dioxins, dibenzo-furans, PCBs and OCPs were analysed by GC/MS/MS on GCQ or PolarisQ (Thermoquest). Toxicity bioassays were performed on the alga Desmodesmus subspicatus, bacteria Vibrio fischeri and crustacean Daphnia magna. All toxicity data were expressed as the effective volume Vtox. Vtox is a toxicity parameter, the determination of which is independent of SPMD deployment time and pre-treatment dilution (unlike, for example, the EC50 of the SPMD extract). Results: The following chemical parameters were monitored: 1) tetra, penta, hexa and hepta dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans; 2) all those detectable from tri- through deca-polychloriated biphenyls (PCBs) and 3) a group of organochlorine pesticides: hexachlorobenzene and isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane, DDE, DDD and DDT. The concentrations of dioxins and furans on the assessed sites varied from under detection levels up to 7 pg.l-1; PCBs were detected in a sum concentration up to 2.8 ng.l-1; and organochlorine pesticides up to 346 pg.l-1. The responses of bioassays used were very low, with the values obtained for Vtox being under 0.03 l/d. Discussion: Toxicity testing showed no toxicity responses, demonstrating that the system used is in coherence with the ecological status of the assessed sites. Values of Vtox were under the critical value – showing no toxicity. The PCA of chemical analysis data and toxicity responses resulted in no correlations between these two groups of parameters. This demonstrated that the present level of contamination has had no direct adverse effects on the biota. Conclusions: The concentration values of six EPA-listed, toxic dioxins and sums of tetra-hepta dioxins; nine EPA toxic dibenzofurans and the sums of tetra-hepta bibenzofurans are presented together with all tri-deka PCBs and organochlorine pesticides (alfa-, beta-, gama-, delta-HCH, HCB, opDDE, ppDDE, opDDD, ppDDD, opDDT, ppDDT). These values represent possible current regional natural background values of these substances monitored within the Central European region, with no recorded adverse effects on the freshwater ecosystem (up until the present time). Recommendations and Perspectives: Assessment of dioxins, furans and other organochlorine compounds within natural reserves can be important for the monitoring of human-induced impacts on preserved areas. No systematic monitoring of these substances in areas not directly affected by industry has generally been realised. There is a paucity of data of the presence of any of these substances within natural regions. Further monitoring of contamination of both soil and biota by dioxins and furans in preserve regions is needed and can be used for future monitoring of man-made activities and/or accidents. Semipermeable membrane devices proved to be a very good sampling system for the monitoring of trace concentrations of ambient organochlorine compounds. Toxicity evaluation using the Vtox concept demonstrated that those localities assessed expressed no toxicity.  相似文献   
上海市突发性水环境污染事故应急监测能力建设   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从硬件条件和软件能力两方面介绍了目前上海市突发性水环境污染事故应急能力的建设现状,从现场应急监测设备和专家库能力建设,污染事故风险源动态数据库建设等6个方面阐述了应急监测能力建设的工作程序,并对如何完善水环境应急监测能力建设进行了探讨。  相似文献   
针对间接冷却水的特点和核算其污染当量数过程中存在的问题,阐述了间接冷却水的界定,水源水的采样监测技术,本底值的扣除以及超标排放的判别等环节的技术要求和注意事项,并就与之密切相关的几个问题进行了讨论,为核算间接冷却水的污染当量提供了一定的参考依据,并建议增加水温排放指标,以切实控制间接冷却水造成的主要污染-热污染。  相似文献   
余洋 《四川环境》2012,31(2):94-97
为了能更精确地对高校校园整体声环境现状进行评价,首先对高校校园进行了功能区划分,然后使用判断矩阵法确定了每个功能区的权重,最后使用通过GB3096-2008中规定的普查监测法测量得到的网格噪声数据具体演示了采用模糊综合评判法对一所大学的声环境现状进行评价的方法。此方法比单纯地把校园全部网格噪声数据进行算术平均运算后得到的值来反映高校校园的声环境现状更符合客观实际。  相似文献   
采用低压直流电电解剩余活性污泥,优化了支持电解质的种类、加入量及电压梯度等工艺条件,并考察了在最佳工艺条件下SS去除率、污泥中有机物的质量分数(以VSS/SS计)、污泥pH及污泥沉降性能随电解时间的变化情况。实验结果表明,低压直流电电解污泥的最佳工艺条件为:电压梯度7 V/cm;支持电解质Na2SO4加入量0.4.0 mmol/g(以每克干污泥计)。在最佳工艺条件下电解pH为5.8、SS=(7 850 ±200)mg/L、VSS=(6 150±150)mg/L、溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)为(61.2 ±20)mg/L的污泥,电解60 min时污泥的SCOD最大,达393.3 mg/L,SS去除率达14.4%,VSS/SS为58.5%,污泥pH为3.1。电解后污泥中微生物的细胞结构已不完整,污泥絮体被严重破坏。电解时间越长,污泥的沉降速率越快。  相似文献   
云南极端霜冻气候事件的气候特征及环流背景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶云  段旭  任菊章  何群 《灾害学》2012,(2):43-48
利用云南124个气象站逐日最低气温和天气现象(霜)资料,计算最低气温低于-5℃的站点数占全省总站数的比例,定义站点比例超出25%的霜冻事件为云南极端霜冻气候事件。分析了云南极端霜冻气候事件的气候特征及环流背景。结果表明,云南极端霜冻事件发生前气温偏低,云量偏多;霜冻发生时夜间晴朗,辐射散热强烈,气温再度下降。这种霜冻属于混合霜冻或称为平流辐射霜冻。极端霜冻气候事件发生的主要原因之一是高空冷平流与底层冷高压控制下夜间晴空辐射冷却降温。发生时空气湿度较发生前小,空气相对干燥。  相似文献   
对纳米SiO2改性聚偏氟乙烯(SiO2/PVDF)离子交换膜电渗析处理单组分电解质溶液进行了试验研究。结果表明,在不同操作条件下,SiO2/PVDF离子交换膜的极限电流密度和脱盐率均大于未改性聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)离子交换膜。SiO2/PVDF离子交换膜的极限电流密度随着淡水流量和电解质浓度的增加而增加;随着电流强度的增加,SiO2/PVDF离子交换膜的脱盐率也相应增加;随着淡水流量增加,脱盐率会逐渐降低。为使SiO2/PVDF离子交换膜用于电渗析过程获得良好的脱盐效果和节约能量,NaCl质量浓度为500mg/L时电流密度应控制在1.17mA/cm2。  相似文献   
电沉积处理电解锌漂洗废水的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用电沉积技术对电解锌漂洗废水进行初步处理,以求达到废水回用和重金属锌的回收。研究了电沉积法处理含锌废水过程中各个影响因素对电沉积效果的影响,并且设计了正交实验。结果表明,极板间距、槽电压、进水pH、极板材料等对二维电沉积处理模拟废水具有显著影响。适宜的电沉积条件是:极板间距20 mm、槽电压5~6 V、阴极板材料为铝板、电沉积时间为30~45 min。  相似文献   
重庆地区1999~2008年雷电参数变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用重庆地区1999~2008年闪电定位系统监测资料,通过数理统计、回归分析、趋势分析等方法,重点分析重庆地区反映雷电活动规律的闪电频次、雷电流幅值、雷电日等雷电参数时空分布及其变化特征。结果表明:闪电发生在时间分布上存在明显季节性(54%~83%集中在夏季)和日变化特征(主要集中在两个区域:16〖DK〗∶00~18〖DK〗∶00、0〖DK〗∶00~2〖DK〗∶00);在空间分布上,雷电日和闪电频次都呈现出渝西地区较大(其次是渝中和渝东南部,最小的是渝东北部)。正闪雷电流强度明显大于负闪,且冬季各月正闪所占比例与平均雷电流强度均显著高于其它季节,在此基础上获得雷电流幅值频率的累积概率分布公式,为防雷减灾工作提供理论依据  相似文献   
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