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Exposure to chemicals via diet is a major uptake pathway for many compounds but is often estimated in a rather generic way. We use a new model framework (NMF) with crop-specific models to predict the dietary intake by 4-5-year-old children and 14-75-year-old women of three environmental compounds from their background concentrations in soil and air. Calculated daily intakes of benzo(a)pyrene and 2,3,7,8-TCDD are in good agreement with measured results from diet studies. The major source of both compounds in human diet is deposition from air. Inhalation of air and ingestion of soil play a minor role. Children take up more than twice the amount than adults per kg bodyweight, due to higher consumption per kg bodyweight. Contrary, the methods for indirect human exposure suggested in the Technical Guidance Document (TGD) for chemical risk assessment in the EU lead to overprediction, due to unrealistic consumption data and a false root model.  相似文献   
Abstract: The dry forests of southern India, which are endangered tropical ecosystems and among the world's most important tiger (Panthera tigris) habitats, are extensively invaded by exotic plants. Yet, experimental studies exploring the impacts of these invasions on native plants in these forests are scarce. Consequently, little is known about associated implications for the long‐term conservation of tigers and other biodiversity in these habitats. I studied the impacts of the exotic plant Lantana camara on understory vegetation in a dry‐forest tiger habitat in southern India. I compared the richness, composition, and abundance of tree seedlings, herbs, and shrubs and the abundance of grass among plots in which Lantana was cleared or left standing. These plots were distributed across two blocks—livestock free and livestock grazed. Removal of Lantana had an immediate positive effect on herb–shrub richness in the livestock‐free block, but had no effect on that of tree seedlings in either livestock block. Tree‐seedling and herb–shrub composition differed significantly between Lantana treatment and livestock block, and Lantana removal significantly decreased survival of tree seedlings. Nevertheless, the absence of trees, in any stage between seedling and adult, indicates that Lantana may stall tree regeneration. Lantana removal decreased the abundance of all understory strata, probably because forage plants beneath Lantana are less accessible to herbivores, and plants in Lantana‐free open plots experienced greater herbivory. Reduced access to forage in invaded habitats could negatively affect ungulate populations and ultimately compromise the ability of these forests to sustain prey‐dependent large carnivores. Additional research focused on understanding and mitigating threats posed by exotic plants may be crucial to the long‐term protection of these forests as viable tiger habitats.  相似文献   
Abstract: Results of many studies show unsustainable levels of bushmeat hunting across West/Central Africa. Nevertheless, these results are usually derived from snapshot sustainability indices in which critical parameters are often taken from the literature. Simple, more informative tools for assessing sustainability are needed. We evaluated the impact of bushmeat hunting across a range of temporal, spatial, and taxonomic scales in a comparison of different measures of sustainability. Over 15 months in 2002–2004 in and around a village close to Equatorial Guinea's Monte Alén National Park, we collected data via a village offtake survey, hunter‐camp bushmeat‐consumption diaries, hunter interviews, and following hunters during hunts. We compared 2003 data with a previous offtake survey (1998–1999) and interview reports back to 1990. In the past 14 years, average distance from the village at which hunters operated remained constant, with hunters switching back and forth between long‐established camps, although trapping effort increased. In the past 5 years, overall offtake and number of active hunters did not change substantially, although catch per unit effort (CPUE) decreased slightly. Although the proportion of the two most commonly trapped species (Cephalophus monticola and Atherurus africanus) and gun‐hunted primates increased in the offtake, species presumably less robust to trapping decreased slightly. Apparent sustainability in economic terms may be masking gradual local extirpation of more vulnerable species before and during this study. Our results suggest that changes in prey profiles and CPUE may be the most accurate indicators of actual sustainability; these indices can be monitored with simple village‐based offtake surveys and hunter interviews to improve community management of bushmeat hunting.  相似文献   
Assisted migration (AM) is the translocation of species beyond their historical range to locations that are expected to be more suitable under future climate change. However, a relocated population may fail to establish in its donor community if there is high uncertainty in decision-making, climate, and interactions with the recipient ecological community. To quantify the benefit to persistence and risk of establishment failure of AM under different management scenarios (e.g., choosing target species, proportion of population to relocate, and optimal location to relocate), we built a stochastic metacommunity model to simulate several species reproducing, dispersing, and competing on a temperature gradient as temperature increases over time. Without AM, the species were vulnerable to climate change when they had low population sizes, short dispersal, and strong poleward competition. When relocating species that exemplified these traits, AM increased the long-term persistence of the species most when relocating a fraction of the donor population, even if the remaining population was very small or rapidly declining. This suggests that leaving behind a fraction of the population could be a robust approach, allowing managers to repeat AM in case they move the species to the wrong place and at the wrong time, especially when it is difficult to identify a species’ optimal climate. We found that AM most benefitted species with low dispersal ability and least benefited species with narrow thermal tolerances, for which AM increased extinction risk on average. Although relocation did not affect the persistence of nontarget species in our simple competitive model, researchers will need to consider a more complete set of community interactions to comprehensively understand invasion potential.  相似文献   
高气泡表面积通量浮选柱气浮除藻的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊、水库等水源的富营养化,使藻类去除成为饮用水生产的重要任务。本研究采用高气泡表面积通量浮选柱气浮除藻,考察了混凝剂、气泡表面积通量和浮选柱高度等因素的影响。试验表明,高气泡表面积通量浮选柱气浮可高效地去除绿藻、硅藻和蓝藻,叶绿素a和藻类去除率达95%以上,比传统浮选柱气浮和沉降作业有较大幅度提高。与普通气浮柱比较,高气泡表面积通量浮选柱增加了气泡与藻的碰撞几率,防止因大表观充气速率造成的紊流和扰动,使气泡/藻结合体有相对静态的浮升环境,避免了气泡/藻结合体在浮升过程中的脱落,实现对藻类的迅速捕集和转移。  相似文献   
In the periods of summer and autumn bloom of the Stephanodiscus hantzschii Crun. in recreational water bodies, studies on the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a, its contents per unit biomass, efficiency in using photosynthetically active radiation (EPhAR), and assimilative activity of microalgae were performed. The results confirmed the existence of two ecophysiological forms of St. hantzschii and provided evidence that both forms are typically autotrophic and can efficiently use low-intensity PhAR for photosynthesis.  相似文献   
采用藻类生长抑制试验和光合活性抑制试验两种方法对蛋白核小球藻受不同浓度Cd2+胁迫作用下叶绿素浓度及藻活性荧光参数进行测量,依据Sigmoidal曲线拟合及单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA)的方法对Cd2+不同胁迫时间下藻活性抑制率和96 h比生长率抑制率的相关性进行研究.结果表明,48、53、72、77和96 h的藻活性抑制率和96 h比生长率抑制率间具有较好的S函数关系(R2>0.95),因此可采用藻活性抑制率48 h-EC10和53 h-EC10来代替96 h的藻类半数比生长率抑制率EC50进行Cd2+藻类毒性实验评价.进一步分析了蛋白核小球藻受Cd2+胁迫48 h和53 h藻活性抑制率和Cd2+毒性当量的剂量-效应关系.该方法为实验室内单一Cd2+毒性的监测提供了一种快速有效的新方法,为水环境综合毒性预警提供了一种切实可行的方法依据.  相似文献   
Abstract: Nonmarket valuation research has produced economic value estimates for a variety of threatened, endangered, and rare species around the world. Although over 40 value estimates exist, it is often difficult to compare values from different studies due to variations in study design, implementation, and modeling specifications. We conducted a stated‐preference choice experiment to estimate the value of recovering or downlisting 8 threatened and endangered marine species in the United States: loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica), upper Willamette River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Puget Sound Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi), and smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata). In May 2009, we surveyed a random sample of U.S. households. We collected data from 8476 households and estimated willingness to pay for recovering and downlisting the 8 species from these data. Respondents were willing to pay for recovering and downlisting threatened and endangered marine taxa. Willingness‐to‐pay values ranged from $40/household for recovering Puget Sound Chinook salmon to $73/household for recovering the North Pacific right whale. Statistical comparisons among willingness‐to‐pay values suggest that some taxa are more economically valuable than others, which suggests that the U.S. public's willingness to pay for recovery may vary by species.  相似文献   
Tributyltin(TBT), an organometal used as an antifouling biocide, has been reported to induce masculinization of fish. Benzo [a]pyrene (BaP), a widespread carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, has been reported that its microsomal metabolites can produce an estrogenic response when tested in vitro. This study was therefore designed to examine the potential in vivo influence of TBT, BaP and their mixture on sex hormone levels in serum of Sebastiscus marmoratus, which were given 2 separate intraperitoneally (ip) injections(a single injection every 7 d) of TBT(0.5, 1, 5 and 10 mg/kg), BaP(0.5, 1, 5 and 10 mg/kg), or both in combination(0.5, 1, 5 and 10 mg/kg); control fish received olive oil vehicle only. Six days after the 2nd injection, serum samples were collected and analyzed for sex hormone levels and alkali labile protein phosphorus (ALPP), which is related to the yolk precursor protein vitellogenin. The pollutants at all doses significantly reduced serum testosterone, estradiol and ALPP content after 2 injections compared with the corresponding controls. The reduction of the estradiol levels should be response for the decrease of the vitellogenin levels. The results in the present study suggested that aromatase seems not the major target acted by TBT and BaP in fish. This study demonstrated that TBT or BaP exposure both inhibit the reproductive potential in female Sebastiscus marmoratus. Combined effect of TBT and BaP on the serum testosterone, estradiol and ALPP was not antagonism from the anticipation.  相似文献   
为了探明酸性土壤条件下纳米氧化锌(nano-ZnO)长期暴露对蕹菜的生理生态效应,通过盆栽实验,设置7个浓度系列的nano-ZnO,70 d后测定相对叶绿素含量、生长参数和叶绿素荧光参数。结果显示,随nano-ZnO浓度升高,蕹菜相对叶绿素含量和生长参数先缓慢增加后显著下降。nano-ZnO对蕹菜生物量在根部和冠部间的分配无显著影响。相对叶绿素含量与nano-ZnO浓度呈显著负相关(r=-0.879,p<0.001)。在nano-ZnO质量比为160 mg/kg时,光合有效辐射190μmol/(m2·s)诱导的激发能过剩,但过剩激发能可通过热耗散保护机制消耗,以避免发生光损伤。酸性土壤条件下,弱光诱导的蕹菜叶绿素荧光参数对nano-ZnO长期暴露不敏感,但蕹菜的生物量累积易受nano-ZnO长期暴露的影响。  相似文献   
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