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在生态脆弱区发展旅游,如果规划得当、管理科学,应该是一条可行的生态改良和发展经济的道路。石羊河流域是甘肃省河西内陆河流域中生态环境最脆弱的地区,分析了石羊河流域生态环境的脆弱性及旅游开发的可行性,并从规划、建设、管理等层面提出旅游开发与环境建设协调发展的解决对策。  相似文献   
脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对上海滨海盐碱土的特点,借助土柱淋洗试验方法,研究了脱硫石膏改良滨海盐碱土的脱盐过程与效果,分析了不同石膏质量配比条件下(0%,1%,2.5%,5%和10%),土壤团粒结构和水力传导度变化以及盐碱土-脱硫石膏体系中的离子交换过程与效率.研究结果表明:加入脱硫石膏之后,盐碱土团粒结构得到改善,孔隙度变大,水力传导能力增强,平均导水系数是对照组的4~5倍,有效加快脱盐过程;在土柱开始淋洗的前6d内,离子交换过程表现最活跃,淋洗液的电导率和离子浓度急剧下降.添加脱硫石膏的土柱中钙离子优先置换出钠离子,平均脱钠效率达到对照组的1.8倍.钙钾离子交换和钙镁离子交换也同步发生,但规模明显小于钙钠离子交换.当脱硫石膏质量配比超过1%时,盐碱土的脱盐效果主要取决于原土中的交换性阳离子总量.随着配比增加,盐碱土脱盐的边际效益增加量并不显著.在充分混匀的理想条件下,建议上海滨海盐碱土改良过程中添加脱硫石膏的质量配比高于1%为宜.  相似文献   
通过土柱模拟实验方法对包气带三种状态下,即天然自净、分别向包气带介质中注入营养以及人工培殖的高效脱氮菌,阻止氮污染及除氮能力进行了研究与评价。结果发现向包气带介质中注入人工培殖的高效脱氮菌这种状态具有很强的除氮和阻止氮污染的能力,进而给出了该种状态下细菌脱氮反应动力学模型。为实施利用包气带进行污水除氮和控制面源氮源污提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
海岸带是陆海交互作用的地带 ,是全球变化研究的重要组成部分 ;同时人类活动对海岸带的环境变迁又有着举足轻重的影响。本文综述了影响我国海岸带生态环境变迁的 10个重要的环境问题 ,并提出了应对海岸带生态环境退化的 6种调控对策 ,其中实行一体化的海岸带综合管理体制是实现海岸带可持续发展的最重要的对策之一  相似文献   
汾河源区不同景观带水文过程研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
目前水源区景观带尺度水文过程机制研究还非常薄弱.针对山西汾河流域水环境恶化,迫切需要解决的水问题.应用同位素示踪、水文地质勘察、水化学信号等研究方法,揭示汾河源区景观带尺度水文过程机制.结果表明,汾河水源区亚高山草甸带与中高山森林带是汾河源区主要径流形成区,而疏林灌丛带与山地草原带在时间上滞后了雨季降水的汇集.源区径流主要由降雨、地下水、积雪和冻土融水混合补给.流域内降水很少直接产生地表径流补给河流,而是经过各景观带下渗,转换成壤中流、孔/裂隙水或地下径流,最终汇入河道,完成"补径排"水文过程.这一研究可为汾河流域水环境恶化的遏制提供科学依据与参考,以期实现山西清水复流和生态环境的全面修复.  相似文献   
主体功能区划是协调我国当前经济快速发展与资源环境保护问题的有效途径之一。以位于经济快速发展的长江三角洲江苏宜兴市为例,在建立宜兴市主体功能分区评价指标体系的基础上,采用主成分分析法确定各评价因子权重,运用灰色关联投影模型分别计算资源环境约束、现有开发强度、未来发展潜力3个投影值并划分高、中、低3个等级;根据各镇资源环境 开发强度 发展潜力组合类型,利用三维魔方图分类法进行主体功能区划,将宜兴市划分为优化整合区、重点拓展区、适度发展区、农林优先区、生态保护区5个主体功能区,分区结果更加突出主体功能区从开发型到保护型逐步过渡的“主体功能”特性。此外,通过灰色关联投影模型计算出的评价样本投影值用模的大小和评价样本与理想样本间的夹角余弦的乘积表示,使得评价结果更为全面、准确  相似文献   
生物炭对滨海湿地盐碱土壤碳氮循环的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滨海湿地盐碱土壤在全球碳氮循环及调节气候变化中起着重要作用。环境友好型土壤改良剂生物炭(Biochar,BC)在缓解气候变化和促进农业可持续发展方面前景巨大。然而,现有研究多关注BC对滨海湿地盐碱土壤中温室气体排放及土壤氮素流失的影响,缺乏其对滨海湿地盐碱土壤碳氮循环的深入研究和系统总结。本文综合分析了施用BC对滨海湿地盐碱土壤植被碳库、有机碳库、有机碳矿化及生物固氮、硝化、反硝化、矿化、氨损失等碳氮循环过程的影响和可能机制。指出未来应关注长期野外研究,利用宏基因组等现代分子生物技术,阐明BC对土壤碳氮循环影响的分子生物学机制,以期为滨海湿地生态系统的修复与功能保育提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Abstract: Social, economic, and ecological criteria contribute to the successful design, implementation, and management of marine protected areas (MPAs). In the context of California's Marine Life Protection Act Initiative, we developed a set of methods for collecting, compiling, and analyzing data about the spatial extent and relative economic importance of commercial and recreational fishing. We interviewed 174 commercial fishers who represented the major fisheries in the initiative's north‐central coast region, which extends from Point Arena south to Pigeon Point. These fishers provided data that we used to map the extent of each of the fishing grounds, to weight the relative importance of areas within the grounds, to characterize the operating costs of each fishery, and to analyze the potential economic losses associated with proposed marine protected areas. A regional stakeholder group used the maps and impact analyses in conjunction with other data sets to iteratively identify economic and ecological trade‐offs in designations of different areas as MPAs at regional, port, and fishery extents. Their final proposed MPA network designated 20% of state waters as MPAs. Potential net economic loss ranged from 1.7% to 14.2% in the first round of network design and totaled 6.3% in the final round of design. This process is a case study in the application of spatial analysis to validate and integrate local stakeholder knowledge in marine planning.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon, humic substances, and the species of trace metals (including Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Mn and Fe) in six and seven phases, such as bioexchangeable (P1), skeletal (carbonates, P2), easily reducible (Fe and Mn oxides, P3), moderately reducible (crystalline Mn oxides, P4), organic matters with sulphides (P5), and detritus with minerals (P6) as well as organic with humic substances (PB4) and organic residues (PB6), were analyzed in sediments from the Taiwan Erhjin coastal (including river and estuarine) area, where places we found the copper pollution. Results indicate that higher percentages of P1 and P2 for copper, zinc, lead, cadmium and manganese in samples collected in March and September of 1990 were much higher than those in P3-P6. High percentages of chromium and iron in samples respectively collected in March and September of 1990 were found in P6. for the seven phase analysis, higher percentages of copper species in PB4 and PB6 as well as iron species in PB7 were observed. On the other hand, purified humic acid with the high contents of manganese and iron in humic acid as well as purified fulvic acids were generally found at the upstream stations; and low values at coastal stations. However, extremely high copper (as high as 1750μg g?1, dry weight in fulvic acid and 820μg g?1 in humic acid) and lead (821μg g?1 in humic acid) concentrations with relatively high manganese and iron concentrations were observed in humic substances from the station near the copper recycling area. Comparing the results obtained from the Antarctic Ocean sediments with those from the Taiwan Erhjin Chi coastal sediments, the human impacts on the latter are evaluated.  相似文献   

Efforts towards sustainable development are now being undertaken at all levels and the concept has increasingly entered the consciousness of the average person. For many Costa Ricans however, it is not just an abstract concept but a matter of survival as input costs increase, natural resources diminish and the soil loses fertility or is washed away. This paper reviews three case studies representing different approaches towards achieving sustainable development by different types of organization which are each innovative in preventing further destruction of tropical forest resources.  相似文献   
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