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工业化与城镇化交替演进使珠三角及其周边地区土地利用类型较为复杂。快速的城市化进程使城市建成区与大量村镇工业园区互相交错。这种变化势必会增加挥发性有机物(VOCs)在组分构成和空间分布上的复杂性,并对臭氧(O3)污染的时空变化产生影响。为厘清这种排放的空间异质性特征及其对O3污染分布的影响,分别选取可以代表清远市典型工业园区和城市建成区的站点开展观测研究。结果表明:工业园区和城市建成区VOCs浓度水平和污染特征有较大的空间差异,其中代表村镇工业园区的龙塘站VOCs日均浓度为30.42×10-9,高于代表城市建成区的技师学院站(17.32×10-9)。龙塘站二甲苯和甲苯的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)比技师学院站高57.6×10-9,且该值相当于技师学院站排名前10位物种OFP的总和。气象分析表明:2个站点之间并非彼此的上、下风向,而是共同受到局地气团的影响。源解析结果表明:源排放是造成这种空间异质性的内因,其中交通源对技师学院的贡献更高,而工业相关排放源对龙塘的贡献更高。该研究进一步比较了周边站点O3时间序列的一致性,并模拟2个站点的O3生成速率。研究发现O3在局地范围内变化较小,高VOCs排放的地点对局地O3有较高的贡献,局地内不同地点的O3生成过程也存在较大差异。据此,笔者提出O3污染防控建议:短期内可通过技术手段和观测数据发现O3污染的重要贡献点,并进行针对性的"散乱污"清理整治和涉VOCs行业综合整治,长期看应科学合理规划城市发展布局和产业布局,预留城市通风廊道,以有效减少O3污染。  相似文献   
为揭示森林土壤呼吸异质性的影响因素,以武夷山自然保护区常绿阔叶林优势种甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)、细叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis tenuifolia)、米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)为研究对象,采用LI-8100碳通量系统测定土壤呼吸速率及其影响因子土壤温度、土壤含水量值,...  相似文献   
姚雄  余坤勇  曾琪  杨玉洁  张今朝  刘健 《环境科学》2016,37(12):4789-4799
土壤呼吸(Rs)作用的空间异质性对于准确估算水土流失区碳收支具有重要意义.通过对长汀县河田镇59个样地的土壤呼吸及土壤全氮(TN)、碳氮比(C/N)、有机碳含量(SOC)、叶面积指数(LAI)、土壤温度(T_(10))、土壤湿度(W)等影响因子测定的基础上,运用传统和地统计学的方法分析了土壤呼吸及其影响因子的空间异质性.结果表明,Rs及其影响因子的变异程度大小依次为:LAISOCTNRsC/NT_(10)W;Rs与T_(10)呈极显著正相关(P0.01),与TN呈显著正相关(P0.05),与其他因子的相关性不显著(P0.05);TN、SOC和T_(10)这3个因子可以解释土壤呼吸27%的空间变化.地统计学分析结果表明:Rs具有中等程度的空间自相关性,结构性因子引起的空间异质性占52.89%,与随机因素的占比(47.11%)相当;Rs及其影响因子的分维数大小依次为:RsLAIC/NT_(10)SOCWTN;Rs的空间分布格局与TN和T_(10)的空间分布格局较为一致,而与C/N、SOC、LAI的空间分布格局不同.在95%置信水平和90%估计精度下,Rs的合理采样数量为62个.  相似文献   
刘莎莎  戴胜利 《中国环境管理》2023,15(3):109-117,83
提升末端生活垃圾处理能力,走出城市“垃圾围城”之困,一直是地方政府关切的核心议题。为探究城市生活垃圾处理能力的影响因素及其时空差异,从“政府能力系统”视角出发,围绕需求驱动、经济驱动、政策驱动、技术驱动四个维度,提出相关研究假设,并运用2004—2020年30个省份的面板数据进行实证检验。研究发现:生活垃圾清运量、人均GDP、地方环保支出、政策文本出台数量、无害化处理厂数量以及市容环卫专用车辆数均对城市生活垃圾处理能力的提升具有促进作用。在时间变化上,2004—2007年为生活垃圾处理能力初创阶段,受到经济、政策与技术驱动因素的显著影响; 2008—2016年为生活处理能力缓慢提升和局部发展阶段,持续受到技术驱动因素的显著作用;2017—2020年为处理能力全面提升阶段,需求、经济与技术因素均呈现出显著促进作用。在区域变化上,经济驱动的影响效应由东部向西部逐渐减弱,需求驱动、政策驱动因素只在东部地区影响显著,技术驱动因素对不同区域的生活垃圾处理能力均具有显著促进作用。最后,研究从源头减量、资金投入、政策倾斜与技术创新等方面,对促进中国城市生活垃圾处理能力的发展提供了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
Modifications to ecosystems often lead to externalities that can be assigned an economic value and traded in ecosystem service markets. One such value may include the provisioning of nest sites for organisms that would otherwise be ousted from the surrounding cultural landscape, such as the sand martin (Riparia riparia), small passerine utilizing river bank rippings when available. The studied sand martin population was initially characterized as relying heavily on human activities for habitat, as extensive river regulation caused the relocation of 97% of Czech sand martins to man-made habitats, most commonly sandpits and gravel-sandpits. The socioeconomic changes and strict implementation of the EIA law had further detrimental effects on this species, which already adjusted to the human-dominated landscape, ousting it for a second time from its key nesting habitats, causing closure 86% of sandpits with only occasional quarrying and closure of 47% of those with regular small-scale regular quarrying. Meanwhile, large-scale quarries remained nearly unaffected. Conversion of any actively quarried site to that with vertical slopes present, but with quarrying absent, led to the progressive disappearance of sand martin colonies in 73% of sandpits with ceased occasional quarrying and in 87% of sandpits with ceased regular small-scale quarrying. The sharp decrease in the number of nest-sites of a bird protected by law is a gloomy result of the hypertrophied business regulation (EIA is estimated to cost € 970 million annually in the E.U. alone) aimed, paradoxically, to support the environment.  相似文献   
Declines in populations of and reproductive success of wood storks and other wading birds have occurred in the Florida Everglades over the past several decades. These declines have been concurrent with major changes in the Everglades’ landscape characteristics. Among the plausible hypotheses that relate to landscape change are the following: (1) general loss of habitat; (2) heavy loss of specific habitat, namely, short-hydroperiod wetlands that provide high prey availability early in the breeding season; and (3) an increase in frequency of major drying out of the central slough areas, which can affect prey availability late in the breeding season. These three hypotheses were compared using an individual-based model of wood stork (Mycteria americana) reproduction. This model simulated the behavior and energetics of each individual wood stork in a breeding colony on 15-min time intervals. Changes in water depth and prey availability occurred on daily time steps. Simulation results showed a threshold response in reproductive success to reduction of wetland heterogeneity. Model comparisons in which (1) only short-hydroperiod wetlands were removed and (2) wetlands of both long and short hydroperiods were removed showed that, for the same loss of total area, the specific habitat removal caused a much greater reduction in wood stork reproduction, indicating hypothesis 2 may be a more likely explanation than hypothesis 1. Reduction of initial prey availability in the central slough areas (simulating frequent drying; hypothesis 3) reduced fledging success by an average of more than 90% in the model.  相似文献   
水淹和水窜是油田在水驱开发时常见的安全问题,储层非均质性是引起水淹和水窜的主要原因之一。为研究储层非均质性对于水淹水窜的作用,通过层次聚类分析法建立储层非均质综合指数关系式,并将其转化为水淹水窜风险概率,把水淹水窜风险概率进行分级,以此判断非均质性对于水淹水窜的作用。以BD油田阜二段第三砂层组为例进行水淹水窜风险评估,结果表明:研究区非均质性严重,水淹水窜风险概率均大于80%,储层非均性极容易导致油田在注水开发时发生水淹水窜。该区在注水开发时需要重视工艺设计与防护措施,以降低水淹水窜风险。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Many endangered species depend on certain types of agricultural or other forms of human land use. To conserve such species, schemes are set up in which land users receive payments for voluntarily managing their land in a biodiversity-enhancing manner. We developed a model-based framework for designing cost-effective payment schemes that generate spatiotemporal habitat heterogeneity to maximize the survival of multiple species under budget constraints. The framework integrates ecological and economic knowledge and consists of the derivation of an ecological benefit function and a budget function that are then combined to determine the cost-effective degree of spatiotemporal habitat heterogeneity. The ecological benefit function considers the timing of conservation measures, the induced habitat dynamics, and different degrees of substitutability among species. The budget function considers that the conservation agency may lack information about land users' individual conservation costs and personal attitudes and that land users can choose among different conservation measures. We applied the framework to a case study of grassland management, where the survival of three endangered species protected by the EU Habitats Directive depends on different types of land use. The lack of information available to the agency and the choice options of land users reduced the amount of conservation that can be financed with a given budget. Neglecting such findings may lead to an overestimation of the benefits of conservation programs.  相似文献   
A novel inverse technique is proposed to quantitatively characterize macroscopic variability in aquifer reactivity in a Lagrangian representation. Reactivity heterogeneity is expressed in terms of distributions of flux over cumulative time of exposure of the solution to reactive surface area, termed here 'cumulative reactivity'. In cases involving single aqueous species the combined effects of physical and reactivity heterogeneity on reactive solute transport can often be established and further investigated through joint distributions of flux over travel time and cumulative reactivity. The inverse technique requires the breakthrough curve of a passive tracer to determine the distribution of flux over travel time, and additional breakthrough curves of reactive tracers provide additional moments of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity given travel time. Thus breakthroughs of one passive and two reactive tracers can provide the mean and variance of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity. This Lagrangian characterization is achieved with knowledge of the types of reactive surfaces present, but not their spatial locations. The distributions can subsequently be applied via forward modeling using the same technique to predict breakthrough curves of other solutes undergoing first-order reactions in similar physically and chemically heterogeneous configurations.  相似文献   
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