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长株潭地区经济增长与工业污染变迁的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据长株潭地区1990~2006年经济与工业污染数据,分析了经济发展与环境污染的相互关系,建立了二者之间的计量模型。研究表明:作为一个重化工业城市群,长株潭自20世纪90年代以来,在经济高速发展的情况下,其环境恶化程度逐步得到局部控制。其中,长沙市部分环境指标与人均GDP演替轨迹呈现显著的环境库兹涅茨曲线特征;而株洲市和湘潭市工业污染排放量与人均GDP呈“U”形特征,即随着经济的增长,环境污染先是有一定程度的缓解,但随即有较大幅度的反弹。为了进一步促进长株潭地区经济与环境的协调发展,三地政府一方面应采取措施加快产业结构调整和优化工业布局,另一方面,还应尝试实施"排污权交易"和"受益者支付"原则等积极的环保管理手段和政策。  相似文献   
山区发展与特色经济研究--以湖北省恩施自治州为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以湖北省恩施自治州为例,探讨了山区发展特色经济的重要途径。对其资源环境结构与产业结构作了对应分析,得出该区经济发展的优势在“山林”,而不在“耕地”,在地方“特色资源”,而不在“大众资源”。并采取经济区位商法,对本区众多资源进行了优势评价。根据其资源优势特点,指出恩施的优势在“山上”,应走以“绿色农业”为基础、以轻型加工业为主的发展道路,使本地区的经济结构由长期以来的一、二、三产业低位的传统排序逐步变为高层面的二、一、三的新排序。构建符合山区特色的产业结构。  相似文献   
Long-term monitoring of mountain birch populations (1992–2006) was performed in 14 test plots located at distances of 1 to 63 km from the copper-nickel smelter in Monchegorsk (Murmansk oblast) and differing in the degree of disturbance. In the period from 1999 to 2006, atmospheric emissions of sulfur dioxide and heavy metals amounted to only one-third of those between 1992 and 1998, but birch mortality in heavily polluted areas (with nickel concentrations in leaves exceeding 160 mg/kg) remained at the same level, being absent (as previously) in less polluted areas. Throughout the observation period, birch recruitment was observed only in areas where nickel concentrations in the leaves were below 160 mg/kg; i.e., this concentration proved to be the threshold with respect to both mortality and recruitment of mountain birch. The course of demographic processes in its populations has remained unchanged after the reduction of emissions, confirming the hypothesis of the “inertial“ effect of industrial emissions on ecosystems. In some areas of industrial barrens, mountain birch may perish completely within the next decade.  相似文献   
To estimate the response of conifers to long-term industrial air pollution at the pigment system level, the dynamics of photosynthetic pigments have been studied in needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) growing at different distances from the emission source (a pulp and paper mill). It has been shown that the pigment apparatus of spruce. The results show that in spruce, unlike in pine, the pigment apparatus remains unchanged under the effect of weak pollution. Long-term exposure at high levels of industrial emission results in suppression of chlorophyll and carotenoid syntheses in pine but stimulates pigment production in spruce. An increase in the contents of pigments in the needles of conifers growing in the impact zone of the pulp and paper mill reflects a compensatory mechanism of adaptation of their pigment system to long-term stress exposure.  相似文献   
The establishment and development of the industrial symbiosis of eco-industrial park are affected by several factors. Based on the formed industrial symbiosis supporting system chart, this article analyzes the microcosmic supporting system and macroscopic supporting system. In the microcosmic supporting system, it elaborates five aspects including key enterprises, service intermediaries in the park, symbiotic enterprises, competitors and the public in detail. Then it describes the macroscopic supporting system from four aspects of governmental participation, technological innovation, educational promotion and cultural support. Finally, combining with the current construction status of the ecoindustrial park in China, it proposes the countermeasures and suggestions to build the supporting system for the eco-industrial park and provides theoretical support for the faster and better construction of the eco-industrial park in China.  相似文献   
A new methodological approach to the development of biological and technological safety standards for the impact of underground mining on the natural biota is proposed.  相似文献   
江苏省沿江开发区空间分工、制造业集聚与转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于新经济地理学相关理论,针对江苏省沿江开发战略实施以后,制造业空间可能存在的变动,在整理和分析调查问卷资料的基础上,选择专业化指数和基尼系数2种方法来定量分析江苏省21个沿江省级以上开发区空间分工、制造业集聚和转移态势。结果表明:(1)2002~2006年江南沿江开发区通过向江北沿江开发区转移部分传统产业,逐渐形成了江南沿江技术/资本密集型制造业“中心”和江北沿江劳动密集型制造业“外围”的空间分工格局;(2)江南沿江开发区内部、江北沿江开发区内部尚未形成良好的分工关系;(3)受开发区发展阶段、区域产业政策、本地化资源供给和市场需求等因素影响,并未发现理论预期的普遍存在的产业集聚现象,仅纺织服装、石化、电力、塑料橡胶等产业呈现集中趋势.  相似文献   
工业化快速进程中.工业污染作为工业生产在所难免的附属产物.占全国总污染负荷的70%.对资源环境构成巨大压力。经济发达地区工业产值占据了国民经济的半壁江山.使得工业结构与布局成为影响生态环境质量的主要驱动因子。本文首先以江苏省为例.分析重污染行业结构与工业布局变动对环境效应的实际效果.得出重要结论:自1990年以来工业结构与布局调整不利于环境污染控制。从生产效应和社会效应两个方面.分析工业化进程中的环境效应影响机理.通过对江苏省的实证分析.结果证实工业结构与布局是现阶段景影响环境污染的重要变量。重污染行业结构是环境效应的主要影响因素。加快工业结构调整步伐、进一步优化工业布局.着力于从工业结构调整和工业布局变动趋势中获得改善环境质量的机遇和动力是摆脱环境与发展困境的有力手段。  相似文献   
我国循环经济的发展模式   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
循环经济发展模式主要是指循环经济的产业发展模式和区域发展模式。根据我国循环经济的内涵、国际做法和国内相关实践探索经验,我国循环经济的产业发展模式涉及生产和消费两个重点领域和四个重点产业。四个重点产业是生态工业、生态农业、绿色服务业和废弃物再利用、资源化及无害化处置产业。循环经济区域发展模式是在区域基础设施体系和生态系统支撑下的两个重点领域和四个重点产业的有机组合和共生。是区域可持续发展的核心组成部分。区域基础设施体系也是应用循环经济原理的重要领域。以资源能源离效和环境影响最小为特征。在目前的实践中。我国出现了三种将发展循环经济作为推动区域可持续发展的助推器而引发的区域社会经济发展战略转型模式:东部发达地区的自发转型模式、辽宁资源型地区的转型模式和西部地区典型的跨越发展转型模式。  相似文献   
1 DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE PARKSThe concept of science park originated in the US. Manyterms are used to describe science parks, such as researchpark, technology park, science centre, research centre,innovation centre, and with various combination of these(MacDonald, 1987). The first science park in the worldis Stanford Industrial Park established in 1951. In 1955,only seven companies were located in the park. By 1980there were ninety companies including Hewlett PackardCompany, whic…  相似文献   
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