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以鲜鸡粪、蘑菇渣和污泥按照体积比3∶1∶1混合进行动态堆肥模拟试验.堆肥槽沿物料前进方向分为7个部分,对每个部分按等间距分别做5个水平方向上切分和5个垂直方向上切分,在形成的125个交叉点上进行温度监测.研究结果表明,第1天的混合物料温度在同一层中变异很小,不同层之间略有差异.随着动态过程的进行,同一层温度变异逐渐增大,从第一天相差1~3℃,增加到相差30~40℃,靠近墙体的堆料温度较低,远离墙体的温度较高.随着堆肥时间延长,差异增大.机械翻堆能起到通风的作用,同时使每一个堆方的堆料在纵向方向上上下混合,但达不到横向混匀,因此,靠近墙体两侧的堆料始终处于较低的温度,只有中部能达到较高的温度,以堆肥温度50℃作为无害化指标,自墙体向中心方向的1m为没有达到无害化厚度,无害化体积占堆肥总体积50%.整个动态堆肥过程符合二级动力学方程.  相似文献   
为了解生活垃圾填埋场堆体堆高稳定性变化,以南方某典型生活垃圾卫生填埋场为研究对象,开展为期1年的堆体安全监测。通过布设渗沥液水位、堆体表面位移和深层侧向位移等在线监测设备,获取连续稳定的堆体安全特征数据。并使用GeoStudio软件分析填埋高度和渗沥液水位对边坡稳定性的影响。结果表明,填埋场滞水位埋深摆动幅度为0~4 m,主水位降低幅度为1~2 m,渗沥液水位高度、表面位移速率受降雨量和填埋作业影响较为明显;填埋初期,堆体持续向外滑移,日均滑移速率在1~8 mm·d−1;堆体作业区域由于堆体厚度大、堆填速率快,其深层侧向位移速率大于两侧边坡区域,雨季滑移速率大于旱季,1年内表层累计水平位移可达到950 mm。渗沥液水位对填埋堆体稳定性有较大影响,随着渗沥液水位的下降,堆体安全系数逐渐增大,填埋场警戒水位埋深可设为5.0 m。本研究结果可为垃圾填埋场的堆体安全稳定控制提供参考。  相似文献   
王妍  姚杰  杨朴  张玉  孙艳华  崔娜 《环境工程学报》2022,16(9):3092-3101
为及时、准确掌握黑臭水体治理进展,基于“北京二号”影像数据和同期的野外综合水体实测数据,采用深度学习算法对黑臭水体进行识别,并引入地理探测器对黑臭水体影响因素进行定量分析。结果表明:基于Faster R-CNN算法的黑臭水体遥感识别,总准确率达到90%左右,短时间内(5~33 h)即可完成北京市建成区黑臭水体的筛查工作;在空间维度上,黑臭水体主要分布在中心城区以外,并在通州区、朝阳区和大兴区较为集中;在时间维度上,专项治理期间(2015—2018年)内,黑臭水体的数量和长度总体趋势都是递减的,但偶尔也有反黑现象;2018年底,在全市建成区范围内,已全面消除黑臭现象;在一年内,第1季度水体环境最好,第2季度次之,第3季度最差,从第4季度开始好转;在北京市大兴区,土壤全氮量(贡献率为32.07%)和周边养殖场排污(贡献率为27.04%)是黑臭水体形成的主要影响因素,高程(贡献率为8%)、土壤类型(贡献率为7.6%)和土地利用类型(贡献率为6.1%)的贡献率较弱。由此可以看出,基于Faster R-CNN算法识别影像中的黑臭水体识别准确率高,可及时、准确地监测城市黑臭水体治理情况,使用地理探测器可定量分析并确定各影响因素的贡献率。本研究成果可为城市黑臭水体的动态监测和治理提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   
为研究城市高密度街区大气颗粒物浓度分布特征,2019年秋季对上海市某高密度街区道路大气颗粒物浓度、空气温度、相对湿度、地理位置、车辆与道路图像视频信息进行了同步移动在线监测,并结合街区内固定站数据和后向轨迹模拟结果,总结了影响街区大气颗粒物浓度变化的主要因素。结果表明:城市大气颗粒物背景拟合值处于较低水平时,街区内的大气颗粒物浓度变化和影响因素易被识别;机动车污染源对大气颗粒物浓度贡献大,其中大型机动车的影响明显;户外施工和道路清扫会引起大气颗粒物浓度上升,其中PM10上升更明显;交通密度大的十字路口大气颗粒物浓度通常较高;城市高架的盖状结构会阻碍大气颗粒物在垂直方向上的扩散,引起局部大气颗粒物浓度上升;街区内高大浓密的乔木对近地面的大气颗粒物屏蔽效果不理想,甚至有助于颗粒物累积;早晚高峰时段大气颗粒物浓度较非高峰时段高。  相似文献   
Background  Due to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive and other legal regulations (e.g., national laws like the German Federal Soil Protection Act), but also due to the implementation of the new EU chemicals management system REACH, environmental monitoring will gain increasing importance for the surveillance of environmental quality as well as for the assessment of chemicals. Against this background, the Work Group on ‘Environmental Monitoring’ of the Division of ‘Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology’ within the German Chemical Society has compiled a position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring. Scope  Core elements of this position paper are the definitions of important terms like monitoring, exposure monitoring, effect monitoring, and integrated monitoring. Moreover, temporal and spatial aspects (monitoring of spatial distributions, trend monitoring, and retrospective monitoring) and their applications are discussed. The main focus of this position paper is the coverage of aspects which have to be observed for the preparation and implementation of a monitoring program. Essential is the clear specification of the targets of the monitoring which determine the development of the monitoring concept and its realization, e.g., if environmental media (compartments) or organisms are most appropriate as samples for the aim of the study. Of course, also the properties of the target substances are important (e.g., lipophilicity/bioaccumulation as pre-requisite for an exposure monitoring with organisms). Finally, the monitoring phases of sample planning, sampling, storage and transport of samples, selection of analytical methods, quality assurance measures as well as reporting are discussed. Perspectives  An important issue for the future is to link the quantification of chemicals in environmental compartments (exposure and pollution monitoring) more closely to the study of biological effects (effect monitoring) than has been the case up to now. Furthermore, by inclusion of a spatial differentiation, a comprehensive evaluation of the state of an ecosystem can be obtained and the relevance of the results improved. Practical examples of monitoring studies which illustrate various aspects covered in this position paper will be presented in a series of publications by members of the Work Group in the following issues of this journal.
Gerhard Andreas WiesmüllerEmail:
Data collected at one site in central Italy using the NC-S/NC-R clover (Trifolium repens) biotype system during 1997-2007 were analysed in order to assess: (a) its performance under Mediterranean conditions; (b) variations of ozone damage linked with meteorological conditions; (c) if critical level approach is a good predictor of ozone risk on vegetation. NC-S dry biomasses were systematically lower than those of NC-R, the mean ratio being 0.7. Relevant relationship between ozone visible injury and cumulated values of AOT40 were also reported. Temperature and number of rainy days were the most important factors associated with ozone presence and, as a consequence, with leaf injury index. Photosynthetic gas exchange properties indicate that NC-S has higher values of stomatal conductance.  相似文献   
提出了一种利用移动监测技术研究区域大气环境中PM2.5/PM10空间分布的方法,并在2004年12月进行了宁波市全市域PM2.5/PM10空间分布的研究。数据显示:相同路径所代表的地区PM2.5和PM10具有很好的相关性,多数路径上PM2.5与PM10数据的相关系数平方在0.95以上,而不同路径上PM2.5与PM10的比值不同。文中给出了宁波市PM2.5/PM10污染的空间分布图,直观地显示出PM2.5/PM10污染的空间分布情况,突出了污染的重点点位和地区。  相似文献   
东莞市蔬菜基地土壤中喹诺酮类抗生素的污染特征研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
抗生素作为新兴环境污染物在区域农业土壤污染特征研究中鲜见报道.本文利用固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱分析方法,调查了东莞市18个区镇24个代表性蔬菜基地土壤中喹诺酮类抗生素(QNs)的含量与分布特征.结果表明,4种喹诺酮类化合物的检出率均在90%以上,以环丙沙星(平均含量24.93μg·kg-1)和恩诺沙星(平均含量...  相似文献   
随着内蒙古经济社会的快速发展,环境突发性事件应急监测存在一些新问题,根据内蒙古实际情况,探讨环境突发性污染事件应急监测工作思路,进一步保护环境和人类生命安全。  相似文献   
根据国家环境质量监测网络,对“十二五”地表水环境质量监测断面调整工作要求,吉林省在辖区内所有水环境质量监测断面及采样点基础上,完成了松花江流域和辽河流域国控监测断面的优化调整工作。在此过程中,如何从国家尺度上,既能充分反映吉林省水环境质量状况,又能满足国家对地表水环境管理需求进行了深入思考。本文以吉林省为例,在确定国控监测断面及采样点的布设中.提出了自己的构想和建议。  相似文献   
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