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The disaster scene in three-dimensional (3D) plays a crucial role in disaster emergency management and risk communication of oil transmission stations. However, existing research for the disaster scene mainly focuses on reproducing the disaster environment and rarely predicts the damage state of the disaster-affected object. This paper proposes an object-oriented modeling method that utilizes a multilevel decomposition pattern for disaster scenes. This method combines earthquake vulnerability assessment with 3D visualization technology to predict and characterize the damage state of critical infrastructure in oil transmission stations. To enhance earthquake risk perception, a simulation system is designed and developed, which allows for the construction of virtual scenes and quick simulation of disaster scenes in 3D. The case application shows that the system improves the 3D modeling efficiency of disaster scenes and enhances public awareness of earthquake risks. The simulation system can provide technical support for seismic mitigation planning and emergency management decision-making at oil transmission stations and has good application prospects.  相似文献   
Accidents in the process industry involve several interacting factors, including human and organizational factors (HOFs). A long-standing obstacle to HOFs analysis is lack of data. Accident reports are an essential data source to learn from the past and contain HOFs-related data, but they are usually unstructured text in a not standardized format. Some studies have explored the extraction of information automatically from accident reports based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. However, they were not dedicated to HOFs. Risk communication is considered an essential pillar in safety and risk science. This research develops a HOFs-focused risk communication framework based on the NLP techniques that can support risk assessment and mitigation. The proposed approach automatically extracts the target groups oriented “Who, When, Where, Why” (4Ws) information from accident reports.This framework was applied to explore the eMARS database. The results show that the “4Ws” skeleton of narratives has appreciated performance in pattern recognition and holistic information analysis. The graphical representation interfaces are designed to display the features of HOFs-related accidents, which can better be communicated to the sharp-end operators and decision-makers.  相似文献   
Leakage and explosion of hazardous chemicals during road transportation can cause serious building damage and casualties, and adoption of highly-efficient emergency rescue measures plays a critical role in reducing accidental hazards. Considering a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) transport tanker explosion accident that occurred in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, China on June 13, 2020 as example, this study proposes a risk assessment framework. This framework recreates the leakage and explosion of the accident process using FLACS v10.9, suggests plans for evacuation, describes the rescue areas of different levels, and explores the influence of environmental factors on the evacuation and rescue areas. The results show that simulated and predicted distributions of fuel vapour cloud concentration and explosion overpressure can provide a reference basis for rapid rescue activities; the characterization of the dynamic effects of wind speed, wind direction, and temperature with respect to the evacuation and rescue areas can be used as theoretical support for on-site adjustment of rescue forces. The role of obstacles can prevent the expansion of the evacuation areas under low wind-speed conditions, and the presence of highly congested obstacles determines the level of the rescue area. The results obtained are important for the risk analysis and the development of emergency rescue measures in case of explosion accidents associated with transportation of hazardous chemicals on high-hazard and high-sensitive road sections.  相似文献   
提高污泥碱性发酵挥发酸积累的新方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了加大剩余污泥在碱性条件下的水解酸化程度,本研究尝试了两种新的能促进污泥碱性发酵产酸的方式,分别是向批式的污泥碱性发酵系统中投加未灭菌发酵污泥和投加灭菌发酵污泥,结合温度的影响(10℃和35℃)分别考察了这两种方式对污泥水解酸化效果的影响.结果表明,中温有利于水解酶和产酸菌作用的发挥,增大了污泥的水解酸化程度,体系内有明显的挥发酸(VFAs)积累.35℃条件下,两种方式都在很大程度上促进了新鲜污泥的水解酸化程度,经灭菌后的发酵污泥的投加较等量的未灭菌的发酵污泥的投加效果更为显著.前者的水解速率是后者的2倍,发酵末期酸积累量为后者的1.5倍,且前者在较长的发酵时间内VFAs含量维持恒定.分析两种方式能促进污泥水解酸化的原因得到:未灭菌发酵污泥的投加是向系统中引入了一定量的产酸菌,灭菌发酵污泥的投加引入了大量的较易水解的有机底物.水解产物的增加能在更大程度上影响产酸的效果.因此,中温条件下向污泥碱性发酵系统中投加经灭菌处理后的发酵污泥是提高剩余污泥发酵产酸量更为有效的方式.  相似文献   
发展节能与新能源汽车是降低交通运输行业碳排放的重要技术路径.为量化预测节能与新能源汽车的全生命周期碳排放,利用全生命周期评价方法,以汽车相关技术路线和政策为参考,选取燃油经济性、整车轻量化水平、电力结构碳排放因子和氢能碳排放因子为关键参数,构建传统燃油汽车(ICEV)、轻度混合动力汽车(MHEV)、重度混合动力汽车(HEV)、纯电动汽车(BEV)和燃料电池汽车(FCV)的数据清单并对其全生命周期碳排放进行量化预测评价,对电力结构碳排放因子和不同制氢方式碳排放因子进行了敏感性分析和讨论.结果发现,2022年ICEV、 MHEV、 HEV、 BEV和FCV的全生命周期碳排放量(以CO2-eq计)分别为208.0、 195.5、 150.0、 113.5和205.0 g·km-1.到2035年,BEV和FCV相比于ICEV具有较为显著的减碳效益,分别降低69.1%和49.3%.电力结构的碳排放因子对BEV的全生命周期碳排放的影响最显著.关于燃料电池汽车的不同制氢方式,短期应以工业副产氢提纯为主供应FCV氢能需求,长期以可再生能源电解水制氢和化石能源...  相似文献   
Size-resolved biogenic secondary organic aerosols(BSOA) derived from isoprene and monoterpene photooxidation in Qinghai Lake, Tibetan Plateau(a continental background site) and five cities of China were measured using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS). Concentrations of the determined BSOA are higher in the cities than in the background and are also higher in summer than in winter. Moreover, strong positive correlations(R2= 0.44–0.90) between BSOA and sulfate were found at the six sites,suggesting that anthropogenic pollution(i.e., sulfate) could enhance SOA formation,because sulfate provides a surface favorable for acid-catalyzed formation of BSOA. Size distribution measurements showed that most of the determined SOA tracers are enriched in the fine mode( 3.3 μm) except for cis-pinic and cis-pinonic acids, both presented a comparable mass in the fine and coarse( 3.3 μm) modes, respectively. Mass ratio of oxidation products derived from isoprene to those from monoterpene in the five urban regions during summer are much less than those in Qinghai Lake region. In addition, in the five urban regions relative abundances of monoterpene oxidation products to SOA are much higher than those of isoprene. Such phenomena suggest that BSOA derived from monoterpenes are more abundant than those from isoprene in Chinese urban areas.  相似文献   
针对首次分离得到的一株具有同步脱氮除磷新功能的热带假丝酵母(Candida tropicalis) PNY2013,通过生理及动力学特征,连续流运行操作及其在含糖类工业废水中的应用3个环节,探讨了不同碳源模式下PNY2013同步脱氮除磷的特性.结果表明:PNY2013以葡萄糖、乙醇及乙酸为唯一碳源时均生长良好,其最大比增长速率μmax分别为0.1327、0.1252及0.1115 h-1,其同步脱氮除磷率分别可达100%、80%、100%(NH4+-N)及93%、95%、98%(PO43--P).3种碳源下PNY2013同步脱氮除磷的最佳条件基本接近为:温度30℃,pH=8.0,溶解氧0~2 mg·L-1,C/N=200∶5左右.PNY2013同步脱氮除磷的长期连续运行条件下的实验进一步表明,以葡萄糖为碳源条件下,进水NH4+-N及PO43--P浓度分别达400及80 mg·L-1时,两者去除率均接近100%.与这种超强能力相比,以乙醇及乙酸为碳源条件下,进水NH4+-N及PO43--P浓度分别达100及20 mg·L-1时,两者的去除率也可达60%~80%(NH4+-N)及40%(PO43--P),显示出相当的同步脱氮除磷能力.在以模拟制糖废水、淀粉加工废水、啤酒废水、味精废水这4种典型含糖工业废水为碳源条件下,除淀粉加工废水外PNY2013均能有效去除COD、NH4+-N和PO43--P,其中,制糖、啤酒、制药废水中的COD去除率分别可达40%、89%、96%,NH4+-N去除率分别为85%、94%、76%,PO43--P去除率均为90%.即使在40000 mg·L-1(制糖)及12500 mg·L-1(啤酒)的高COD条件下,PNY2013也均具有稳定的NH4+-N和PO43--P去除效果,显示出良好的同步脱氮除磷应用前景.  相似文献   
张沐  任增谊  张曼  赵琼  尹洪斌 《环境科学》2023,44(7):3945-3956
外秦淮河是南京市一条重要的城市景观行洪河道,多年来受工业及生活污水影响,内源污染严重.为充分了解外秦淮河底泥污染特征,为疏浚提供决策依据,对河道上、中和下游典型断面底泥界面微环境以及营养物含量进行调查,采用有机指数法和污染指数法对底泥污染状况进行评估,同时根据污染物垂向分布特征模拟清淤对底泥内源释放削减的影响.结果表明,上中下游底泥界面以上DO均值分别为4.62、 3.25和3.41mg·L-1,且分别在4.4、 3.5和5.5 mm处消耗殆尽,是典型的城市河道污染特征体现.调查河段表层底泥的ω(TN)、ω(TP)和ω(OM)均值分别为1 734mg·kg-1、 1 337 mg·kg-1和4.82%,底泥TN和OM的有机污染指数均值为0.48,处于尚清洁水平,TP的单项污染指数均值为3.18,处于重度污染水平.模拟30 cm清淤深度结果表明,底泥SRP和Fe2+的释放速率较清淤前分别削减42%~82%和88%~96%,而NH+4-N的释放速率却较清淤前有...  相似文献   
曹特特  王林  李咏梅 《环境科学》2018,39(1):219-226
利用厌氧-缺氧-好氧(AAO)工艺探讨了在好氧池低溶解氧(DO)浓度条件下的水质指标变化情况.结果表明,当好氧池DO浓度从2.00 mg·L~(-1)降低到1.00 mg·L~(-1)和0.50 mg·L~(-1)时,系统仍然具有良好的除磷脱氮效果,出水水质指标均满足我国《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)中的一级A标准.在此基础上,基于Bio Win 4.1软件建立了AAO工艺的活性污泥模型,对模型参数进行了灵敏度分析,并利用动态模拟对模型参数中的聚磷菌吸收乙酸或丙酸的聚羟基烷酸(PHA)产率系数(YP/PHA,seq)、聚磷菌好氧氧化PHA的储磷率(YP/PHA,aerobic)、氨氧化菌的最大单位生长速率(μmax,A)和亚硝酸盐氧化菌的最大单位生长速率(μmax,N)进行了校验.此外,对系统的曝气能耗进行了模拟评估,结果表明,与好氧池DO浓度为2.00 mg·L~(-1)时相比,好氧池DO浓度为1.00 mg·L~(-1)和0.50 mg·L~(-1)时的空气流量可分别节省23.8%和38.1%,氧转移效率可分别提高7.2%和11.7%.  相似文献   
为充分发挥立法的引领和推动作用,不断完善中国矿山安全法律法规体系,分析我国矿山安全领域的立法现状,借鉴美国矿山安全立法经验及启示,立足于我国矿山安全监管监察体制革新的新形势和新要求,提出了以《矿山安全法》为基本法,以行政法规、部门规章、监察手册和强制性标准为支撑的新发展阶段矿山安全法规标准体系,为中国矿山安全领域立法提...  相似文献   
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