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We studied the concentrations of certain heavy metals in the total and labile fractions of sandy sediments from four embayments situated on the northwestern coast of Spain. In orderto compensate for the effects of the heterogeneity in texture ofthe different samples, data were normalized. Organic carbon was the most suitable normalizing factor for copper, lead and zinc inthe total fraction and copper in the labile fraction, and iron was the most suitable for the other metals in both fractions.Enrichment of copper, lead and zinc in these sediments may have been caused by sewage contamination. The percentages of extractability for chromiun were remarkable.  相似文献   
The transformation of nitrate was investigated in diverse stream sediments from six areas of Southern Ontario, Canada. Laboratory Experiments conducted with intact 0-5 cm depth sediment cores overlain with aerated 5 mg/l nitrate-N solution reveald considerable nitrate depletion during a six-day period as a resuit of denitrification and nitrate reduction to ammonium. Nitrification and ammonification also occurred simultaneously with nitrate reduction in many stream sediments. Mixed 0-5 cm depth sediments collected from 81 stream sites were used to examine the relationship between microbial nitrate removal and sediment characteristics. Rates of nitrate-N loss from aerated 5 mg/l nitrate-N solutions overlying these sediments ranged between 11 and 171 mg/m2/day for a 24-hour incubation period. Rates of nitrate loss for the 24-hour period exhibited a significant positive correlation (r=0.72) with sediment ammonium content. Organic carbon, total nitrogen and sediment texture also had significant but weak correlations with nitrate loss.  相似文献   
Concentrations of cadmium, lead, nickel and vanadium were determined in water, surficial sediments and the muscle of three demersal fish species (Epinephelus coioides, Psettodes erumei and Solea elongate) from 15 sampling sites in the northern part of Persian Gulf. Concentrations of the elements were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer. There were no significant differences among the sampling sites in Cd and Pb levels in the sediments. The highest concentrations of Ni and V in sediments were found near the southern coast of Qeshm Iland and Bandar Lengeh. Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Ni in the sediments were notably higher than global baseline values. Nearly in all cases the element concentrations in the sediments were considerably greater than RSA (ROPME Sea Area) and the ERL (Effects Range Low) guidelines. Significant differences among the sampling sites could be found for concentrations of all the four metals in water. The mean Ni, Pb and Cd levels in the water samples were relatively higher than those in some other regions of the Persian Gulf. Except few cases, the mean concentrations of the elements in muscle of the selected fish species were markedly below the international guidelines for human consumption.  相似文献   
东海特定海区沉积物-水界面附近P释放的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以采自长江口外东海表层沉积物为对象,对不同类型的沉积物在模拟海水环境中进行了释P实验。研究表明,在静态条件下,沉积物释P量的高点出现在摇晃后10min左右,大约3h后基本趋于平衡。释P动力学可用Elovich公式与双常数速率公式进行拟合。最大释P量与沉积物的组成密切相关,以粉砂、粘土为主的沉积物释P量高,而砂质为主者释P量低。在释P实验中,铁磷(Fe-P)最为活跃,释放比例最高,其次是吸附态磷(Ad-P)和有机态磷(OP)。它们均属于生物可获得P的范畴。实验结果表明,在合适的水动力条件下,沉积物中的P可以迅速释放到水体.并影响水体的营养状杰和初级生产力。  相似文献   
胶州湾沉积物中的磷及其环境指示意义   总被引:25,自引:9,他引:16  
研究了胶州湾沉积物中磷形态的地球化学分布特征、控制因素及环境意义,将胶州湾沉积物中的磷分为可交换态磷、铝结合态磷、铁结合态磷、闭蓄态磷、自生钙磷、碎屑态磷和有机磷7种不同的形态,并结合210Pb测年法计算了不同年代各形态磷的埋藏通量,在此基础上,分析了胶州湾沉积物中磷所给出的环境信息.结果表明,无机磷是胶州湾沉积物中磷的主要形态,有机磷只占较小的比例,无机磷中钙磷占的比例相对较大,其中碎屑态磷是含量最高.磷的含量及埋藏通量的垂向分布受到pH、盐度、温度、生物扰动、沉积速率等环境因子的影响.相关分析及元素的OC/OP比值分析证明,近20a,陆源输入是胶州湾沉积物主要来源,并且沉积速率不断增大.由于近年来采取的较为得力的治污与排放措施,胶州湾的环境状况已有明显改观.研究还表明,Fe-P,Al-P和Oc-P的含量与海域污染程度有较密切的关系,可作为表征海洋沉积环境污染状况的指示因子之一.  相似文献   
An international workshop held in the spring of 2002 convened a group of technical experts to address monitoring, modeling, and management of PCBs within the Detroit River-Western Lake Erie basin. Participants shared and discussed a diverse set of research data bases pertaining to PCB levels within the region, discussed observed changes within different components of the local ecosystem, and identified several primary issues impacting future PCB management strategies. Results presented at the workshop indicate dramatic reductions in PCB contamination levels have been observed in much of study area between the late 1970s and mid-1990s. Estimates of loadings attributable to water and atmospheric sources have generally declined, as have PCB concentrations in herring gull eggs, smelt and walleye. Nevertheless, additional improvements have not been observed during recent years and elevated contamination levels remain a concern within local hot spots, particularly in the lower Detroit River and Trenton Channel. A primary recommendation broadly supported by workshop participants is the need to maintain, support, and coordinate a comprehensive ecosystem monitoring program for the Detroit River-Western Lake Erie basin, one that incorporates both near-field and far-field monitoring elements. Such a program is crucial to provide necessary data in support of understanding ecosystem trends, calculating annual mass loadings to the system, assessing impacts of remediation actions, developing improved modeling frameworks, and formulating cost-effective management strategies for the future.  相似文献   
This study investigated particle size and density distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in two surface sediments (JZ and KF), collected from the Yellow River of Henan section, China. The concentrations of Σ15PAHs ranged from 35.6 to 45862?ng g?1 dry wt, which were greatly elevated in coarse particles and low-density fractions. The Σ15PAHs concentrations in low-density fractions were 533 (JZ) and 996 (KF) times higher than those in the corresponding high-density fractions. However, due to relatively less quantities of low-density fractions (0.27–2.33%), most of the PAHs were contributed by the high-density components. For both sediments, the influence factors of PAHs source in the environment were very complex, more so than the level of TOC and BC content. JZ sediment was dominated by 4-ring to 6-ring PAHs (61.5–75.1%), while, 2-ring to 3-ring PAHs were abundant in KF samples (39.8–72.6%). Ratios of specific PAHs reflected PAHs among the size- and density-fraction of each sediment may be contaminated by mixed of pyrolytic and petrogenic origin. Additionally, ecological risk assessment of PAHs suggested that total toxic equivalent values of PAHs in the low-density fractions were much higher than those of the corresponding high-density fractions in the studied area.  相似文献   
本文表征了三峡库区典型次级支流(梁滩河)表层沉积物中18种多环芳烃(PAHs)的浓度,并对其分布特征和污染来源进行了探讨。18种PAHs的总浓度(∑18 PAHs)范围为198.5~4349 ng/g-dw(干重),平均浓度为1441ng/g,中值为1160 ng/g。与其他地区沉积物污染情况相比,梁滩河沉积物中PAHs浓度处于中等偏低的污染程度,支流污染程显著高于干流,流经城镇的右支污染程度显著高于流经农村或人口较少的左支和主干流。大部分采样点以高环(4~6环)PAHs污染为主。PAHs源解析结果表明,梁滩河表层沉积物中PAHs污染以燃烧源为主,主要源于化石燃料和生物质的不完全燃烧。沉积物中苯并[a]芘的毒性当量因子(TEF)值为39.38~384.37 ngTEQ/g,平均值110.94 ngTEQ/g。生态风险评价的结果表明,右支流的两个采样点R3和R4点沉积物中PAHs可能存在生物负效应影响,R4点的高风险可能与附近白市驿机场污染有关。  相似文献   
Concentrations of total aromatic hydrocarbons and extractable organic matter in the water column and sediment were determined in samples collected in the course of the last 20 years from the Salina Cruz Harbor, México, to assess the degree of organic contamination. In sediments, organic compounds accumulate in shallow areas mostly associated with extractable organic matter and fine fractions. Calculated geocumulation index and enrichment factors suggest that contamination could be derived from anthropogenic activities attributed to harbor and ship scrapping activities, as well as transboundary source. Concentration of total aromatic hydrocarbons (as chrysene equivalents) ranged from 0.01 to 534 μg l−1 in water, and from 0.10 to 2,160 μg g−1 in sediments. Total aromatic concentration of 5 μg g−1 is proposed as background concentration.  相似文献   
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