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龙亮军 《自然资源学报》2019,34(6):1259-1272
基于强可持续研究范式,以生态经济学和可持续发展理论为基础,运用两阶段网络Super-EBM模型进行绩效测算和评价,打开生态福利转化过程的“黑箱”,基于综合福利视角将生态文明建设绩效进一步分解为生态经济效率和经济福利效率,实证研究部分选取2006-2015年的时间序列数据对中国“十一五”和“十二五”期间的生态文明建设绩效水平进行纵向分析,与此同时,选取42个国家2014年的截面数据进行横向的国际对比研究。研究表明:(1)“十一五”到“十二五”期间,中国生态文明建设绩效(0.986)整体水平一般,均未实现DEA有效,但“十二五”期间已呈现出逐年改善的利好趋势。国际比较层面,瑞士(1.647)、印度尼西亚(1.365)、爱尔兰(1.039)依次排名前三位,中国(0.297)排名相对靠后,位列倒数第二。各国之间差异较大,总体上呈现出“OECD国家(0.677)最高、G20国家(0.611)次之、金砖国家(0.417)最低”的态势。(2)从分阶段效率来看,无论是纵向分析还是横向对比,均发现第一阶段的生态经济效率明显低于第二阶段的经济福利效率,生态经济效率偏低是导致生态文明建设绩效总体水平偏低的主要原因。(3)与传统的单阶段、径向或非径向DEA模型相比,两阶段网络Super-EBM模型综合考虑了径向和松弛变量问题,测算出来的效率值更为精确,能够更为客观地反映现实。同时,对于其他领域涉及两阶段或多阶段生产系统的效率或绩效评估具有较好的借鉴价值。最后,根据上述结论提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
环境信息国际交流制度,已成为国际环境法的一项基本法律制度,其内容涉及各国和国际组织在这项交流中的地位,作用及机构,权利和义务,交流范围和形式,这项制度对有效保护人类环境发挥了多方面积极作用,在尊重各国主权,合作取得和共同享有,支持发展中国家参与交流原则基础上,这项制度将日益丰富,多样,完善。  相似文献   
随着人类环境意识、资源意识的不断深化,越来越多的国家签署了国际环境公约。中国石油企业若要进一步参与国际化竞争,在环境保护方面就势必面临更大的挑战与压力。对气候变化框架公约、巴塞尔公约、湿地公约、海洋环境保护公约以及酸雨问题等与石油工业相关的国际环境公约进行了分析及探讨,以期为石油工业适应环境保护工作发展的需要及提高国际竞争力制定相应对策提供参考。  相似文献   
Abstract: Storm‐flow transients (i.e., hydrograph rise and fall dynamics) may represent an important aspect of understanding streamflow dynamics. However, little is known about how temporal resolution of transient data and climate variability may color these potential indicators of hydrologic pattern or condition. Warm‐season stream stage and rainfall were monitored continuously (5 min) during the 2002 water year in eight tributaries of the Little Miami River (Ohio), which drain 17‐58 km2 catchments. Rise rates generated using 5‐min data were different than those generated with mean daily data [calculated with the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) software], though fall rates were similar for fine and coarse temporal data. This result suggests that data with low temporal resolution may not be adequate to fully represent the dynamics of storm rise rates. Conversely, fall rates based on daily stage data (via IHA) were similar to those based on the 5‐min data, and so daily mean data may be appropriate for characterizing fall rates. We next analyzed the possible correlations between rainfall variability and storm‐flow stage dynamics. We derived rise and recession rates from storm stage hydrographs by assuming exponential rise and decay of a runoff peak. We found that raw rise rates (Rraw) were correlated with both the maximum rainfall rate and the time to the centroid of a rain event. We subsequently removed the trend based on these rainfall characteristics, which yielded new representations of rise rates abbreviated as Rrate and Rtcent, respectively, and that had lower variability than the uncorrected (raw) data. Fall rates were found to be independent of rainfall characteristics. Due to the predominant influence of stream hydrology upon aquatic biota and nutrient fluxes, our work suggests that these stage data analysis protocols can refine or otherwise reduce variability in these indices by accounting for relevant factors such as rainfall forcing. These protocols for derivation of transient indices should be tested for their potential to improve correlations between stream hydrology and temporally aligned biotic data and dissolved nutrient fluxes in streams.  相似文献   
UASB反应器中颗粒污泥的沉降性能与终端沉降速度   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从流体力学角度,通过建立沉降速度模型探讨了UASB反应器中颗粒污泥的沉降性能与终端沉降速度.计算结果表明,(1)绝大多数颗粒污泥的沉降过程属于过渡区(1<Re<100)而非层流区,其沉降速度与直径成正比,可用Allen公式进行计算;(2)颗粒污泥的终端沉降速度远高于厌氧反应器中废水的上流速度,其良好的沉降性能解决了在高负荷情况下污泥的流失问题.所建模型能较好地反映实际条件下的情况.为厌氧反应器的工艺设计与正常运行提供理论依据.  相似文献   
利用2005~2007年我国稻田N2O排放通量的田间原位测定资料和国际上其它地区稻田N2O报道结果,对作者建立的不同水分管理方式下水稻生长季N2O排放估算模型进行了验证.结果表明,持续淹水稻田N2O排放的拟合结果与其他地区淹水稻田N2O通量值相一致.淹水-烤田-淹水的水分管理方式下,稻田N2O排放的拟合值接近于国际上同类研究结果.淹水-烤田-淹水-湿润灌溉的水分管理方式下,稻田N2O排放的估算模型对田间原位测定资料有很好的适切性.为了检验模型输入参数的可信度,将本研究建立的有关我国水稻生产的相关资料数据库与以往研究报道结果进行了比较,结果表明,两者具有高度的一致性.数据库资料表明,在20世纪50~70年代间,持续淹水稻田占20%~25%,大约75%~80%的稻田采用淹水-烤田-淹水的水分管理方式.在20世纪80~90年代间,采用持续淹水,淹水-烤田-淹水和淹水-烤田-淹水-湿润灌溉水分管理方式的稻田分别约占12%~16%、77%和7%~12%.20世纪50年代水稻生长季平均每季总施氮量为87.49 kg·hm-2,而90年代平均为224.64 kg·hm-2.其中,化学氮肥的施用量从20世纪50年代的37.4 kg·hm-2增加到了90年代的198.8 kg·hm-2,分别占水稻生长季氮输入总量的43%和88%.在20世纪50~70年代间有机氮的输入量相对比较稳定,平均变幅在45.2~48.2 kg·hm-2之间,随后逐步降低,有机肥料氮占氮输入总量的比例从20世纪50年代的52%降低到了90年代的9%.作物残体N输入量从20世纪50年代的4.9 kg·hm-2增加到了80年代的6.3 kg·hm-2.20世纪50~70年代水稻生长季氮肥施用量具明显的空间变异性,而80~90年代间其空间变异较小.模型验证和输入参数检验的结果表明,该模型能较好地模拟我国不同水分管理方式下的稻田N2O直接排放量.  相似文献   
管理措施对农田生态系统土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
为研究管理措施(氮肥施用和耕翻措施)对农田土壤呼吸的影响,采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法对农田生态系统的土壤呼吸作用进行了5个生长季(2002~2003年小麦,2003年玉米、大豆,2003~2004年小麦,2004年玉米,2004~2005年小麦)的野外观测试验.结果表明,冬小麦基肥(2002-11-09)、返青肥(2003-02-14)和拔节肥(2003-03-26)施用后2周内氮肥施用处理的土壤呼吸速率明显高于对照,但不同施氮水平间的土壤呼吸速率无显著差异.耕翻对土壤呼吸的影响效应受到前茬作物类型的制约.在2003~2004年的冬小麦生长季(其前茬种植的作物为水稻),不耕和浅耕处理的平均土壤呼吸速率之间无显著差异(p>0.05).在2004年玉米生长季浅耕比不耕处理显著增加了土壤呼吸速率(p<0.05),而在后茬的2004~2005年小麦生长季浅耕比不耕又显著降低了土壤呼吸速率(p<0.05).在前茬作物为水稻的麦田(2004~2005年小麦生长季),深耕比不耕处理显著增加了土壤CO2排放量.不同管理措施下,农田土壤呼吸与土壤温度的关系均可用指数方程描述,针对不同管理措施下拟合得到的指数方程求得的Q10值在1...  相似文献   
岷江上游大沟流域驱动植被退化的人为干扰体研究   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
研究了岷江上游大沟流域内的人为干扰体,分析了干扰的类型、强度、频率及其时空变化特征,揭示了不同干扰类型及其特性对植被退化的作用、干扰体与人口增长、植被退化等的关系.结果表明:大沟流域人为干扰类型多达8种,但优势的干扰类型是砍伐薪材和牲畜放牧.从近30a的干扰强度变化看,以80年代初的干扰强度最大,并在近20a内保持很高的干扰强度水平;干扰强度的年内变化表现为春末、夏、秋大而冬、早春小.近40a来的干扰频率愈趋增高,年内表现为春秋季干扰频率最高,夏季中等,而冬季最小.人为干扰的空间差异十分明显,反映出人为干扰的现状及其对植被的破坏强度差异,即由村寨向沟尾和高海拔区、由近及远、由低到高,形成“钟形”干扰格局.认为大沟流域植被的严重退化是所有人为干扰长期共同驱动的结果,与该区人口及其需求迅速增长密切相关.结果还表明,不同性质的干扰对植被的影响作用具协同性,同一干扰体长期连续对植被的影响具累加和放大的作用  相似文献   
Numerous studies on eutrophication remediation have mainly focused on purifying water first, then restoring submerged macrophytes. A restoration-promoting integrated floating bed (RPIFB) was designed to combine the processes of water purification and macrophyte restoration simultaneously. Two outdoor experiments were conducted to evaluate the ecological functions of the RP1FB. Trial 1 was conducted to compare the eutrophication purification among floating bed, gradual-submerging bed (GSB) and RPIFB technologies. The results illustrated that RPIFB has the best purification capacity. Removal efficiencies of RPIFB for TN, TP,NH4+-N, NO3-N, CODcr, Chlorophyll-a and turbidity were 74.45%, 98.31%, 74.71%, 88.81%, 71.42%, 90.17% and 85%, respectively. In trial 2, influences of depth of GSB and photic area in RPIFB on biota were investigated. When the depth of GSB decreased and the photic area of RPIFB grew, the height of Potamogeton crispus Linn. increased, but the biomass of Canna indica Linn. was reduced. The mortalities of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and Bellamya aeruginosa in each group were all less than 7%. All results indicated that when the RPIFB was embedded into the eutrophic water, the regime shift from phytoplankton-dominated to macrophyte-dominated state could be promoted. Thus, the RPIFB is a promising remediation technology for eutrophication and submerged macrophyte restoration.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of four different variables (initial workpiece temperature, side rake angle, edge radius/feed rate, and nose radius/depth of cut) on ductile regime machining of a bioceramic material known as nanohydroxyapatite (nano-HAP) using 3D numerical simulation. AdvantEdge FEM Version 5.9 is used to conduct turning simulations of the nano-HAP workpiece. Tecplot 360 is used to analyze the results of the simulations. Because the workpiece is thin, the entire workpiece is set to a uniform initial temperature to simulate laser preheating of the material. Initial workpiece temperature, rake angle (side rake angle), edge radius, and nose radius are varied, and the effects of these operating conditions on critical feed are investigated. It is found that critical feed increases as initial workpiece temperature increases, and also as negativity of rake angle increases. For the edge radius, it is concluded that an initial increase causes an increase in critical feed – however, at some value of edge radius, critical feed shows no further increase; for the nose radius, critical feed appears to show no significant dependence.  相似文献   
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