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This article describes the integrated modeling approach for planning the size and the operation of constructed wetlands for maximizing retention of nonpoint source pollutant loads and reservoir water-quality improvement at a catchment scale. The experimental field-scale wetland systems (four sets, 0.88 ha each) have been in operation since 2002, where water depth was maintained at 30–50 cm and hydraulic loading rate was at 6.3–18.8 cm/day. The wetland system was found to be adequate for treating polluted stream water with stable removal e ciency even during the winter. The integrated modeling system (modified-BASINS) was applied to the Seokmoon estuarine reservoir watershed and calibrated with monitoring data from constructed wetland, stream, and reservoir. The calibrated integrated modeling system estimated that constructing wetlands on 0.5% (about 114 ha) of the watershed area at the mouth of reservoir could reduce 11.61% and 13.49% of total external nitrogen and phosphorus loads, respectively. It also might improve the nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of the reservoir by 9.69% and 16.48%, respectively. The study suggested that about 0.1%–1.0% of the watershed area should be allocated for constructed wetland to meet specified water-quality standards for the estuarine reservoir at the polder area where land use planning is relatively less complicated.  相似文献   
锂离子电池的安全问题越来越受到重视.本文从锂离子电池热安全性特点着手,分析了锂离子电池的着火、爆炸和电解液泄漏等安全事故特点.简单介绍了锂离子电池主要材料的产热特性、相互反应产热特性.讨论了锂离子电池热模型建立的两种途径,即量热仪途径和化学反应途径,通过这些热模型的建立,来指导锂离子电池的安全设计和管理.  相似文献   
光化学烟雾模拟实验系统   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为开展光化学污染成因的敏感性分析,设计和建立了目前国内唯一的大型光化学烟雾模拟实验系统.该系统主要包括烟雾箱系统、空气充填置换系统、采样测试系统和记录显示控制系统等4个分系统.与国内外同类型实验系统相比,该系统具有烟雾箱在实验过程中受光均匀、换气系统快捷、效率高以及可实现两箱对比实验等特色.利用实验系统开展了光化学污染过程的模拟实验,得到了典型的污染特征.进行了同等条件的两箱对比实验,实验结果完全一致,表明该实验系统能够开展基于对比实验的敏感性分析研究,从而为进一步针对北京实际开展光化学污染的模拟研究奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   
根据前人对大气环境容量和环境承载力计算的对比分析,计算2012年镇江市的大气环境容量和大气环境承载力指数,通过对该市的气象条件和地理位置的分析,选取SO_2、NO_x和PM_(10)这3种主要大气污染物,并分析其环境承载状况。结果表明:句容市、丹阳市、杨中市处于高承载的状态,临界超载、严重超载和超载的3个区分别是润州区、京口区和镇江新区,针对这3个区提出相应改进措施。  相似文献   
海洋气溶胶对沿海地区降水组成的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以青岛地区为对象,对沿海地区大气气溶海洋因子对降水组成的贡献,进行了研究分析。结果表明,1)夏季受海洋影响要比冬季明显得多;(2)降水中主要的碱性物质,不论是夏季或冬季,99%来自大陆气溶胶,海洋的影响可忽略;(3)海洋影响的程度和离海边的距离有关,离海愈远,受海洋影响就愈小,离海愈近,受其影响就愈大。  相似文献   
城市街道汽车污染扩散规律模拟研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
如何简单而准确地模拟城市街区污染的扩散规律,对于城市汽车污染控制决策具有重要的意义,从大量实测数据,分析了风速风向等影响街道峡谷污染物扩散的主要因素,采用丹麦开发的街道峡谷模式OSPM,对汽车污染扩散规律进行模拟研究。与北京实测数据对比结果表明,该模式较好地模拟昼间风速风向对街道峡保内汽车污染扩散的影响,比较准确地反映了峡保中流场的主要特征,以及汽车排放污染物的扩散规律,污染物浓度与风速的倒数摈心  相似文献   
结合2008年11月18~25日期间珠三角地区的二次有机气溶胶(SOA)外场观测数据,验证区域空气质量模式WRF/Chem(weather research and forecasting model with chemistry)中两种SOA化学机制——VBS(volatile basis set)和SORGAM(secondary organic aerosol model)对珠三角SOA的模拟效果.VBS机制考虑了更为广泛的SOA前体物和化学老化过程,SOA模拟值更接近观测值,能合理反映SOA观测值的逐天变化趋势,与观测值的平均绝对偏差和相关性分别是-4.88μg·m-3和0.91,而SORGAM机制的分别为-5.32μg·m-3和0.18.利用VBS机制模拟区域内SOA的时空分布,结果显示SOA浓度具有显著的昼夜变化特征,浓度峰值出现在中午时段.受到输送和臭氧区域分布的影响,各城市SOA浓度差异显著,下风向的城市(如中山、珠海、江门)SOA浓度较高.  相似文献   
The energy sector in Poland is the source of 81% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Poland, among other European Union countries, occupies a leading position with regard to coal consumption. Polish energy sector actively participates in efforts to reduce GHG emissions to the atmosphere, through a gradual decrease of the share of coal in the fuel mix and development of renewable energy sources. All evidence which completes the knowledge about issues related to GHG emissions is a valuable source of information. The article presents the results of modeling of GHG emissions which are generated by the energy sector in Poland. For a better understanding of the quantitative relationship between total consumption of primary energy and greenhouse gas emission, multiple stepwise regression model was applied. The modeling results of CO2 emissions demonstrate a high relationship (0.97) with the hard coal consumption variable. Adjustment coefficient of the model to actual data is high and equal to 95%. The backward step regression model, in the case of CH4 emission, indicated the presence of hard coal (0.66), peat and fuel wood (0.34), solid waste fuels, as well as other sources (-0.64) as the most important variables. The adjusted coefficient is suitable and equals R2 = 0.90. For N2O emission modeling the obtained coefficient of determination is low and equal to 43%. A significant variable influencing the amount of N2O emission is the peat and wood fuel consumption.  相似文献   
The energy sector in Poland is the source of 81% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Poland, among other European Union countries, occupies a leading position with regard to coal consumption. Polish energy sector actively participates in efforts to reduce GHG emissions to the atmosphere, through a gradual decrease of the share of coal in the fuel mix and development of renewable energy sources. All evidence which completes the knowledge about issues related to GHG emissions is a valuable source of information. The article presents the results of modeling of GHG emissions which are generated by the energy sector in Poland. For a better understanding of the quantitative relationship between total consumption of primary energy and greenhouse gas emission, multiple stepwise regression model was applied. The modeling results of CO2 emissions demonstrate a high relationship (0.97) with the hard coal consumption variable. Adjustment coefficient of the model to actual data is high and equal to 95%. The backward step regression model, in the case of CH4 emission, indicated the presence of hard coal (0.66), peat and fuel wood (0.34), solid waste fuels, as well as other sources (− 0.64) as the most important variables. The adjusted coefficient is suitable and equals R2 = 0.90. For N2O emission modeling the obtained coefficient of determination is low and equal to 43%. A significant variable influencing the amount of N2O emission is the peat and wood fuel consumption.  相似文献   
基于2021年6~8月新乡市市委党校站点观测的挥发性有机物(VOCs)、常规空气污染物和气象参数,采用基于观测的模型(OBM)对臭氧(O3)超标日的O3敏感性和前体物的管控策略进行了研究.结果发现,O3超标日呈现高温、低湿和低压的气象特征.在臭氧超标日,O3及其前体物的浓度均有上升.臭氧超标日的VOCs最高浓度组分为含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs)和烷烃,臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和·OH反应性最大的VOCs组分为OVOCs.通过相对增量反应性(RIR)分析,新乡6月O3超标日臭氧生成处于VOCs控制区,7月和8月处于VOCs和氮氧化物(NOx)协同控制区,臭氧生成对烯烃和OVOCs最为敏感.6月各前体物的RIR值在一天中会发生变化,但始终保持为VOCs控制区;7月和8月在上午为VOCs控制区,中午为协同控制区,下午分别为协同控制区和NOx控制区.通过模拟不同前体物削减情景,结果表明削减VOCs始终有利于管控臭氧,而削减NOx  相似文献   
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