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AbstractObjective: The number of e-bike users has increased significantly over the past few years and with it the associated safety concerns. Because e-bikes are faster than conventional bicycles and more prone to be in conflict with road users, e-bikers may need to perform avoidance maneuvers more frequently. Braking is the most common avoidance maneuver but is also a complex and critical task in emergency situations, because cyclists must reduce speed quickly without losing balance. The aim of this study is to understand the braking strategies of e-bikers in real-world traffic environments and to assess their road safety implications. This article investigates (1) how cyclists on e-bikes use front and rear brakes during routine cycling and (2) whether this behavior changes during unexpected conflicts with other road users.Methods: Naturalistic data were collected from 6 regular bicycle riders who each rode e-bikes during a period of 2 weeks, for a total of 32.5?h of data. Braking events were identified and characterized through a combined analysis of brake pressure at each wheel, velocity, and longitudinal acceleration. Furthermore, the braking patterns obtained during unexpected events were compared with braking patterns during routine cycling.Results: In the majority of braking events during routine cycling, cyclists used only one brake at a time, favoring one of the 2 brakes according to a personal pre-established pattern. However, the favored brake varied among cyclists: 66% favored the rear brake and 16% the front brake. Only 16% of the cyclists showed no clear preference, variously using rear brake, front brake, or combined braking (both brakes at the same time), suggesting that the selection of which brake to use depended on the characteristics of the specific scenario experienced by the cyclist rather than on a personal preference. In unexpected conflicts, generally requiring a larger deceleration, combined braking became more prevalent for most of the cyclists; still, when combined braking was not applied, cyclists continued to use the favored brake of routine cycling. Kinematic analysis revealed that, when larger decelerations were required, cyclists more frequently used combined braking instead of single braking.Conclusions: The results provide new insights into the behavior of cyclists on e-bikes and may provide support in the development of safety measures including guidelines and best practices for optimal brake use. The results may also inform the design of braking systems intended to reduce the complexity of the braking operation. 相似文献
餐饮过程排放的废气正成为大城市大气污染的重要来源之一.根据成都市2013年排放清单更新的研究成果,综合运用本地化的餐饮排放因子、排放活动水平的调查成果和成都市统计年鉴的统计数据等信息,对成都市餐饮源的PM_(2.5)排放总量进行了估算,其结果为4740 t·a~(-1).为了对区域的餐饮废气排放进行空间分配,本文抓取了互联网兴趣点POI信息.通过这些信息,对成都市的社会餐饮、学校食堂餐饮和家庭餐饮的空间来源进行了表征,对成都市生活源中餐饮污染物排放的空间分布规律进行了探索,并提出了新的餐饮源高分辨空间分配方法.结果表明,基于POI空间分配的2013年成都餐饮源单位面积年排放强度均值为0.29 t·km~(-2)·a~(-1),主城区均值为3.47 t·km~(-2)·a~(-1),全市的排放量分布区间为0~35.7 t·km~(-2)·a~(-1).互联网POI信息可以作为研究城市餐饮源空间分布的重要数据来源,在实际应用上更适于表征社会餐饮点源污染. 相似文献
基于多年遥感数据分析长江河口海岸带湿地变化及其驱动因子 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究河口海岸带湿地长时间演变对湿地保护管理和海岸带资源评估具有重要意义.本文获取长江口1979—2015年10景Landsat-MSS/TM/OLI影像和2015年13景GF1-PMS高空间分辨率数据,对比两个典型实验区分类算法,选用最优的决策树算法应用到长江口Landsat影像中,得到沿岸湿地要素近40年的面积变化情况.研究表明,2015年长江河口海岸带湿地总面积为4725 km2,自然湿地占63.5%,人工湿地占21.2%,湿地总面积相比1979年增加了662 km2,自然湿地面积减少了163 km2,而人工湿地面积增加了766 km2.长江口自然湿地面积在1979—2000年减少幅度较大,2000年后由于保护管理加强而减少幅度变小;人工湿地和建筑面积增加较为明显,主要是由于大型水库的修建和人工鱼塘开发及港口建设.湿地总的变化趋势为河口区不断淤积,自然湿地转变为人工湿地,人工湿地转变为建筑用地等非湿地;其中,滩涂面积减少283 km2,水库、养殖鱼塘和水稻田面积分别增加了92、355和319 km2,主要发生在崇明东滩和启东沿岸;非湿地中建筑用地面积增加154 km2,灌木草场面积减少147 km2,主要发生在上海和启东沿岸.同时比较分析长江口3个区域湿地驱动因子发现,北岸启东沿岸和南岸南汇东滩湿地因经济快速发展和港口水利工程修建,以及过度开垦滩涂等自然湿地使人工湿地增加明显;而长江上游径流量、区域降水和海平面上涨等自然因素控制着中支河道区(如崇明东滩)自然湿地的变化. 相似文献
土地督察对土地市场化的影响效果评估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为评估土地督察对土地市场化的影响,论文把目标分解为两个问题:即土地督察制度的实施是否对土地市场化程度产生影响;如果有影响,影响的效果如何。论文收集了2003—2009年的省级面板数据,基于固定效应和随机效应模型估计了土地督察对土地市场化的影响。通过相关检验,采用了固定效应模型的估计结果,并在模型估计的基础上,对影响效果进行了评价。结果表明:①土地督察对土地市场化的发展有积极的促进作用,2007—2009年专项督察覆盖度每提高1%,约能促进土地市场化程度提升0.14%,例行督察覆盖度每提高1%,约能促进土地市场化程度提升1.12%;②通过实施专项督察,2007—2009年全国土地市场化程度分别提升了2.06%、 0.19%和0.55%,通过实行例行督察,2008—2009年全国土地市场化程度分别提升5.01%和12.47%;③2007—2009年通过开展土地督察,全国土地市场化程度分别提高了2.04%、 5.21%和13.02%。 相似文献
基于网格空间数据的晋陕蒙接壤区生态环境综合评价 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
晋陕蒙接壤区是典型的生态过渡带、生态脆弱带。文章在调查研究的基础上 ,选取了 1 3个评价指标 ,应用层次分析法确定其权重 ,并将各个因子分级标准化和定量赋值 ,再用加权求和法得到每个评价单元的环境质量综合评价指数。根据环境综合评价指数将环境质量分为较好 (≥ 8)、一般 (≥ 6~ <8)、较差 (≥ 4~ <6)、恶劣 (<4) 4级。结果表明 :晋陕蒙接壤区的环境质量大多处于较差等级 ,较好、一般、较差、恶劣等级的面积比例分别为 2 .2 % ,2 8% ,5 7.4%和1 2 .4% 相似文献
基于AHP和DEA模型的农业生态效率评价——以无锡市为例 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
农业面源污染已成为我国重要环境污染源之一,但由于农业面源污染具有分散、面广、周期长、随机性等特点,在评价上存在较大难度。根据生态效率理论,结合农业生产的特点,建立了综合考虑经济效益和环境影响的农业生态效率评价指标体系,并以江苏省无锡市为例,选取该市1998~2008年农业生产和面源污染相关数据,运用偏好锥的数据包络分析模型(DEA)对其农业生态效率进行了评价分析。结果显示:1998~2008年,无锡市农业生态效率呈现先下降后上升的趋势,近三年累计上升幅度达22%。表明近年来无锡市农业面源污染治理成效显著,农业可持续发展水平显著提高。提出的农业生态效率评价体系和方法为进一步推进农业面源污染治理工作提供了依据 相似文献
基于面板数据的土地投入对经济增长的影响-以浙江省为例 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
采用生产函数与面板数据回归模型相结合的研究手段,以地处经济发达地区的浙江省为实证研究区域对土地要素投入对经济增长的影响进行了定量的研究。研究结果表明:(1)就规模效应而言,浙江省的经济增长处于规模报酬不变的发展阶段;(2)浙江省经济增长对劳动力要素的投入最为敏感,其中土地要素、劳动力要素和资本要素增加1个单位的投入量对经济增长的推动为 0.247 3、0.538 5 和 0.321 6;(3)固定资产投入在研究期间是浙江省经济增长的主要推动力,其贡献率达到6823%,而劳动力要素与土地要素则分别为2346%和625%;(4)浙江省土地利用不够集约,在研究期间土地要素对经济增长的影响能被资本要素与劳动力要素有效替代,而劳动力要素则难以被资本投入与土地投入有效替代,劳动集约型产业应该成为浙江省未来发展方向之一。 相似文献
臭氧(O3)与甲烷(CH4)均是大气中重要的微量气体,对全球气候变化有着重要的影响.为提高全球范围的臭氧、甲烷在气候模式中的预报效果,使用集合平方根滤波(En SRF)同化方法及地球系统模式(CESM)构建了CESM-En SRF卫星资料同化预报系统,并通过设计试验,将大气红外探测器(AIRS)的臭氧与甲烷观测资料同化到气候模式中,对模式的同化再预报效果进行系统的测试与评估.结果显示,臭氧、甲烷分析集合均值的偏差及均方根误差皆低于背景集合均值的偏差及均方根误差.臭氧、甲烷的同化再预报偏差及均方根误差较控制实验都得到改善,但对5 h Pa以上高度臭氧预报准确性的改进效果很小.随循环同化的进行,平流层臭氧与甲烷的平均同化改进率呈增加趋势,并逐渐趋于稳定;对流层平均同化改进率随时间变化不明显.试验表明,该系统可有效利用臭氧与甲烷的观测资料对模式场进行合理的改善,从而有效地提高臭氧、甲烷在气候模式中的再预报效果,但对于平流层顶-中间层高度(5 h Pa以上)臭氧预报准确度的提高,模式中臭氧光化学过程的准确模拟较同化观测资料具有更重要的作用.此外,循环同化对提高5~150 h Pa高度臭氧及1~200 h Pa高度甲烷在CESM模式中的预报效果最有效. 相似文献
Residual dynamics of thiacloprid in medical herbs marjoram, thyme, and camomile and in soil 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Thiacloprid is a new insecticide of the chloronicotinyl family. To assess its risk after application, residual characteristics of thiacloprid in marjoram, thyme, and camomile and in soil were studied under field conditions. The active ingredient was extracted from the plant material using a mixture of acetone-water. After filtration, the extract was concentrated to the aqueous phase, diluted with water, and portioned against ethyl acetate on a matrix solid phase dispersion column. Thiacloprid was extracted from soil using a mixture of methanol-water, filtered, and re.extracted (clean up) with dichloromethane. The residues were quantified using HPLC-MS-MS. The methods were validated by recovery experiments. Thiacloprid residues in marjoram, thyme, and camomile and in soil persisted beyond 10, 14, 14, and 21 d but no residues were detected after 14, 21, 21, and 28 d, respectively. The data obtained in this study indicated that the biexponential model is more suitable than the first-order function to describe the decline of thiacloprid in fresh marjoram, fresh thyme, and dried camomile flowers with half-life (t1/2) of 1.1, 0.7, and 1.2 d, respectively. However, both the first-order function and biexponential model were found to be applicable for dissipation of thiacloprid in soil with almost the same t1/2 values of 3.5 and 3.6 d. The results indicated that thiacloprid dissipates rapidly and does not accumulate in the tested herbs and in soil. 相似文献