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Objective: The objective of this article is to provide empirical evidence for safe speed limits that will meet the objectives of the Safe System by examining the relationship between speed limit and injury severity for different crash types, using police-reported crash data.

Method: Police-reported crashes from 2 Australian jurisdictions were used to calculate a fatal crash rate by speed limit and crash type. Example safe speed limits were defined using threshold risk levels.

Results: A positive exponential relationship between speed limit and fatality rate was found. For an example fatality rate threshold of 1 in 100 crashes it was found that safe speed limits are 40 km/h for pedestrian crashes; 50 km/h for head-on crashes; 60 km/h for hit fixed object crashes; 80 km/h for right angle, right turn, and left road/rollover crashes; and 110 km/h or more for rear-end crashes.

Conclusions: The positive exponential relationship between speed limit and fatal crash rate is consistent with prior research into speed and crash risk. The results indicate that speed zones of 100 km/h or more only meet the objectives of the Safe System, with regard to fatal crashes, where all crash types except rear-end crashes are exceedingly rare, such as on a high standard restricted access highway with a safe roadside design.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this article was the construction of injury risk functions (IRFs) for front row occupants in oblique frontal crashes and a comparison to IRF of nonoblique frontal crashes from the same data set.

Method: Crashes of modern vehicles from GIDAS (German In-Depth Accident Study) were used as the basis for the construction of a logistic injury risk model. Static deformation, measured via displaced voxels on the postcrash vehicles, was used to calculate the energy dissipated in the crash. This measure of accident severity was termed objective equivalent speed (oEES) because it does not depend on the accident reconstruction and thus eliminates reconstruction biases like impact direction and vehicle model year. Imputation from property damage cases was used to describe underrepresented low-severity crashes―a known shortcoming of GIDAS. Binary logistic regression was used to relate the stimuli (oEES) to the binary outcome variable (injured or not injured).

Results: IRFs for the oblique frontal impact and nonoblique frontal impact were computed for the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale (MAIS) 2+ and 3+ levels for adults (18–64 years). For a given stimulus, the probability of injury for a belted driver was higher in oblique crashes than in nonoblique frontal crashes. For the 25% injury risk at MAIS 2+ level, the corresponding stimulus for oblique crashes was 40 km/h but it was 64 km/h for nonoblique frontal crashes.

Conclusions: The risk of obtaining MAIS 2+ injuries is significantly higher in oblique crashes than in nonoblique crashes. In the real world, most MAIS 2+ injuries occur in an oEES range from 30 to 60 km/h.  相似文献   


Objectives: The objectives of this study were to identify the prevalence of pre-crash factors that were present in fatal road transport crashes for the deceased and counterpart road user.

Methods: The study is a retrospective population-based case series study of transport-related deaths reported to coroners in Australia from 2013 to 2016. Data was extracted from the National Coronial Information System.

Results: In total, 6,137 fatality crashes occurred during the study period. Police reports were available for 5,523 crashes (89.9%). The most frequently reported pre-crash factors reported behaviour specifically drivers (e.g., driving without a license or while license was disqualified). Presence of intoxicating substances were also reported in the deceased and counterparts. Analyses of toxicology reports are continuing to determine if rates are comparable to level of use in community.

Conclusions: Coronial report provide detailed information that may be pertinent to understanding and potentially preventing crashes. Also emerging from the data is the extent of pre-crash factors that relate to illegal or deviant behavior and whether these are contextual or contributory factors.  相似文献   
从数据比对、硬件维护两个方面探讨岛津TNP-4110在线仪的日常维护问题。通过分析各种干扰因素来查找造成数据比对差异的原因并提出相应解决措施。在仪器日常维护上设立不同周期保养计划、共享设备维护经验,结合实践制定了合适的检修流程图。  相似文献   
This article assesses the air pollution data from two monitoring stations in Kuwait. The measurements cover major pollutants, i.e., CO, CO2, methanated and non-methanated hydrocarbons, NO x , SO2, O3, and particulate matter (PM10). The data also includes meteorological parameters, i.e., solar intensity, temperature, wind speed, and wind direction, and has been collected over a period 4 years, from 2001 to 2004. Data analysis includes the assessment of annual hourly averages and 1-h maxima. Typical pollutant concentration trends, similar to those previously reported for Kuwait and for other locations around the world, are observed except for particulate matter measurements, which have higher values because of proximity to the desert. Emissions of nitrogen oxides show a consistent increase over the years. This is caused by the increase in the number of motor vehicles and the expansion in power generation and industrial activities. The data collected is a subset of the air quality criteria, as defined by the US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency).  相似文献   
道路交通事故再现不仅是交通事故责任鉴定和原因分析的重要方法,也是交通事故防治的重要内容。在详细介绍国内外事故再现计算机仿真技术的基础上,分析目前事故再现系统开发中事故现场数据采集技术、碰撞前后速度估算的技术、碰撞过程进行模拟的虚拟现实技术的研究现状与存在的问题,提出进一步优化的方向,进而达到完善交通事故模拟再现的目的。最后指出我国交通事故再现技术进一步研究的内容和发展趋势。  相似文献   
通过对国内外发电设备可靠性研究的分析,提出了我国发电设备可靠性研究大体经历了可靠性指标统计分析、传统可靠性模型分析以及电力市场下可靠性分析3个阶段。在比较各阶段研究特点的基础上,指出了建立发电设备可靠性成本与可靠性效益之间的平衡,设定反映二者关系的新的可靠性指标是电力市场下发电设备可靠性研究的新特点。笔者认为,所提出了数据挖掘技术,是发电设备可靠性管理实现实时化、智能化与预测化的一种有效方法。  相似文献   
重大危险源动态监管与应急救援平台建设研究   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4  
由于缺乏相关的国家及行业标准规范,各地重大危险源监管与应急救援平台建设中主要存在如下问题:其一,只重视硬件建设,而忽视软件和信息建设;其二,重大危险源安全监管数据采集标准不统一,采用的相关软件和硬件技术不规范,难以在各级平台间实现数据共享。笔者参照重大危险源4级监管与应急救援体系,将国家科技攻关课题的相关研究成果同安全生产工作的实际需要有机地结合,提出重大危险源动态监管和事故应急救援平台建设方案。分析我国重大危险源监管及应急救援系统的建设现状及存在的主要问题;提出平台的设计原则、实现数据共享的主要思路;设计软件系统总体规划及各部分的功能。  相似文献   
数字隐写技术及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者通过强调数字隐写算法和隐写分析算法间的矛盾统一,介绍数字隐写算法的发展历程和趋势以及国内外的研究现状。重点介绍具有代表性的空域LSB隐写算法和频域JPEG图像隐写算法。通过基本算法、对基本算法的分析方法、基本算法改进措施的顺序,介绍算法的发展历程,分析算法的性能。对当前实验研究的进展和数字隐写技术存在的问题进行说明,并提出一些建设性意见,对隐写技术的发展前景和方向进行展望,指出数字隐写技术会成为密码术的重要补充,在信息安全传输方面发挥巨大的作用。  相似文献   
从高速公路交通事故紧急处置和应急救援的角度出发,在对高速公路交通事故过程、影响因素、紧急处置与救援特点及其信息需求分析的基础上,指出高速公路现有的有线监控系统、CDMA,GPRS系统均无法满足高速公路交通事故紧急处置和应急救援中对视频实时传输的需要。给出了笔者研发的适用于高速公路应急救援现场的基于WLAN的无线视频实时传输系统的基本原理与功能。  相似文献   
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