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Transformation of mercury speciation through the SCR system in power plants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Coal-fired utility boilers are now identified as the largest source of mercury in the United States. There is speculation that the installation of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system for reduction of NOx can also prompt the oxidation and removal of mercury. In this paper, tests at six full-scale power plants with similar type of the SCR systems are conducted to investigate the effect of the SCR on the transformation of mercury speciation. The results show that the SCR system can achieve more than 70%-80% oxidation of elemental mercury and enhance the mercury removal ability in these units. The oxidation of elemental mercury in the SCR system strongly depends on the coal properties and the operation conditions of the SCR systems. The content of chloride in the coal is the key factor for the oxidization process and the maximum oxidation of elemental mercury is found when chloride content changes from 400 to 600 ppm. The sulfur content is no significant impact on oxidation of elemental mercury.  相似文献   
东洞庭湖湿地景观变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,对东洞庭湖1989和2001年两个时段的TM(ETM)卫星影像进行了遥感解译。应用景观生态学的理论和方法,对不同景观类型的斑块和面积大小、形状特征进行分析,计算了湿地景观多样性、优势度、均匀度、破碎度及斑块分形维数。定量分析和〖HJ〗研究了1989~2001年东洞庭湖湿地景观的动态变化,结果表明,由于泥沙淤积,东洞庭湖湿地的面积正在日益缩小,湿地景观多样性和均匀度下降,景观优势度和破碎化程度增加,说明东洞庭湖部分湿地景观逐渐从以小斑块、多种景观类型共同控制的景观格局向大斑块、类型较单一的景观格局演变。  相似文献   
以生长在沈阳市区内的5年生华山松幼树为实验材料,采用开顶箱法,研究高浓度CO2和高浓度O3下华山松生长变化、光合速率的日变化动态以及日光合总量季节变化,进而了解大气CO2浓度升高、O3浓度升高及其复合作用对华山松光合作用及生长的影响.结果表明,①高浓度O3处理后,华山松20~90 d针叶鲜重、干重增长量以及90 d针叶叶长较对照分别降低45.8%、38.9%和15.3%.主侧枝生长与对照相比无显著差异.高浓度O3降低了华山松日光合总量,处理30 d后,针叶净光合速率均显著低于对照,光合速率日变化曲线表现为双峰型,光合"午休"程度强于对照.②高浓度CO2处理后,华山松针叶鲜重、干重20~90 d增长量分别高于对照41.7%和22.2%,而针叶叶长以及主侧枝长未受显著影响.华山松日光合总量高于对照处理,处理30 d、60 d时,净光合速率普遍高于对照.CO2处理90 d时,日变化曲线由双峰变为单峰曲线,极大缓解了光合"午休"现象.③高浓度O3和CO2复合处理后,针叶干重、鲜重增量均低于对照,表明了复合处理后O3伤害的发生,但针叶干重高于O3单因子处理,这表明高浓度CO2可以一定程度上缓解高浓度O3对华山松针叶生长的抑制作用.针叶叶长,主侧枝生长未见明显效应.复合处理后,针叶净光合速率普遍低于对照,华山松日光合总量低于对照而高于O3单独处理,说明高浓度CO2可以通过减缓O3对植物光合的抑制而减少O3伤害.光合速率日变化曲线表现为双峰型.  相似文献   
通过对网湖沉积岩芯中正构烷烃含量和组成特征的分析,探讨了网湖近百年来的湖泊环境变化.结果表明,网湖沉积岩芯中正构烷烃的碳数范围在n-C14~n-C33之间,其中以高碳数组分为主,并具有明显的奇偶优势,反映了沉积物有机质以大型水生植物和陆生植物贡献为主,较低的2n-C31/(n-C27+n-C29)比值指示陆源输入中以木本植物输入为主.根据正构烷烃参数指示的沉积物有机质来源变化特征,近百年来网湖水体环境变化具有如下3个阶段:20世纪50年代以前,网湖与长江水体交换频繁,湖泊水体处于低营养环境状态,沉积物正构烷烃高/低分子量正构烷烃比值(H/L)和陆/水生类脂物比值(TAR)较高,沉积物有机质主要来源于陆生植物和大型水生植物,湖泊浮游藻类贡献少;20世纪50~80年代,H/L和TAR值明显下降,中、短链正构烷烃的比例略有升高,表明陆源植被对沉积物有机质的贡献降低,水生植物和浮游藻类贡献的有机质增加,但较低的2n-C17/(n-C23+n-C25)值表明浮游藻类有机质较低,此时湖泊水体较为稳定,湖泊受长江水位影响减小,湖泊营养水平有所升高;1980s以来,总体上湖泊受流域人类活动影响明显,湖泊水体营养水平升高,沉积物正构烷烃表现为H/L和TAR值升高后下降,正构烷烃总量和2n-C17/(n-C23+n-C25)比值显著升高,2000年后尤其明显,表明湖泊沉积物有机质输入增加,其中湖泊浮游藻类贡献明显增加.  相似文献   
水质的定量评估有利于地方政府制定和实施水污染防治政策.为研究近期淮河流域行政区划尺度上水质的时空变化特征及其受土地利用类型的影响,以淮河流域(河南段)为研究区,根据2009-2017年31个水质站点的水质周测浓度,结合土地利用遥感监测数据,利用季节性Mann-Kendall趋势检验法及Spearman相关分析法,对ρ(CODCr)、ρ(NH4+-N)和ρ(TP)的时空变化特征及其与土地利用类型的相关性进行分析.结果表明:①在时间上,ρ(CODCr)、ρ(NH4+-N)和ρ(TP)在大部分地区呈下降趋势,但各水质指标依然较高,ρ(CODCr)和ρ(TP)在丰水期略高于枯水期,ρ(NH4+-N)在枯水期高于丰水期.②在空间上,水污染比较严重的有沱河、浍河、惠济河、涡河、贾鲁河、清潩河、颍河中游、黑茨河、汾泉河和洪汝河,大部分站点为GB 3838-2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类或Ⅴ类水质,部分站点甚至属于GB 3838-2002劣Ⅴ类水质;而颍河上游、北汝河、沙河、淮河干流及史灌河的水质较好,基本属于GB 3838-2002Ⅰ类或Ⅱ类水质.③土地利用类型与水质之间的相关性表现为ρ(CODCr)、ρ(NH4+-N)、ρ(TP)与旱地和城镇面积占比均呈正相关,与林地、草地和荒地面积占比均呈负相关,与水域面积占比也呈负相关但不显著.研究显示,淮河流域(河南段)水质有所改善,但部分地区水污染问题仍然比较严重,旱地与城镇用地是造成研究区水污染的主要原因,林地、草地、荒地和水域能够缓解水污染.   相似文献   
Lysosomal responses (enlargement and membrane destabilisation) in mussel digestive cells are well-known environmental stress biomarkers in pollution effects monitoring in marine ecosystems. Presently, in laboratory and field studies, both responses were measured separately (in terms of lysosomal volume density - Vv - and labilisation period -LP) and combined (lysosomal response index - LRI) in order to contribute to their understanding and to develop an index useful for decisions makers. LRI integrates Vv and LP, which are not necessarily dependent lysosomal responses. It is unbiased and more sensitive than Vv and LP alone and diminishes background due to confounding factors. LRI provides a simple numerical index (consensus reference = 0; critical threshold = 1) directly related to the pollution impact degree. Moreover, LRI can be represented in a way that allows the interpretation of lysosomal responses, which is useful for environmental scientists.  相似文献   
Hong Kong's tourism is overwhelmingly urban-focused. There is a heavy concentration of tourist and ancillary facilities in a small core urban area. A well-defined tourist business district has evolved with imprints on urban morphology. Hotels and the travel industry have limited direct environmental impacts; recent efforts have reduced energy and water consumption and waste generation. Changing preferences and market diversification call for countryside and resort types of tourism. The mainly young visitors are increasingly interested in the scenic countryside with a well-established country-park system, the tourist potential of which has been neglected. Hitherto rural excursions have been confined to 'honeypots' with little penetration away from main roads. The varied possibilities of nature tourism with ecotourism ingredients can be tapped as an adjunct to the city-based counterpart. New tourist nodes such as scattered resorts and a resort island can bring visitors close to nature. The changing patterns of consumption and the increase in rural visitorship demand measures to forestall environmental degradation.  相似文献   
To reduce excess sludge, a Tubificidae reactor was combined with an integrated oxidation ditch with vertical circle (IODVC), and a new integrated system was developed for wastewater treatment. A pilot-scale of this integrated system was tested to investigate the sludge reduction with Tubificidae and the impact on effluent quality and sludge production. The dominant worm was Branchnria Sowerbyi in the Tubificidae reactor after inoculation of Branchnria Sowerbyi and Limnodrilns sp., and the maximal volume density of wet Tubificidae in vessels of the Tubificidae reactor was 17600 g/m3. Two operational modes, treating the excess sludge (first mode) and the returned sludge (second mode) of IODVC by the Tubificidae reactor, were used in this experiment. The results showed that the excess sludge reduction rate was 46.4% in the first mode, and the average sludge yield of the integrated system was 6.19×10-5 kg SS/kg COD in the second mode. Though the sludge returned to IODVC via the Tubificidae reactor, it had little impact on the effluent quality and the sludge characteristics of the IODVC. No new type of recalcitrant substance in the supernatant was discharged into the environment when the sludge was treated by Tubificidae. The experimental results also indicated that no significant changes occurred on the viscosity, specific resistance, and the floc size distribution of the sludge.  相似文献   
以江苏省常州市长荡湖流域河湖系统为研究对象,基于野外监测与室内分析,探讨了水体氮、磷等营养盐的时空分布特征及其影响因素.结果表明,2016~2017年长荡湖流域河湖系统氮、磷污染突出,河流TN、NO3--N、NH4+-N、TP和Chla平均质量浓度和高锰酸盐指数分别为(3.70±0.76)mg ·L-1、(1.81±0.42)mg ·L-1、(1.03±0.61)mg ·L-1、(0.38±0.31)mg ·L-1、(25.74±37.00)μg ·L-1和(6.35±0.81)mg ·L-1.河流总氮污染季节差异明显,表现为冬、春季劣于夏、秋季,河流总磷污染表现为秋、冬季劣于春、夏季,空间差异表现为北 > 西北 > 南 > 东部,河流处于中~高度富营养化状态.湖区TN、NO3--N、NH4+-N、TP和Chla平均质量浓度和高锰酸盐指数分别为(2.25±0.94)mg ·L-1、(0.98±0.47)mg ·L-1、(0.19±0.14)mg ·L-1、(0.11±0.03)mg ·L-1、(18.71±8.76)μg ·L-1和(4.59±1.09)mg ·L-1,氮、磷质量浓度均超过Ⅲ类水标准,在空间上表现为从西部向东、南部降低的趋势,湖区处于轻~中度富营养状态.丹金溧漕河、通济河与薛埠河等河流是长荡湖流域河湖水系的主要污染物输送通道,丹金溧漕河干流输送氮、磷年通量最大,约为通济河和薛埠河年通量总和的10~12倍.长荡湖流域河流氮、磷污染同时受到农业面源污染物流失与城镇污水排放的影响.土地利用方式转变和大气沉降是导致长荡湖流域河湖系统氮、磷污染加剧的重要驱动因素.  相似文献   
马月  王国祥  曹勋  王小云  马杰 《环境科学》2015,36(7):2504-2510
通过室内实验模拟沉水植物季相交替过程,分析菹草腐解-金鱼藻生长耦合作用对水质变化影响,探讨菹草不同残体量腐解对金鱼藻生长的影响.结果表明,不同残体量条件下,金鱼藻均能将水体营养盐及有机质保持在相对较低水平,且实验第29 d后基本保持稳定,其中DTN0.514 mg·L-1,TN0.559 mg·L-1,TP0.080 mg·L-1,DTP0.014 mg·L-1,TOC13.94mg·L-1,Chl-a26.546 mg·L-1,菹草腐解-金鱼藻生长耦合作用对水质的改善效果明显,其中在20 g残体条件下处理效果较好,对水体TN、DTN、TP、TOC和Chl-a的去除率分别达到89.67%、52.51%、94.99%、55.59%和98.55%;不同残体量条件下金鱼藻的叶绿素、可溶性蛋白、丙二醛含量均比初始值增加,残体释放的营养盐促进了金鱼藻生长,在20 g残体条件下其对金鱼藻生长的促进作用最好.结果表明在水体含有20 g残体条件下,菹草腐解-金鱼藻生长耦合作用对水质的改善及植物生长的促进效果最显著.  相似文献   
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