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随着利用FRP加固混凝土结构研究的深入和应用的拓展,FRP加固钢筋混凝土梁抗剪性能的研究已取得了丰硕的成果。以往对抗剪承载力的分析大多是基于有效应变即对极限应变进行有效折减的方法,而最近的研究则引入了裂缝处FRP应变分布不均匀系数。在此基础上,本文综合考虑了FRP发挥的最大应变、沿裂缝应变分布的不均性以及斜裂缝倾角对有效应变的影响,提出了等效有效应变的概念,使计算趋于简单和清晰。本文收集了128根FRP全包裹的、以FRP断裂破坏为主的钢筋混凝土梁的抗剪实验数据,通过对主要影响因素的统计分析,建立了等效有效应变简单可靠的计算公式和基于FRP断裂的抗剪承载力设计方法。128根实验梁的抗剪计算结果表明,本文提出的方法简单可行,意义明确,且精度要比已有的建议公式稍高。  相似文献   
Consumers influence climate change through their consumption patterns and their support or dismissal of climate mitigation policy measures. Both climate-friendly actions and policy support comprise a broad range of options, which vary in manifold ways and, therefore, might be influenced by different factors. The aims of the study were, therefore, two-fold: first, we intended to find a meaningful way to classify different ways of addressing climate change. Second, we aimed to examine which determinants influence people's willingness to engage in these behaviors. We conducted a large-scale mail survey in Switzerland in which respondents rated, among other items, their willingness to act or support a range of possible actions and mitigations measures. A principal component analysis indicated that a distinction in terms of a behavior's directness as well as a differentiation according to perceived costs seem to be appropriate to classify climate-friendly actions. Multiple regression analyses showed that perceived costs and perceived climate benefit turned out to be the strongest predictors for willingness to act or to support climate policy measures. The strong influence of perceived climate benefit might reflect a strategy of reducing cognitive dissonance. As high-cost behaviors are more difficult to adopt, consumers may reduce dissonance by dismissing high-cost behaviors as not effective in terms of climate mitigation. Political affiliation proved to be another strong determinant of willingness to act or support. Participants on the right wing were less willing to show indirect climate-friendly behaviors, change their mobility behaviors, and to support any type of climate mitigation policy measures. Climate-friendly low-cost behaviors, however, were not influenced by political affiliation.  相似文献   
环境规制对区域技术创新影响的门槛效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实现环境规制和经济增长之间"双赢"的关键在于环境规制能否促进企业技术创新。本文在环境规制强度和企业技术创新之间构建了数理模型,并基于区域异质性假定检验了我国环境规制与技术创新的非线性关系并确定了环境规制的最优规制水平。研究表明:环境规制强度与技术创新是非线性的。在强度维度上,环境规制强度和企业技术创新之间符合"U"型关系,即随着环境规制强度的由弱变强,对企业技术创新产生先降低后提高的影响。环境规制的创新效应还取决于经济发展水平的变量。经济发展水平则存在双门槛,经济发展水平跨越的门槛值越高,环境规制对技术创新的促进作用越显著。本文政策涵义明显:政府切忌走入盲目提高环境规制强度的误区,应根据各区域现实特点,有针对性地制定差异化的环境规制强度和标准,并注重滚动修订,及时调整至最优水平。  相似文献   
污泥膨胀形成机理及控制措施研究现状和进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污泥膨胀现象在全球污水处理厂普遍存在,已成为制约活性污泥工艺发展的重大难题之一.本文总结了丝状细菌研究现状;重点阐述了当前引起污泥膨胀的主要机理;说明了基于这些机理的选择器控制理论;给出了主要的选择器类型.对当前关于污泥膨胀的研究进展和方向,分别从微生物和数学模型2个方面进行了讨论,最后,提出了一系列亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   
中国污染密集型产业地理分布研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
周沂  贺灿飞  刘颖 《自然资源学报》2015,30(7):1183-1196
随着资源环境约束加强,调整产业结构、优化产业空间布局已成为我国经济发展的战略选择。产业空间格局重置过程中,污染密集型产业的转移成为一个迫切需要研究的问题。论文利用2003-2008 年工业企业普查数据,采用Tobit 模型和Heckman 两阶段模型,探讨污染密集型产业地理分布的特征。论文发现,我国污染密集型产业正在进行空间结构调整,长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、京津冀地区污染密集产业不断转出,山东及中部地区开始成为污染密集型产业新的集聚地;造纸等较为轻型产业主要向中部内陆等地区转移,而化学原料及化学制品业等技术密集型产业则更主要在沿海地带重新分布。另外,要素禀赋、环境规制以及全球化对污染密集型产业分布影响显著。其中,技术以及劳动力成本是污染企业区位选择的重要影响因素;受全球化的影响,国际市场潜力对污染企业区位影响更为重要;环境规制与污染企业的成立具有倒U型关系;最后,企业的异质性对于污染企业地理分布也具有显著的影响。文章启示,在产业转移过程中,需要适当的政策引导以最小化对生态环境的破坏。  相似文献   
The relationship between land-use induced changes in production ecology and avifauna diversity was analysed using a GIS land cover dataset on a 0.25 km × 0.25 km grid covering Austria's national territory. Considering only aboveground processes, the “human appropriation of net primary production” (HANPP = potential NPP − NPPt), actual NPP (NPPact), harvest (NPPh) and NPPt (= NPPact − harvest) were recalculated based on existing datasets. Elevation as well as indicators of land cover heterogeneity and landscape heterogeneity were also considered. Correlation analyses were performed between these potential determinants of avifauna diversity and breeding bird species richness data as well as the percentage of endangered breeding birds included in the Austrian red list. Four spatial scales—0.25 km × 0.25 km, 1 km × 1 km, 4 km × 4 km and 16 × 16 km, were analysed. It was shown that breeding bird species richness was more strongly correlated with production ecological indicators and elevation than with heterogeneity indicators. A residual analysis in which the effect of elevation (a proxy for climate) on species richness and its potential determinants was removed confirmed the importance of the availability of trophic energy (NPP) for bird diversity patterns. The results support the species-energy hypothesis, thus confirming the notion that HANPP could be a useful pressure indicator for biodiversity loss.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The detection of change in a hydrologic varaible, particularly water quality, is a current problem. A method is presented for testing whether there has been a shift in the mean of a hydrologic variable based on the well established bivariate normal distribution theory. In this technique, the dependent, or target, and the independent, or control, variables are formed as weighted linear combinations of the mean values at a number of locations in a selected target and control area. The weighting factors are determined based on a mathematical programming technique which minimizes the conditional coefficient of variation thereby minimizing the number of observations required to detect a change of a preselected magnitude in the mean of the target area. The result is a situation where a savings in the number of observations required to detect a change is a consequence of adding more stations: the space-time tradeoff. Two applications of the technique are presented, the first using electrical conductivity (EC) data from two sets of river basins and the second using EC data from a set of basins as the target variable and annual discharge as the control. The results indicate that a significant savings in time can be achieved by using this method.  相似文献   
Although many avian eggs appear to be cryptically colored, many species also lay vibrant blue green eggs. This seemingly conspicuous coloration has puzzled biologists since Wallace, as natural selection should favor reduced egg visibility to minimize predation pressure. The sexual signaling hypothesis posits that blue green egg coloration serves as a signal of female quality and that males exert post-mating sexual selection on this trait by investing more in the nests of females laying more intensely blue green eggs. This hypothesis has received mixed support to date, and most previous studies have been conducted in cavity-nesting species where male evaluation of his partner’s egg coloration, relative to that of other females, may be somewhat limited. In this study, we test the sexual signaling hypothesis in colonially nesting ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) where males have ample opportunity to assess their mate’s egg coloration relative to that of other females. We used correlational data and an experimental manipulation to test four assumptions and predictions of the sexual signaling hypothesis: (1) blue green pigmentation should be limiting to females; (2) extent of blue green egg coloration should relate to female quality; (3) extent of blue green egg coloration should relate to offspring quality; and (4) males should provide more care to clutches with higher blue green chroma. Our data provide little support for these predictions of the sexual signaling hypothesis in ring-billed gulls. In light of this and other empirical data, we encourage future studies to consider additional hypotheses for the evolution of blue green egg coloration.  相似文献   
Unlike the European Union emission trade system (EU ETS), China’s pilot ETSs implemented diversified policy designs instead of using a uniform framework. Variance ratio test is used to evaluate the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in China’s carbon trading markets. The results of two versions of variance ratio tests indicate that the carbon trading market in Hubei is considered weak form efficient, and the socialist market economy does not necessarily lead to market inefficiency in carbon trading markets. Thin trading activities generate market frictions and bias the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) tests.  相似文献   
Food-hoarding animals are expected to preferentially cache items with lower perishability and/or higher consumption time. We observed arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) foraging in a greater snow goose (Anser caerulescens atlanticus) colony where the main prey of foxes consisted of goose eggs, goslings, and lemmings (Lemmus and Dicrostonyx spp.). We recorded the number of prey consumed and cached and the time that foxes invested in these activities. Foxes took more time to consume a goose egg than a lemming or gosling but cached a greater proportion of eggs than the other prey type. This may be caused by the eggshell, which presumably decreases the perishability and/or pilfering risk of cached eggs, but also increases egg consumption time. Arctic foxes usually recached goose eggs but rarely recached goslings or lemmings. We tested whether the rapid-sequestering hypothesis could explain this recaching behavior. According to this hypothesis, arctic foxes may adopt a two-stage strategy allowing both to maximize egg acquisition rate in an undefended nest and subsequently secure eggs in potentially safer sites. Foxes spent more time carrying an egg and traveled greater distances when establishing a secondary than a primary cache. To gain further information on the location and subsequent fate of cached eggs, we used dummy eggs containing radio transmitters. Lifespan of primary caches increased with distance from the goose nest. Secondary caches were generally located farther from the nest and had a longer lifespan than primary caches. Behavioral observations and the radio-tagged egg technique both gave results supporting the rapid-sequestering hypothesis.  相似文献   
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