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Groundwater upwelling is important to coldwater fisheries survival. This study used stable isotopes to identify upwelling zones within a watershed, then combined isotope analyses with reach‐scale monitoring to measure surface water–groundwater exchange over time. Research focused on Amity Creek, Minnesota, a basin that exemplifies conditions limiting coldwater species survival along Lake Superior's North Shore where shallow bedrock limits groundwater capacity, lowering baseflows and increasing temperatures. Groundwater‐fed reaches were identified through synoptic isotope sampling, with results highlighting the importance of isolated shallow surficial aquifers (glacially derived sands and gravels) for providing cold baseflow waters. In an alluvial reach, monitoring well results show groundwater was stored in two reservoirs: one that reacts quickly to changes in stream levels, and one that remained isotopically isolated under most flow conditions, but which helps sustain summer baseflows for weeks to months. A 500‐year flood demonstrated the capacity of high‐flow events to alter surface water–groundwater connectivity. The previously isolated reservoir was exchanged or mixed during the flood pulse, while incision lowered the water table for years. The results here provide insight for streams that lack substantial groundwater inputs yet maintain coldwater species at risk in a warming climate and an approach for managers seeking to protect cold baseflow sources.  相似文献   
流域氮污染的稳定同位素表征和溯源对于保障流域污染防控和用水安全具有重要意义,本文通过对感潮河段夏、秋季涨落潮主要断面硝态氮(NO3-)及稳定同位素(δ15N-NO3-、δ18O-NO3-、δD-H2O和δ18O-H2O)组成特征测定及沿线小流域的氮污染入河量测算,探讨了陆域氮排放和水体交换对感潮河段稳定同位素的影响.研究表明:(1)落潮、涨潮期NO3-均为“秋季>夏季”,δ15N-NO3-夏、秋两季组成特征基本相近.落潮期δ18O-NO3-为“夏季>秋季”,涨潮期则相反.同季节的NO3-及其同位素总体呈“涨潮期>落...  相似文献   
古堆泉为山西省著名岩溶大泉之一,是唯一的中低温温泉,具有悠久的开发观赏历史,凝聚着丰厚的人文积淀.以古堆泉域岩溶地下水为研究对象,通过系统地样品采集与同位素分析,综合运用水化学(Durov图、离子比例、Gibbs图和氢氧同位素)同位素方法分析地下水水化学特征和地下水系统径流特征.古堆泉域岩溶地下水的87 Sr/86 Sr值在0.709~0.717之间,Mg/(Mg+Ca)值在0.27~0.74之间.通过分析Sr同位素组成和Mg/(Mg+Ca)、1/Sr变化特征,得出古堆泉域岩溶地下水为深部热水与浅部冷水的混合水,中条山南梁泉岩溶水子系统呈现碳酸盐岩地层径流特征,佛岭山-高显海头泉岩溶水子系统和侯马盆地深循环子系统呈现碳酸盐岩地层与火成岩地层径流特征,塔儿山-九原山古堆泉岩溶水子系统呈现碳酸盐岩地层与古老硅铝质岩地层径流特征.通过2014年样品与2021年相同位置取样点的氢氧同位素比对分析,得出古堆泉口水样变化原因是其受三泉水库补给随时间的积累的结果,三泉水库的变化原因是受引黄水的影响.研究区岩溶地下水水化学类型可分为SO4-Na、SO4-Ca、HCO3-Na、HCO3-Mg、HCO3-Ca和Cl-Na型.岩溶地下水水化学类型从HCO3-Ca·Mg→HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg→SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca→SO4·Cl-Na·Ca呈现明显的水化学成分分带.  相似文献   
张鑫  张妍  毕直磊  山泽萱  任丽江  李琦 《环境科学》2020,41(4):1594-1606
地表水硝酸盐污染已经受到世界研究者的广泛关注,中国地表水系统硝酸盐污染情况也不容乐观.为了解中国地表水硝酸盐分布、来源和转化机制,本研究系统收集了全国7大地区的71条主要河流硝酸盐数据,分析了地表水硝酸盐的分布及污染情况,并且通过硝酸盐氮氧同位素特征值揭示了不同地区、不同流域水体硝酸盐的主要来源.结果表明,我国7.83%河流硝酸盐质量浓度超过了标准限值(45 mg·L-1).牡丹江、海河和长江入海口的硝酸盐质量浓度超过90 mg·L-1,呈现重度污染现象.中国地表水δ15N-NO3和δ18O-NO3特征值范围分别为-23.5‰~26.99‰和-12.7‰~83.5‰.研究表明:东北、华中、华东地区地表水硝酸盐主要来源为生活污水,西北和华北地区地表水硝酸盐主要来源为生活污水、无机化肥和土壤有机质硝化,西南和华南地区地表水硝酸盐主要来源为无机化肥和生活污水.通过相关性分析得到中国地表水硝酸盐质量浓度与常住人口、废水排放量、农用氮肥施用折纯量和人均GDP呈正相关...  相似文献   
Feeding the growing population of the world poses significant policy challenges for the sustainability of global ecosystems. A prime example is the degradation of water quality due to the growing imbalance in the terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycle linked to increasing production of reactive N (Nr). Environmental impacts such as groundwater quality degradation and eutrophication of coastal estuaries tend to be local in nature but may be closely connected to global economic factors. Environmental accounting of the N fluxes entering, leaving or remaining in Prince Edward Island (PEI), a small agricultural region, demonstrate the importance of a single industry (potato production) in controlling the local N cycle. The resulting burden of Nr has its most profound effect on groundwater, the sole source of drinking water and the primary pathway of N to the Province's economically and ecologically important estuaries. At the same time, agriculture is a vital part of the local economy, and regulators are faced with the challenge of meeting environmental goals and still maintaining an industry that is competitive and responsive to global market trends. New, innovative policy alternatives are needed to foster more effective implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. An approach that focuses on influencing consumer choices toward more environmentally responsible production practices at the point of origin may help remove some of the important, non-technical barriers to sustainable food production practices. In practice, a system that documents the environmental performance throughout the full supply chain from producer to retailer would have to be implemented.  相似文献   
大气汞沉降是汞从排放源进入地表系统最主要的迁移途径,利用汞同位素追踪汞在大气中的迁移转化规律及潜在来源对研究汞的生物地球化学循环具有重要意义.本研究于2012—2013年对厦门市小坪、坂头、鼓浪屿和洪文站点降水中总汞(THg)浓度和汞同位素的变化特征进行了研究.结果表明,厦门降水中THg浓度为1.0~59.4 ng·L~(-1),大气THg湿沉降量为13.1μg·m~(-2)·a~(-1).厦门冷、暖季降水中THg浓度相当,但由于暖季丰沛的降水量,导致暖季THg的湿沉降量约为冷季的2.5倍.降水样品中均表现出负的偶数汞同位素质量分馏(δ~(202)Hg,-2.2‰~-1.5‰)、正的奇数汞同位素非质量分馏(Δ~(199)Hg,0.08‰~0.22‰),以及轻微偏正的偶数汞同位素非质量分馏(Δ~(200)Hg,0.01‰~0.07‰).厦门降水中奇数汞同位素非质量分馏是大气汞液相光致还原反应的结果.偶数汞同位素非质量分馏不明显与其处于较低的纬度有关.厦门降水中δ~(202)Hg接近于厦门当地及贵州燃煤烟气中的δ~(202)Hg值,表明厦门降水中汞可能受到本地或传输过来的燃煤排放的影响.  相似文献   
Information on changes in precipitation chemistry in the rapidly expanding Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA) of South Africa is scarce. To obtain a long-term record of N deposition we investigated changes in moss foliar N, C:N ratios and nitrogen isotope values that might reflect precipitation chemistry. Tissue from 9 species was obtained from herbarium specimens collected between 1875 and 2000 while field samples were collected in 2001/2002. There is a strong trend of increasing foliar N content in all mosses collected over the past century (1.32-1.69 %N). Differences exist between ectohydric mosses which have higher foliar N than the mixohydric group. C:N ratios declined while foliar δ15N values showed no distinct pattern. From relationships between moss tissue N and N deposition rates we estimated an increase of 6-13 kg N ha−1 a−1 since 1950. Enhanced N deposition rates of this magnitude could lead to biodiversity losses in native ecosystems.  相似文献   
刘佳驹  郭怀成 《中国环境科学》2021,41(11):5194-5200
为揭示流域内水汽循环过程变化规律、揭示河水稳定同位素与气象要素及海拔之间的关系,2018年先后采集雅鲁藏布江干流丰、平、枯,水期水样90个,对河水的氢氧同位素组成进行了分析.结果表明:利用δ18O与纬度和海拔定量关系模型研究了雅江流域降水氢氧同位素空间变化特征,发现降水中δ18O值变化呈现东西部(雅江上、下游)高中部(雅江中游)低的趋势;建立了雅江丰、平、枯水期河水氢氧同位素方程,研究发现δD与δ18O的线性方程斜率低于中国大气降水线,河水δD与δ18O有一定的季节性特征,其受大气降水的影响较大,且丰水期较平水期以及枯水期相比更为明显;雅江河水中δ18O空间特征表现为,从上游至下游整体表现出先降低再升高的变化趋势.南北空间上表现为河水δD-δ18O从南至北逐步增高的趋势.δD-δ18O值与海拔高度具有较弱的负相关关系;受地表蒸发分馏、降水云团迁移以及流域岩石风化的影响,雅江河水d值季节性、空间性变化明显.  相似文献   
区域大气降水稳定同位素组成是利用同位素技术研究区域水循环所必须的前提,对于深入了解水循环过程具有重要意义。本研究基于降水样品,分析了胶莱平原及周边地区降水氢氧稳定同位素特征,探讨了降水同位素的环境效应,并通过对比分析不同水汽输送路径站点的降水同位素季节变化趋势,揭示了胶莱平原大气降水水汽来源。结果显示:胶莱平原大气降水线LMWL为δ2H=6.38δ18O+0.72,胶莱平原大气降水δ18O存在较显著的温度效应和降水量效应,高程效应不显著。6—9月,胶莱平原降水水汽主要受控于东亚季风,水汽主要来自相邻太平洋海域蒸发水汽;10月—次年5月,胶莱平原降水水汽主要受控于西风,水汽来源于局地蒸发,受极地水汽影响较小。本研究结果将为胶莱平原地表水—地下水—海水之间的相互转化及水循环研究提供基础。  相似文献   
进行降水中稳定同位素比率时间变化的i AWBM模拟和比较,有助于评估模式在不同区域的适用性,改善对水循环过程中水稳定同位素变化规律的认识.本文利用i AWBM的模拟数据,分析了GNIP代表站降水中δ18O的时间变化特征、降水中δ18O与温度和降水量之间的关系、区域大气水线,并将模拟结果与实测结果进行了比较.结果表明,9个GNIP代表站的降水同位素在不同季节的变化特点均能被模拟出;各代表站模拟与实测的降水同位素长时间序列之间的相关系数达到显著的信度(p0.001),均方根误差在一个合理的估计范围;i AWBM很好地再现了出现在维也纳、雅库茨克和渥太华站的显著温度效应,出现在香港、波哥大、昆明、哈拉雷和拉罗汤加岛站的降水量效应,以及出现在曼谷站的温度效应和降水量效应共存的特点;模拟的不同气候条件下的区域大气水线与实际大气水线相近.说明i AWBM具有模拟不同气候区降水中稳定同位素时间变化的能力.  相似文献   
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