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Benzene is a representative member of volatile organic compounds and has been widely used as an industrial solvent. Groundwater contamination of benzene may pose risks to human health and ecosystems. Detection of benzene in the groundwater using chemical analysis is expensive and time consuming. In addition, biological responses to environmental exposures are uninformative using such analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to employ a microorganism, Euglena gracilis (E. gracilis) as a putative model to monitor the contamination of benzene in groundwater. To this end, we examined the wild type of E. gracilis Z and its mutant form, SMZ in their growth rate, morphology, chlorophyll content, formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA damage in response to benzene exposure. The results showed that benzene inhibited cell growth in a dose response manner up to 48 h of exposure. SMZ showed a greater sensitivity compared to Z in response to benzene exposure. The difference was more evident at lower concentrations of benzene (0.005–5 μM) where growth inhibition occurred in SMZ but not in Z cells. We found that benzene induced morphological changes, formation of lipofuscin, and decreased chlorophyll content in Z strain in a dose response manner. No significant differences were found between the two strains in ROS formation and DNA damage by benzene at concentrations affecting cell growth. Based on these results, we conclude that E. gracilis cells were sensitive to benzene-induced toxicities for certain endpoints such as cell growth rate, morphological change, depletion of chlorophyll. Therefore, it is a potentially suitable model for monitoring the contamination of benzene and its effects in the groundwater.  相似文献   
A pot trial was carried out to investigate the adverse effects of tetracycline (TC) on soil microbial communities, microbial activities, and the growth of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L). The results showed that the presence of TC significantly disturbed the structure of microbial communities and inhibited soil microbial activities in terms of urease, acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase (p < 0.05). Plant biomass was adversely influenced by TC, especially the roots with a reduction of 40% when compared with the control. Furthermore, TC decreased the assimilation of phosphorus by the plant although the concentration of phosphorus was increased by 20% due to decreased plant biomass. TC seemed to increase the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (by 20%) in soil. The findings implied that the agricultural use of animal manure or fishpond sediment containing considerable amounts of antibiotics may give rise to ecological risks.  相似文献   
Two field experiments were conducted at the Waimanalo research station on the island of O'ahu, Hawaii to study the effect of chicken (CM) and dairy (DM) manures on biomass and nutrient concentration in sweet corn roots and shoots. Sweet corn (super sweet 10, Zea Mays L. subsp. mays) was grown for two consecutive growing seasons under four rates of application (0, 168, 337, and 672 kg ha? 1 total N equivalent) and one time (OTA) or two time (TTA) applications of organic manure types and rates. There were significant effects of types, rates, and number of manure applications on dry biomass and macro- and micro-nutrient concentration in roots and shoots tissues. Results of root tissue indicated a significant accumulation of N and C under CM and DM treatments compared with the control treatment. Manure application rates significantly increased the accumulation of N and C in root tissue. Dry weight of roots and shoots and both macro- and micro-nutrient contents in the plant tissues significantly increased under TTA treatment compared with OTA treatment. There was a significant correlation (r2 = 0.46 to 0.81) between root biomass, macro-, and micro-nutrient contents during both growing seasons. The results of the study indicates that amending soils with CM at the highest application rate provided the best crop performance in terms of root and shoot biomass, crop N, C, and other macro- and micro-nutrients.  相似文献   
Mycorrhiza is the main spatial and temporal linkage between different constituents in a forest ecosystem. The functional compatibility and stress tolerance of ectomycorrhizal types is species specific, and therefore the information on the ectomycorrhizal community structure can add to the understanding of processes in forest ecosystems and can also be applied as tools for bioindication of pollution stress in forest soils. We have studied the effects of pollution (N and S) on trees and forest soils by: (1) quantification of ECM types diversity as in situ indicators in forest stands, (2) determination and quantification of pollution-sensitive or -insensitive ECM types as passive monitors, (3) root growth and development of ECM on nonmycorrhizal spruce seedlings, planted at the studied sites (active monitors), and (4) ECM infection (a bioassay based on mycorrhizal inoculum potential) of seedlings in an experimental set-up as ex situ testers. ECM species richness for Norway spruce trees (Picea abies) showed higher values in unpolluted sites than in polluted ones, while the differences were not significant for European beech trees (Fagus sylvatica). As pollution-sensitive or -insensitive ECM species in spruce forests, we suggest Hydnum rufescens (sensitive) and Paxillus involutus (unsensitive). Mycorrhizal potential in Norway spruce seedlings as a bioassay for soil N and S pollution was effective, and is suggested as an additional, standardized and widely comparable system in bioindication of soil pollution.  相似文献   
不同类型竹种光合特性的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
光合作用是植物生长和物质积累的基础,其光合特性是高光效竹种选育的重要生理指标。为了更好开发利用我国丰富的竹种资源,确定不同类型竹种的光合性能,掌握其合成有机同化物的能力是必须探索的一个重要问题。文章采用Li-6400光合测定仪,通过对不同地下茎类型的6个竹种光合参数和光响应的测定分析,进一步探讨不同类型竹种存在差异的生理基础,以期对不同类型竹种的选育和经营管理提供依据。试验结果表明:不同竹种净光合速率(Pn)差异显著,大木竹Bambusa wenchouensis(Wen)Q.H.Dai的净光合速率最高,Pn值平均达到8.379μmol·m-2·s-1,毛竹Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.pubescens和雷竹P.praecox cv.prevernalis次之,斑苦竹Arundinaria oleosa和苦竹Pleioblastus amarus最低,总体呈现丛生竹>散生竹>混生竹的趋势,1~2 a生竹净光合速率高于3~4 a生竹,但没有显著差异。气孔导度(Cond)、胞间C02浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)综合说明丛生竹的光合固碳能力最强,其中蒸腾速率与气孔导度与净光合速率关系最为紧密,是影响净光合速率的主导因子。光响应曲线表明当光强刚开始增强时,各竹种间差异较小,但随着光强的继续增加,不同竹种出现很大的差异,其中绿竹Dendrocalamus.oldhami(Munro)Keng的潜在光合能力最高,远高于其他竹种,同样表现为丛生竹>散生竹>混生竹,进一步说明丛生竹种较强的光合固碳能力,从而为今后不同类型竹种,尤其是优良丛生竹种的筛选和开发利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the toxic impact of copper on postlarvae (PL) of the penaeid shrimp Penaeus indicus. Tolerance, growth, oxygen consumption and metal accumulation were investigated in these PL on exposure to copper. Tolerance studies were conducted for 96 h to assess the tolerance limits of P. indicus PL exposed to different concentrations of copper using static renewal bioassay tests. Using the Probit method, the regression equation was calculated as Y=0.4899+2.3562 X, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9707. The 96 h LC50 was 0.8204 ppm. The effect of sublethal (one-fifth of 96 h LC50) copper on PL for short- and long-term exposures revealed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the rate of oxygen consumption, metabolic rate, mean length, wet and dry weight of the exposed PL over their respective controls which can be attributed to a gradual and time-dependent accumulation of the metal, as noticed in the exposed PL through accumulation studies. Overall, the data suggest that on chronic exposure even sublethal concentrations of copper can reduce the metabolic rate and growth in P. indicus PL. This is perhaps the first attempt to use the wild P. indicus PL as a bioindicator of copper toxicity.  相似文献   
The effects of Cd at environmental concentrations (0–32 µg/L) on the green alga Parachlorella kessleri were investigated. At about 3 µg Cd/L, toxic effects of Cd are becoming evident, much lower than reported previously. At 8 µg/L and higher, pronounced adverse effects on growth, cell morphology, size, and physiological state are seen. Therefore, levels lower than 2 µg Cd/L should be employed to produce Cd-carrying algae for feeding experiments with organisms on the next trophic level, e.g. mussels, to avoid reduced food uptake. These findings also suggest that aquatic ecosystem conditions can be indirectly influenced via the impairment of the nutritional value of algae since they are the basic organisms of aquatic food chains.  相似文献   
Microalgae require several essential metals for optimum growth, which at elevated concentrations may interfere with biochemical and physiological processes, one of them being copper (Cu). The aim of this study is to raise Cu-loaded Parachlorella kessleri as feed for mussels. In order to spike the algae with Cu without lowering their nutritional quality, it is important to know the highest Cu-concentration at which the main parameters remain unaffected, especially in respect to proteins and polysaccharides. The dependence of growth rate, biomass, chlorophyll-a and -b, pheophytin-a, protein, and polysaccharide contents on Cu concentrations are determined. The tests show that P. kessleri is largely unchanged in its nutritional value when exposed to Cu at levels of up to 6?µmol?L?1. Above 10?µmol?L?1, toxic effects become obvious, with chlorophyll contents and growth rate being the most sensitive indicators.  相似文献   
Treatments of the cyanobacteria Nostoc muscorum and Nostoc calcicola with the insecticide endosulfan (5, 10, and 20?µg?mL?1) inhibited growth, photosynthetic pigments, photosynthetic, and nitrogenase activities. The sensitivity of N. muscorum to endosulfan was higher than that of N. calcicola. The toxic effect of endosulfan was more pronounced on phycocyanin; however, a considerable reduction in chlorophyll a and carotenoids was also noticed. 14C-fixation appeared to be more sensitive to the insecticide than photosynthetic oxygen evolution. Endosulfan caused strong inhibition of photosystem (PS) II activity whereas PS I was least affected. The inhibition of PS II activity was partially restored by electron donors (DPC, NH2OH, and MnCl2) at low dose of endosulfan. Nitrogenase activity was significantly suppressed in both species by the endosulfan at high dose (20?µg?mL?1). On the basis of our comparative analysis, N. calcicola was found to be endosulfan resistant and can be used in paddy fields for better productivity under pesticide stress.  相似文献   
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