A micro-scale algal growth inhibition (μ-AGI) test using a common micro-plate based fluorometric detection was used to demonstrate the effects of humic substances (HSs) on the toxicity of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and its oxidative decomposition products 2,5-dibromo-1,4-benzoquinone (2,5-DBBQ), 2,5-dibromohydroquinone (2,5-DBHQ), 2,6-dibromobenzoquinone (2,6-DBBQ), and 2,6-dibromophenol (2,6-DBP) to Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. The EC50 values were: EC50(TBBPA) = 7 mg L?1, EC50(2,5-DBHQ) = 7 mg L?1, EC50(2,5-DBBQ) = 19 mg L?1, EC50(2,6-DBP) = 49 mg L?1, and EC50(2,6-DBBQ) = 13 mg L?1. The toxicity of the chemicals was slightly lower in the presence of HA. The toxicity of TBBPA decomposed by a biomimetic catalytic system consisting of iron (III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (p-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin (Fe(III)-TPPS) and KHSO5 was also evaluated using P. subcapitata and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 相似文献
This paper addresses two important issues for large Mediterranean city regions: the differential impact of compact urban ‘growth’ and low-density ‘sprawl’ on land cover changes (LCCs), and their final effect on changing land cover relationships (LCRs). The urban expansion of Rome (Italy) during the last 50 years and the related LCCs were investigated as a paradigmatic example of compact versus dispersed urban development. LCCs were assessed over 5 years (1960, 1974, 1990, 2000, 2006) by analysing diachronically the distribution of 12 land cover categories derived from digital land cover maps covering the entire Nuts-3 prefecture of Rome (5353 km2). LCRs were studied using multi-way data analysis. LCCs were found to have relative differences during ‘growth’ (1960–1990) and ‘sprawl’ (1990–2006) phases. Conversion to urban land uses concentrated in the 1960s and 1970s at the urban fringe, while expanding progressively far from the city in the 1990s and 2000s. During the ‘growth’ phase, the land cover classes with the highest probability of being converted to urban uses were arable lands, annual crops, vineyards and pastures. During the ‘sprawl’ phase, olive groves, orchards and forest surfaces also decreased due to the development of low-density built-up areas and infrastructure. Planning suggestions aimed at mitigating the alteration of the rural landscape through sprawl conditions are discussed. 相似文献
During the discharge of flashing liquids through leaks due to abrupt depressurization a transient thermodynamic non-equilibrium in the form of a boiling delay in the superheated liquid flow can occur. As a consequence the actual mass flow quality is smaller than calculated under the assumption of an immediate adjustment of the thermodynamic equilibrium between the phases. For the prediction of the leak mass flow for a given pressure difference the magnitude of this self-adjusting mass flow quality is needed.
Most of the models cited in the literature include only the equilibrium mass quality as limiting quantity and ignore further effects as that of the depressurization velocity or the mean nucleus distance. For the assessment of the maximum possible liquid superheat during flashing only the conduction heat transfer from a stagnant liquid to the bubble surface is used to describe the bubble growth.
The sub-model for the bubble growth due to expansion and mass transfer necessary for the global prediction of the transient thermodynamic non-equilibrium in flashing liquids was validated using bubble radii measured by Hooper et al. [Bubble growth and pressure relationship in the flashing of superheated water. Technical publication 6904, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Toronto, 1969] for the case of a sudden depressurization of initially saturated water. On this basis the calculated time-dependent temperature field, the actual mass quality, the mean liquid temperature and, in comparison to the corresponding values based on the assumption of immediate thermodynamic equilibrium, the maximum possible liquid superheat are predicted. 相似文献
In this study, an econometric model about population mobility and economic growth is used to show the unbalanced distribution of population mobility in different region was remarkably related to that of regional economic growth and the large number of movers had a significant influence on regional economic growth and developing disparity. On the basis of this study, we conclude that China's population mobility also had a significant influence on the structure and tendency of regional disparity, and the population mobility enlarged the regional disparity of the whole nation, the East, and the West since the reform, besides the Midst during 1978 to 1987. Furthermore, the population mobility accelerated the increase of regional disparity in the whole nation, the Midst, and the West, but at the same time, retarded that in the East in the period of 1996–2003. 相似文献