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利用2009—2019年川藏铁路沿线四川段地质灾害数据、国家气象中心逐小时降水量资料,统计了地质灾害与降水的关系,发现研究区89%的滑坡灾害和96.6%的泥石流均发生在汛期,且地质灾害高发路段位于青衣江暴雨区,与四川地区降水时空分布特征相吻合。分析雨型、降雨强度、前期降雨等因子对地质灾害的影响,发现快速激发,中速激发和慢速激发的地质灾害分别约占33.3%、25.9%、40.8%,表明降雨历时并不是影响地质灾害发生的最直接因子,前期降雨的作用不可忽视;结合环境因子对地质灾害进行了分区,基于降雨历时-雨强(I-D)预报模型建立了川藏铁路沿线四川段引发地质灾害的降水阈值分布。利用该降水阈值的分布特征,检验了2019年引发地质灾害的降水量,发现阈值雨量的判别方法较为科学,具有较强的参考价值。 相似文献
目前对于微生物诱导碳酸盐沉淀技术(MICP)土体加固技术的研究大多数集中在宏观力学性能上,对微观力学特性的研究较少。为了探究页岩土MICP结石体的微观力学特性,在不同峰值荷载下对页岩土MICP结石体进行纳米压痕测试,并基于能量法中弹性参数计算模型及塑性断裂力学理论计算页岩土MICP结石体中胶结体区域及土颗粒区域的硬度、弹性模量和断裂韧度。结合激光显微镜及X射线衍射试验,探讨测点处碳酸钙胶结体状态及矿物组分对页岩土MICP结石体各相材料微观力学特性的影响,建立页岩土MICP结石体弹性模量、硬度及断裂韧度三者之间的线性关系。结果表明,利用纳米压痕技术测试页岩土MICP结石体材料的弹性模量、硬度及断裂韧度具备可行性。由于MICP技术诱导生成的方解石晶体质地不均匀,导致页岩土MICP结石体中胶结体的弹性模量、硬度及断裂韧度存在较大离散性。矿物组分中石英矿物的存在能够强化页岩土颗粒的微观力学特性,使部分页岩土颗粒的力学参数提高。各区域的断裂韧度变化趋势与弹性模量、硬度相同,三者之间具有简单线性关系。纳米压痕技术打破了常规力学试验对试样尺寸的限制,为测定页岩土MICP结石体的细观力学参数提供借鉴。 相似文献
通过微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积可以将松散土颗粒胶结成整体从而达到加固目的。胶结液的注入轮数和每轮使用的胶结液体积会影响加固效果,但目前关于这方面的研究还不充分。以海相粉土为处理对象,通过室内试验来研究胶结液的注入轮数和体积对加固效果的影响。改变胶结液注入轮数的试验结果表明:随着注入轮数的增加,试样中沉积生成的碳酸钙逐渐增多,碳酸钙的分布比较均匀,加固后的无侧限抗压强度逐渐提高;但当胶结液的注入达到一定轮数后,强度的增长幅度逐渐减缓。改变每轮胶结液体积用量的试验结果表明:胶结液体积的增加会带来碳酸钙数量的增加和强度的提高,但当胶结液体积从1.5Vv(孔隙体积)增加至2Vv后,效果改善不明显。从钙离子用量与无侧限抗压强度的关系也表明,每轮注入的胶结液体积应选择1.5Vv。 相似文献
针对某稀土化工厂产生的碱性高氟废水氟超低排放的问题,研究了除氟技术方案及其条件优化,并提出了工艺方案和开展了工程设计。结果表明:氟化钙化学沉淀法更适合高氟废水的除氟,钙氟比的增加有助于化学沉淀除氟效果的提升,但是,过量的CaCl2投加[c(Ca)∶c(F)>0.7]会导致污泥产量的急剧增加;而混凝沉淀更适合低氟废水(<20 mg/L)的进一步深度除氟,c(Al)∶c(F)为13.5且初始pH为6时,出水氟浓度可以稳定在约0.37 mg/L。并基于此提出了高氟废水超低排放工艺方案,开展了工程设计,利用企业产生的高钙酸性废水预处理碱性高氟废水后,再使用化学沉淀-混凝沉淀耦合工艺,可以使得出水氟浓度稳定达到<1.5 mg/L的排放标准。 相似文献
研究基于郑州与福州两地区GNIP(1985—1992年)大气降水同位素资料,对其大气降水同位素的季节变化以及环境因子进行比较分析。结果表明,郑州地区较福州地区季节变化明显,且两地区与温度和降水量均呈现负相关关系;根据两地区大气降水线方程得出,福州地区大气降水线方程斜率和截距大于郑州地区;两地区的d-excess值夏季高,冬季低;福州地区受台风影响,两地区降水量差别较大导致降水量在决定两地区月加权平均d-excess值时,福州地区整体比郑州地区偏大;采用MeteoInfo软件,并利用由美国国家大气研究中心所提供的气象资料,对两地区气团轨迹进行后向模拟,比较分析得出:郑州地区在夏季大部分水汽来自南海,春季、秋季和冬季的水汽均来自北方大陆;福州地区在夏季的水汽全部水汽来自低纬度的海洋,而春季、秋季和冬季的水汽仅有少部份来自北方大陆。 相似文献
针对地形起伏和降水空间差异较大的农业区非点源污染问题,基于SWAT模型评估了阿什河流域在异质性降水和均匀降水两种情景下总氮、总磷关键源区空间变化规律,统计了两种情景下识别的关键源区面积变化,并分析其与降水特征参数的关系.结果表明,降水量一定时,两种情景下识别的总氮、总磷关键源区面积变化趋势大致相同,且总磷关键源区面积不易受降水空间异质性的影响,但总氮关键源区面积却明显受到其影响.对各年份总氮和总磷关键源区面积与降水特征参数的相关分析表明,总磷关键源区面积与当年降水量呈显著正相关,而总氮关键源区面积却与前一年降水量呈显著正相关.研究结果对进一步探讨降水这一重要驱动因子的不确定性对非点源污染关键源区的影响,以及农业非点源污染的治理具有重要意义. 相似文献
Muluken E. Muche Sumathy Sinnathamby Rajbir Parmar Christopher D. Knightes John M. Johnston Kurt Wolfe S. Thomas Purucker Michael J. Cyterski Deron Smith 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2020,56(3):486-506
Gridded precipitation datasets are becoming a convenient substitute for gauge measurements in hydrological modeling; however, these data have not been fully evaluated across a range of conditions. We compared four gridded datasets (Daily Surface Weather and Climatological Summaries [DAYMET], North American Land Data Assimilation System [NLDAS], Global Land Data Assimilation System [GLDAS], and Parameter‐elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model [PRISM]) as precipitation data sources and evaluated how they affected hydrologic model performance when compared with a gauged dataset, Global Historical Climatology Network‐Daily (GHCN‐D). Analyses were performed for the Delaware Watershed at Perry Lake in eastern Kansas. Precipitation indices for DAYMET and PRISM precipitation closely matched GHCN‐D, whereas NLDAS and GLDAS showed weaker correlations. We also used these precipitation data as input to the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model that confirmed similar trends in streamflow simulation. For stations with complete data, GHCN‐D based SWAT‐simulated streamflow variability better than gridded precipitation data. During low flow periods we found PRISM performed better, whereas both DAYMET and NLDAS performed better in high flow years. Our results demonstrate that combining gridded precipitation sources with gauge‐based measurements can improve hydrologic model performance, especially for extreme events. 相似文献
Precipitation amounts at daily or hourly scales are skewed to the right, and heavy rainfall is poorly modeled by a simple gamma distribution. An important yet challenging topic in hydrometeorology is to find a probability distribution that is able to model well low, moderate, and heavy rainfall. To address this issue, we present a semiparametric distribution suitable for modeling the entire range of rainfall amount. This model is based on a recent parametric statistical model called the class of extended generalized Pareto distributions (EGPDs). The EGPD family is in compliance with extreme value theory for both small and large values, while it keeps a smooth transition between these tails and bypasses the hurdle of selecting thresholds to define extremes. In particular, return levels beyond the largest observation can be inferred. To add flexibility to this EGPD class, we propose to model the transition function in a nonparametric fashion. A fast and efficient nonparametric scheme based on Bernstein polynomial approximations is investigated. We perform simulation studies to assess the performance of our approach. It is compared to two parametric models: a parametric EGPD and the classical generalized Pareto distribution (GPD), the latter being only fitted to excesses above a high threshold. We also apply our semiparametric version of EGPD to a large network of 180 precipitation time series over France. 相似文献
微塑料是一种存在于不同环境介质中的新兴污染物,主要来源于废弃塑料制品,其存在污染范围广、潜在环境污染大的问题.废塑料再生企业生产废水中微塑料浓度远高于其他类型废水,对其生产废水中的微塑料进行处理具有重要的环境意义.模拟废塑料再生过程的生产废水并进行微塑料去除的絮凝沉淀试验,研究絮凝剂投加量、pH、水力快速搅拌条件的单因素和正交试验对废水中微塑料去除率及其各因素作用的影响.结果表明:①当PAC (聚合氯化铝)投加量为10 mL,PAM (聚丙烯酰胺)投加量为7 mL,pH为9,水力快速搅拌条件为100 r/min下维持40 s再200 r/min下维持40 s时,微塑料的总去除率最高,达91%.②PAC投加量是影响微塑料去除效果的主要因素,其次是pH.③微塑料的去除率与其本身的密度有关,密度大的ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯)去除率最高,密度小的PE (polyethylene,聚乙烯)去除率最低.④不同粒径区间的微塑料去除率区别较大,粒径小(0.1~0.25 mm)的微塑料去除效果最好.研究显示,通过控制PAC和PAM的投加量、pH和水力搅拌速率等条件,能够有效将废水中的微塑料通过絮凝沉淀的方法去除,从而达到净化含微塑料生产废水的目的. 相似文献
Rainfall interception represents the amount of water trapped in natural cover that is not drained directly to the ground. Intercepted rainfall may evaporate after a rain event, making it one of the main drivers of water balance and hydrologic regionalization. This process can be affected by factors such as climate, altitude, vegetation type, and topography. Here is a simple method of calculating rainfall interception in temperate forests using in Santa Maria Yavesia, Oaxaca, and Mexico as an illustrative study area. We used two rain gauges to measure net precipitation (Np) under the canopy at each study site and one gauge outside the canopy to obtain gross precipitation (Gp). Throughfall (Th) was indirectly measured using hemispherical photographs. Rainfall interception was obtained through a combination Th and Gp and Np. The mean rainfall interception was 50.6% in the Abies forests, 23%–40% in the coniferous‐mixed forests, and 27.4% in the broad‐leaved forests. We classified rainfall events by intensity to determine the effect of canopy structure and precipitation and found that 75% of the events were weak events, 24% were moderate events, and 1% were strong events. In addition, we found that rainfall interception was lower when the intensity of precipitation was higher. Our method can be replicated in different ecosystems worldwide as a tool for assessing the influence of rainfall interception in terms of ecological services. 相似文献