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三峡水库消落区生态环境保护与调控对策研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
三峡水库建成后,由于水库调度引起库水位周期性的涨落,在库区两岸形成周期性变化的水陆交错区域即消落区。消落区是水、陆生态系统的交错地带,具有生态脆弱性、变化周期性和人类活动频繁性等特点。随着三峡工程逐步投入使用,人类活动对消落区的影响也逐渐增加,并且消落区自身存在生态脆弱性,如果不采取有效措施,它将影响三峡工程的正常运行和整个库区的可持续发展。因此,针对消落区的水、土环境变化特点,分析了消落区土壤与水环境的相互影响,提出了利用生物缓冲带、复合生态、坡地农业、流域生态学、人工湿地及生态河堤等技术来对消落区生态环境进行保护与调控的措施。  相似文献   
城市可持续发展的关键自然资本研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市是社会、经济与环境相互作用最为集中与深刻的区域,随着城市环境问题的日益严重,城市可持续发展成为共同关注的焦点。自然资本在可持续发展体系中起到关键的作用,因此,识别城市系统的关键自然资本是实现城市可持续发展的前提。通过分析城市绿色空间的生态服务功能,结果表明绿色空间是影响城市可持续发展的重要的自然资本。在此基础上,提出了通过保护与投资于绿色空间两种途径实现城市可持续发展的措施与建议。  相似文献   
为了使农用地级别划分和基准地价评估真正统一,以黄金坪水电站水库淹没区为例,将淹没区农用地划分为119个定级估价单元,在Arcmap/info,SPSS软件技术平台上,用回归分析法建立水库淹没区农用地定级因素与纯收益之间关系的综合模型,划分农用地级别,然后用收益还原法计算各级别基准地价。结果为:估算纯收益与实际纯收益间绝对误差为0.05元/m^2,相对误差为13.85%,相关系数达0.86;一级地价23元/m^2,二级地价19元/m^2,三级地价15元/m。,四级地价12元/m^2。表明:回归分析综合模型在淹没区农用地定级估价中取得了较理想的效果,使定级估价数据资料直接共享,省去了专家确定权重的难关,适合水库淹没区农用地市场不发育的现状。  相似文献   
Statistical analysis of the combined influence of lake surface area (S), water pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS) on the formation of zooplankton communities in lakes has been made on the basis of available data on the number of species (N sp ) of pelagic zooplankton in 256 lakes of the temperate zone of Europe, Asia, and North America. Graphic analysis and analysis of variance have shown that extremely high or extremely low values of pH and TDS inhibit lake zooplankton. If the value of one of these factors is extremely high, any increase in the other factor is favorable for the inhibited zooplankton, and this second factor determines the value of N sp .  相似文献   
万山汞矿区稻田土壤甲基汞的分布特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用等温气相色谱冷原子荧光技术(GC-CVAFS)对贵州万山汞矿区主要河流范围内稻田土壤甲基汞(MeHg)等含量进行了测定,并从区域层面对土壤甲基汞(MeHg)的分布特征及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:万山汞矿区稻田土壤MeHg和总汞(THg)含量范围分别为0.72~6.70ng/g和0.49~188.00μg/g,甲基化率范围为0.002%~0.470%;在水平空间分布上,6个检测区域的土壤MeHg含量均随着远离汞矿核心区而降低,但是不同区域之间的降低变化程度不尽相同。通过对稻田土壤SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、TS、TP、TN、有机质、pH等土壤性质与土壤MeHg以及甲基化率进行相关性分析发现,MeHg与THg、TS、TP、TN、有机质存在显著的正相关关系,与SiO2表现出显著性负相关,表明土壤甲基汞不但和总汞含量有关,还受到土壤其它理化因子,尤其是一些营养因子所控制。  相似文献   
选择采样期不同降雨天数的碱片,测定余边的硫酸盐化速率含量,其结果为:采样期全月无雨时,余边上的硫酸盐均未检出;半月以上至全月有雨时检出率为100%,检出量占样品量的2.70~15.95%。经扩散试验,查清了余边上的硫酸盐主要是有效面积上采集的样品的扩散,并提出了相应的修正方法。  相似文献   
Considerable variations may exist in CH4 emissions from the Three Gorges Reservoir.  相似文献   
我国北方稻区稻飞虱的成灾机制:一个假说   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
翟保平 《灾害学》1995,10(3):23-28
本文通过对大量文献资料的综合分析,从飞虱的飞行特性和北迁运载气流入手,以东亚大气低层环流为背景审视飞虱在有限时间内远迁北方致灾的成因机制,提出了以北上低空急流的时空变化与南方大发生虫源迁出期(区)相吻合、其前沿所至与北方迁入区相一致作为北方稻虱成灾的启动因子的假说.并提出了验证该假说的研究方法和技术路线,为揭示北方稻虱成灾的奥秘,完善灾变监测技术和预警系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Humans have severely impacted riparian ecosystems through water diversions, impoundments, and consumptive uses. Effective management of these important areas is becoming an increasingly high priority of land managers, particularly as municipal, industrial, and recreational demands for water increase. We examined radial tree growth of four riparian tree species (Pinus jeffreyi, Populus trichocarpa, Betula occidentalis, and Pinus monophylla) along Bishop Creek, California, and developed models relating basal area increment (BAI) and relative basal area increment (RBAI) to climatic and stream flow variables. Between years 1995–1999, univariate regression analysis with stream flow explained 29 to 61% of the variation in BAI and RBAI among all species except P. trichocarpa; growth by P. trichocarpa was not significantly related to stream flows over this period. Stepwise linear regression indicated that species responded differently to climatic variables, and models based on these variables explained between 33 to 86% of variation in BAI and RBAI during the decade of the 1990s. We examined branch growth of P. trichocarpa for sensitivity to differences in stream flow regimes and found that annual branch growth did not vary between a high- and low-flow site, but that annual branch growth was significantly higher in wet years with greater stream flows. Our results support the establishment of site-specific management goals by land managers that take into account all of the important tree species present in riparian ecosystems and their differential responses to altered hydrologic condition. Instream flow requirements for maintaining tree growth and vigor are only one of the species-specific responses that need to be evaluated, and these assessments should attempt to separate experimentally stream-flow (managed) controls from climatic (unmanaged) controls on growth.  相似文献   
Community-based coastal resource management has been widely applied within the Philippines. However, small-scale community-based reserves are often inefficient owing to management inadequacies arising because of a lack of local support or enforcement or poor design. Because there are many potential pitfalls during the establishment of even small community-based reserves, it is important for coastal managers, communities, and facilitating institutions to have access to a summary of the key factors for success. Reviewing relevant literature, we present a framework of lessons learned during the establishment of protected areas, mainly in the Philippines. The framework contains summary guidance on the importance of (1) an island location, (2) small community population size, (3) minimal effect of land-based development, (4) application of a bottom-up approach, (5) an external facilitating institution, (6) acquisition of title, (7) use of a scientific information database, (8) stakeholder involvement, (9) the establishment of legislation, (10) community empowerment, (11) alternative livelihood schemes, (12) surveillance, (13) tangible management results, (14) continued involvement of external groups after reserve establishment, and (15) small-scale project expansion.These framework components guided the establishment of a community-based protected area at Danjugan Island, Negros Occidental, Philippines. This case study showed that the framework was a useful guide that led to establishing and implementing a community-based marine reserve. Evaluation of the reserve using standard criteria developed for the Philippines shows that the Danjugan Island protected area can be considered successful and sustainable. At Danjugan Island, all of the lessons synthesized in the framework were important and should be considered elsewhere, even for relatively small projects. As shown in previous projects in the Philippines, local involvement and stewardship of the protected area appeared particularly important for its successful implementation. The involvement of external organizations also seemed to have a key role in the success of the Danjugan Island project by guiding local decision-makers in the sociobiological principles of establishing protected areas. However, the relative importance of each component of the framework will vary between coastal management initiatives both within the Philippines and across the wider Asian region.Published on line  相似文献   
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