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ABSTRACT: Air temperatures are sometimes used as substitutes for stream temperatures. To examine the errors associated with this procedure, linear relationships between stream temperatures, T, and air temperatures, Ta, recorded for 11 streams in the central U.S. (Mississippi River basin) were analyzed. Weather stations were an average 42 miles (range 0 to 144 miles) from the rivers. The general equations, Tw= 5.0 + 0.75 Ta and Tw= 2.9 + 0.86 Ta with temperatures in °C, were derived for daily and weekly water temperatures, respectively, for the 11 streams studied. The simulations had a standard deviation between measurements and predictions of 2.7°C (daily) and 2.1°C (weekly). Equations derived for each specific stream individually gave lower standard deviations, i.e., 2.1°C and 1.4°C, respectively. Small, shallow streams had smaller deviations than large, deep rivers. The measured water temperatures follow the air temperatures closely with some time lag. time lags ranged from hours to days, increasing with stream depth. Taking into account these time lags improved the daily temperature predictions slightly. Periods of ice cover were excluded from the analysis.  相似文献   
新建水库初期磷氮变化的动态模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
施为光  凌文州 《四川环境》1999,18(4):42-47,63
本文首先建立磷氮时空分布模型并确定模型参数的率定方法。文章模拟了新建清平水库建库初期磷氮变化情况,得出由不稳定到稳定的过程。水库磷氮时空变化的模拟结果表明,空间分布是从库尾到大坝浓度逐渐递砬,时间分布是一年中P,N浓度七月份最高,年初年末最低,其分布央线类似高斯分布。  相似文献   
In this paper, three sensitivity studies are designed to analyze the effect of the NMHC (Non-Methane HydroCarbon) composition, the aerosol back-scattering and the high chimney NOx emission to the photochemical prodution of ozone by using a one-dimensional photochemistry-diffusion model under a favourable meteorological condition. Measurements of the NMHC composition in Taipei indicated that the percentage of iso-butene, cis-2-butene, trans-2-butene and benzene in a unit volume was much higher than of those observed in other major cities. the high ratio of benzene was directly linked to its high percentage in gasoline. As to the unusually high amount of iso-butene, cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene, more researches are needed to identify their source. Concerns are raised as to how productive is NMHC composition is to the photochemical production of the surface ozone. A rough estimate shows that the total reactivity of the Taipei NMHC composition is about 1.21 × 10-9 cm3 s-1 which is 1.6 times that of the Los Angeles (LA) NMHC composition, while the simulated noon peak will be different by 28 ppbv, i.e. 18% more than that simulated with a LA composition.

Meanwhile, high aerosol loading is a serious problem in Taipei. the attenuation of the UV radiation by aerosols cannot be ignored. A numerical simulation shows that the noon ozone level will decrease from 178 to 141ppbv, i. e. about 21% reduction, with deterioration of the visual range from 85 to 5 km.

In the southern Taiwan, industry parks are mixed with the populated Kaohsiung city, hence the large emission of NOx from high chimneys cannot be ignored. in this study, NOx is assumed to be emitted in the layer between 235-460 m high with an emission rate of 0.05 or 0.145 ppbv/sec. the results show that the NOx emitted from the elevated stack lead to a considerable reduction of surface ozone. Such conclusion is obtained due to the fact that a one-dimensional model is used in this paper. Whereas, if a three-dimensional regional model was used, then a higher productivity of ozone downstream would be simulated.  相似文献   
A detailed simulation of the Goettinger Strasse pollutantdispersion problem is performed using the CFD code CFX-TASCflow for different wind directions. Two turbulencemodels, the k- and the RSM are adopted on three gridrefinement levels. Besides the typical reference gridimplemented by the TRAPOS group, two different gridresolutions are introduced. The first refinement is in thewhole street canyon region on the x-y level, while thesecond one is local in all three directions. Validation ofall involved computational schemes is performed based onrelative available experimental data. The computed velocityfields and concentration contours imply that the typicalreference grid is a suitable choice for the velocityfields, while local grid refinement in all three directionsin a small region containing the receptor is required toupgrade the pollutant concentration results with modestadditional computational effort. Finally the RSM modelresulted in smaller concentration levels. The k-model compared to the RSM seems a more appropriate choiceto solve this particular problem.  相似文献   
/ Marginal aquatic systems (wetlands) of the Po River (Italy) have become the target of a renewed interest because of their value for recreation, natural reserves, and deposits of sand. To preserve these sites, wise management must be the objective of local administrations. In this paper a strategy for the sustainable use of 11 wetlands is presented. It uses simple economic analysis and multiple criteria techniques and provides suggestions to promote sustainability in terms of conservation of natural resources, economic self-sufficiency, and minimization of potential conflicts about the use of the wetlands. In the understanding that sustainability is framed in a long-term perspective, stability analysis is also considered and performed by means of loop analysis, a qualitative technique. Conditions for stability are then discussed about management opportunities.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The Upper Colorado River Basin contains appreciable amounts of undeveloped fuel resources. Large quantities of oil shale, coal, and uranium have attracted recent economic and commercial interests. Development of these resources and subsequent conversion to alternative energy forms require an adequate supply of water. Water use for large scale energy development will place increasing demands on an already overstressed allocation of Colorado River water. Present water quality is at a concentration where increased salinity will result in economic detriments to holders of downstream water rights. The salt and water exchange in mining, processing, and spent fuel disposal processes has been incorporated as part of a two-level minimum cost linear programming algorithm. Mathematical simulation results provide an optimal use of Upper Colorado River water for levels of energy output such that salinity concentrations are maintained below predetermined levels.  相似文献   
: The modeling of dissolved oxygen in streams is a widely used technique, upon which a great deal of money has been spent. This paper concludes that the standard methods of DO modeling by computer are unnecessarily complex, and that for some purposes, they can be replaced without loss of accuracy by desk top BOD models. Taking as an example, a set of data used in DO modeling, it is shown (a) that the data are grossly inconsistent, (b) that simultaneous gathering of data introduces errors in streams of long travel time, (c) that much more data as to pollutant concentrations should have been obtained, and (d) that 24-hour DO data could have been dispensed with.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 has provided the Southwestern Illinois Metropolitan and Regional Planning Commission (SIMAPC) with a unique opportunity for comprehensive planning of the region's water quality. SIMAPC initiated the 208 study by researching available technology for the analysis of point and nonpoint sources of pollution and establishing criteria by which to judge the various technniques. This led to SIMAPC'S choice of continuous simulation of stream and reservoir water quality as the most appropriate analytical tool for their needs. A continuous simulation model was calibrated and verified on three basins in the SIMPAC region. It was then used to produce load source analysis, pollution event frequency analysis, and pollution event duration analysis for ten pollutants under existing stream conditions and then under alternative future conditions. These results enabled the weighting of pollutant sources, analysis of the effectiveness of control measures, and quantitative analysis of the marginal benefit of each alternative.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Soil moisture in two layers of a soil near Chickasha, Oklahoma, was simulated, using USDAHL-74 Model of Watershed Hydrology. Weekly values computed for both layers compared well with those observed during the 15-month period. Certain key parameters required adjustments in the model which illustrate the need for accurate input information. The experiment demonstrates that the model, which has previously given good results in continuous streamflow prediction on watersheds up to 100 square miles, can also compute soil moisture continuously at a site. This capability suggests other model uses, for example, in monitoring the disposition of applied chemicals.  相似文献   
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