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Flammable aerosols have created many fire and explosion hazards in the process industry, but the flammability of aerosols has not been fully understood. The minimum ignition energy has been widely used as an indicator for flammability of combustible mixtures, but the amount of experimental data on the minimum ignition energy of aerosols is very limited. In this work, the minimum ignition energy of tetralin aerosols is predicted using an integrated model. The model applies the flame front propagation theory in aerosol systems to the growth of the flame kernel, which was created during the spark discharge in the ignition process. The aerosol minimum ignition energy was defined as the minimum level of energy in the initial flame kernel to maintain the kernel temperature above the minimum ignition temperature of 1073 K specific for tetralin aerosols during the kernel growth. The minimum ignition energy obtained in the model is influenced by the fuel-air equivalence ratio and the size of the aerosol droplets. For tetralin aerosols of 40 μm diameter, Emin decreases significantly from 0.32 mJ to 4.3 × 10 e−3 mJ when the equivalence ratio rises from 0.57 to 1.0. For tetralin aerosols of 0.57 equivalence ratio, Emin increases from as 0.09 mJ to 0.32 mJ when the droplet diameter rises from 10 μm to 60 μm. The trends are in agreement with previous experimental observations. The method used in current work has the potential to prediction of the minimum ignition energy of aerosol.  相似文献   
针对近些年频繁发生的突发性大气污染事件,构建了数字化动态应急预案系统。该系统由基础信息数据库、气象环境模式与健康风险评估系统、数字化动态应急预案三部分组成,并利用地理信息系统将三者有机结合,将事故基本信息、事故发展预测及救援状况直观、动态地展现在系统界面,使应急行动得以及时、高效地展开。实地外场综合应急演习证明,该系统技术路线稳定畅通,运行高效,功能强大,具有较好的可行性和实效性。  相似文献   
为对天然气管道进行有效的风险评估,提出基于变权综合理论的天然气管道动态风险评价法。利用故障树分析法(FTA)确定天然气管道不同时间空间下的主要风险因素,实时更新风险指标体系;同时引入变权综合原理,建立权重跟随指标值动态变化的变权赋值模型;然后对天然气管道进行综合评定,确定管道当前状态的风险程度。以陕京3线中某管段为例进行分析,得出该管段当前风险等级为中等,在后期运行中应被重点监控。变权赋值与动态指标体系的结合使该方法能实时反映管道风险状况,并适用于天然气管线各段。  相似文献   
Geographic range size is often conceptualized as a fixed attribute of a species and treated as such for the purposes of quantification of extinction risk; species occupying smaller geographic ranges are assumed to have a higher risk of extinction, all else being equal. However many species are mobile, and their movements range from relatively predictable to‐and‐fro migrations to complex irregular movements shown by nomadic species. These movements can lead to substantial temporary expansion and contraction of geographic ranges, potentially to levels which may pose an extinction risk. By linking occurrence data with environmental conditions at the time of observations of nomadic species, we modeled the dynamic distributions of 43 arid‐zone nomadic bird species across the Australian continent for each month over 11 years and calculated minimum range size and extent of fluctuation in geographic range size from these models. There was enormous variability in predicted spatial distribution over time; 10 species varied in estimated geographic range size by more than an order of magnitude, and 2 species varied by >2 orders of magnitude. During times of poor environmental conditions, several species not currently classified as globally threatened contracted their ranges to very small areas, despite their normally large geographic range size. This finding raises questions about the adequacy of conventional assessments of extinction risk based on static geographic range size (e.g., IUCN Red Listing). Climate change is predicted to affect the pattern of resource fluctuations across much of the southern hemisphere, where nomadism is the dominant form of animal movement, so it is critical we begin to understand the consequences of this for accurate threat assessment of nomadic species. Our approach provides a tool for discovering spatial dynamics in highly mobile species and can be used to unlock valuable information for improved extinction risk assessment and conservation planning.  相似文献   
Currently, there are limited data on the levels of perfluoroalkyl substances other than perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid in the human body. Most of this information has been extracted from biological monitoring of plasma while the occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances in other human tissues is rarely studied. The objective of the present study was to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to assess the concentration of perfluoroalkyl substances in human tissues, based on an existing model previously validated for perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid. Experimental data on concentrations of perfluoroalkyl substances in human tissues from individuals in Tarragona County (Catalonia, Spain) were used to estimate the values of some distribution and elimination parameters needed for the simulation. No significant correlations were found between these parameters and the chain lengths. The model was finally validated for five perfluoroalkyl substances.  相似文献   
The contamination of groundwater in the aquifer of the La Llagosta basin (Besòs river basin) due to waste disposal in quarries formerly used for the extraction of dry raw materials has led to the cessation of groundwater extraction for public water supply. The mobilization of pollutants was largely caused by fluctuations in piezometric levels, which led to the washing of buried waste. The hydrogeochemical processes associated with uncontrolled waste disposal in these landfilled areas of the La Llagosta basin aquifer were studied along a flow path that crosses the contaminated area. The PHREEQC code was used to establish the reactions associated with the different mineral phases through inverse modeling. This transport code, ionic exchange phenomena, surface reactions and balance (mineral phase) reactions were used to simulate the dilution phenomenon associated with the pollution after the potential removal of the sources of contamination. One-dimensional advective–dispersive modeling indicates a substantial reduction in Ca, Mg, Na and SO42− within one year and stabilization within four years.  相似文献   
土壤CO2的释放能够显著增加大气牛CO2的浓度,增强温室效应,从而对全球气候和环境变化产生重要影响.但是,不同的土壤层对CO2通量的贡献量有很大的差异.文章通过挖坑法结合红外气体分析法研究了内蒙古草原典犁针茅(Stipa krylovii)群落和羊草(Leymus chinensis)群落不同剖面深度土壤CO2通量格局以及影响CO2通量的驱动因素.结果表明,表层土壤移走后,土壤CO2通量的变化可分为瞬时、短期、长期三种格局.新剖面上最初的0~21 min内释放的CO2通量最均大于初始土壤表层CO2通量,而且两者比值随土壤深度增加而增大,也随土壤CO2生产能力增强而增大.2~4 d后,新剖面CO2通量持续下降至低于初始土壤表层CO2通量的水平.形成短期稳定状态.更长时间后,新剖面则逐渐表现出与初始土壤剖面表层相近的CO2通量特征.我们认为,(1)在新剖面形成时的CO2通量瞬时和短期格局主要受土壤中存留的原始CO2的浓度及其扩散过程控制,(2)长期格局则由资源水平和环境条件共同决定的土壤CO2生产能力主导.文章进一步揭示了建立包含垂直分层的SOC分解和CO2扩散过程的生态系统模型的必要性.  相似文献   
比较了厌氧动态膜生物反应器(DMBR)与完全混合式反应器(CSTR)在处理餐厨垃圾(FW)和剩余污泥(WAS)时的发酵产气过程,验证了高负荷餐厨垃圾和剩余污泥混合发酵时DMBR系统运行的稳定性,考察了动态膜(DM)基材孔径(300目、200目和100目)对DMBR运行性能及其固液分离效果的影响.结果表明:一体式DMBR能够强化餐厨垃圾和剩余污泥混合发酵的高负荷稳定运行,DMBR过膜滤液中平均总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)为86.1 mg·L-1,低于CSTR排泥中TVFA的浓度(527.3 mg·L-1).当动态膜基材孔径为300目时,DMBR过膜滤液中总有机物(TCOD)为(1.6±1.1)g·L-1,相应的固液分离效果优于200目((3.2±1.9)g·L-1)和100目((32.0±1.3)g·L-1)动态膜基材,即当动态膜基材孔径为100目时,DMBR过膜滤液中TCOD比300目动态膜基材高6.7倍.与200目动态膜基材孔径相比,300目动态膜基材相应的跨膜压差增长缓慢,反洗频率和运行能耗均较低,而100目动态膜基材孔径过大,固液分离效果较低.因此,在高负荷餐厨垃圾和剩余污泥混合发酵系统中,选用300目动态膜基材形成的动态膜过滤效果最优.此外,本文还对比分析了有机废物和废水处理领域中较优的动态膜基材孔径及DMBR的应用情况,为拓展DMBR在有机物处理领域的应用提供依据.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation is a primary driver of wildlife loss, and establishment of biological corridors is a common strategy to mitigate this problem. A flagship example is the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (MBC), which aims to connect protected forest areas between Mexico and Panama to allow dispersal and gene flow of forest organisms. Because forests across Central America have continued to degrade, the functioning of the MBC has been questioned, but reliable estimates of species occurrence were unavailable. Large mammals are suitable indicators of forest functioning, so we assessed their conservation status across the Isthmus of Panama, the narrowest section of the MBC. We used large-scale camera-trap surveys and hierarchical multispecies occupancy models in a Bayesian framework to estimate the occupancy of 9 medium to large mammals and developed an occupancy-weighted connectivity metric to evaluate species-specific functional connectivity. White-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), jaguar (Panthera onca), giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and tapir (Tapirus bairdii) had low expected occupancy along the MBC in Panama. Puma (Puma concolor), red brocket deer (Mazama temama), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), and collared peccary (Pecari tajacu), which are more adaptable, had higher occupancy, even in areas with low forest cover near infrastructure. However, the majority of species were subject to ≥1 gap that was larger than their known dispersal distances, suggesting poor connectivity along the MBC in Panama. Based on our results, forests in Darien, Donoso–Santa Fe, and La Amistad International Park are critical for survival of large terrestrial mammals in Panama and 2 areas need restoration.  相似文献   
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