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城市河段污染控制灰色动态规划的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了含灰数的城市河段污染控制的灰色动态规划的理论与方法。通过分析城市河段污染控制系统的广义不确定性,将灰数表征这些不确定性,建立了描述城市河段水污染控制的灰色动态规划中广义不确定性的灰数运算、灰数大小的比较及灰动态规划的初步理论和求解方法,通过对淮河蚌埠河段有机污染控制实例研究,说明了水污染控制灰色动态规划问题研究意义和求解方法的实用性。  相似文献   
For modeling spatial processes, we propose a rich parametric class of stationary range anisotropic covariance structures that, when applied in R2, greatly increases the scope of variogram contors. Geometric anisotropy, which provides the most common generalization of isotropy within stationarity, is a special case. Our class is built from monotonic isotropic correlation functions and special cases include the Matérn and the general exponential functions. As a result, our range anisotropic correlation specification can be attached to a second order stationary spatial process model, unlike ad hoc approaches to range anisotropy in the literature. We adopt a Bayesian perspective to obtain full inference and demonstrate how to fit the resulting model using sampling-based methods. In the presence of measurement error/microscale effect, we can obtain both the usual predictive as well as the noiseless predictive distribution. We analyze a data set of scallop catches under the general exponential range anisotropic model, withholding ten sites to compare the accuracy and precision of the standard and noiseless predictive distributions.  相似文献   
Rough Set Rule Induction for Suitability Assessment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The data that characterize an environmental system are a fundamental part of an environmental decision-support system. However, obtaining complete and consistent data sets for regional studies can be difficult. Data sets are often available only for small study areas within the region, whereas the data themselves contain uncertainty because of system complexity, differences in methodology, or data collection errors. This paper presents rough-set rule induction as one way to deal with data uncertainty while creating predictive if–then rules that generalize data values to the entire region. The approach is illustrated by determining the crop suitability of 14 crops for the agricultural soils of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, USA. To implement this method, environmental and crop yield data were spatially related to individual soil units, forming the examples needed for the rule induction process. Next, four learning algorithms were defined by using different subsets of environmental attributes. ROSETTA, a software system for rough set analysis, was then used to generate rules using each algorithm. Cross-validation analysis showed that all crops had at least one algorithm with an accuracy rate greater than 68%. After selecting a preferred algorithm, the induced classifier was used to predict the crop suitability of each crop for the unclassified soils. The results suggest that rough set rule induction is a useful method for data generalization and suitability analysis.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an integrated optimal control model that optimizes economic performance of reservoir management in watersheds in which there are significant economic and hydrologic interdependencies. The model is solved using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). Results show that application of this model to New Mexico's Rio Chama basin can increase total system benefits over historical benefits by exploiting complementarities between hydroelectricity production, instream recreation, and downstream lake recreation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Numerical models were used to examine the limitations of the assumptions used in an analytical induced infiltration model. The assumptions tested included negligible streambed effects, negligible areal recharge, two-dimensional ground water flow, fully penetrating rivers and wells, and constant surface water stage. For situations that deviate from the underlying assumptions, the analytical model becomes a less reliable predictor of induced infiltration. The numerical experiments show that streambed effects cannot be neglected if the streambed conductivity is more than one order of magnitude lower than the aquifer hydraulic conductivity. Areal recharge cannot be neglected if the ground water basin receives more than 5 in/yr of areal recharge. Three-dimensional flow effects due to well partial penetration cannot be neglected if the ratio of horizontal hydraulic conductivity to vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kh/Ku) is greater than 10. Surface water elevation fluctuations can significantly influence the induced infiltration rate, depending on the degree of fluctuations and the ground water hydraulic gradient.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The application of hydrologic models to small watersheds of mild topography is not well documented. This study evaluates the applicability of hydrologic models described by Huggins and the Soil Conservation Service to small watersheds by comparing the simulated and actual hydrograph for both gaged and ungaged situations. The annual maximum rainfall events plus storms exceeding 2.5 inches from 25 years of rainfall and runoff data for two small watersheds were selected for the model evaluations. These storms had a variety of patterns and occurred on many different watershed conditions. Simulated and actual hydrographs were compared using a parameter which contained volume, peak, and shape factors. One-half of the selected storms were used to calibrate the models. For both models, there were no significant differences between the simulated and actual runoff volumes and peak runoff rates. Parameters obtained during the calibration process and relationships developed to estimate antecedent moisture and to modify tabulated runoff curve numbers were used to simulate the runoff hydrograph from the remaining storms. These remaining storms or test storms were simulated only once in order to imitate an ungaged situation. In general, both the Huggins and SCS model performed similarly on the test storms, but the level of model performance was lower than that for the calibration storms. For both models, the two-day antecedent rainfall was more important than the five-day in determining antecedent moisture and modifying tabulated curve numbers. The time of concentration which resulted in good hydrograph simulations was about three times larger than that estimated using published empirical relationships.  相似文献   
针对临水区域化工园区的生产特点及在整体安全方面存在的普遍问题,提出在临水区域化工园区内要进行合理布局,做到功能分区明确;同时需建立园区安全生产管理、监测预警及应急处置系统,主要是由固定危险源和移动危险源动态安全管理子系统、安全生产监测预警系统、突发事故应急处置平台等所组成;坚持安全监控信息化与标准化,对化工园区的整体安全性的提高将发挥巨大的作用,为建设"平安园区"打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
研究了GM(1,N)、GM(0,N)瓦斯含量预测模型的数学原理,收集郑煤集团告成矿地质勘探期间及生产期间的瓦斯含量实测资料,获得16个可靠点,选取基岩厚度、新生界厚度、煤层厚度、煤层水分、煤层灰分、50m顶板含砂率6个因素作灰色建模预测的指标,分别建立了GM(1,6)和GM(0,6)瓦斯含量多变量预测模型。根据计算和评价结果,GM(1,6)和GM(0,6)瓦斯含量预测模型精度均能够满足工程精度的要求,说明利用灰色模型来预测瓦斯含量是可行的。由于前者精度略高于后者,故建议告成矿采用GM(1,6)模型来进行未知地区煤层瓦斯含量的预测。需要注意,由于模型没有考虑构造的影响,在实际预测时,还应根据构造对待预测区的影响关系和影响程度对模型的预测结果进行修正。  相似文献   
研究冲压机械伤害风险评价信息系统,无论对企业内部事故预防还是对职工健康安全,还是节省国家因事故造成的经济损失,都十分必要。应用计算机编程语言和数据库软件,对冲压作业进行综合管理评价、设备设施的固有危险性评价及劳动卫生与作业环境评价,进而对冲压作业风险进行评价分级,建立动态的冲压机械伤害风险评价数据库管理信息系统。该系统可保存所有评价的项目资料,供应用和参考,实现了对冲压机械伤害风险评价的数据库动态管理,使风险评价分析工作组织化、条理化、系统化。  相似文献   
In this work, an attempt has been made to harvest green energy from piezoelectric material using fluid flow in a conduit. Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting using Fluid Flow (PEHF) experimental model has been designed and the outputs obtained are compared with results obtained from simulations using ANSYS (computational fluid dynamics) and also with the mathematical modeling. The PEHF model has been utilized to analyze the effect of flow rate of water with reference to energy extracted. The full wave bridge rectifier and voltage doubler circuits have been used to obtain the direct current (DC) from the PEHF model. It is observed that the output obtained using experiments holds good in agreement with the results retrieved through simulations and mathematical results. The increase in flow rate of fluid leads to initially increase and then decrease in output of PEHF model as the maximum energy generated when flow rates (external force) matches with the frequency of excitation of the systems, i.e., at its resonance. The maximum energy output is generated at its resonance frequencies. It is observed that the full wave bridge rectifier circuit gives greater output as compared to a voltage doubler circuit.  相似文献   
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