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噪声功能区划分是环境保护工作的主要内容之一。通过对营口市老边区自然条件及城区状况的分析,对噪声区域进行了详细科学的划分,为提高人居环境质量、加强噪声防治工作及城市规划建设提供了参考。  相似文献   
根据环境影响评价监测的要求,提出了环评监测中方案的细化、点位布设方面存在的问题,阐述了如何合理设置监测点位、准确把握采样方法、科学选择分析方法等问题。  相似文献   
随着我国环境保护方面的法律法规逐步完善,以及公众对环保的日益重视,对煤炭环境成本进行核算十分必要.本文论述了煤炭企业环境成本核算的重要性,分析了煤炭企业现有成本核算存在问题,提出了完善煤炭企业环境成本核算的对策.  相似文献   
在酒店厨房工程设计和施工的实践工作基础上,对目前城市餐饮建设项目现状与居民生活环境之间存在的矛盾加以归纳、分析,根据问题现状,分别从城市餐饮业建筑功能规划、餐饮业厨房建筑设施建设相关的环保问题及全民参与环境保护等方面提出具体的解决对策。  相似文献   
水利水电工程建设是促进国家经济发展的重要建设项目之一,抽水蓄能电站工程建设的重要性正在不断凸显。抽水蓄能电站工程的建设与生态环境有着密切的关系,由于抽水蓄能电站工程长期大规模的开发利用破坏了周边生态环境的稳定,加强工程建设中的环境监理工作是将生态破坏程度降到最低的必然要求。以抽水蓄能电站为实例,通过制定科学合理的环境监理方案,将生态环境监理要点落实到施工建设当中,以期最大限度地减少对生态环境的破坏。  相似文献   
Improving the performance of the state environmental agencies (SEAs) necessitates an effective institutionalization of governmental environmental management functions. There are examples of successful and unsuccessful SEAs in several parts of the world. Analysis and assessment of these cases can deliver useful insights for institution builders. The objective of this article is the assessment of the institutional effectiveness of the SEAs in Turkey through the perceptions of the experts using the Delphi Technique. In this regard, a checklist is developed including 16 criteria and 123 subcriteria to measure the institutional effectiveness of the SEAs. Twenty-eight national and international experts have formed a Delphi panel and evaluated the national and local conditions. Results, based on the perceptions of the experts, indicate that the overall effectiveness of the SEAs is far less than satisfactory. Negative consensus has been reached over the effectiveness of 13 of the16 criteria and 95 of the123 subcriteria; however, no consensus has been achieved over the remainder of the parameters. The survey has also proven that the Delphi Technique can be effectively used for that purpose. Utilization of the checklist method is also useful in diagnosing the problematic components of the SEAs. It is recommended that this approach be used in similar cases elsewhere.  相似文献   
Footprints for Sustainability: The Next Steps   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The concept of an ecological footprint is based on the understanding that every individual human appropriates a share of the productive and assimilative capacity of the biosphere. An ecological footprint corresponds to this exclusive biologically productive area that a defined population uses for all its resource requirements and wastes, and is expressed in terms of bioproductive space, with world-average productivity. Humanity's footprint or its aggregate ecological demand can only temporarily exceed the productive and assimilative capacity of the biosphere without liquidating and weakening the natural capital on which humanity depends fundamentally. Therefore, accounting tools for quantifying humanity's use of nature are essential for overall assessments of human impact as well as for planning specific steps towards a sustainable future.This paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the ecological footprint as an ecological accounting method, points out research needs for improvement of the analysis, and suggests potential new applications. The paper identifies ten new applications of the tool to make it applicable at various geographic scales and for a number of analytical and didactic purposes. Then nine methodological improvements are suggested that could refine the currently applied method, making assessments more sensitive to a larger number of ecological impacts. It concludes that many crucial questions pertinent to building a sustainable society can be addressed by current ecological footprint research. By making the method more complete, this tool could evolve from being largely of pedagogical use to become a strategic tool for policy analysis.  相似文献   
针对页岩气特殊的开发方式及环评难度比常规气大的特点,运用"压力-状态-响应"框架模型,建立了页岩气开发对生态环境影响的评价指标体系。引入曲线投影的方式,并将投影寻踪方法和动态聚类方法相结合,提出了曲线投影寻踪动态聚类的定量评价方法;基于样本各指标的曲线投影和动态聚类方法寻找最佳投影方向,并建立相应的生态环境影响评价优化模型。结合全局最优经验指导和信息素交流,采用改进的蚁群算法对优化模型进行求解。该算法维持蚁群的多样性,且收敛性较好,同时也避免出现局部最优。对四川省威远页岩气区块进行了实例分析,结果表明:2010年、2011年和2014年的环评属于差类(4级),2012年和2013年的环评属于中类(3级),其中植被覆盖率、空气质量优良率、地表水质达标率、废水排放量、公众对环境的满意度、二氧化硫排放量和废水排放量达标率等指标对生态环境评价的影响较大。在页岩气开发初期,由于开发技术落后,再加上环保投资不高,环保意识不强,造成生态环境问题较为严重。随着学习借鉴美国的经验,及页岩气的开发技术进一步提高,加上国家对生态环境保护的重视,威远页岩气区块生态环境恶化得到有效的遏制。但开发时间越长,开采难度越大,将会产生更多更大的生态环境问题。分析结果与威远页岩气开发区域的实际情况相符,为页岩气气田生态环境影响评价奠定了科学基础。投影寻踪动态聚类方法具有无需设定参数、操作简单、客观等优点,是页岩气开发对生态环境影响评价的一种新方法。  相似文献   
仙女湖富营养化特征与水环境容量核算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以典型的亚热带大型水库——江西省仙女湖为例,于2011~2013年季节性监测了仙女湖水体理化指标。采用综合营养状态指数法对其富营养化状态进行了评价,并采用沃伦威德尔模型(Vollenweider)和狄龙模型(Dillon)计算了COD、NH3-N、TN和TP的水环境容量。结果表明:仙女湖水质总体处于地表水Ⅱ类~Ⅲ类标准,TN 0.32~0.91 mg/L、平均0.59 mg/L,NH3-N 0.012~0.59 mg/L、平均0.31 mg/L,TP 0.017~0.080 mg/L、平均0.028 mg/L,CODMn 1.61~5.59 mg/L、平均2.85 mg/L,Chl-a 0.37~0.95 μg/L、平均0.56 μg/L。从湖区上游到下游,各指标尤其是总氮、总磷、透明度和氨氮呈现明显的趋优变化特征,除TP出现Ⅲ类水质外,其余指标多年持续处于Ⅱ类水质状态;从单因子状态指数来看,采用透明度评价的营养状态最高,大部分湖区持续处于轻度富营养状态;TN和TP评价的营养状态次之,处于中营养水平。仙女湖COD、NH3-N、TN和TP水环境容量分别为21 208.0、3 528.8、4 991.2和248.1 t/a,分别剩余容量比率56.88%、68.25%、62.89%和13.67%,影响仙女湖水环境容量最突出的环境因子为TP。同时,基于对水环境容量影响因素的分析,最后提出了提高仙女湖区水环境容量的建设性方案。  相似文献   
环境预警制度蕴含了一项使行政权力合法扩张的"对应性架构",即预警级别与"强制型"或"限制型"措施之间的充分必要关系。在制度运行过程当中,环境行政权力却出现了"选择性失语"和"运动式肆意"的问题,具体表现为:一是预警级别发布时的"隐匿"与"从轻",从而对公民健康权益保护不足;二是预警状态下环境行政权力的扩张过度,使得对个人自由与企业经济自由侵害过度。由于环境治理领域"被害人-加害人"二元对立关系的模糊化、趋同化甚至同一化,传统公法学体系中的权力制约理论无法对预警状态下多样化和多层次性的行政权力进行有效地规制。那么,便有必要对现有的环境预警制度进行修正与纠偏。因此,可以从"对应性架构"的载体及其前后两端入手,对环境预警制度进行法治化建构。具体而言,对环境预警的载体"应急预案"进行形式改造,提高环境应急预案的规范层级,完善环境应急预案制定、修改等程序性规定;明确不同预警级别设定的规范层级,将作为被宪法所保护的客观利益——生态环境利益与经济利益的边界——通过"前端"预警标准予以划分;对预警状态下行政权力的"外部"制约程序予以完善。基于预警级别标准体系的划分,可以通过司法程序对"后端"环境应急预案进行"附带性审查",同时,赋予私主体直接针对预警状态下具有"外化"法效力的内部行政行为提起行政诉讼的诉权。  相似文献   
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