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生物质发电兼具环境效益与社会效益,对支撑中国推进能源消费革命和乡村振兴,实现碳达峰、碳中和目标具有重要意义。对截至2020年12月31日国家层面出台的生物质发电补贴相关政策进行梳理,运用政策工具理论与方法,从环境、供给、需求3个角度,研发、投资推广、原料资源、生产并网、消费5个环节评估生物质发电补贴政策的实施情况和存在问题,提出生物质发电补贴政策的优化建议。结果表明,现阶段生物质发电产业在研发、原料供应、基础设施领域补贴不足,财政补贴有逐步退坡并向市场机制转变趋势,但相应政策工具及制度创新尚存在欠缺。中国生物质发电补贴政策应在更多关注技术研发、充分涉及中间链条、完善激励机制等方面不断改进,并大力强化市场培育,在配套措施保障下引入市场机制,以促进产业长期可持续发展。  相似文献   
Landowners can intentionally impair biodiversity values occurring on their land to pre-empt biodiversity protection. This often leads to significant negative effects on biodiversity. We studied whether landowners in Finland engaged in pre-emptive loggings after they were notified that their wooded mires are candidate sites for a mire protection program. After the notification, harvesting rates of the candidate wooded mires were significantly lower compared to harvesting rates of similar but non-candidate wooded mires. Annual and monthly harvesting rates indicated that notifying landowners of the conservation potential did not launch systematic pre-emptive logging behavior. Nevertheless, part of the candidate wooded mires were logged, so some landowners place more weight on other values than the biodiversity ones. Pre-emptive behavior has been observed in other studies suggesting that many country- or system-specific factors such as cultural background or level of compensation can affect landowners’ behavior.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01354-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Concerns over the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in farmland have prompted the development of agri-environment policy measures aimed at reducing farming pressure and maintaining semi-natural habitats in farmed landscapes. However, further knowledge is needed to guarantee successful agri-environment measures implementation. The current study assessed the quantity and the quality of semi-natural habitats in farms across a gradient of farming intensities in two contrasting regions in Ireland. Policy protection seemed fundamental for semi-natural habitats preservation. Habitats not protected by agricultural policy relied on extensive farming and are in danger of disappearing if they are intensified or abandoned. Due to the lack of policy incentives for habitat quality, no correlations were found between farming intensity and share of semi-natural habitats with habitat quality. Therefore, extensive farming and retention of habitats alone may not reverse the decline of farmland quality and biodiverisity and, thus, measures incentivising the environmental quality may be more successful.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01344-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Long-term changes, from 1984 to 2010, in the indicators of microbial pollution (total viable count, coliforms, Escherichia coli, enterococci, and Clostridium perfringens) are analysed in the Riga Hydropower Plant Reservoir, an essential source of drinking water for Riga, the capital of Latvia. Counts in microbial indicators fluctuated seasonally and were related to physicochemical parameters (nitrogen compounds, turbidity, temperature, and pH). The changes in microbial pollution were brought about by two major socio-economic developments. Firstly, Latvia’s independence from the USSR in 1991 which facilitated a distinct reduction in most microorganism counts due to a sharp decline in industrial and agricultural production. This resulted in a significant drop in point and nonpoint pollution in the river basin. A further development was Latvia joining the European Union in 2004. The corresponding focus on water management, including wastewater treatment, was a major priority of environmental investment and lead to improvements in microbial water quality.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01470-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
在不同经济社会发展情况下,危险废物的风险源危险性和风险受体脆弱性存在很大差异。因此,城市对危险废物采取的风险防控和应急措施应该因城市而异。然而,目前我国大部分城市对危险废物的管理仍然是全过程从严管理,并未建立基于风险评估的环境管理体系。本研究以城市为边界,从危险废物的风险源危险性、风险受体脆弱性和风险防控与应急能力3个维度构建评估指标体系,然后在层次分析法的基础上,采用等比例分配法对指标进行赋权,并运用线性加权法合成经过正向化处理的指标评分值,从而得出危险废物城市环境风险评估结果。通过计算3个维度评分值的耦合度,可以确定风险防控与应急能力维度与风险源危险性维度和风险受体脆弱性维度的匹配程度。运用该方法对深圳市开展案例研究,结果表明,深圳市在“无废城市”建设试点期间,主要通过提升风险防控与应急能力,将危险废物城市环境风险值降低了20.7%;并且风险防控与应急能力维度与风险源危险性维度和风险受体脆弱性维度的匹配度较高,属于高风险高能力城市。因此,建议深圳市在下一步工作中,继续完善涉危险废物项目环境准入审查,严格评估危险废物再利用安全,不断加强信息化手段在环境监管中的应用,避免涉危险废物突发环境事件的发生,全面降低危险废物对城市造成的环境风险。  相似文献   
本文论述了加强环境经济能力建设的背景、避免市场失灵及政府失灵的措施以及商业银行参与环保产业融资的经验.  相似文献   
固体废物用于沥青路面建设具有广阔的发展前景,但由于固体废物中含有重金属等有害物质,其作为沥青路面利用的首要前提是环境安全。概述了沥青路面建设中固体废物的主要利用方式和现状,总结了固体废物中的有害物质在道路利用时造成的地下水和大气环境风险的评估方法,并介绍了常用于固体废物和水泥混凝土中重金属的浸出方法。通过总结沥青-集料的黏附性机理,以及目前固体废物道路利用中的重金属浸出方法,讨论了固体废物沥青路面利用环境风险评估中污染物释放的定量表征方法(浸出方法)的适宜性。结果表明:由于缺乏针对特定场景污染物浸出方法的研究,固体废物道路利用的环境风险评价只能通过实验室模拟和借鉴国外模型的方法进行。因此,固体废物沥青路面利用污染物的浸出方法应还原实际应用场景,需考虑车轮荷载、紫外线照射等因素。指出未来的研究方向为制定针对固体废物再利用领域的环境风险评价标准。  相似文献   
对我国危险废物管理现行法律、行政法规、部门规章和环境标准的状况进行了梳理,结果显示,法律中确立的一些危险废物管理制度尚未得到全面落实,管理过程中主要侧重无害化防治,而减量化和综合利用化的管理较为薄弱;危险废物管理的环境标准体系也还需进一步完善。建议修改、完善现行的行政法规、部门规章等,全面落实现有危险废物管理制度的实施,在危险废物管理中采取优先顺序策略,加强源头减量,促进资源化利用,在加强危险废物管理过程中的新技术和新方法研究的基础上尽快完善环境标准体系。  相似文献   
环境风险防控与环境风险源管理是我国当前环境管理的重要工作之一。为了防控重大环境污染事件、实现环境风险源有序管理、科学决策,开展了重大环境污染事件风险源识别监控与管理技术的研发创新。借鉴国外环境风险源管理经验,遵循环境风险源“分类、分级、分区”管理原则,研发了环境风险源分类、识别与定量分级方法,实现了典型化工园区、特大城市及全国尺度的环境风险源分级,初步提出了全国石化化工行业重点风险企业名单。开发了环境风险源综合管理系统,以期为重点风险源监管、环境风险防控提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Cement manufacturing is a process that results in the emission of significant quantities of suspended particulate matter (SPM) to the ambient air. An environmental forensic investigation was carried out in the surroundings of a major cement manufacturing unit at a place called Coimbatore in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The investigation was carried out to identify the contribution of the cement manufacturing unit to the SPM concentration of the surrounding air environment. The sampling points’ selection and sample collection were done following the principles outlined in the INTERPOL Manual for Pollution Crime Forensic Investigation. On-site monitoring of the air samples was carried out using Mini Laser Aerosol Spectrometer (GRIMM, Mini-LAS Model 11R). The instrument was capable of measuring particles ranging from 0.25 to 32 µm and classifying them into 31 size channels. The test results at majority of the monitoring locations were well above the limits specified in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards of India. Microscopic studies of the dust samples were carried out for surface texture and particle shape. The spatial distribution of particles was analysed using geographic information system (GIS) for the visual identification of the extent of the pollution by keeping the cement factory as the focal point. The results from the GIS and microscopic analysis established the role of the cement factory in the particulate matter pollution of its surroundings, specifically in the areas North-West of the factory. The successfully adopted procedure can serve as a guideline for the environmental forensic investigation of similar pollution incidences.  相似文献   
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