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论新疆水资源合理开发利用与水环境保护   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
根据新疆“三水”资源的形成背景与时空分布特征,提出合理开发利用“三水”资源与水环境保护的积极举措,促使水环境质量与生态环境质量的提高;贯彻开发与节约并举;遵循在开发中保护,在保护中开发的总原则。实施开源节流,确保水资源的永续利用。  相似文献   
我国正处在经济社会发展转型期和城镇化高速推进期,土地征用和失地农户将是长期存在的社会现象,但土地征用是否会具有收入效应仍然莫衷一是,缺乏准确估计。本文基于2011年成都市"农村住户家庭问卷调查数据",利用倾向得分匹配(PSM)方法,估计了土地征用对失地农户收入的影响,为检视政府土地征用补偿制度合理性,健全政府土地征用政策、缓解土地征用冲突、完善征地后相关服务提供新观察。研究发现:1土地是否被征用确实存在着农户总收入效应和非农收入效应,被征地农户比未被征地农户总收入和非农收入显著高出19.6%和9.1%,使用OLS回归方法低估了土地征用对农户收入的促进作用,大致低估了11%,这为政府征地的合理性提供了农户收入佐证。2征地比例并不存在总收入效应和非农收入效应,被征地农户并不是被征地越多收入就会越高,但却会显著降低失地农户的农业收入,大致降低了81%,因而还要认识到土地征用对农户收入的有限性作用,打破土地征用的农户收入神话。3结合当前土地征用实践表明,过分强调土地征用农户收入效应并不能根除征地冲突和矛盾,一方面,要通过多元化就业渠道、多源化收入来源以及多样性社会保障制度避免了被征地农户"失地失业",提高被征地农户增收能力和收入水平。另一方面,更要强调征地程序公平合法,完善土地征用制度底层设计,加强对健康状况差、低收入等贫弱群体的保障,提升被征地农户人力资本和优化就业分布状态,使被征地农户能够顺利完成职业转换。  相似文献   
The Brazilian shift from a primarily rural to a more urban society has created major challenges that public policies must address. One of the most relevant challenges is deep social exclusion in urban areas, especially in terms of adequate housing and access to urban opportunities (e.g., jobs, housing, and services). In this context, land use and transport planning play a critical role in the sustainable development agenda. The work presented here analyses the accessibility of low‐income dwellings licenced under the Brazilian housing programme to the low‐income population. To evaluate the accessibility of the programme's target population, a case study was conducted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, where 58,000 homes licensed under the programme were analysed using GIS tools in terms of the present public transport network and the location of the homes. The amount of time it takes to access public transport on foot and the homes’ locations in relation to major urban opportunities were also analysed. Finally, the same analysis was performed for the future transport network, and the results of the two analyses were compared to identify the scope of the legacy generated by investments in preparation for the 2016 network.  相似文献   
农作物种植结构与农民收入及其对环境影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农民增收问题是三农问题的重要环节。本文以湖南省张家界市慈利县零溪镇大庄村第五、八、十六组为研究对象,分析了自1980年实行土地包产到户以来农作物种植结构的变化及农民收入之间的关系,认为在本地以柑橘为主的单一类型农作物规模化经营最有利于降低农民劳动强度、提高农民收入,对环境既有正面影响也有负面影响,并对其带来的环境影响提出了思考和建议。  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationships among rural-urban migration, rural household income and sustainable development in rural areas of China. The typical case study is done and 288 questionnaires are collected from five villages in Hebei and Guangxi provinces, China. The migration and remittance status, household income and sustainable development of rural areas are analyzed on the basis of questionnaires. Rural-urban migration is becoming a part of routine life in rural areas. And remittance is an important component in rural household income. Rural-urban migration increases the arable land area per labor, which releases the tight human-land relationship in villages. In total, the migration increases the rural household income and accelerates the sustainable development of rural areas.  相似文献   
在对环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)假说扩展的基础上,分析和验证了收入差距与环境质量之间的关系。应用联合国统计司公布的中国1986—2002年度二氧化碳排放总量数据,通过计量模型论证收入差距与环境质量之间的假设。结果发现,收入差距扩大会刺激二氧化碳排放,收入差距越大这种影响的效果就会越恶劣。而且收入差距因素还会通过作用于经济增长,促使经济增长对环境的污染程度加强。延迟转折点的到来。因此,我国目前在促进经济增长的同时,要以提高社会整体福利为目的,缩小居民收入差距,这将有利于环境质量的改善和提高。  相似文献   
影响退耕还林农户返耕决策的因素识别与分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
可持续收入能力是西部贫困地区退耕还林农户返耕决策的关键。而可持续收入能力又可以表征为收入水平、途径和结构。以及决定其实现的各种条件。理论分析与调研结果发现.农户可持续收入能力受制于自身资本积累。当地自然条件和经济条件三方面。其中.人力和物资等资本存量不足限制了农户在可能的收入途径问的选择;自然条件影响农户依靠自然资源所获得的收入;基础设施落后、产业结构单一、就业机会缺乏等经济条件制约了退耕还林后短期内农户形成较稳定的收入途径和结构。本文提出政策调整的方向应该是消除这些限制因素的影响。为退耕还林农户可持续收入能力的提高创造条件。以确保退耕还林的长期生态效果的巩固和实现。  相似文献   
While mineral exploitation can provide significant income and employment, it may negatively impact the environment, being ultimately detrimental to livelihoods in the long term. The consequences of mining are of concern in high value forest ecosystems such as the Sangha Tri‐National (TNS) landscape covering Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Republic of the Congo. This paper captures the socio‐economic and environmental impacts of small‐scale mining in the TNS. Using structured questionnaires, consultations and observation, diamonds and gold were found to contribute directly to the livelihoods of at least 5% of the landscape's population. Although up to eight income‐generating strategies are used, mining contributes on average to 65% of total income and is used mainly to meet basic needs. A gold miner's average income is US$ 3.10 a day, and a diamond miner earns US$ 3.08, making them slightly wealthier than an average Cameroonian and three times wealthier than an average non‐miner in the TNS. Environmental impacts were temporary, low impact and of limited scale. However, with mining likely to increase in the near future, an increasing population and miners' low environmental awareness, measures are needed to ensure and reinforce the positive impact of artisanal mining on livelihoods and maintain its low environmental footprint in the TNS landscape.  相似文献   
This study measures the impact of fanya juu terraces on the net value of crop income in a high‐rainfall area in the Ethiopian highlands using cross‐sectional multiple plot observations. Using propensity score matching methods we find that the net value of crop income for plots with fanya juu terraces is lower than for plots without fanya juu terraces. This finding makes it difficult to avoid concluding that while the technologies might reduce soil erosion and associated off‐site effects, they do so at the expense of poor farmers in the Ethiopian highlands. Therefore, fanya juu terraces cannot be characterized as a “win‐win” measure to reduce soil erosion. New agricultural technologies need to be profitable to the farmer if they are to be adopted and sustained.  相似文献   
双二元经济是我国生态建设补偿机制面临的根本约束条件。首先简要回顾了我国双二元经济的形成逻辑同环境污染现状之间的内在联系。指出我国政府在建国初期所采取的赶超战略和改革开放后的地区不平衡发展战略是联系二者的历史渊源。在此基础上构建的博弈模型表明。在双二元经济结构的约束条件下。生态建设供给的博弈均衡应是由东部发达地区和城市先进部门承担绝大部分甚至是全部的生态建设成本。因此。我国生态建设补偿机制的构建方向就应该是构建一个有效完善的跨区域、跨部门的生态建设补偿机制。以平衡生态建设者和生态建设收益者之间的成本和收益,这是保障生态建设可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   
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