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钻井废液-废水处理一体化设备的研究及应用 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
介绍了钻井清洁生产的核心设备——钻井废液-废水处理一体化设备的原理、流程和处理效果。实践证明,用这种一体化设备处理普通聚合物钻井液体系产生的钻井废液时,设备排水质量可达到GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》(一级标准或二级标准);当用于处理高温深井聚合物-磺酸盐复杂钻井液体系产生的钻井废液时,除了COD外, 排出水的主要水质指标可达到GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》(二级标准)。用该设备处理后的泥渣含水率低于55%,泥渣体积减少了88%。 相似文献
牟勇 《中国安全生产科学技术》2006,2(3):109-111
伤亡赔偿标准由于人的年龄、经历、工作等的不同而不同。本文参考国内外相关资料后,在人人平等的基础上区分了不同人的生命价值,设计的估算方法基本包含了各个年龄段的人的生命价值。估算结果仅适用于事故和不可抗力造成的伤亡情况,不适用于故意伤害谋杀等犯罪活动造成的伤亡。生命价值没有上限只有下限,使生命经济价值的估算值有较大提高,这对提高伤亡赔偿标准,对提高人们对生命价值的认识都有一定的价值。 相似文献
针对人体呈现坐姿状态时前侧方作业区域的不同,利用人体测量数据在空间划分网格,实现了上肢作业姿势的参数化定义。并设计实验,由12位健康的男被试参加,利用自由模量幅度估计法对定义过的384种作业姿势的舒适性进行了评价和分级。对依据不同被试个数计算出的结果进行比较分析,并与快速上肢评价方法的评价结果进行比对,揭示了结果的可靠性。评价结果可以为操纵装置的工效设计以及作业空间布局提供重要参考,同时为国内的姿势舒适性评价工作提供了可靠的依据。 相似文献
Pan. K. Marhavilas D.E. Koulouriotis 《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》2008,21(6):596-603
The risk estimation presumably is the most crucial part of the entire procedure of assessing hazards/unsafe situations in the work, and especially in the industries’ and constructions’ worksites, where the working conditions are unstable. We can consider the risk as a quantity, which can be estimated and expressed by a mathematical relation, under the help of real accidents’ data. The aim of this work is quadruplicate: (a) the development, elaboration and explanation of two new quantitative risk-assessment techniques, (b) the improvement of specific points of other scientific works, as far as concerns quantitative risk estimation, (c) the application of these techniques on an industrial productive procedure (as a case study) and (d) the comparison of their outcome risk-estimation results. Particularly, we develop and analyze the theoretical background of the two techniques, which we call as “proportional technique” and “decision matrix technique”, and apply them on an aluminum extrusion industry's worksite, which is situated in Greece, by using real data of potential sources of hazards, recorded by safety managers, during the 5.5-year time period of 1999–2004. Comparing the results of the two quantitative risk-assessment techniques, we infer that they are compatible. Therefore, the most important hazard source in the aluminum industry is the “squeezing and hits by dropping objects (transported by derricks)”, and imposes that immediate suppressive measures must be taken place to abolish the danger source. 相似文献
多风机多级机站通风网络的状态估计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用计算机实现矿井通风系统优化管理和自动控制,必须具有相应的硬件基础,即需要一定数量的遥控检测装置,实时检测出系统运行中的部分状态变量的值,并传送到控制中心,作为计算机决策的依据。本文提出了利用加权最小二乘状态估计器对矿井通风系统进行静态状态估计以及对检测量中出现的错误数据进行识别、纠正的方法。利用该算法对一个中等规模的实际矿井通风系统进行了计算机的仿真计算,获得了满意的结果。 相似文献
赵文芳 《中国安全生产科学技术》2010,6(4):135-139
随着企业炼油规模不断扩大及原油中含硫量不断提高,炼油企业中H2S中毒事故风险迅速增大。在对高硫油炼制企业H2S的分布及危险源状况分析的基础上,指出炼油企业存在两类H2S危险源,即含有H2S的气体和含有H2S的酸性水,炼油装置产出含H2S的气体中H2S含量一般在1%~92%,酸性水中H2S含量一般在0.01%~4.0%;介绍了不同H2S浓度等级的空气可对人产生的毒性危害后果,H2S在空气中数分钟内致人死亡的浓度为1500mg/m3;对炼油企业重大酸性气泄漏事故、酸性水泄漏事故进行定量毒性危害计算和分析,给出H2S毒性危害低危区、高危区及迅速致死区达到的下风距离及覆盖的区域面积,重大酸性气、酸性水泄漏事故迅速致死浓度可达到下风距离分别为300m和89m;指出H2S中毒已成为高硫油炼制企业的重大风险,应该加强安全措施,重点防控。 相似文献
Recent traffic safety research has advocated the use of the Full Bayes (FB) approach to conduct controlled before-after safety evaluations. The FB approach was shown to offer both methodological and data advantages. However, there is still a lack of complete understanding of the role that the model parameters play in the formulation of treatment effectiveness. This paper offers a novel approach to compute components related to direct and indirect treatment effects under a linear intervention model for the Safety Performance Function (SPF). The isolation of a component corresponding to the direct treatment effects enables the analyst to assess the effectiveness of the countermeasures apart from local (site-related) environmental factors. Two case studies are used to demonstrate the approach. The first case study is based on the results published from a previous safety evaluation in Iowa and the second uses a new data set from British Columbia based on the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Road Improvement Program. The various direct and indirect components have yielded valuable insight into the effects of the model parameters on treatment impacts. Moreover, the calculation of the treatment effectiveness indices have been simplified by providing straightforward equations in terms of model parameters for the computation of their components without resorting to additional algorithms. More importantly, the results can have a significant impact on the economic evaluation of safety programs and countermeasures by allowing the calculation of collision modification factors (CMFs) that vary with time. 相似文献
基于信息扩散与自助法的旱灾风险评估模型──以安徽为例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
旱灾风险管理是抗旱减灾的科学手段、干旱及旱灾研究的重要方向,定量评估旱灾风险是旱灾风险管理的核心内容。为降低各种不确定性因素影响下旱灾风险评估结果的误差,提高结果的可靠性,提出运用信息扩散法估计旱灾损失的超越概率,结合自助法的区间估计算法,建立基于信息扩散与自助法的灾害风险评估模型,用不同置信水平下旱灾损失对应超越概率的置信区间来反映旱灾风险。将该模型运用于安徽省农业易旱地区干旱灾害风险评估,计算并确定在置信水平为0.75时安徽省易旱地区的旱灾风险区间评估结果合理、可靠,可为抗旱规划提供科学的决策依据。 相似文献