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为了研究满足交通事故现场记录图的技术性、证据性要求的交通事故现场测绘方 法,针对现有现场图定位方法的不足,重点从交通事故证据审查的视角,提出物证定位 观点,分析其技术构成并构建内容体系;在此基础上,依据技术标准基本要求,运用平面 坐标定位原理,以交通事故现场物证定位思想为基础,研究开发交通事故现场点线系列 直角坐标测绘定位方法及其具体应用技术。研究表明:物证定位是能够将现场元素定位 和现场道路定位协同考虑的一种交通事故现场物证固定技术,以其基本思想与原理可以 开发交通事故现场点线系列直角坐标测绘定位方法;该方法有多种变换方法可适用不同 情况的交通事故现场测绘;应用该方法绘制的现场记录图,可以满足现场记录图技术性 及证据性的双重要求。  相似文献   
A study of the anaerobic treatment of wastewaters derived from red (RWWW) and tropical fruit wine (TFWWW) production was carried out in four laboratory-scale fluidized bed reactors with natural zeolite as bacterial support. These reactors operated at mesophilic temperature (35°C). Reactors R1 and R2 contained Chilean natural zeolite, while reactors R3 and R4 used Cuban natural zeolite as microorganism support. In addition, reactors R1 and R3 processed RWWW, while reactors R2 and R4 used TFWWW as substrate. The biomass concentration attached to zeolites in the four reactors studied was found to be in the range of 44–46 g volatile solids (VS)/L after 90 days of operation time. Both types of zeolites can be used indistinctly in the fluidized bed reactors achieving more than 80%–86% chemical oxygen demand (COD) removals for organic loading rates (OLR) of up to at least 20 g COD/L d. pH values remained within the optimal range for anaerobic microorganisms for OLR values of up to 20 and 22 g COD/L d for RWWW and TFWWW, respectively. Toxicity and inhibition levels were observed at an OLR of 20 g COD/L d in reactors R1 and R3 while processing RWWW, whereas the aforementioned inhibitory phenomena were not observed at an OLR of 24 g COD/L d in R2 and R4, treating TFWWW as a consequence of the lower phenolic compound content present in this substrate. The volatile fatty acid (VFA) levels were always lower in reactors processing TFWWW (R2 and R4) and these values (< 400 mg/L, as acetic acid) were lower than the suggested limits for digester failure. The specific methanogenic activity (SMA) was twice as high in reactors R2 and R4 than in R1 and R3 after 120 days of operation when all reactors operated at an OLR of 20 g COD/L d.  相似文献   
针对跨座式单轨交通列车遭受雷击时列车内的人员安全性,本文通过对列车内人员不接触与列车金属外壳直接连接的金属构件和接触与列车金属外壳直接连接的金属构件两种情况进行计算分析,得出第一种情况下,人员是完全安全的;第二种情况下,人员可能会有像蜜蜂刺痛或烟头灼痛的感觉,但不威胁生命安全。  相似文献   
在对印刷、铁路车辆、电缆压铅、铅蓄电池、铅盐、铅冶炼这六个行业的熔铅作业以及对铅蓄电池和铅盐生产的铅尘作业中防毒工程技术措施调研的基础上,介绍了它们的基本情况。参照收集的国内外资料,采用定性及定量化的方法,对它们的防毒工程技术措施分别从工艺设备、排风罩类型、净化装置等得出优化选择结论,对还存在的问题进行讨论并提出建议。  相似文献   
氯碱生产中,氯气系统压力不易控制,容易发生泄漏爆炸事故。为解决这一难题,保证安全生产,金川公司化工厂于1996年设计并安装了一套氯气压力自动检测调节系统,经过两年的实际使用,达到了稳定氯气系统压力的良好效果。  相似文献   
论地膜污染与防治对策   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着地膜覆盖栽培年限的延长,由于残膜回收率低,土壤中残膜量逐步增加,造成地膜污染。通过分析地膜污染对环境和农作物产生的危害,对回收残膜存在的问题,总结出了防治地膜污染的对策与措施。  相似文献   
胜利油田临盘采油厂临南油田水质改性后固体废弃物急剧增加、处理难度大,高渗储层回注的处理办法在夏52-414井开展现场试验取得成功.对其他油田的污泥处理具有参考借鉴价值.  相似文献   
文章就饮服行业环境污染状况、成因、危害及如何防治污染与加强行政管理进行了分析阐述  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: High springtime river flows came earlier by one to two weeks in large parts of northern New England during the 20th Century. In this study it was hypothesized that late spring/early summer recessional flows and late summer/early fall low flows could also be occurring earlier. This could result in a longer period of low flow recession and a decrease in the magnitude of low flows. To test this hypothesis, variations over time in the magnitude and timing of low flows were analyzed. To help understand the relation between low flows and climatic variables in New England, low flows were correlated with air temperatures and precipitation. Analysis of data from 23 rural, unregulated rivers across New England indicated little evidence of consistent changes in the timing or magnitude of late summer/early fall low flows during the 20th Century. The interannual variability in the timing and magnitude of the low flows in northern New England was explained much more by the interannual variability in precipitation than by the interannual variability of air temperatures. The highest correlation between the magnitude of the low flows and air temperatures was with May through November temperatures (r =?0.37, p= 0.0017), while the highest correlation with precipitation was with July through August precipitation (r = 0.67, p > 0.0001).  相似文献   
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