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通过手工计算和ANSYS有限元软件计算两种方法对安徽新源热电有限公司烟囱与吸收塔合一结构进行结构计算。分析了结构在风载荷、地震载荷作用下的应力和变形,比较了手工计算和有限元电算结果,可为类似工程的计算提供理论参考。 相似文献
A hybrid method for quasi-three-dimensional slope stability analysis in a municipal solid waste landfill 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Limited space for accommodating the ever increasing mounds of municipal solid waste (MSW) demands the capacity of MSW landfill be maximized by building landfills to greater heights with steeper slopes. This situation has raised concerns regarding the stability of high MSW landfills. A hybrid method for quasi-three-dimensional slope stability analysis based on the finite element stress analysis was applied in a case study at a MSW landfill in north-east Spain. Potential slides can be assumed to be located within the waste mass due to the lack of weak foundation soils and geosynthetic membranes at the landfill base. The only triggering factor of deep-seated slope failure is the higher leachate level and the relatively high and steep slope in the front. The valley-shaped geometry and layered construction procedure at the site make three-dimensional slope stability analyses necessary for this landfill. In the finite element stress analysis, variations of leachate level during construction and continuous settlement of the landfill were taken into account. The "equivalent" three-dimensional factor of safety (FoS) was computed from the individual result of the two-dimensional analysis for a series of evenly spaced cross sections within the potential sliding body. Results indicate that the hybrid method for quasi-three-dimensional slope stability analysis adopted in this paper is capable of locating roughly the spatial position of the potential sliding mass. This easy to manipulate method can serve as an engineering tool in the preliminary estimate of the FoS as well as the approximate position and extent of the potential sliding mass. The result that FoS obtained from three-dimensional analysis increases as much as 50% compared to that from two-dimensional analysis implies the significance of the three-dimensional effect for this study-case. Influences of shear parameters, time elapse after landfill closure, leachate level as well as unit weight of waste on FoS were also investigated in this paper. These sensitivity analyses serve as the guidelines of construction practices and operating procedures for the MSW landfill under study. 相似文献
采集并分析全场不同母质形成的有代表性的土壤样本142个.研究结果表明,各类土壤全B、Mo、Zn和Mn含量的平均值均低于全国平均值,全量Cu平均值高于全国平均值.有效B、Mo、Zn和Mn含量的平均值均低于临界值,有效Cu的平均值稍高于临界值;但66.7%的土样有效Cu含量低于临界值.硼、钼、锌和锰严重缺乏,铜多数缺乏.全场各类土壤的微量元素含量差异较大,各类土壤微量元素的垂直和水平分布特征不尽相同,尤其是垂直分布差异明显.从土壤微量元素的全量与母质的关系来看,以玄武岩、紫色砂页岩母质形成的土壤全量较高,砂砾岩母质形成的土壤全量中等,砂页岩和冲积物母质形成的土壤全量较低. 相似文献
污水土地处理磷污染物迁移转化模拟讨论分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
根据磷在土壤中的迁移转化机理,进行了以土柱试验为基础的“污水土地处理条件下磷的迁移转化模拟试验”,总结了污水中的磷在土壤中迁移转化的规律,提出了定量模拟这一规律的迁移转化联合模型。联合模型为研究磷在土壤中的运动提供了定量化依据,避免了已有研究中将迁移和转化割裂研究造成的误差,丰富并完善了不同形态磷的迁移转化模型。 相似文献
In this study numerical methods are used to investigate the relationship between chemical concentration of gas species within a cavitating bubble, equilibrium radius of the gas bubble and pressure variations in the ambient liquid. For this purpose, governing equations are developed to describe the dynamic equilibrium of a bubble in a flowing fluid and mass transfer between gas and liquid phases, where it was assumed that gases undergo isothermal compression, obey the ideal gas law, Henry law. It is further assumed that the concentration of each phase within the bubble is uniform. The resulting nonlinear equations are solved using implicit Trapezoidal method with Newton iteration. Four gas species are modeled under various initial and ambient pressure variation conditions. These conditions maybe considered to represent typical cavitation events. The numerical results obtained are presented in terms of dimensionless numbers. These results indicate that chemical damage maybe an important component of cavitation surface damage, since high concentration profiles may develop within a collapsing bubble. Proposed formulation and numerical solutions are simple and cost effective to implement. The results presented in this study maybe used to benchmark experimental investigations or other more complex solutions, which are outside the scope of this study. 相似文献
Urban Geochemistry: A Multimedia and Multielement Survey of a Small Town in Northern Europe 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The concentrations and distributions of chemical elements (Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W and Zn) were studied in till, humus and urban soil in Jakobstad, a small town (20,000 inhabitants) in W. Finland. The analyses were performed with ICP-MS after aqua regia leaching of till (n = 37), urban topsoil (n = 32) and subsoil (n = 32), and HNO3 leaching of humus (n = 37). The till and humus samples, collected at the same sites, were divided into urban and rural samples. The urban till was not significantly enriched in metals. In contrast, a majority of the elements occurred in higher concentrations in the urban than the rural humus samples. Statistical and spatial interpretations of the humus data revealed that traffic (Pb, V and Ni), metal industry (Pb, Zn, Bi, Sb and Cr), an abandoned shooting range (Pb and Sb) and other sources contribute to higher metal levels in the urban humus. The urban soil samples were collected at parks, yards, abandoned industrial sites, roadsides, etc. The topsoil samples were enriched in most elements, also by elements not enriched in the urban humus (e.g. Cd). At several sites, the concentrations far exceeded the limit concentrations for contaminated soils in Finland. A large variety of sources were identified or indicated. 相似文献
通过在管式炉中进行了煤与超积累植物——伴矿景天的混烧实验,主要研究了不同燃烧温度、不同氮氧比气氛以及煤与伴矿景天的不同混合质量比对混烧过程中重金属(Cd、Zn与Pb)迁移情况的影响,并应用XRD技术分析灰渣中重金属的存在形式。实验分析表明:升高温度能在不同程度上增强Cd、Zn与Pb的挥发,提高其在飞灰中的含量;与单独燃烧伴矿景天相比,煤与伴矿景天混烧更有利于Cd和Zn保留在底渣中,但不利于Pb保留在底渣中;对于不同氮氧比气氛而言,Zn和Cd在底渣中的含量随着气氛中氧气含量的提高而升高,而气氛对Pb的影响是随着氧气含量的增加,Pb在底渣的含量是先增加后减少;当煤在混烧中的比例较高时,Cd更多向飞灰迁移,Pb和Zn则更多地残留于底渣。 相似文献
The presence of an immobile gaseous phase in an otherwise-saturated porous medium affects the transport of volatile compounds. The linear theory of partitioning tracers suggests that a volatile tracer introduced into such a system should be retarded with a constant retardation factor. Using high concentrations, however, the saturation of the gaseous phase will change as an effect of the tracer test itself. Competitive gas transfer among all volatile compounds and the change of saturation may lead to tracer concentrations that are temporarily higher than those injected. We analyze the system in the framework of the coherence theory by Helfferich [Soc. Pet. Eng. J. 21 (1) (1981) 51]. The governing equations are formulated as functions of total concentration, i.e., the mass of solutes in all phases per pore volume. Neglecting dispersion and mass-transfer kinetics, we derive the characteristic form of the resulting system of hyperbolic equations. In a system with N volatile compounds, a variation of the concentrations splits up into N waves, each traveling with its own characteristic velocity. If the presence of a gaseous phase is sustained, one wave will be a standing one. We perform numerical model calculations for tracers with various Henry's law coefficients and show that the results agree with the semi-analytical solution obtained by coherence theory. 相似文献
不同温度下制备花生壳生物炭的结构性质差异 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
热解温度是影响生物炭结构性质的重要因素。在200~700 ℃温度范围内,以花生壳为生物质原材料制备生物炭,并对生物炭的理化性质及结构组成进行表征,以期了解花生壳生物炭特征及其随热解温度变化的规律。结果表明,生物炭的产率随着温度的升高而减少,灰分和pH随着温度升高而增加。生物炭的C含量随着温度升高而增加,H元素含量却随着温度升高而减少。H/C随着温度的增加而减少。红外光谱分析表明,随着温度的升高生物炭的烷基基团减少,芳香化程度逐渐升高。500 ℃制备生物炭的K2Cr2O7和KMnO4氧化碳损失量最低,分别为18.6%和1.70%。X射线衍射分析表明,随着温度的升高,生物炭中草酸钙矿物分解消失,碳酸钙矿物形成。 相似文献
于2013年9月(非采暖季)、2014年2-3月(采暖季)、2014年5月(风沙季)采集忻州市3个监测点(新城区、开发区和旧城区)的PM2.5样品,分析其中的39种元素、9种水溶性离子及2种碳组分,并对PM2.5的质量浓度进行重构。结果表明,重构后的化学组分分为5类:矿物尘、微量元素、有机物、元素碳和二次粒子,其中矿物尘、二次粒子及有机物是忻州PM2.5的主要组成,分别占到ρ(PM2.5)的24.0%~36.2%、19.2%~32.6%和12.9%~25.7%;化学组成质量分数具有较明显的季节变化特征,风沙季矿物尘质量分数高于采暖季和非采暖季,采暖季有机物质量分数高于其他两季,非采暖季二次粒子质量分数略高于其他两季;化学组分的空间变化显示会展中心站点的二次粒子和矿物尘质量分数明显高于其他2个站点。应用化学质量平衡(CMB)模型进行来源解析,结果显示忻州市PM2.5的主要来源是扬尘(21%~35%)、二次粒子(25%~26%)和机动车尾气(21%~26%)。 相似文献