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主要介绍汽车整车自然暴露试验评价方法,基于整车厂长期进行汽车整车自然暴露试验,对整车进行表观检测、性能检查及其他项目检测,通过分析试验结果,归纳汽车内外饰件常见缺陷,按照失效程度和不同部件类型,为整车耐候性进行等级划分,建立整车系统化评价方法。  相似文献   
There has been a shift in natural resource management worldwide. This paper describes how modern institutions and policies influence management and shape access to and utilization of resources by rural communities in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. It is rooted in the framework of adaptive co‐governance within social‐ecological systems, and employs a critical literature review to analyse access to and use of natural resources in rural Botswana. Prior to the establishment of community‐based natural resource management (CBNRM) in Botswana in 1989, resource governance was dominated by strong traditional institutions that were responsible for natural resource management and decision‐making. Contemporary natural resource governance is characterized by a bureaucratic system that invariably undermines the role of traditional institutions in natural resource governance. Findings indicate that policies and regulatory instruments deny rural communities adequate access to and utilization of resources available within their immediate environment. In spite of an orientation towards an anthropocentric approach to natural resource management (as in the case of CBNRM), the current governance system continues to undermine the inclusion of local resource users as legitimate stakeholders in the decision‐making process.  相似文献   
在北京地区某加油站开展的前期石油类污染物自然衰减现场试验的基础上,进一步开展了验证试验,结果表明本次试验得到的挥发性有机物(VOCs)变化趋势及O2、CO2含量沿土壤深度分布和前期试验结果呈现相同的规律,说明基于自然衰减法设计实施的加油站现场试验检测分析结果可靠,试验方法具有合理性、可操作性及可重复性.进一步的理论分析对前期试验结果进行了验证,得出以下结论:(1)通过氧平衡和碳平衡计算对加油站土壤内的自然衰减方式进行评价,验证了该加油站地下土壤中实际发生的微生物降解既有需氧降解也有厌氧降解;(2)利用有机物的一级衰减模型对该污染现场土壤中石油类污染物的降解速率和半衰期进行计算表明,2次试验计算得到的石油类污染物的半衰期基本一致,该污染现场石油类污染物的半衰期为50 d左右;(3)在此基础上,对该加油站包气带土壤的自然衰减能力和环境质量进行评价,2次试验结果均表明该污染现场在自然衰减的作用下已经不存在环境风险.  相似文献   
基于对抗交叉评价模型的中国自然灾害区域脆弱性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次提出使用对抗交叉评价(Aggressive-Cross-Evaluation)模型对自然灾害的区域脆弱性程度进行研究。从区域自然灾害的危险性,区域承灾体暴露性和区域自然灾害造成的损失程度构建了区域自然灾害系统的脆弱性评价模型,并通过算例对中国自然灾害的区域脆弱性进行了评价。传统的DEA方法为了保证算法的有效性,一般选取的输入和输出指标的个数较少。对抗交叉评价模型回避了传统的DEA方法的缺陷,继承了DEA方法不需要预先估计权重参数和函数模型的优点,可以全面、客观地评价自然灾害的区域脆弱性。  相似文献   
氟磺隆水解动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用试验室内模拟试验的方法,研究不同pH的缓冲溶液和不同自然水体对氟磺隆水解的影响。实验结果表明,不同pH缓冲溶液和不同自然水体对氟磺隆水解速率均有不同程度的影响。在碱性条件下氟磺隆的水解速率最快,半衰期为0.2 d,酸性条件下次之,半衰期为6.0 d,在中性条件下水解较慢,半衰期为15.7 d,而在不同自然水体中氟磺隆的降解速率为:伊通河水稻田水青湖水蒸馏水。  相似文献   
针对汽车危险报警开关的气候老化性能展开研究,分别采用整车自然暴露试验技术和人工加速老化试验技术,对汽车危险报警开关的老化性能进行研究,结果显示该汽车危险报警开关表面严重变色,表明其耐气候老化性能较差;对造成汽车危险报警开关因气候老化严重变色的原因进行具体分析,提出具体的措施实施整改,并对整改后的危险报警开关耐老化性能进行验证分析,结果表明经过整改后的危险报警开关耐气候老化性能有了很大的提高。  相似文献   
This paper shows the strong relation between the factors that lead to the resource curse (RC) and factors that lead to a decline of genuine savings (GS). There is substantial empirical evidence that economies that rely predominantly on their natural resources are also characterized by slower economic growth. This so‐called RC is commonly traced back to the fact that natural resources' generate rents that are independent of a country's economic performance, which can lead to suboptimal reinvestments of this consumed natural capital. We argue that the factors responsible for the RC also have a negative effect on GS, a concept that measures “weak” sustainable development by considering reinvestment of natural capital rents in physical and human capital. We discuss whether the RC hampers possibilities for resource abundant countries to obtain sufficiently high rates of GS, and find indeed many reasons why resource‐dependent countries have problems achieving positive GS rates. We survey both areas of research, emphasizing the influence of the exogenous and endogenous determinants of economic growth, which are usually used to theoretically and empirically explain the RC on the three different forms of capital considered by GS. We specify why most countries suffering from the RC have negative GS rates and explain in detail where the linkages are. This overview could help with potential advancements in the explanation of GS through the inclusion of RC effects.  相似文献   
Kenney, Melissa A., Peter R. Wilcock, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Nicholas E. Flores, and Daniela C. Martínez, 2012. Is Urban Stream Restoration Worth It? Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 603-615. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00635.x Abstract: Public investment in urban stream restoration is growing, yet little has been done to quantify whether its benefits outweigh its cost. The most common drivers of urban stream projects are water quality improvement and infrastructure protection, although recreational and aesthetic benefits are often important community goals. We use standard economic methods to show that these contributions of restoration can be quantified and compared to costs. The approach is demonstrated with a case study in Baltimore, Maryland, a city with a legal mandate to reduce its pollutant load. Typical urban stream restoration costs of US$500-1,200 per foot are larger than the cost of the least expensive alternatives for management of nitrogen loads from stormwater (here, detention ponds, equivalent to $30-120 per foot of restored stream) and for protecting infrastructure (rip-rap armoring of streambanks, at $0-120 per foot). However, the higher costs of stream restoration can in some cases be justified by its aesthetic and recreational benefits, valued using a contingent valuation survey at $560-1,100 per foot. We do not intend to provide a definitive answer regarding the worth of stream restoration, but demonstrate that questions of worth can be asked and answered. Broader application of economic analysis would provide a defensible basis for understanding restoration benefits and for making restoration decisions.  相似文献   
The impact of residual PAHs (2250 ± 71 μg total PAHs g−1) following enhanced natural attenuation (ENA) of creosote-contaminated soil (7767 ± 1286 μg total PAHs g−1) was assessed using a variety of ecological assays. Microtox™ results for aqueous soil extracts indicated that there was no significant difference in EC50 values for uncontaminated, pre- and post-remediated soil. However, in studies conducted with Eisenia fetida, PAH bioaccumulation was reduced by up to 6.5-fold as a result of ENA. Similarly, Beta vulgaris L. biomass yields were increased 2.1-fold following ENA of creosote-contaminated soil. While earthworm and plant assays indicated that PAH bioavailability was reduced following ENA, the residual PAH fraction still exerted toxicological impacts on both receptors. Results from this study highlight that residual PAHs following ENA (presumably non-bioavailable to bioremediation) may still be bioavailable to important receptor organisms such as earthworms and plants.  相似文献   
天然石材产品放射性水平及其防护管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简介了我国天然石材产品中放射水平、分类控制使用的现状以及应用天然石材装饰室内所致辐射对人体健康产生的不良影响,提出了加强对天然石材产品使用过程中的监督、监测和管理的建议。  相似文献   
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