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By rapidly modifying key habitat components, habitat restoration is at risk of producing attractive cues for animals without providing habitats of sufficient quality. As such, individual fitness components, such as reproduction, could be reduced and restored habitats could become ecological traps. This risk notably appears by using artificial constructions in restoration projects, yet few studies have evaluated their efficacy in a robust way. We investigated this by analyzing 154 islets that were created or restored to improve the conservation status of 7 colonial Laridae species in the South of France. From 2007 to 2016, we compared occupancy dynamics and breeding parameters of these species between the restored sites and 846 unmanaged nesting sites. We also explored species’ preference for different nesting site characteristics and their respective effect on breeding parameters. Restored nesting sites were 2–9 times as attractive as unmanaged sites for all species except the Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Colonization probability was up to 100 times higher in sites already used by other species the previous year and increased with distance to the shore until >0.2 when distance was over 250 m. Abandonment probability was 29–70% lower when breeding was successful the previous year in all species except the Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis). Productivity and breeding success probability were 2 times higher on managed sites. Distance from the shore was an important attractive characteristic of artificial nesting sites in all species. Other nesting site characteristics had species-specific effects on colonization, abandonment, and breeding success. Our results indicate that managed nesting sites are successful conservation tools for colonial Laridae in the Mediterranean and do not act as ecological traps. Our study showed that testing the ecological trap hypothesis is a robust way to evaluate the success of restoration projects of breeding habitats.  相似文献   
Biodiversity offsets aim to counterbalance the residual impacts of development on species and ecosystems. Guidance documents explicitly recommend that biodiversity offset actions be located close to the location of impact because of higher potential for similar ecological conditions, but allowing greater spatial flexibility has been proposed. We examined the circumstances under which offsets distant from the impact location could be more likely to achieve no net loss or provide better ecological outcomes than offsets close to the impact area. We applied a graphical model for migratory shorebirds in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway as a case study to explore the problems that arise when incorporating spatial flexibility into offset planning. Spatially flexible offsets may alleviate impacts more effectively than local offsets; however, the risks involved can be substantial. For our case study, there were inadequate data to make robust conclusions about the effectiveness and equivalence of distant habitat-based offsets for migratory shorebirds. Decisions around offset placement should be driven by the potential to achieve equivalent ecological outcomes; however, when considering more distant offsets, there is a need to evaluate the likely increased risks alongside the potential benefits. Although spatially flexible offsets have the potential to provide more cost-effective biodiversity outcomes and more cobenefits, our case study showed the difficulty of demonstrating these benefits in practice and the potential risks that need to be considered to ensure effective offset placement.  相似文献   
采用厌氧发酵处理庆大霉素菌渣,考察了含固率、接种比、接种污泥、发酵底物等因素对庆大霉素菌渣厌氧发酵的影响,并用累积净甲烷产量衡量庆大霉素菌渣进行厌氧发酵的可行性及发酵程度。试验结果证实了庆大霉素菌渣进行厌氧发酵的可行性,其中含固率和接种比对发酵的影响较大,最佳条件为含固率5%,接种比1/3;对比试验所用3种接种污泥,发现接种某造纸厂污水处理IC反应器的厌氧颗粒污泥效果最优,在最优含固率和接种比的条件下,累积净产甲烷量为28.21 m3/t;此外,试验还证实,采用不同菌渣的联合发酵表现出了明显的协同作用,在最优条件下,庆大霉素菌渣与林可霉素菌渣按1∶2的比例联合发酵的产甲烷量可达到37.5 m3/t。  相似文献   
在GIS和RS支持下,利用土地利用类型数据、地面气象数据和遥感影像数据,以青岛市为例,研究了市域尺度下的植被NPP空间分布特征.结果表明:青岛市NPP值为0~288 g·m-2·a-2,林地NPP值较高,耕地次之,建成区等区域最小.在小尺度区域内,NPP分布受土地利用类型影响较大,受气象因素影响较小.NPP模块在数据获取上比较容易,仅利用土地利用类型数据、地面气象数据和遥感数据就可以对陆地植被NPP进行计算,实际应用可操作性强.30 m分辨率植被NPP计算值更适宜于在市级小尺度区域内应用.  相似文献   
臭氧污染对不同品种小麦养分吸收与分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近地层臭氧(O3)污染会危害植物生长,势必间接影响氮素吸收利用.本研究利用开放式臭氧污染(Free-air O3 concentration enrichment,O3FACE)研究平台,研究了大气O3浓度增加(比周围大气高50%)对长江三角洲地区5个冬小麦(Tritcium aestivum L.)主栽品种(扬麦15、扬麦16、烟农19、扬幅麦2号和嘉兴002)的物质积累、氮素吸收与分配的影响.结果显示,O3浓度升高对秸秆和籽粒的影响远大于根系.烟农19、嘉兴002和扬麦16的产量因O3浓度升高而减少,而扬麦15和扬幅麦2号产量则变化不大.扬幅麦2号与嘉兴002的秸秆干物重因O3浓度升高而显著增加,扬麦15与烟农19分别呈增大与降低趋势,而扬麦16则无变化表明O3污染对小麦干物质积累与分配的影响存在品种差异.O3浓度升高影响氮素在小麦根、秸秆和籽粒中的含量与分配趋势,但影响程度因品种而异.O3浓度升高导致扬幅麦2号的总吸氮量显著增加30.6%及烟农19的总吸氮量呈增加趋势,并使嘉兴002的总吸氮量显著降低34.8%及扬麦16总吸氮量呈降低趋势,但扬麦15的总吸氮量则不受影响.除扬麦15外,O3浓度升高具有减少籽粒氮占总氮比例的趋势,表明小麦响应O3污染对氮素吸收与分配调整机制存在品种差异.扬麦16、烟农19和嘉兴002的氮肥偏生产力因O3浓度升高而显著降低,而扬麦15和扬幅麦2号则无明显变化.扬麦16和嘉兴002的氮肥利用率因O3浓度升高显著降低,而扬幅麦2号呈增加趋势,扬麦15、烟农19呈降低趋势.综合来看,小麦扬麦15抗O3污染能力强于其它品种,而嘉兴002则最易遭受臭氧污染危害.评价O3污染对小麦干物质与产量的形成与分配、氮素在植物-土壤系统周转的影响应综合考虑品种差异.  相似文献   
20 a来中国占补耕地光温生产潜力时空特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究占补耕地光温生产潜力的时空特征对指导耕地资源开发与粮食生产具有重要意义。论文基于1980年代末-2010年的多期土地利用和多年平均光温生产潜力,以占用耕地与增补耕地单位面积光温生产潜力为依据,分析20 a来中国占补耕地光温生产潜力时空特征,并进一步探讨其对光温生产潜力总量的影响。结果表明:①1980年代末-2010年,全国耕地存在明显的占优补劣情况;②从各分区看,东北平原主产区、北方干旱半干旱主产区、青藏高原区、华南主产区、云贵高原区占用耕地单位面积光温生产潜力持续高于增补耕地,长江中下游主产区占用耕地单位面积光温生产潜力持续低于增补耕地,四川盆地及周边地区、黄土高原区、海南由占优补劣变为占劣补优,黄淮海平原区由占劣补优变为占优补劣;③占优补劣对全国光温生产潜力总量变化有显著影响;④东北平原主产区等我国耕地开垦的主要区域受占优补劣的影响较大,华南主产区等耕地损失区受占优补劣的影响相对较小,占劣补优对缩小耕地占用对光温生产潜力总量影响的作用并不大。  相似文献   
中国区域环境绩效及波特假说的再检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以二氧化碳为非期望产出,基于序列DEA的方向性距离函数、环境规制强度指数、Malmqulist-Luenberger指数,测度了1999~2010年中国30个省、市、自治区及东、中、西、东北四大区域的环境技术效率、环境规制成本及全要素生产率,并对四大区域的全要素生产率进行了波特假说的再检验.研究结果表明:区域间的环境技术效率呈现东-东北-中-西依次递减的演变格局;东北老工业基地的环境规制成本最高、西部地区最低;环境规制强度与全国及四大区域全要素生产率有显著的正相关性,这支持了波特假说的存在;技术进步效应的检验结果显示,只有中部区域支持波特假说的存在,西部区域检验结果表明碳排放的规制过高会对技术进步带来消极影响;环境技术效率变化效应的检验结果显示,全国及四大区域均支持波特假说的存在,碳排放规制强度的加强,会推动各地区在不同时期追赶最优生产前沿面的程度.  相似文献   
本工作研究了全新世中国东北地区哈尼泥炭地的碳积累速率与气候变化的响应机制。综合多指标腐殖化度、有机碳含量、干容重和纤维素碳氧同位素重建了哈尼地区全新世气候变化历史,并且基于定年、有机碳含量和干容重得到碳积累速率数据。哈尼泥炭时间加权平均碳积累速率28.3gC/(m2·a)。B/A暖期后期温暖湿润气候有利于碳积累,出现碳积累高峰。相对寒冷的新仙女木期碳积累速率有所降低。温暖湿润早中全新世虽有高泥炭分解,但高初级生产力还是占据主导作用,出现高碳积累速率。期间有两次火山碎屑层扰动了泥炭发育,导致碳积累速率下降。高碳积累速率一直持续到4ka BP左右大暖期结束。4.0~1.6ka BP太平洋季风减弱,泥炭表面偏干,加之降温导致低初级生产力,最终导致此阶段碳积累速率显著降低。之后季风不断增强,碳积累速率也随之增加。八次IRD降温,小冰期和新仙女木降温在哈尼都是冷湿气候组合。冷湿气候虽使有机物分解降低,但更大程度的抑制了初级生产力发展,导致低碳积累速率。  相似文献   
穆雷 《环境科学与管理》2012,37(10):187-191
根据作者从事环境评价工作的经验,结合北京市的城市建设项目的案例,说明在公众参与工作中结合中国城市基层组织特点,发挥基层组织作用,能够有效使公众参与环境保护、体现公众环境知情权、制止群体事件的发生,进一步做好公众参与工作。  相似文献   
Vegetation net primary productivity (NPP) is a sensitive indicator to characterize the response of terrestrial ecosystems to the climate change. Projections of the NPP changes of the Loess Plateau under future climate scenarios have great significances in revealing the interactions among terrestrial ecosystems and climatic systems, as well as instructing future vegetation construction of this region. Here, we carried out a case study on the Yangou watershed in the Loess Plateau. Using the vegetation-producing process model (VPP) established for such small watersheds, we simulated the NPP of the Yangou watershed under different scenarios of climate changes. The results showed that the NPP significantly increased with the precipitation increasing and evidently decreased with the temperature increasing where the climate change occurred in the whole year or in the summer half year. However, where the climate change occurred in the winter half year, the increased precipitation had little effect on the NPP, and the increased temperature significantly reduced the NPP. There were clear differences among the response sensitivities of different vegetation types with trees and shrubs were more sensitive to the changes in temperature and precipitation than crops and grasses. Currently, the most favourable climate change scenario to the NPP in the Yangou watershed was T0P15 under which the precipitation increased by 15% and the temperature did not changed, in the whole year; in the meantime, the most unfavourable climate change scenarios was T2P-15 under which the precipitation declined by 15% and the temperature increased by 2℃, in the whole year.  相似文献   
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