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Hanghang Dong;Miaomiao Tao;Jianda Wang;Giovanni Baiocchi; 《Sustainable Development》2024,32(6):6881-6902
Digital technologies constitute a critical enabler for attaining a net zero target. However, how digital infrastructure, the material infrastructure that underpins digital technologies, shapes firms' green innovation remains uncertain. The uniqueness of this analysis lies in evaluating the causal implications of the Broadband China policy on corporate green innovation using a staggered difference-in-differences technique. Our study indicates that the Broadband China policy robustly boosts corporate green innovation. However, treatment impacts vary across calendar times, entry cohorts, and exposure durations, with most estimates exhibiting powerful and positive effects. Further analysis indicates that the Broadband China policy boosts green innovation indirectly through financialization by increasing corporate operating income and total asset turnover while minimizing management operating costs. The findings endorse that the corporate green innovation process requires more long-term, stable, and continuous financial support due to its high information asymmetry, high-risk nature, and long-term investment cycle. 相似文献
本文基于国家自然科学基金环境化学学科的项目申请与资助数据,系统分析了该学科2014—2023年在资助总量、经费流向、研究热点等方面的趋势与变化,主要研究发现:①申请数增速超过资助数增速,导致资助率从2014年的27.9%降至2023年的18.6%,反映科研竞争日益激烈. ②自由探索类项目资助经费在学科资助总经费中的占比从80.0%降至55.2%,重点类和人才类项目资助经费占比则显著增加,显示出环境化学学科越发重视具有战略性和高创新潜力的研究. ③环境分析化学和水污染控制化学等领域的资助经费呈增长趋势,资助数也较高,反映其与当前社会需求的密切关联. ④污染物处理和环境质量监测是环境化学领域中的核心问题,科研人员正通过应用纳米技术研发新材料,来提高污染控制的效率并促进环境污染修复. 本研究不仅为环境化学学科的未来发展提供了数据支持,也为相关科研人员选择研究方向、制定项目申请策略提供了有益的参考. 相似文献
Boxiong Wang; 《Natural resources forum》2024,48(3):985-1000
As China pursues carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, the low-carbon economy and energy conservation have become essential components of high-quality economic development. Although agriculture plays a fundamental role in a country, the relationship between agricultural development, investment, and carbon emissions is often overlooked in existing research. This study aims to address this gap by examining the impact of financial investment in agriculture on carbon dioxide emissions and the underlying mechanisms driving this relationship. Employing panel data from mainland China's provinces between 2007 and 2020, the study also investigates the regional heterogeneity in the effect of agricultural investment on carbon dioxide emissions. Our findings reveal that increasing financial investment in agriculture effectively reduces carbon dioxide emissions, primarily through optimizing industrial structure and fostering technological innovation. Heterogeneity tests indicate that the inhibitory effect of agricultural investment on carbon dioxide emissions is more pronounced in eastern regions, provinces with a higher degree of marketization, and provinces with a substantial proportion of primary industry. These results provide a theoretical basis for leveraging agricultural financial investment to restrain carbon dioxide emissions and highlight the unique contributions of our study to the existing body of research. 相似文献
基于2012年中国31个省(市)区的投入产出表,建立水资源扩展型的投入产出模型,测算了中国31个省(市)区的水足迹及水足迹贸易量,并基于省际贸易分析了省(市)区间空间转移格局。结果显示:(1)2012年,中国水足迹总量为4819.3亿m^3,国际贸易净输入水足迹为261.3亿m^3,省际贸易净输出水足迹为801.6亿m^3,省际贸易在全国水足迹贸易中占主导地位。(2)就省(市)区而言,河北、黑龙江等19个省(市)区为净输出省份,北京、天津等12个省(市)区为净输入省份;分产业来看,第一产业水足迹净输出757.9亿m^3;第二产业净输入222.2亿m^3、第三产业净输出4.6亿m^3。(3)省际间水足迹空间转移具有来源与去向的不一致性,同时存在省(市)区转移的地理邻近性,资源丰富省份和经济发达地区转移现象明显。 相似文献
以全国城市空气质量实时发布平台的监测数据为基础,运用空间插值法模拟中国PM2.5在10kmx10km空间网格尺度上的暴露水平,利用BenMap工具估计2017年中国PM2.5污染的健康损失,在城市尺度上对PM2.5污染的健康经济损失进行空间分析.结果表明,在统计意义层面上,2017年PM2.5污染共计造成我国321435例早逝、746078例住院、14877551例患病,健康经济损失约为12625亿元,占当年全国GDP的1.53%.从城市尺度来看,健康效应呈现出一定的空间聚集效应,京津冀地区城市较为严重.在空间分布上,主要以“高-高”型和“低-低”型分布为主,即健康经济损失高值城市相互聚集、健康经济损失低值城市也相互聚集,并且存在高值城市之间相互影响并逐渐向四周扩散,进而影响周围低值城市的现象. 相似文献
系统地回顾了新中国成立70年以来环境保护战略政策的历史变迁,分析其演进脉络、阶段性变化特征和取得的成效,对于制定新时代国家生态环境保护战略政策、全面推进生态文明和\"美丽中国\"建设具有重大现实意义.以环境保护战略政策历史演进为主线,将新中国成立70年以来的环境保护战略政策历史变迁与发展划分为5个阶段:①非理性战略探索阶段(1949-1971年);②建立环境保护三大政策和八项管理制度的环境保护基本国策(1972-1991年);③强化重点流域、区域污染治理的可持续发展战略(1992-2000年);④控制污染物排放总量、推进生态环境示范创建的环境友好型战略(2001-2012年);⑤推进环境质量改善和\"美丽中国\"建设的生态文明战略(2013年至今).分析表明,我国基本形成了符合国情且较为完善的环境战略政策体系,在生态文明和环境保护法制与体制改革、生态环境目标责任制、生态环境市场经济政策体系以及多元有效的生态环境治理格局下取得了重大成就,对环境保护事业发展发挥了不可替代的支撑作用,为深入推进生态文明建设和\"美丽中国\"伟大目标实现提供了重要保障.结合新时代生态文明建设和\"美丽中国\"建设的目标需求,提出了未来我国生态环境保护战略政策的基本走向、改革目标,指出了管理体制、生态法治、空间管控、市场机制、公众参与、责任考核等六大改革方向. 相似文献
Jiuhui Qu Hongchen Wang Kaijun Wang Gang Yu Bing Ke Han-Qing Yu Hongqiang Ren Xingcan Zheng Ji Li Wen-Wei Li Song Gao Hui Gong 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2019,13(6):88
Control of the increasing fossil fuel‐based carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the associated environmental consequences are important for sustainable development in China. Nevertheless, very few studies have investigated the environmental consequences of China's fossil fuels at both the national and regional levels. For this purpose, this study explores the dynamic relationships among CO2 emissions, economic growth, and consumption of various fossil fuels (i.e., coal, petroleum, and natural gas) in China, using the panel dataset of 30 provinces for the period 1997–2015. Considering the significant differences across various regions, the whole sample and different regions in China are analyzed separately. The estimated results, at both the national and regional levels, provide strong evidence in favor of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for CO2 emissions in China. Furthermore, increasing coal and petroleum consumption significantly promotes CO2 emissions. Conversely, natural gas offers a cleaner substitute for other fossil fuels (i.e., coal and petroleum); its substitution effect may be influenced by the share of natural gas in the total energy needs. Finally, the above findings highlight several policy implications for the Chinese government's policymakers to effectively reduce CO2 emissions in China, thereby setting the nation on a sustainable development path. 相似文献