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西藏土地资源特点及其合理开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
西藏土地辽阔,但其宜农土地少而分布集中;宜牧土地数量大,但质量差异大;宜林土地质高量大;高寒干旱及难利用土地较广。这些特点决定了西藏农林牧生产的结构、规模和布局。目前土地开发水平低、商品性生产落后,部分土地有所退化,经济与生态效益均不高。因此,今后应加强科学管理、增加投入,深度开发与保护农林牧各类土地资源。提高现有耕地的单产水平;改良草地与建设人工草地,采育结合;保护森林等乃是促进西藏农业经济发展、改善农业生产条件与生态环境的战略方针和有效对策。  相似文献   
基于全国农用地分等工作成果,采用定量分析法和对比分析法,研究了未来10 a长江三角洲地区耕地变化对区域粮食产能的影响。研究结果表明:①长江三角洲地区耕地利用等别处于全国中等偏上水平,耕地质量总体较优;②根据新一轮土地利用总体规划,未来10 a内长江三角洲地区耕地数量和质量均存在下降趋势,减少的耕地主要集中在利用等别较高、 质量较优的区域;③长江三角洲地区最高等别、 最低等别耕地的标准面积与统计面积相比,减少和增加耕地的比例为0.1∶1,减少和增加标准粮产量的比例为0.52∶1。相对于低等别耕地,高等别耕地数量变化对粮食产能影响更大;④耕地占补平衡中,由于占优补劣原因使耕地质量下降,导致补充耕地的粮食产能大大降低。  相似文献   
Energy and Carbon Embodied in the International Trade of Brazil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shifting the economicstructure of a country towardsenergy-intensive industries may lead tosignificant effect on the environment. Oneof the major environmental impactsassociated to such changes is the increaseof the Carbon Dioxide emissions – the mainfactor behind the greenhouse effect. In thelast decades, structural changes in theBrazilian economy were close related tochanges in the country's tradespecialization. This paper analyzes to whatextent energy use and its associatedCO2 emissions of Brazil in the 90's maybe overloaded by changes in the country'strade specialization towards a moreenergy-intensive mix. This study finds thatBrazil exported, in net terms, significantamounts of energy and carbon (C) embodied ingoods traded with the rest of the world inthe 90's. In fact, some 6.6% of the finalenergy used by the industrial sector andaround 7.1% of its C emissions areprompted by international trade. Byoverloading the country's energy use andits associated environmental damage (bothlocal and global), this situation seems tocontribute to increase not only local butalso global environmental damage, sinceC leakage from non-Annex I countriesdue to international trade may lead tohigher C concentration in theatmosphere.  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区气候生产潜力的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢云 《自然资源学报》1993,8(4):364-370
内蒙古自治区地处季风气候边缘区。对该地区气候生产潜力的动态分析表明:区域内气候生产潜力年际变率大,其中水分限制作用突出的地区变率尤大。利用自然正交函数对气候生产潜力的时空分析还揭示出:区域内生产潜力的变化在时间上具有同步性,在变幅上具有地区差异性,在空间上,东西方向具有反相性。  相似文献   
围绕本区旱作农田生产现实,运用“肥力梯度”田区研究,和联合国FAO推荐的概算等方法,所展现出各气候类型区主要作物耗水系数,和降水应能实现的生产潜力,虽低于灌溉农田的热量生产潜力,却也令人鼓舞。研究揭示,现阶段高原旱作农田降水生产潜力受制于地力水平,即在一定范围内,地力水平与耗水系数、作物产量密切相关。研究指出:“干旱固然是高原农业生产经常威胁,然而地力不足,乃是导致水分无谓耗损的更为直接原因”。多种途径,有所侧重地培肥地力,是使降水的潜在生产力充分化为现实生产力的重要方面。  相似文献   
Boron toxicity is an important disorder that can be limit plant growth on soils of arid and semi arid environments through the world. High concentrations of Boron may occur naturally in the soil or in groundwater, or be added to the soil from mining, fertilizers, or irrigation water. Off all the potential resources, irrigation water is the most important contributor to high levels of soil boron, boron is often found in high concentrations in association with saline soil and saline well water. Although of considerable agronomic importance, our understanding of Boron toxicity is rather fragment and limited. In this study, Boron content of Great Menderes River and Basin was researched. Great Menderes Basin is one of the consequence basins having agricultural potential, aspect of water and soil resources in Turkey. Great Menderes River, water resource of the basin was to be polluted by geothermal wastewater and thermal springs including Boron element. Great Menderes Basin has abundant geothermal water resources which contain high amounts of Boron and these ground water are brought to surface and used for various purposes such as power generation, heating or thermal spring and than discharged to Great Menderes River. In order to prevent Boron pollution and hence unproductively in soils, it is necessary not to discharged water with Boron to irrigation water. According to results, it was obtained that Boron content of River was as high in particular Upper Basin where there was a ground thermal water reservoir. Boron has been accumulated more than plant requirement in this area irrigated by this water. Boron content of River was relatively low in rainy months and irrigation season while it was high in dry season. Boron concentration in the River was to decrease from upstream to downstream. If it is no taken measure presently, about 130,000 ha irrigation areas which was constructed irrigation scheme in the Great Menderes basin will expose the Boron pollution and salinity. Even though Boron concentration of river water is under 0.5 ppm limit value, Boron element will store in basin soils, decrease in crop yields, and occur problematic soils in basin.  相似文献   
滹沱河流域湿地植被优势种群生态位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度指数和Petraitis生态位重叠指数测定了滹沱河流域湿地植被20个优势种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠.结果表明,浮叶眼子菜、莎草、藨草等占据较窄的生态位,生态位发生明显特化.苔草、海乳草、黄花蒿、赖草等占据较宽的生态位,生态位泛化比较明显.根据生态位宽度指数将湿地植物分为4个生态类群.在20个优势种群构成的380个种对中,有71个种对间表现出生态位重叠,占整个种对的18.68%.说明优势种群间生态位重叠现象并不普遍,各种群间生态位明显分离,因此不同种群利用资源的方式具有较为显著的差异性.图1表3参15  相似文献   
吴勇  刘娉 《中国环境管理》2024,16(1):145-153
为促进流域的司法保护,我国一些地方法院成立了专门的流域环境法庭。但从流域环境法庭和流域环境巡回法庭的实践情况来看,还不能满足流域整体性保护的需要,也不能适应流域法的发展需求。我国流域司法机制建设,宜从流域环境法庭逐渐转到流域环境法院。流域环境法院的建立在我国环境司法专门化进程中具有必要性和可行性。按照流域法的保护理念和环境司法专门化的要求,流域环境法院的建设首先要合理设置审判机构,其次要科学设计程序制度,为流域生态环境保护提供强有力的司法保障。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,中国东、中、西部地区经济差距不断拉大,政府为协调区域经济发展水平,逐渐将生产性公共支出向较不发达的中部和西部地区倾斜。为了全面地评估这种财政政策的效果,在传统一般均衡分析的基础上将生产性公共支出及其空间溢出纳入宏观经济分析框架,构建了一个多地区动态一般均衡模型,并用该模型模拟了现实经济中区域生产性公共支出政策及其调整对区域经济和宏观经济的冲击,得到的结论是:(1)当前生产性公共支出空间分布基础上,新增生产性公共支出分散于各个地区,会继续扩大区域经济差距;(2)新增生产性公共支出集中于较不发达的地区时,由于较低的基础设施边际生产力和较弱的空间溢出效应,全国人均产出不能达到最大水平,但可缩小区域经济差距;(3)新增生产性公共支出集中于较发达的地区时,由于较高的基础设施边际生产力和较强的空间溢出效应,全国人均产出可达到最大水平,但同时拉大区域经济差距。由此得到的政策启示是:在现有生产性公共支出的区域分布基础上,以缩小区域经济差距为目标的次优的财政政策将新增的生产性公共支出向西部和中部等较不发达地区倾斜,靠直接刺激效应促进当地产出增长;以效率优先为准则的财政政策选取较发达地区为生产性公共支出目的地,因为较发达地区通常具有较高的基础设施边际生产力和较强的空间溢出效应。  相似文献   
导游特色化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于旅游市场对特色导游迫切需求的主要原因,阐述了导游特色化培养对于满足市场需求、提高服务质量、拓宽就业渠道、细化旅游学科专业建设具有的重要意义,并提出实现导游特色化可以从政策导向、教育、广纳人才等几个途径来实现。  相似文献   
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