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转型发展绩效评价及障碍因子诊断,是资源枯竭城市实现可持续发展的重要基础及依据。根据转型发展的内涵,从经济发展、民生改善、资源利用、环境整治、产业转型五个方面构建评价指标体系,采用改进的TOPSIS方法,以湖北大冶市为例,评价2007-2016年转型发展的绩效并诊断障碍因子。结果表明:(1)大冶转型发展取得了显著成效,十年转型发展绩效分值均在0.9以上,总体呈两个阶段:2007-2010年为转型初期,产业接替阶段,发展绩效不稳定,由2007年的0.9976升至2008年的0.9998,2010年下滑至0.9098;2011-2016年为稳定转型发展期,绩效稳步提升,由0.9142升至0.9458。(2)影响大冶转型发展的主要障碍因子排序十年一致,障碍度从强到弱依次为:矿山地质灾害隐患点数量、城镇登记失业率、高技术产业增加值占GDP比例、工业固体废物综合利用率、农村居民人均可支配收入和地方财政一般预算收入。根据评价结果,提出了大冶市今后转型发展的工作建议。  相似文献   
实验室监测数据的合理性检验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过比较总含盐量与溶解性总固体的关系、阴阳离子的平衡关系、总硬度与钙镁离子的关系及三氧之间的关系,进而检验实验监测数据的合理性和可靠性。  相似文献   
电厂烟囱高度确定的技术方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
烟囱不仅是电厂生产工艺上为获得一定抽力的排气筒,更重要的是控制大气污染保护环境的重要设施.通过研究有关电厂烟囱高度合理性方法,指出影响污染物落地浓度的主要影响因素,并从气象和环境空气影响角度对不同高度烟囱合理性进行检验.本文实例分析结果表明,烟囱高度要以适合当地气象和环境空气质量实际情况为原则,最大限度地减轻污染物落地浓度对当地造成的不利影响,并从技术、经济的合理性方面进行分析和论证,这对减轻污染和减少资金投入以及对于指导环境空气影响评价工作具有重要意义.  相似文献   
In the management literature, heuristics are often conceived of as a source of systematic error, whereas logic and statistics are regarded as the sine qua non of good decision making. Yet, this view can be incorrect for decisions made under uncertainty, as opposed to risk. Research on fast and frugal heuristics shows that simple heuristics can be successful in complex, uncertain environments and also when and why this is the case. This article describes the conceptual framework of heuristics as adaptive decision strategies and connects it with the managerial literature. We review five classes of heuristics, analyze their common building blocks, and show how these are applied in managerial decision making. We conclude by highlighting some prominent opportunities for future research in the field. In the uncertain world of management, simple heuristics can lead to better and faster decisions than complex statistical procedures. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
文章采用环境工程学的生命周期评价法从包装产品的功能实用性、环境协调性、经济适用性三个影响因素出发,建立了递阶层次结构的评价指标体系,并利用层次分析法对评价指标体系中不同的指标赋予了权重;同时在此基础上提出了对包装合理性进行评价的模糊综合评价方法,并给出了实例分析。结果表明:采用LCA的模糊综合评价法对包装合理性进行评价可以综合考虑环境、经济和功能三方面因素的影响,可以建立起系统全面的评价指标体系,从而得到客观公正的评价结果。采用这种方法对包装合理性进行评价时,评价过程简单易行,可操作性强,还可以为包装合理性的改善提供方向和建议,具有较强的社会意义和实际意义,同时这也表明了其在包装合理性评价中的可行性。  相似文献   
耕地转为建设用地能产生高额的土地增值收益,因而建设占用是我国耕地减少的重要因素之一,对建设用地的控制是保持耕地稳定的必不可少的一环.因此,构建了耕地保护经济合理性一般均衡分析理论模型.模型研究表明,为有效控制建设用地对耕地的占用,必须将土地出让收益与种植业收益比保持在一定限度内.山东省典型案例区耕地保护实证表明,在耕地变化驱动因素保持不变、提高5%和降低5%的3种情景下,为保持现有耕地面积不减少、土地增值收益惠及农民、政府(地方政府、省级和中央政府)土地出让收益不受损、土地使用者承担相应耕地保护责任,典型案例区单位面积土地出让收益与种植业收益比年变化率至少应保持在1.09%-8.75%之间;单位面积土地出让收益与粮食收益比年变化率应至少保持在4.24%-10.78%之间.上述结果可以为我国耕地保护政策的制定提供参考.  相似文献   
本文基于完全信息的经典双寡头古诺模型,构建不完全信息——不同理性程度的动态三寡头博弈模型,对三个寡头企业作出异质性理性的假设:天真理性、有限理性和适应性预期的理性行为,将传统博弈理论和动力系统的分岔理论相结合,模拟排污权交易市场中的寡头厂商行为,在假设企业是通过在排污权交易市场购买额外的排污权治理污染的条件下,探究产量调整速度、边际治污成本和排污权价格对企业产量决策的影响,对纳什均衡的存在和稳定条件进行分析。数值模拟结果表明,产量调整速度处于一定范围内,系统处于稳定状态,当超过这一范围时,适应性预期厂商的均衡产量只发生了倍周期分岔,而有限理性厂商的均衡产量经由倍周期分岔进入混沌状态;边际治污成本对系统稳定性的影响取决于企业的理性预期,随着边际治污成本的增加,有限理性厂商的产量越稳定,而天真理性和适应性预期的厂商刚好相反,经济系统出现周期分岔甚至混沌,混沌最终稳定在纳什均衡水平,说明边际治污成本越高,市场越不稳定;一个有趣的发现是排污权价格的增大有利于寡头市场产量供给的稳定。系统的奇怪吸引子、最大Lyapunov指数和对初值的敏感依赖性验证了系统处于混沌的事实。由于混沌意味着无序使模型预测变得困难,最后运用延迟反馈控制法使混沌稳定在纳什均衡水平,此时寡头厂商获得最大化利润。这对于稳定排污权市场,防止市场出现无序混沌的情形有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
Integrating humans in our perception of ecosystems is of critical importance to adequately protect natural resources. This poses the challenge of understanding human decision making in the context of decisions potentially threatening nature's integrity. We developed a spatially explicit agent-based model that simulates commercial whale-watching vessel movements based on a representation of the captains’ decision making process when observing marine mammals in and around the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park in Québec, Canada. We focus here on the human part of the global model, the submodel of whale movements having been developed and validated independently (Lamontagne, 2009). The objective of this study is to select and validate a model of whale-watching captains’ decision making using the pattern-oriented modelling approach (POM): three models of cognitive heuristics (satisficing, tallying and Take The Best) along with a null model (random choice) were tested. These concurrent decision making models were built upon knowledge extracted from data collected during field investigations, including interviews with whale-watching captains and park wardens, onboard and shore-based observations, and analyses of a multi-year dataset of sampled whale-watching excursions. Model selection is performed by statistically comparing simulated and real patterns of boat trajectories (excursion length), spatial hotspots (kernel home range 50%), and excursion content (species observed, time allocated to different activities). The selection process revealed that the Take The Best heuristic was the best performing model. We used the distribution of the number of whale-watching boats in the vicinity (2000 m) of each vessel as a secondary pattern to validate the ability of each decision making model to reproduce real observations. Given the prevalence of the species attribute in the choice of which whale to observe, the Take The Best heuristic's ability to deal with non-compensatory information partly explains its overall best performance. Moreover, implementation of communication abilities between modelled captains led to the emergence of persistent observation sites in the park, which is a well-known collective spatiotemporal characteristic of the whale-watching industry; thus validating the fundamental assumption that cooperation is an important mechanism behind the pattern of whale-watching boat dynamics. The relatively good performance of the satisficing and tallying heuristics supports both field evidence and literature on bounded rationality in that humans likely use collections of heuristics (adaptive toolbox) to solve decision problems in different contexts. The POM strategy appears suitable to build up an informative ABM regarding the management of human activities in a natural environment so that further developments will be assessed following the same approach.  相似文献   
We revisit the Tragedy of the Commons in a dynamic overlapping generations economy populated of shepherds who decide how many sheep they let graze on a common parcel of land, while relying on different forms of rationality (Nash players and Kantian players). We examine the dynamics of moral behaviors and land congestion when the prevalence of different types evolves over time following a vertical/oblique socialization process à la Bisin and Verdier (2001). We study the impact of a quota and of a tax on the congestion of land, and we show that introducing a quota may, in some cases, reduce the proportion of Kantians, and worsen the Tragedy of the Commons with respect to the laissez-faire. Ignoring the dynamics of moral traits may lead governments to implement policies that make the Tragedy worse than at the laissez-faire, even though such policies would work well for a fixed population composition.  相似文献   
建筑物地震损失估计方法对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
合理而准确地确定建筑物的地震损失是当今防震减灾研究的一个主要课题,也是地震保险费率厘定的前提.目前,我国已经在地震发生概率、场地类型、结构性能、财产分布等方面积累了许多震害统计资料.同时,不断应用地震学、抗震工程学和计算方法方面新的研究成果于地震损失的计算,形成了几种常见的损失估计思路和方法.这其中主要包括传统的地震灾害损失风险评估方法、基于动力可靠度的损失分析方法和基于结构性能的损失确定方法.从合理性和适用性的角度,对这3种方法进行了评述和比较,以此看出各种方法的优点和局限性以及分析思路的发展演变过程,并希望从中能够看出今后研究工作的一些方向.  相似文献   
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