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Based on numerical experiments with a new physiologically structured population model we demonstrate that predator physiology under low food and under starving conditions can have substantial implications for population dynamics in predator-prey interactions. We focused on Daphnia-algae interactions as model system and developed a new dynamic energy budget (DEB) model for individual daphnids. This model integrates the κ-rule approach common to net assimilation models into a net-production model, but uses a fixed allocation of net-productive energy in juveniles. The new DEB-model agrees well with the results of life history experiments with Daphnia. Compared to a pure κ-rule model the new allocation scheme leads to significant earlier maturation at low food levels and thus is in better agreement with the data. Incorporation of the new DEB-model into a physiologically structured population model using a box-car elevator technique revealed that the dynamics of Daphnia-algae interactions are highly sensitive to the assumptions on the energy allocation of juveniles under low food conditions. Additionally we show that also other energy allocation rules of our DEB-model concerning decreasing food levels and starving conditions at the individual level have strong implications for Daphnia-algae interactions at the population level. With increasing carrying capacity of algae a stable equilibrium with coexistence of Daphnia occurs and algae shifts to limit cycles. The amplitudes of the limit cycles increase with increasing percentage of sustainable weight loss. If a κ-rule energy allocation is applied to juveniles, the stable equilibrium occurs for a much narrower range of algal carrying capacities, the algal concentration at equilibrium is about 2 times larger, and the range of algae carrying capacities at which daphnids become extinct extends to higher carrying capacities than in the new DEB-model. Because predator-prey dynamics are very sensitive to predator physiology under low food and starving conditions, empirical constraints of predator physiology under these conditions are essential when comparing model results with observations in laboratory experiments or in the field.  相似文献   
Abstract: There is an intense debate about the effects of postfire salvage logging versus nonintervention policies on regeneration of forest communities, but scant information from experimental studies is available. We manipulated a burned forest area on a Mediterranean mountain to experimentally analyze the effect of salvage logging on bird–species abundance, diversity, and assemblage composition. We used a randomized block design with three plots of approximately 25 ha each, established along an elevational gradient in a recently burned area in Sierra Nevada Natural and National Park (southeastern Spain). Three replicates of three treatments differing in postfire burned wood management were established per plot: salvage logging, nonintervention, and an intermediate degree of intervention (felling and lopping most of the trees but leaving all the biomass). Starting 1 year after the fire, we used point sampling to monitor bird abundance in each treatment for 2 consecutive years during the breeding and winter seasons (720 censuses total). Postfire burned‐wood management altered species assemblages. Salvage logged areas had species typical of open‐ and early‐successional habitats. Bird species that inhabit forests were still present in the unsalvaged treatments even though trees were burned, but were almost absent in salvage‐logged areas. Indeed, the main dispersers of mid‐ and late‐successional shrubs and trees, such as thrushes (Turdus spp.) and the European Jay (Garrulus glandarius) were almost restricted to unsalvaged treatments. Salvage logging might thus hamper the natural regeneration of the forest through its impact on assemblages of bird species. Moreover, salvage logging reduced species abundance by 50% and richness by 40%, approximately. The highest diversity at the landscape level (gamma diversity) resulted from a combination of all treatments. Salvage logging may be positive for bird conservation if combined in a mosaic with other, less‐aggressive postfire management, but stand‐wide management with harvest operations has undesirable conservation effects.  相似文献   
Abstract: Conservation and restoration goals are often defined by historical baseline conditions that occurred prior to a particular period of human disturbance, such as European settlement in North America. Nevertheless, if ecosystems were heavily influenced by native peoples prior to European settlement, conservation efforts may require active management rather than simple removal of or reductions in recent forms of disturbance. We used pre‐European settlement land survey records (1859–1874) and contemporary vegetation surveys to assess changes over the past 150 years in tree species and habitat composition, forest density, and tree size structure on southern Vancouver Island and Saltspring Island, British Columbia, Canada. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that frequent historical burning by native peoples, and subsequent fire suppression, have played dominant roles in shaping this landscape. First, the relative frequency of fire‐sensitive species (e.g., cedar [Thuja plicata]) has increased, whereas fire‐tolerant species (e.g., Douglas‐fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii]) have decreased. Tree density has increased 2‐fold, and the proportion of the landscape in forest has greatly increased at the expense of open habitats (plains, savannas), which today contain most of the region's threatened species. Finally, the frequency distribution of tree size has shifted from unimodal to monotonically decreasing, which suggests removal of an important barrier to tree recruitment. In addition, although most of the open habitats are associated with Garry oak (Quercus garryana) at present, most of the open habitats prior to European settlement were associated with Douglas‐fir, which suggests that the current focus on Garry oak as a flagship for the many rare species in savannas may be misguided. Overall, our results indicate that the maintenance and restoration of open habitats will require active management and that historical records can provide critical guidance to such efforts.  相似文献   
铜陵新桥矿区土壤中耐Cu微生物的筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择安徽铜陵新桥矿区富Cu的污染土壤,充分利用微生物受自然环境重金属胁迫而产生耐性这一特点,进行土壤中耐Cu微生物的筛选研究。实验过程中分别配制三种不同的培养基,细菌、真菌和放线菌培养基。在水浴恒温振荡器中对土壤中耐受重金属的微生物进行驯化,将得到的对Cu2+耐受性最高的液体培养基作为菌源,在琼脂平板培养基上进行划线分离,并将得到的纯菌株在光学显微镜下进行形态观察,菌种经试管斜面富集培养后保存在4℃冰箱中以便后续使用。研究发现,土样中细菌和真菌对Cu的耐受性低,最高耐受质量浓度分别只达到500mg·L-1和1100mg·L-1。而放线菌表现出Cu高耐受性,分离得到的放线菌耐受Cu的质量浓度最高达到10000mg·L-1,初步鉴定该放线菌株为链霉菌属。该放线菌菌种可能同时对Cu有吸附降解特性,具有成为污染土壤生物治理的高效耐受吸附菌种的潜力巨大。  相似文献   
粤北2座饮用水源地水库的富营养化与浮游植物群落动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤北地区的水库以山地型水库为主,其中有不少担负着饮用水源的功能。为了解粤北地区水源地水库的富营养化状态与浮游植物种群的动态变化,于2011年的枯水期(2―3月)和丰水期(6―7月)对花山和白水礤2座中型水库进行了采样调查,对水库的营养盐和浮游植物种群进行了分析。结果表明:2座水库均为贫营养型;浮游植物在枯水期和丰水期的种类变化不大,共鉴定出的浮游植物6门37种(属),以硅藻为主要优势种群,优势种为小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)和颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)。同时,枯水期和丰水期2座水库浮游植物的丰度和生物量都比较低,其值分别为0.65×106~1.95×106cells.L-1、0.11 mg.L-1和0.73×106~8.9×106cells.L-1、0.05~0.50 mg.L-1。在浮游植物种群动态中,2座水库浮游植物丰度和生物量的季节变化主要表现为硅藻丰度和生物量的变化,低浓度的氮、磷营养盐限制是影响这2座贫营养水库浮游植物动态变化主要因素。  相似文献   
园林绿化树种香樟叶片的含硫量动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物对一定浓度范围内的大气污染物,具有一定程度的抵抗及吸收净化作用。为了解南京市主要园林绿化树种香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)叶片吸收净化SO2的能力,选择在5个不同污染靶区,以3个不同胸径级的香樟叶片为研究对象,采用硫酸钡比浊法测定了不同季节香樟叶片的含硫量。结果表明:香樟叶片对SO2具有一定的吸收净化能力,其叶片含硫量平均为0.2160%,且其含量随分布区、生长季节及个体胸径不同差异显著;并与异域大气中SO2污染指数成一定的正相关;与个体胸径大小成显著负相关;季节间呈现出"先降后升再降"的动态趋势,于春秋季较高,而夏冬季较低。  相似文献   
Economic analysis of optimal ecosystem management in the presence of a threshold has typically ignored the potential for induced behavioral responses. This paper contributes to the literature on non-convex ecosystem management by considering the implications of a particular behavioral response in a regional economy – that of amenity-led growth – to changes in ecosystem services generated by a lake ecosystem subject to a eutrophication threshold. The essential policy challenge is to achieve optimal levels of lake nutrients and urbanization given that improvements to water quality will induce additional migration and urbanization in the region with attendant ecological impacts. We show that policies that ignore the recursive relationship between urbanization and water quality unintentionally exacerbate boom-bust cycles of regional growth and decline and risk pushing the system towards long-run economic decline. In contrast, the optimal policy accounts for the behavioral feedbacks to improved ecosystem services, and balances regional growth and ecological degradation.  相似文献   
Abstract: Extinctions can leave species without mutualist partners and thus potentially reduce their fitness. In cases where non‐native species function as mutualists, mutualism disruption associated with species’ extinction may be mitigated. To assess the effectiveness of mutualist species with different origins, we conducted a meta‐analysis in which we compared the effectiveness of pollination and seed‐dispersal functions of native and non‐native vertebrates. We used data from 40 studies in which a total of 34 non‐native vertebrate mutualists in 20 geographic locations were examined. For each plant species, opportunistic non‐native vertebrate pollinators were generally less effective mutualists than native pollinators. When native mutualists had been extirpated, however, plant seed set and seedling performance appeared elevated in the presence of non‐native mutualists, although non‐native mutualists had a negative overall effect on seed germination. These results suggest native mutualists may not be easily replaced. In some systems researchers propose taxon substitution or the deliberate introduction of non‐native vertebrate mutualists to reestablish mutualist functions such as pollination and seed dispersal and to rescue native species from extinction. Our results also suggest that in places where all native mutualists are extinct, careful taxon substitution may benefit native plants at some life stages.  相似文献   
为了研究食品安全生产及监管的内在机理、影响因素及监管模式,采用演化博弈论方法建立了政府监管部门与食品企业之间的博弈模型,运用复制动态方程和系统动力学方法深入分析了食品安全生产中相关主体的决策选择。结果表明:食品企业在追求利益最大化的前提下须主动重视食品安全问题,食品企业的策略选择受安全生产投入成本、处罚成本和声誉收益的影响;政府监管部门的监管行为受监管成本、外部负效益及社会成本等多方因素的影响。因此,增大监管部门惩处力度、降低监管成本、完善社会公众监督机制、强化声誉效应是食品安全问题得以解决的有力保障。  相似文献   
It is urgent to explore effective suppression methods for gas fires and explosions to ensure the safe utilizations of combustible gases in industrial processes. In this work, experiments are performed to study the effect of spherical ceramic pellets on premixed methane-air flame propagation in a closed duct. High-speed schlieren photography and pressure transducers are used to record the flame propagation and pressure transient, respectively. Behaviors of the flame propagating through a section of the duct filled with ceramic pellets in mixtures at different equivalence ratios are scrutinized. Three different diameters of pellets are considered in the experiments. The result shows that the flame can be quenched in the case with a smaller pellet diameter (3 mm) for a wide range of equivalence ratios from fuel-lean to fuel-rich mixture. For larger pellet diameter (5 or 10 mm), flame extinction occurs in fuel-rich mixtures (e.g. Φ = 1.1, 1.2). For the cases of flame surviving through the pellets bed, the pellets show a significant influence on the flame structure and behavior. The flame propagation depends on the porosity and the mean void diameter of the porous media in the pellets bed. Small void diameter is beneficial to flame quenching, while large porosity can accelerate the flame propagation. The pressure dynamics evolution is closely related to the interaction of flame with the pellets, and it depends on whether the flame quenches in the pellets bed. Overall, d = 3 mm ceramic pellets display the best suppression effect on flame propagation and pressure buildup in this study. The results of this study are of great significance to guide the safety design of spherical suppression materials in engineering applications for process safety researchers and engineers.  相似文献   
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