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Offset schemes help avoid or revert habitat loss through protection of existing habitat (avoided deforestation), through the restoration of degraded areas (natural regrowth), or both. The spatial scale of an offset scheme may influence which of these 2 outcomes is favored and is an important aspect of the scheme's design. However, how spatial scale influences the trade-offs between the preservation of existing habitat and restoration of degraded areas is poorly understood. We used the largest forest offset scheme in the world, which is part of the Brazilian Forest Code, to explore how implementation at different spatial scales may affect the outcome in terms of the area of avoided deforestation and area of regrowth. We employed a numerical simulation of trade between buyers (i.e., those who need to offset past deforestation) and sellers (i.e., landowners with exceeding native vegetation) in the Brazilian Amazon to estimate potential avoided deforestation and regrowth at different spatial scales of implementation. Allowing offsets over large spatial scales led to an area of avoided deforestation 12 times greater than regrowth, whereas restricting offsets to small spatial scales led to an area of regrowth twice as large as avoided deforestation. The greatest total area (avoided deforestation and regrowth combined) was conserved when the spatial scale of the scheme was small, especially in locations that were highly deforested. To maximize conservation gains from avoided deforestation and regrowth, the design of the Brazilian forest-offset scheme should focus on restricting the spatial scale in which offsets occur. Such a strategy could help ensure conservation benefits are localized and promote the recovery of degraded areas in the most threatened forest landscapes.  相似文献   
为探究Na型粉末树脂回收废水中低浓度氨氮的可行性,分别采用静态摇瓶与动态树脂柱方法进行实验研究。结果表明:预处理仅使粉末树脂吸附氨氮的能力降低了5%;在中性与酸性条件下,Na型粉末树脂对低浓度氨氮去除率均可达到99%;每增加2 g·L−1树脂投加量,氨氮去除率会提高20%,但吸附容量下降2.85 mg·g−1;钙镁离子的存在会降低Na型粉末树脂对氨氮的吸附容量,最大降低量为3.5 mg·g−1;由于钾离子与氨氮为同价离子,其影响不显著。Na型粉末树脂对氨氮的吸附符合Langmuir吸附等温线,吸附过程符合准二级动力学。根据实验结果,Na型粉末树脂静态运行方式适用于低浓度氨氮的回收,但动态运行方式下粉末树脂达到吸附饱和时间更短,因此,需要对运行方式进一步研究。  相似文献   
Social science is becoming increasingly important in conservation, with more studies involving methodologies that collect data from and about people. Conservation science is a normative and applied discipline designed to support and inform management and practice. Poor research practice risks harming participants and, researchers, and can leave negative legacies. Often, those at the forefront of field-based research are early-career researchers, many of whom enter their first research experience ill-prepared for the ethical conundrums they may face. We draw on our own experiences as early-career researchers to illuminate how ethical challenges arise during conservation research that involves human participants. Specifically, we considered ethical review procedures, conflicts of values, and power relations, and devised broad recommendations on how to navigate ethical challenges when they arise during research. In particular, we recommend researchers apply reflexivity (i.e., thinking that allows researchers to recognize the effect researchers have on the research) to help navigate ethical challenges and encourage greater engagement with ethical review processes and the development of ethical guidelines for conservation research that involves human participants. Such guidelines must be accompanied by the integration of rigorous ethical training into conservation education. We believe our experiences are not uncommon and can be avoided and hope to spark discussion to contribute to a more socially just conservation.  相似文献   
为优化电催化反应器内不同构型的电极结构及进水方式,利用计算流体力学(CFD),模拟反应器内部流体分布并对利用极限电流密度法模拟结果进行实验验证。结果表明:切向进水时,反应器内的传质性能最佳,当进流速为0 m·s−1时,其极限电流为侧面进水和的底部进水1.34倍和1.21倍;当增大进水流速至0.062 m·s−1时,切向进水的极限电流为静止时的1.49倍,切向进水传质增强系数γ为1.475,高于底部进水(1.428)及侧面进水(1.317)方式。网状的电极结构及切向进水有利于反应器内及电极表面的均匀的速度分布,进而提高反应过程中溶液分布的一致性及空间利用率;增大进水流速可以有效地提高反应器的极限电流和传质性能。上述研究结果可为电催化反应器的设计提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
The ecological impacts of extreme climatic events on population dynamics and community composition are profound and predominantly negative. Using extensive data of an ecological model system, we tested whether predictions from ecological models remain robust when environmental conditions are outside the bounds of observation. We observed a 10-fold demographic decline of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) metapopulation on the Åland islands, Finland in the summer of 2018 and used climatic and satellite data to demonstrate that this year was an anomaly with low climatic water balance values and low vegetation productivity indices across Åland. Population growth rates were strongly associated with spatiotemporal variation in climatic water balance. Covariates shown previously to affect the extinction probability of local populations in this metapopulation were less informative when populations were exposed to severe drought during the summer months. Our results highlight the unpredictable responses of natural populations to extreme climatic events.  相似文献   
为研究替代修复对飞机草的治理效果以及对本地植物群落结构的修复效应,选择修复3、5、10 a和未修复(CK)的飞机草入侵生境为研究对象,调查飞机草密度、盖度、生物量、基径和本土植物群落的物种多样性、盖度等指标,采用\"空间代替时间\"的方法,分析不同修复年限飞机草种群特征和本地植物群落结构的变化.结果表明:(1)随着修复年限的增加,飞机草密度、盖度、基径、生物量等指标均呈显著降低趋势;修复10 a后,飞机草的盖度、密度、生物量、基径相比对照分别降低了97.3%、96.5%、98.6%、85.7%,飞机草入侵得到明显控制.(2)在植被替代修复过程中,飞机草入侵生境的群落结构得到明显改善,草本层物种多样性呈先升后降再升的趋势,草本层盖度在修复3 a后显著升高随后又显著降低,灌木层和乔木层物种多样性和盖度均呈显著增加趋势.研究显示,替代修复能有效治理飞机草入侵,促进植物群落的正向演替,提高本地植物群落结构的稳定性,增强生态系统对外来物种入侵的抵抗力.  相似文献   
粤北南岭山区是我国珠三角地区主要的水源涵养区和华南地区重要的生态屏障。基于“山水林田湖草是一个生命共同体”理念,针对矿山与土壤环境、水源涵养和生物多样性保护、流域水环境保护及治理、环境安全保障与生态发展等生态环境问题,提出以实现山清水秀、林带环绕、碧湖青田、城美人和为生态保护修复目标,以空间管控为前提,以整体保护、系统修复、综合治理、突出问题导向为总体思路,设计了相应的四大类17项工程方案;方案实施以来,在恢复矿山环境、提高耕地安全利用率、稳定饮用水水源地水质达标率、增强区域生态系统稳定性和改善生态环境等方面效果显著。建议下一步在分析山水林田湖草各生态要素差异性特征、完善自然资源要素空间配置和生态补偿机制、总结试点经验并探索新型管理和运行模式方面重点开展研究。  相似文献   
了解区域水环境承载力未来发展状况,有助于支撑区域生态文明建设。以南京市为研究区域,构建基于社会经济-水资源-水环境复合系统的水环境承载力指标体系,建立区域适用的系统动力学模型,设计未来发展的6种可能情景;在此基础上,将遗传算法用于投影寻踪优化,构建遗传投影寻踪方法,预测2017—2030年不同发展方案下的水环境承载力。结果表明:2017—2030年各方案下南京市水环境承载力均呈上升趋势,各方案对水环境承载力的提升效果表现为综合方案(30.1%)>节水方案(28.5%)>水污染治理方案(24.2%)>经济优化方案(24.0%)>原始方案(21.3%)>人口增长方案(12.5%)。原始方案中水环境承载力稳步提升,2027年开始超过Ⅰ级,即在现状发展模式下,南京市社会经济发展的规模处于水环境承载力可支撑的规模范围内;综合方案下,水环境承载力最快达到Ⅰ级;人口增长方案下,水环境承载力发展水平显著受阻,在预测期内始终未达到Ⅰ级。南京市若采取人口增长、经济优化、水资源节约与水污染治理协同发展模式,其水环境承载力将会快速提升。  相似文献   
针对当前滨海湿地种子流在潮汐过程中种子有效沉降降低、土壤种子库分布不均、定植效率低和栖息地裸斑现象等关键问题,以黄河三角洲盐沼湿地的盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)为修复物种,研发一种应用于滨海湿地盐沼植被修复的固态种子产品,阐述固态种子产品的制作过程,并开展三种不同保水材料为核心材料(聚丙烯酰胺PAM,羟乙基纤维素HEC,羟丙基甲基纤维素HPMC)的种子产品的有效性研究。研究结果表明:(1)包装制作后的盐地碱蓬种子的吸水倍率和保水持续时间显著高于普通天然种子,表现出良好的吸水保水特性;(2)包装后的盐地碱蓬种子受盐度梯度变化的影响较小,表现出良好的耐盐抗性;(3)包装后的盐地碱蓬种子具有更高的萌发潜力,而不同保水材料的种子产品包装对盐地碱蓬种子萌发的促进作用表现为PAM>HPMC>HEC>天然种子;(4)包装后的盐地碱蓬种子具有更短的悬浮时间和较快的平均沉降速度,表明了种子产品增强了盐地碱蓬种子抵抗水动力干扰的潜力,其中以PAM为保水材料的种子产品可以直接、快速地沉降。本文首次将种子产品技术应用于滨海湿地盐沼植被修复中,为种子产品技术在退化滨海湿地的植被修复领域的应用与实践提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
Simulations of stream temperatures showed a wide range of future thermal regimes under a warming climate — from 2.9°C warmer to 7.6°C cooler than current conditions — depending primarily on shade from riparian vegetation. We used the stream temperature model, Heat Source, to analyze a 37‐km study segment of the upper Middle Fork John Day River, located in northeast Oregon, USA. We developed alternative future scenarios based on downscaled projections from climate change models and the composition and structure of native riparian forests. We examined 36 scenarios combining future changes in air temperature (ΔTair = 0°C, +2°C, and +4°C), stream discharge (ΔQ = ?30%, 0%, and +30%), and riparian vegetation (post‐wildfire with 7% shade, current vegetation with 19% shade, a young‐open forest with 34% shade, and a mature riparian forest with 79% effective shade). Shade from riparian vegetation had the largest influence on stream temperatures, changing the seven‐day average daily maximum temperature (7DADM) from +1°C to ?7°C. In comparison, the 7DADM increased by 1.4°C with a 4°C increase in air temperature and by 0.7°C with a 30% change in discharge. Many streams throughout the interior western United States have been altered in ways that have substantially reduced shade. The effect of restoring shade could result in future stream temperatures that are colder than today, even under a warmer climate with substantially lower late‐summer streamflow.  相似文献   
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