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Up-to-date Investigation Report on Rural Migrant Workers in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One year has passed since the Advice on Solving the Problems of Rural Migrant Workers by the State Council was put into practice. The status for rural migrant workers has been improved effectively. Especially, their wages have been increased notably, the problem of default on wage payments has been alleviated, and the services offered to them by governments have been improved. However, some essential problems, such as low income and bad living conditions, have not been changed ultimately. Their strong wishes to become legal urban residents are still far from being realized. Therefore, we should carry out the current policies, make further institutional innovations, increase relevant investments, gradually eliminate institutional barricades, and fund shortage problems that prevent rural migrant workers from becoming legal urban residents, and solve the problems of rural migrant workers thoroughly.  相似文献   
我国农村外出务工人员保有相当规模的承包地,如何高效集约利用是农业现代化的基础。利用流动人口卫生计生动态监测数据,在分析省域承包地处置方式差异的基础上,以其社会融入水平为切入点,分析其承包地处置决策的影响因素。研究发现:(1)粮食主产区承包地流转已具一定规模,但撂荒在全国也有相当比例,显性撂荒呈“西南高、东北低”的空间格局,农村外出务工人员承包地处置方式的集聚特征与其流动目的地社会融入水平存在一定程度的关联性;(2)社会融入水平的提升会显著降低农村外出务工人员的自耕意愿,易于形成亲朋耕种、流转等承包地处置决策,但是,撂荒的概率也会随之增加;(3)地方土地流转政策尚不足以将农村外出务工人员转移经营权的意愿完全转化为亲朋耕种、流转等行为,依然有较高概率显性或隐性撂荒。针对这些问题,流出地与流动目的地的政策应统筹考虑。一方面提升社会服务水平,降低农村外出务工人员生计风险;另一方面应积极引导其将承包地流转,避免撂荒造成耕地资源浪费。  相似文献   
Old-age pension, a fundamental part of the Chinese social security system, is perceived by the Chinese government as the last support for rural-to-urban migrant workers upon retreating from the labor market. Using survey data collected by the authors, this paper examines a host of factors which influence migrant workers’ participation in the old-age scheme. The result shows that individual characteristics, employment status, attitudes toward old-age support and perception of the old-age pension system significantly differentiate two groups of migrant workers between those that have participated in and their counterparts who have not participated in the old-age pension schemes. Among a number of factors, age, educational attainment, holding labor contract, etc. are found to be significant factors influencing migrants’ behavior participating (or not participating) the available age-pension schemes. Policy implications for how to improve the rate of participation in existing old-age pension schemes among migrant workers are drawn from the findings.  相似文献   
发展与保护的权衡是土地资源配置中难以回避的棘手问题。农地城市流转在为城镇化的快速推进提供土地要素的同时,却也在社会、生态方面引起一系列外部性损失,已有研究认为该损失的大小与农地城市流转的用途和周围环境有关,但并未进一步定量揭示其关联程度。鉴于此,本文将农地城市流转的去向归纳为住宅及商服用地、工矿仓储及交通运输用地、公共管理与公共服务用地三类,以武汉市和鄂州市作为研究区域,运用选择实验法(CE)以及多元Logit模型(MNL)识别了受访者对于农地城市流转负外部效应治理方案的偏好,从而间接测度了不同流向下农地城市流转负外部效应的经济总量,以期为实施农地城市流转的用途和规模管制提供依据。结果表明:1不同流向下农地城市流转产生的交通状况恶化、噪音污染、公共设施不足等七种类别负外部效应在类型和强度上有所差异;2绝大多数居民对治理农地城市流转的负外部性具有支付意愿,且在参与程度和参与强度(支付额)方面因农地城市流转的不同流向而有所区别,并且居民的受教育程度和家庭收入水平对选择效用的影响具有显著性且呈正相关关系;3不同流向下农地城市流转所产生的负外部效应的经济总量不容忽视,三种流向的负外部效应从大到小依次为农地流转为工矿仓储及交通运输用地、公共管理与公共服务用地、住宅及商服用地。因此,作为农地城市流转的管制主体,各级政府应当采用经济性管制与社会性管制并举的多样化管制手段对农地城市流转的用途和规模予以调控和管制。  相似文献   
Abstract: Ecological traps and other cases of apparently maladaptive habitat selection cast doubt on the relevance of density as an indicator of habitat quality. Nevertheless, the prevalence of these phenomena remains poorly known, and density may still reflect habitat quality in most systems. We examined the relationship between density and two other parameters of habitat quality in an open‐nesting passerine species: the Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla). We hypothesized that the average individual bird makes a good decision when selecting its breeding territory and that territory spacing reflects site productivity or predation risk. Therefore, we predicted that density would be positively correlated with productivity (number of young fledged per unit area). Because individual performance is sensitive to events partly determined by chance, such as nest predation, we further predicted density would be weakly correlated or uncorrelated with the proportion of territories fledging young. We collected data in 23 study sites (25 ha each), 16 of which were located in untreated mature northern hardwood forest and seven in stands partially harvested (treated) 1–7 years prior to the survey. Density explained most of the variability in productivity (R2= 0.73), and there was no apparent decoupling between density and productivity in treated plots. In contrast, there was no significant relationship between density and the proportion of territories fledging ≥1 young over the entire breeding season. These results suggest that density reflects habitat quality at the plot scale in this study system. To our knowledge this is one of the few studies testing the value of territory density as an indicator of habitat quality in an open‐nesting bird species on the basis of a relatively large number of sizeable study plots.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationships among rural-urban migration, rural household income and sustainable development in rural areas of China. The typical case study is done and 288 questionnaires are collected from five villages in Hebei and Guangxi provinces, China. The migration and remittance status, household income and sustainable development of rural areas are analyzed on the basis of questionnaires. Rural-urban migration is becoming a part of routine life in rural areas. And remittance is an important component in rural household income. Rural-urban migration increases the arable land area per labor, which releases the tight human-land relationship in villages. In total, the migration increases the rural household income and accelerates the sustainable development of rural areas.  相似文献   
在2011年天津市农民工调查数据的基础上,本文借鉴推拉理论重新梳理影响农民工城乡迁移与宅基地退出意愿的因素,建立了农民工宅基地退出影响因素的推拉分析框架,并通过实证研究析出和显化在不同代际农民工城乡迁移和宅基地退出过程中起关键作用的因素。研究发现:在推力因素方面,对第一代农民工宅基地退出意愿产生较大影响的因素主要是年龄、受教育程度、宅基地在住房养老中的作用、供养系数和对农村基础设施满意程度;对新生代农民工宅基地退出意愿产生较大影响的因素主要有性别、教育程度、供养系数和对农村基础设施满意程度。在拉力因素方面,对第一代农民工宅基地退出意愿产生较大影响的因素主要是有无专业培训经历或证书、是否签订劳动合同、区位、单位性质和外出务工时所利用的方式;对新生代农民工宅基地退出意愿产生较大影响的因素主要是有无专业培训经历或证书、是否签订劳动合同、区位、单位性质、外出务工时所利用的方式和是否同城里的人交过朋友。在此基础上,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
In a previous paper, we reported that juvenile barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) trapped during the autumn migratory season and tested in modified Emlen funnels under overcast conditions can use magnetic information for compass orientation, although they did not orient toward the expected migratory direction. To further investigate this behaviour, in the present paper, we report the results of two series of displacement experiments performed on juvenile barn swallows belonging to two different roost sites [Massaciuccoli Lake (ML) and Terzo Cavone (TC)] and tested using the same protocol as that previously adopted. On the whole, the outcome of the ML and TC experiments was quite different with respect to (a) the degree of bird activity within the funnel (substantially lower for TC) and (b) the effect of the experimental displacement on the directional preferences of the tested subjects (not detectable in TC, while evident in ML swallows). Taken together, these results suggest that migrating swallows could react differently to the experimental tests depending on the roost site where they were caught. Indeed, TC swallows, trapped in southern Italy, close to the seacoast, and characterized by fairly large amounts of fat stores, mainly broke off their migratory activity or reoriented their directional preferences toward inland sites, possibly in search of more profitable habitats. On the other hand, ML swallows, trapped about 660 km to the north and characterized by lower amounts of fat stores, apparently tried to compensate for the experimental displacement.
N. Emilio BaldacciniEmail:
研究农户农地城市流转意愿对实现合理的农地城市流转、促进城乡协调发展具有现实意义。依据武汉市远城区和近城区33村143户农户实地随机抽样样本,采用Logistic 模型对影响农户农地城市流转意愿的因子进行定量分析,结果表明基础设施与服务的改善、社会保障制度的建立是影响远、近城区农户农地意愿的主要影响因素,近城区农户的意愿还受农地补偿收益的影响。针对影响力最大的因子采取措施,可以最大程度符合农户意愿,保障农户利益,在满足建设用地需求与农户保有农地之间寻找均衡。  相似文献   
农民工工伤保险现状及问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献分析和实地调研发现,造成我国农民工工伤保险参保率低、企业逃保、退保率高、申请工伤补偿难度大的原因可分为宏观和微观两个层面:城乡二元户籍制、劳动力供求关系、工伤保险制度等因素客观上使得农民工受歧视,地位低,工伤求偿困难;企业主观上追求短期利益和侥幸心理是构成其逃保、退保的主要因素.可通过优化制度体系、强化政府监管...  相似文献   
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