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李佟  李军 《环境科学学报》2016,36(2):576-581
在实际污水处理厂运行过程中,其最终出水水质会受多种因素影响制约,而基于生物反应机理的活性污泥数学模型(ASM)并未将这些生物反应以外的因素考虑在内,由此带来一些不足.对此,本文提出可通过基于数据挖掘技术的黑箱模型对污水厂处理效果进行模拟预测.结合具体实际分析,提出可将BP神经网络与马尔可夫链组合应用于污水处理脱氮效果预测中.首先,通过BP神经网络模型对北京某大型污水处理厂实际进出水数据和工艺参数进行粗略拟合;其次,利用马尔可夫链对拟合结果及误差进行状态划分以进一步提高预测精确度;最后,运用基于BP神经网络与马尔可夫链的组合模型预测分析了该厂的实际出水水质.试验结果表明,BP神经网络适用于污水处理脱氮过程的拟合计算,而通过与马尔可夫链组合,可以提高模拟预测的精度和可靠性.  相似文献   
This paper describes a statistical modelling framework for the characterisation of rainfall extremes over a region of interest. Using a Bayesian hierarchical approach, the data are assumed to follow the generalised extreme value distribution, whose parameters are modelled as spatial Gaussian processes in the latent process layer. We also integrate a parametric relationship between precipitation maxima accumulated over increasing durations. The inference of the model parameters is thus improved by pooling information across both space and accumulation duration. In addition, we propose and investigate two different approaches for the integration of daily and sub‐daily rainfall data within the framework. We also demonstrate how information from a regional climate model can be integrated to enable the investigation of future projections of extreme rainfall characteristics. We apply the proposed methodology to precipitation datasets from two large‐scale study regions located on the east coast of Australia. The models are fitted using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations, and we present estimated model parameters and posterior inferences of return levels at various durations and sites of interest. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework in spatially extrapolating the inference to locations other than those at which direct rainfall measurements are available. We also provide comparisons between rainfall extremes at various durations obtained for the current climate and those based on future projections from a regional climate model. Both methods proposed for the integration of daily and sub‐daily records were found to yield similar results in terms of model performance and computational requirements. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Bayesian hierarchical models were used to assess trends of harbor seals, Phoca vitulina richardsi, in Prince William Sound, Alaska, following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Data consisted of 4–10 replicate observations per year at 25 sites over 10 years. We had multiple objectives, including estimating the effects of covariates on seal counts, and estimating trend and abundance, both per site and overall. We considered a Bayesian hierarchical model to meet our objectives. The model consists of a Poisson regression model for each site. For each observation the logarithm of the mean of the Poisson distribution was a linear model with the following factors: (1) intercept for each site and year, (2) time of year, (3) time of day, (4) time relative to low tide, and (5) tide height. The intercept for each site was then given a linear trend model for year. As part of the hierarchical model, parameters for each site were given a prior distribution to summarize overall effects. Results showed that at most sites, (1) trend is down; counts decreased yearly, (2) counts decrease throughout August, (3) counts decrease throughout the day, (4) counts are at a maximum very near to low tide, and (5) counts decrease as the height of the low tide increases; however, there was considerable variation among sites. To get overall trend we used a weighted average of the trend at each site, where the weights depended on the overall abundance of a site. Results indicate a 3.3% decrease per year over the time period.  相似文献   
In this article we consider asymptotic properties of the Horvitz-Thompson and Hansen-Hurwitz types of estimators under the adaptive cluster sampling variants obtained by selecting the initial sample by simple random sampling without replacement and by unequal probability sampling with replacement. We develop an asymptotic framework, which basically assumes that the number of units in the initial sample, as well as the number of units and networks in the population tend to infinity, but that the network sizes are bounded. Using this framework we prove that under each of the two variants of adaptive sampling above mentioned, both the Horvitz-Thompson and Hansen-Hurwitz types of estimators are design-consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. In addition we show that the ordinary estimators of their variances are also design-consistent estimators.  相似文献   
三峡库区土地利用变化的特征与趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王鹏  曹学章  董杰 《资源开发与市场》2004,20(6):433-435,472
利用1995年和2000年TM卫星影像资料和马尔柯夫链的理论,分析了三峡库区土地利用变化的特点和演变趋势,结果表明,在未来的5-10年内,三峡库区土地利用非农化速率减少,但占用农地面积仍然较大,农业用地结构不合理。  相似文献   
从全球价值链的视角分析武汉城市圈产业体系构建,提出发展低碳经济是城市圈融入更大区域乃至全球价值链,不断朝着全球价值链的高附加值环节攀升,具有持久的生命力和强大的竞争力的途径。在文中,通过湖北近20年来的能源消耗情况计算出碳排放量,据此发现城市圈碳轨迹,并提出构建产业体系的策略。武汉城市圈近中期应该把提高能效和碳生产率作为核心,不断降低能源消费强度和碳排放强度,努力减少CO2的排放的增长率,实现碳排放与经济增长的逐步脱钩。产业结构的调整是发展低碳经济的重要途径。因此,城市圈要走新型工业化道路,建设低碳经济,工业结构升级调整任务迫切。同时,进行有利于碳减排交易的机制体制创新;进行有利于EET(能源环保)产业发展的机制创新;进行有利于推动EMC(能源合同管理)模式的机制体制创新;进行有利于科技创新的机制体制创新。  相似文献   
山东省人力资本空间结构的分形研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文试圈将分形理论及方法引入到区域人力资本空间结构的研究之中,首先利用马尔柯夫转移矩阵对山东省人力资本等级结构进行了预测,在这一基础上,计算出了1992年、1997年和2002年山东省人力资本空间结构的分维数。并对2007年的分维数进行了模拟,结果表明这一分维数不断下降。最后总结了山东省人力资本空间结构的特点。  相似文献   
Modelling Replicated Weed Growth Data using Spatially-varying Growth Curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weed growth in agricultural fields constitutes a major deterrent to the growth of crops, often resulting in low productivity and huge losses for the farmers. Therefore, proper understanding of patterns in weed growth is vital to agricultural research. Recent advances in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) now allow geocoding of agricultural data, which enable more sophisticated spatial analysis. Our current application concerns the development of statistical models for conducting spatial analysis of growth patterns in weeds. Our data comes from an experiment conducted in Waseca, Minnesota, that recorded growth of the weed Setariaspp. We capture the spatial variation in Setaria spp. growth using spatially-varying growth curves. An added challenge is that these designs are spatially replicated, with each plot being a lattice of sub-plots. Therefore, spatial variation may exist at different resolutions – a macro level variation between the plots and micro level variation between the sub-plots nested within each plot. We develop a Bayesian hierarchical framework for this setting. Flexible classes of models result which are fitted using simulation-based methods.  相似文献   
Adjusted two-stage adaptive cluster sampling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An adjusted two-stage sampling procedure is discussed for adaptive cluster sampling where some networks are large and others are small. A two-stage sample is drawn from the large networks and a single-stage sample is drawn from the rest. The simple random sampling (SRS) procedure without replacement is used at the initial stage. An estimator for the population mean along with its properties is discussed.  相似文献   
Adaptive two-stage one-per-stratum sampling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We briefly describe adaptive cluster sampling designs in which the initial sample is taken according to a Markov chain one-per-stratum design (Breidt, 1995) and one or more secondary samples are taken within strata if units in the initial sample satisfy a given condition C. An empirical study of the behavior of the estimation procedure is conducted for three small artificial populations for which adaptive sampling is appropriate. The specific sampling strategy used in the empirical study was a single random-start systematic sample with predefined systematic samples within strata when the initially sampled unit in that stratum satisfies C. The bias of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator for this design is usually very small when adaptive sampling is conducted in a population for which it is suited. In addition, we compare the behavior of several alternative estimators of the standard error of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population total. The best estimator of the standard error is population-dependent but it is not unreasonable to use the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the variance. Unfortunately, the distribution of the estimator is highly skewed hence the usual approach of constructing confidence intervals assuming normality cannot be used here.  相似文献   
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