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空间插值技术对近海环境数据的分析和表征具有广泛应用价值,但目前针对各类模型适用性和精度比较的研究很少。基于2009年全国近岸海域299个站位的水质监测数据,利用交叉检验法,对3种插值算法13种模型的空间拟合结果进行分析和验证。结果表明,13种模型的模拟值与实测值显著相关(r=0.643~0.750,P0.01,n=299),说明其均适用于近岸海域水质的空间模拟;综合比较模拟结果与实测结果的相关系数、平均误差、平均绝对误差、均方差及偏离程度,排序为IDW(p2)Spline-TensionIDW(p3)IDW(p4)IDW(p1)IDW(p5)IDW(p6)Kriging-GuassianKriging-Spherical,Kriging-CircularKriging-LinearKriging-ExponentialSpline-Regularized,提出IDW(p2)是精度最优的空间插值模型。  相似文献   
我国十大流域河流污染的空间分布集聚性较为显著,运用区域经济学中的区位商理论和方法来分析十大流域水污染状况的差异性,结果表明,海河、淮河、黄河和辽河的污径比在2002—2012年均大于0.04,2012年污径比的区位商均达2.6以上,并在11年间整体呈升高态势,表明全国河流污染在这4个流域呈现集聚现象,十大流域水质污染的空间差异性不断加深。从水资源量、污染排放、经济社会发展的角度分析海河、淮河、黄河和辽河污染较重的原因,其中单位水资源污染物负荷较重是直接原因,水资源短缺、经济发展和人口集聚导致水资源承载力不堪重负,而生活污染愈加严重、重污染行业集聚效应以及面源污染加剧都给水质改善带来巨大压力,亟需在这些流域加大综合减排力度。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the spatial patterns of land occupation and their relationship to water quality in the Cuiabá River watershed, one of the main affluents of the Pantanal floodplain. The impact of farming and other land occupation forms were studied using a three year time series. Monitoring included 15 parameters at 21 stations with a total of 1266 different samples. Ten stations along the Cuiabá River were ordinated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). For an exploratory analysis in the spatial domain, sub-basins of the Cuiabá watershed were classified according to mean concentrations of selected water quality parameters. Supervised classification of digital Landsat ETM imagery and standard GIS techniques were applied to parameterize land use and occupation according to a watershed scale. Redundancy Analysis (RDA) was then used to evaluate impacts of environmental and socio-economic factors on water quality.A Cuiabá headwater station only shows slightly elevated total coliform counts and concentrations of nutrients in the river after it passes regions of extensive cattle farming. After the confluence with the Manso River, nutrient and COD concentrations increase significantly, receiving loads from sub-basins under intensive agricultural land use, with mean annual concentrations up to 1.74 mg/L of total nitrogen (Kjedahl). Sub-watersheds with intensive fishing culture activities were shown to have significant impact on nitrogen concentrations, reaching mean concentrations of 2.66 mg/L of total nitrogen in the affluents. Most serious biological and chemical water pollution can be observed at stream outlets in the urban agglomeration of Cuiabá/Várzea Grande. Affluent pollution is reflected in the water quality of the Cuiabá River: subsequent monitoring stations in the urban area are ordinated on a gradient of increasing degradation of chemical and biological water quality. The auto-depuration capacity of the Cuiabá River is intact, but elevated concentrations of Phosphorous and Chemical Oxygen Demand can be observed as far away as the Pantanal floodplain, about 120 km downstream from the urban agglomeration.  相似文献   
Today, competing land use is continuing to occur in many developed regions. In the Agricultural Development Zone of Western Sydney Region, which is characterised by complex landscape patterns, land use competition is widespread. From a land use planning perspective, identification of suitable locations for a given type of land use is necessary for decision makers to formulate land use alternatives in different locations, based on existing land potential and constraints. For such a region, use of a simple method that implements a categorical system and considers only inherent land characteristics in the analysis is often inadequate to arrive at an optimal spatial decision. The primary aim of this paper is to develop spatial modelling procedures for agricultural land suitability analysis using compromise programming (CoPr) and fuzzy set approach within a geographical information systems (GIS) environment. Five main sets of spatial data for use as decision criteria were developed by using fuzzy set methodology: a land suitability index (LSI) for maximising the land productivity objective; an erosion tolerance index (ETI) for minimising the erosion risk objective; a runoff curve number (CN) for maximising the water discharge regulation objective; an accessibility (RP) measure for maximising the land accessibility objective; and the proximity to water body (WP) for minimising the water pollution objective. An L p -metric was used in the analysis utilising different strategies with representative indices ranging from a situation where full tradeoff among criteria occurs to a noncompensatory condition. Different weighting combinations were also applied, and decision analysis was carried out by using values ranging from 0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is considered as an ideal point. The CoPr model demonstrated in this paper yielded a promising result, as several different techniques of sensitivity analysis show reasonably good results. Likewise, an overlay of that result with the present land use/land cover indicates a good corresponding spatial matching between existing land use (orchard and cultivated land), and the cells (land parcels) classified as the best in CoPr. The results are amenable to various map display techniques, either using continuous values or by defining different cut off points in the data space within a raster GIS environment.  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐城市土壤与灰尘粒径空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合野外调研的基础,按照四分法采集乌鲁木齐市城市土壤与城市灰尘样品共计306个,利用激光粒度仪和ArcGIS分析了城市土壤与灰尘样品的全粒径(0.02~2 000μm)组成与空间分布特征。研究结果表明:乌鲁木齐城市土壤与灰尘在小粒径范围内空间分布差异不明显,城市土壤粒径主要集中在10~50μm,城市灰尘集中于100~250μm;城市重工业对城市土壤和灰尘小粒径颗粒分布影响更大,而城市商业、居住等为主的人类其他活动行为对大粒径颗粒影响更为显著。乌鲁木齐城市土壤可能对城市灰尘PM_1、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)粒径分布的贡献比较突出,应从城市土壤、城市灰尘、颗粒物粒径空间分布、气象等因素综合考虑乌鲁木齐市大气污染的防控。  相似文献   
为研究三峡水库春季水体营养盐与浮游植物的空间分布状况,于2013年3月对三峡水库22条支流及干流的6个断面进行采样监测. 结果表明:来水、回水、河口和干流4类断面ρ(TN)平均值分别为1.69、1.84、2.01、1.51 mg/L;ρ(TP)平均值分别为0.115、0.191、0.179和0.181 mg/L;不同类型断面间ρ(TN)、ρ(TP)差异不显著;水体中N、P的主要形态分别为NO3--N和PO43--P;N/P〔n(N)/n(P)〕从来水(110.8)至干流(18.9)逐渐降低. 三峡水库总体上为中营养状态,回水和河口区富营养化程度较高,富营养断面比例分别为45.4%和36.4%. 研究期间共检出浮游植物8门98属,其中以绿藻门、硅藻门和蓝藻门为主,分别检出42、26和17属;从组成上看,来水和干流断面以硅藻-绿藻为主,回水、河口断面以绿藻-硅藻为主. 浮游植物丰度由高到低依次为回水、河口、来水和干流断面. 调查期间,22条支流中有15条支流在不同位置发生水华,但主要集中在回水区;拟多甲藻水华为主要类型且集中在库区的下游支流,而库区中上游支流则以隐藻、衣藻、小球藻、小环藻等水华为主. 环境因子排序分析表明,在水华集中的回水-河口区域,影响浮游植物丰度分布的主要环境因子数明显少于其他区域,温度和ρ(DO)为该区域浮游植物丰度分布的主要影响因子,而ρ(TN)、ρ(TP)的影响不明显.   相似文献   
基于2007—2012年连续对洞庭湖湘江入湖口至出湖口水域5个采样点——S1(樟树港)、S2(虞公庙)、S3(鹿角)、S4(君山)和S5(洞庭湖出口)表层沉积物中Cd、Hg、As、Cu、Pb、Cr和Zn 7种重金属质量分数分析,对该典型水域表层沉积物中重金属的空间分布特征进行了探讨,并采用潜在生态危害指数法对其生态风险进行评价. 结果表明:表层沉积物中w(Cd)、w(Hg)、w(As)、w(Cu)、w(Pb)、w(Cr)和w(Zn)分别为0.54~79.90、0.046~0.712、15.2~289.0、29.0~217.0、6.0~246.0、65.4~269.0和41.4~632.0 mg/kg,w(Cd)、w(Hg)、w(As)、w(Cu)、w(Pb)和w(Zn)沿程总体呈下降趋势,w(Cr)沿程变化较小;Cd具有很高生态风险,Hg具有中等生态风险,其余污染物具有低生态风险,不同污染物生态风险的大小顺序为Cd>Hg>As>Pb>Cu>Cr>Zn,各采样点的RI(潜在生态危害指数)为115.51~1 000.09,平均值为373.30,研究区域重金属总体具有高生态风险,其中S1采样点具有很高生态风险,不同采样点表层沉积物中重金属生态风险的大小顺序为S1>S2>S5>S4>S3;除Cr外,Cd、Hg、As、Cu、Pb和Zn主要来源于湘江,Cd和Hg是主要风险污染物,其中Cd为首要污染物,因此湘江重金属污染治理应以Cd为重点.   相似文献   
宝鸡市街道尘埃磁学特征空间分布及环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张俊辉  王瑾  张健  房妮  夏敦胜 《环境科学》2015,36(5):1818-1826
对宝鸡市街道尘埃样品进行详细系统环境磁学实验分析并结合扫描电子显微镜研究表明,宝鸡市街道尘埃中磁性矿物含量高,主要的磁性矿物为多畴和假单畴的低矫顽力亚铁磁性矿物,同时含有少量的赤铁矿等高矫顽力的硬磁性矿物.污染来源主要以工业和交通等人为污染为主.街道尘埃的磁学特征表现出一定的空间变化规律揭示出污染的空间分布,划分为6个主要区域:A(创新路到高新八路区域)和B(东风路和马营路区域),磁性物质含量整体很高,揭示污染相对较重,污染源主要为"工业+交通";C区(火炬路到医康区域)磁性物质含量相对较高,是中度污染的区域,污染源主要为"交通";D(经二路与人民路区域)、E(清姜路和姜谭路西部区域)和F(陈仓区虢镇),磁性物质含量相对较低,揭示轻度污染,污染源主要为"交通".  相似文献   
基于氢氧稳定同位素的黄土高原云下二次蒸发效应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据GNIP提供的1985年1月至2004年12月黄土高原8个站点的409个降水同位素数据及同期的气象资料,结合HYSPLIT 4.9模型,分析了该区δ18O和d的时空分布特征,计算了二次蒸发的比率,并对不同气象因子影响二次蒸发的程度作了探讨,得到以下结论:1冬季风和夏季风期间,在黄土高原内由南向北δ18O呈上升趋势,d呈下降趋势;自东向西δ18O仅在夏季风期间有上升趋势,而在冬季风期间呈现下降趋势,d总呈现下降的趋势,δ18O和d的变化幅度可以指示季风的路径.2该区全年存在二次蒸发效应,夏季风期间最为明显,蒸发比率介于1.51%~5.88%之间,平均值为3.87%.冬季风期间蒸发比率总体较低,介于1.06%~5.46%之间,平均值也降为3.03%.黄土高原边缘站点蒸发比率受季风变化影响较大,而中部站点受季风变化影响较小.3温度对二次蒸发的影响较大,降水量和水汽压其次,相对湿度较小.此外,风速和海拔对二次蒸发的影响较弱.  相似文献   
开封城市土壤重金属污染及潜在生态风险评价   总被引:52,自引:24,他引:52  
用网格法采集开封城市表层土样99个,测定其As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn含量.分别采用污染负荷指数(PLI)和潜在生态风险指数(RI)评价土壤重金属污染和潜在生态风险程度,应用Kriging空间插值法探讨土壤重金属污染和生态风险空间分布,并对重金属的来源进行讨论.结果表明,开封城市土壤大部分发生了Cd重度污染,Zn中度污染,Pb和Cu轻度污染,而Ni、Cr和As均没有污染.土壤Cd存在极强生态风险,其余元素均为轻微风险.各样点7种重金属的平均PLI为2.53,总体上属于中度污染;平均RI为344.58,属于很强生态风险.PLI和RI空间分布相似,高值区分布在东南部的老工业区和陇海铁路开封客、货站附近,其次为老城区;低值区位于北部和西部,污染和生态风险较轻.镉既是最主要的污染因子又是最主要的潜在生态风险因子,其来源主要与化肥厂烟尘及污灌区表层土壤空气迁移、交通运输和燃煤等人类活动有关.  相似文献   
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