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铝对小麦的毒性及小麦抗铝机理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为探讨铝对植物的毒作用以及植物抗铝机理,研究了酸性条件下(pH4.4)铝胁迫对小麦的铝抗性品系TAM202和铝敏感品系TAM105的根和叶细胞内的一些生理生化指标的影响以及小麦对不同形态铝的吸收.结果表明,小麦主要吸收单核铝,抗性品系小麦TAM202吸收铝较少;在低浓度铝作用下TAM202培养后其营养液pH值显著升高;在不同浓度铝作用下,铝敏感品系TAM105叶片中的脯氨酸含量显著升高,表明铝对TAM202的叶片影响小于对TAM105的影响.2个品系小麦根细胞壁的组分含量在铝胁迫下发生变化.在75μmol·L-1铝作用下,TAM202中细胞壁的蛋白及己糖和糖醛酸的含量均升高,表明铝可能促进细胞壁成分的合成,对植物抗铝发挥一定的作用.  相似文献   
Responses of Sesbania rostrata and S. cannabina to Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd toxicities were assessed by a seed-suspending seedbed(SSS) approach. The results showed that the SSS approach was suitable for testing the tolerance of a plant to the stress of toxic metals. The endpoints include seed germination success, straightened radicle and hypocotyl of the seedlings from the seeds. The measurements could be done easily and accurately. It was found that the elongation of radicle was the most sensitive indicator to the stress of heavy metals among the endpoints. When exposure to lower or medium concentrations of Pb, Zn, and Cd, the development of the lateral roots were favorable. Species of S. rostrata was more tolerant than S. cannabina to the heavy metals, especially to Zn and Cd. The ED50 of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd were 32.90, .5.32, 4.40 and 12.00 μg/ml for S. rostrata,respectively, and they were 30.11, 2.87, 4.0.5 and 4.94 μg/ml respectively for S. cannabina.  相似文献   
企业治污的委托-代理机制初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了委托-代现机制的一般概念。分析了委托-代理机制的道德风险影响因素;给出了企业治污的委托-代理机制及该机制下的激励相容模型,考察了该机制的治污效率及激励成本。结果表明,委托-代理机制是治污的低成本高效率机制。  相似文献   
蓝藻是荒漠藻类中的主要类群,它能抵御荒漠生境中高低温、干旱、高盐碱、高紫外辐射等极端环境的胁迫,蓝藻胞外多糖及胞内的伪枝藻素、MAAs等在抵抗逆境胁迫过程中起了重要的作用.主要介绍了荒漠蓝藻抗逆性及其培养条件的研究进展,并概述了荒漠蓝藻的应用研究.  相似文献   
Bamboos are potential species for reclamation of saline soils and water. In this study, the performances of three bamboo species, namely Dendrocalamus strictus (S1), Dendrocalamus longispathus (S2) and Bambusa bambos (S3), were investigated for salinity stress tolerance. After 14 days of treatment with 100?mM NaCl, reduction in shoot length was 66%, 100%, 77%, root length was 77%, 100%, 57%, number of leaves was 50%, 100%, 73% and fresh weight was 30%, 72%, 14% in S1, S2 and S3 species, respectively. Relative water content (RWC) in S1 and S3 species was 1.26 and 1.07 folds higher in 50?mM NaCl in comparison to control. In S2 species, total chlorophyll, chlorophylla and chlorophyllb degradation were the highest (40.4%, 42.7%, 16.32%, respectively) in comparison to S3 (18.18%, 23%, 16.4%) and S1 (23.5%, 25%, 19.17%) species. In S3 and S1 species, the Chla/Chlb ratio was maintained showing stabilisation of the net photosynthetic rate. Proline played a more important role than glycine betaine for salt tolerance of these bamboo species. On account of vegetative growth, proline accumulation and RWC, it is inferred that S1 and S3 species are salt tolerant while S2 is a sensitive species.

Abbreviations: SL: shoot length; RL: root length; NL: number of leaves; FW: fresh weight; RWC: relative water content; Chla: chlorophylla; Chlb: chlorophyllb; TC: total chlorophyll; GB: glycine betaine  相似文献   
Two non-lethal responses, avoidance andimmobility, were observed for thefreshwater gastropod Potamopyrgusantipodarum on exposure to dissolvedarsenic (As) as arsenate (As(V)) orarsenite (As(III)). Two differentpopulations of P. antipodarum, onewith a long history of exposure todissolved As from geothermal fluids andthe other with minimal exposure, werecompared to test for adaptation to As. Both snail populations avoided dissolvedAs(III), the more toxic form, at lowerconcentrations than As(V). As(V), theless toxic form, was avoided by both snailpopulations at much lower concentrationsthan those at which the snails becameimmobile. In contrast, the concentrationsof As(III) which caused avoidance werealmost the same as those which causedimmobility, implying that avoidance may notbe an effective response to protect thesesnails from exposure to As(III). Snailsfrom the exposed population avoided As(V)at about 20% of the concentration thatwas avoided by the snails from theunexposed population. At higherconcentrations of As(V) which causedimmobility, this difference in sensitivitypersisted up to an exposure time of 48 hours. After 96 hours exposure, however,both populations showed similarsensitivity. Snails from the exposedpopulation were more sensitive to As(III),both avoiding the As and becoming immobileat lower concentrations than were observedfor the same responses in the snails fromthe unexposed population. We suggest thatthe differences in sensitivity between thetwo populations could have been the resultof the higher soft body As burden of theexposed snails at the start of thelaboratory experiments.  相似文献   
Land‐cover and climate change are both expected to alter species distributions and contribute to future biodiversity loss. However, the combined effects of land‐cover and climate change on assemblages, especially at the landscape scale, remain understudied. Lowland tropical amphibians may be particularly susceptible to changes in land cover and climate warming because many species have narrow thermal safety margins resulting from air and body temperatures that are close to their critical thermal maxima (CTmax). We examined how changing thermal landscapes may alter the area of thermally suitable habitat (TSH) for tropical amphibians. We measured microclimates in 6 land‐cover types and CTmax of 16 frog species in lowland northeastern Costa Rica. We used a biophysical model to estimate core body temperatures of frogs exposed to habitat‐specific microclimates while accounting for evaporative cooling and behavior. Thermally suitable habitat area was estimated as the portion of the landscape where species CTmax exceeded their habitat‐specific maximum body temperatures. We projected changes in TSH area 80 years into the future as a function of land‐cover change only, climate change only, and combinations of land‐cover and climate‐change scenarios representing low and moderate rates of change. Projected decreases in TSH area ranged from 16% under low emissions and reduced forest loss to 30% under moderate emissions and business‐as‐usual land‐cover change. Under a moderate emissions scenario (A1B), climate change alone contributed to 1.7‐ to 4.5‐fold greater losses in TSH area than land‐cover change only, suggesting that future decreases in TSH from climate change may outpace structural habitat loss. Forest‐restricted species had lower mean CTmax than species that occurred in altered habitats, indicating that thermal tolerances will likely shape assemblages in changing thermal landscapes. In the face of ongoing land‐cover and climate change, it will be critical to consider changing thermal landscapes in strategies to conserve ectotherm species.  相似文献   
从工程应用的角度,本文分析讨论了GJB 150.16A对振动环境试验控制允差的要求。结果表明,GJB150.16A对控制允差的要求是灵活的,但是未规定RMS允差,容易造成过试验或欠试验,且对加速度谱密度的控制允差要求的表述存在着一定的模糊。文中给出了解决建议。  相似文献   
为探讨蓖麻(Ricinus communist L.)对锰矿区土壤生态修复及能源化利用潜力,将不同品种蓖麻湘蓖1号和淄蓖7号播种在锰尾矿库土壤上,进入生殖生长阶段时采收全株,测定栽植土壤及植株根、茎、叶中5种重金属元素含量。结果显示:土壤中Mn平均含量最高达7884.96 mg·kg-1,超过国家规定的土壤环境质量域级标准6.5倍;湘蓖1号不同器官的Mn浓度从高至低为根>叶>茎,淄蓖7号不同器官Mn含量叶>茎>根,其叶中Mn平均浓度最高为765.43 mg·kg-1,较湘蓖1号叶中的平均含量高出79.53%, Pb、Cu、Cr含量及叶/根比值均大于湘蓖1号;植株体内重金属含量与土壤中重金属浓度的相关分析表明,重金属的积累量和转移量,受到土壤中几种重金属元素的共同影响。结果说明:2个品种的蓖麻均可以作为锰矿区能源化修复利用,对重金属的吸收和转运在品种间存在差异,淄蓖7号地上部分对重金属的迁移能力强于湘蓖1号。  相似文献   
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