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To accelerate the efficiency of methane biodegradation in landfills,a Gram-negative,rod-shaped,non-motile,non-spore-forming bacterium,JTA1,which can utilize methane as well as acetate,was isolated from the Laogang MSW landfills,Shanghai,China.Strain JTA1 was a member of genus Methylocystis on the basis of 16S rRNA and pmoA gene sequence similarity.The maximum specific cell growth rates(μmax=0.042 hr-1,R2=0.995) was derived through Boltzmann simulation,and the apparent half-saturation constants(Km(app)=7.08mmol/L,R2=0.982) was calculated according to Michaelis-Menton hyperbolic model,indicating that Methylocystis strain JTA1 had higher-affinity potential for methane oxidation than other reported methanotrophs.By way of adding the strain JTA1 culture,the methane consumption of aged refuse reached 115mL,almost two times of control experiment.In addition,high tolerance of Methylocystis strain JTA1 to chloroform could facilitate the methane oxidation of aged refuse bio-covers.At the chloroform concentration of 50mg/L,the methane-oxidation rate of bio-cover reached 0.114mL/(day·g),much higher than the highest rate,0.0135mL/(day·g),of reported bio-covers.In conclusion,strain JTA1 opens up a new possibility for environmental biotechnology,such as soil or landfills bioremediation and wastewater decontamination.  相似文献   
A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential of selected woody plants for revegetation in copper (Cu) and lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mine tailing areas. Five woody species (Amorpha fruticosa Linn, Vitex trifolia Linn: var. simplicifolia Cham, Glochidion puberum (Linn.) Hutch, Broussonetia papyrifera, and Styrax tonkinensis) and one herbaceous species (Sesbania cannabina Pers) were planted in Cu and Pb/Zn tailings to assess their growth, root morphology, nutrition uptake, metal accumulation, and translocation in plants. Amorpha fruticosa maintained normal growth, while the other species demonstrated stress related growth and root development. Sesbania cannabina showed the highest biomass among the plants, although it decreased by 30% in Cu tailings and 40% in Pb/Zn tailings. Calculated tolerance index (TI) values suggested that A. fruticosa, an N-fixing shrub, was the most tolerant species to both tailings (TI values 0.92–1.01), while S. cannabina had a moderate TI of 0.65–0.81 and B. papyrifera was the most sensitive species, especially to Pb/Zn tailings (TI values 0.15–0.19). Despite the high concentrations of heavy metals in the mine tailings and plants roots, only a small transfer of these elements to the aboveground parts of the woody plants was evident from the low translocation factor (TF) values. Among the woody plants, V. trifolia var. simplicifolia had the highest TF values for Zn (1.32), Cu (0.78), and Pb/Zn (0.78). The results suggested that A. fruticosa and S. cannabina, which have the highest tolerance and biomass production, respectively, demonstrated the potential for tailings revegetation in southern China.  相似文献   
盐胁迫下耐盐与盐敏感水稻的RAPD和POD同工酶检测   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对耐盐、一般耐盐和盐敏感3种水稻材料进行了RAPD和同工酶检测,结果发现:33个引物(N-1-N-12,S450-S470)中,27个引物具有拉增产物,拉增片段大小分布在0.2-3.4kb之间,说明在一定程度上反映了3种对盐具有不同耐盐性水稻在基因组DNA分子水平上的差异,以S450为引物,在强耐盐的779中扩增出1个1.1kb的特异DNA片段(S4501100),而在对盐敏感的早花2号中,以N-  相似文献   
It is shown that both diffuse and complete drying of birch stands is due to the additive effects of meteorological factors (hydrothermal parameters of the first and second halves of the growing period) and tree defoliation by phyllophagous insects, with the former being of primary importance.  相似文献   
植物铝胁迫发生机制及其内在缓解途径研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张帆  罗承德  张健 《四川环境》2005,24(3):64-69
本文总结了土壤中铝的存在形式及其化学行为,分析了以针叶人工林为例的诱发植物铝胁迫效应的内外部机制,以及铝胁迫在不同生态水平上对植物生长的影响。比较了环境铝胁迫下,植物体自身缓解环境铝威胁的不同途径。  相似文献   
探讨了海洋中常见药残磺胺嘧啶(SD)和磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)对球形棕囊藻和东海原甲藻生长的影响。结果表明:当这两种磺胺药物浓度大于20 mg/L时,球形棕囊藻和东海原甲藻的生长明显被抑制;SD和SMX对球形棕囊藻半数生长影响的浓度(EC50)分别为60~80 mg/L和20~40 mg/L;SD和SMX对东海原甲藻半数生长影响的浓度分别为20~40 mg/L和40~60 mg/L;两种藻培养96 h时扫描电镜观察,均显示高浓度下藻细胞膜严重破损,说明磺胺药物对其生长具有抑制作用。EC50对比表明球形棕囊藻对SD的耐受性强于SMX,而东海原甲藻对SMX的耐受性强于SD。两种藻对药残的耐受性明显强于其他藻种,在高浓度药残环境中占据生存优势。通过这项研究,试图探讨磺胺药物对河口及近海养殖区赤潮频发和赤潮消亡的影响。  相似文献   
以祁连圆柏Sabina przewalskii和圆柏Sabina chinensis为材料,研究了圆柏属植物的抗冷冻性与针叶δ^13C值季节变化的关系。结果表明,两种圆柏属植物的δ^13C值均随温度的降低而减小并在整个冬季维持较低水平。表明圆柏属植物为了抵抗低温的伤害,加强了自身能量物质的消耗,即呼吸作用增强,导致植物体内的δ值偏向更负。在整个测定期中,祁连圆柏的δ^13C值都显著高于圆柏的δ^13C值,表明在低温胁迫过程中,圆柏为适应低温、提高其抗冷冻能力所消耗自身能量物质的量远高于祁连圆柏。这与祁连圆柏具有较强的抗冷冻适应性策略一致。此外,两种圆柏属植物碳同位素组成与月均温度表现出极显著的线性相关性,并且与脯氨酸(Pro)质量分数、针叶相对含水量(RWC)也都表现出极显著的线性相关性。因此,碳同位素组成可以作为鉴定圆柏属植物抗冷冻性的又一重要指标。  相似文献   
耐低温混菌降解苯系物的特性及菌种鉴定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周月明  刘娜  张兰英  刘鹏  高松 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1893-1900
以吉化双苯厂被硝基苯、苯系物(BTEX)污染的土壤为菌源,经过筛选驯化得到一组在低温条件(10℃)下可降解苯系物(BTEX)的混菌。室内研究表明,在10℃,pH=6.8,苯系物(BTEX)总质量浓度200mg·L^-1的条件下,84h后该菌对苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯的降解率依次为93.2%、95.6%、91%、88.4%、对6种质量浓度的苯系物(BTEX)污染物中最难降解的苯进行降解动力学曲线模拟,当苯质量浓度小于17.48mg·L-1时,降解符合一级降解动力学,当苯的质量浓度为17.48~195.30mg·L^-1时,降解符合零级降解动力学、该混菌降解效果稳定、适应环境能力强,经80次传代后仍能保持良好的降解效果,且在6个不同地区含有不同背景组成的地下水中降解效果稳定、应用Biolog细菌自动鉴定系统和16SrDNA序列分析方法对降解率较高的3株菌B2、B4、B6作菌种鉴定,B2为嗜麦芽糖寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia),B4为斑生假单胞菌(Pseudomonas maculicola),B6为多刺假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spinosa)。  相似文献   
Toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TKTD) models simulate the time-course of toxicant concentration in the organism and toxicity at the level of the organism. A link between TKTD models that simulate survival and individual based models for populations (IBMs) is proposed which allows TKTD parameters to vary between individuals. The TKTD-IBM predicts different survival in response to toxicants when TKTD parameters vary amongst individuals compared to the survival predicted with fixed TKTD parameters. The model with fixed parameters represents the concept of stochastic death whereas the model with variable parameters behaves, at least partly, according to the individual tolerance distribution concept. The whole set of TKTD parameters of an individual can be interpreted as constituting “individual tolerance”.  相似文献   
The acute salinity tolerance of three tropical freshwater cladoceran species, M. macleayi, C. rigaudii and D. brachyurum was determined. The existence of these species represented new records for Trinidad and Tobago, a tropical Caribbean island. It has a large oil based industry, in which, the primary effluent (saline produced water) is discharged directly into many freshwater systems. Cladoceran species are used routinely in temperate regions, to assess the impacts of chemicals and effluents in freshwater systems. However, relatively few studies have assessed the salinity tolerance of these organisms. Test organisms were assayed using seven salinity treatments (0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25‰) prepared by volumetrically mixing natural filtered seawater with dilution water. C. rigaudii had a 48 h LC50 of 1.6‰, M. macleayi 1.5‰ and D. brachyurum <1‰. The CSmax (critical salinity maximum) for C. rigaudii and M. macleayi was 3‰ after 48 h, compared to 1‰ for D. brachyurum. There was no salinity value at which there was 100% survival. The resulting salinity response curve was a straight line which indicated that each species was intolerant of salt. Consequently, any of these can be considered as a representative freshwater organism for toxicity testing in Trinidad and Tobago.  相似文献   
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