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地貌环境与城市化相互关系是城市自然地理学研究的核心,从城市地貌学角度分析了上海城市地貌特点和地貌形变过程,探讨了城市地貌形变与城市生态环境之间的关系,特别是城市地貌形变引起的一系列生态环境效应,如城市防汛压力增大、地面积水愈加严重、城市河流淤积加厚、城市植被生境趋于单一等。在此基础上提出了三大应对策略:(1)在黄浦江下游河口尽早修建挡潮闸;(2)沿黄浦江、苏州河修建生态防汛墙;(3)及时进行城市规划调整,在再城市化过程中合理规划城市水面率和城市蓝线宽度,依据地貌形变的强弱来增加负地形(河流、湖泊)的比例,使已经损失的地面标高得到一定的补偿。上海只有充分重视城市地貌特点才能走上安全、健康、持续的城市发展道路。  相似文献   
The aqueous solubility of hexafluorobenzene has been determined, at 298.15 K, using a shake-flask method with a spectrophotometric quantification technique. Furthermore, the solubility of hexafluorobenzene in saline aqueous solutions, at distinct salt concentrations, has been measured. Both salting-in and salting-out effects were observed and found to be dependent on the nature of the cationic/anionic composition of the salt. COSMO-RS, the Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents, has been used to predict the corresponding aqueous solubilities at conditions similar to those used experimentally. The prediction results showed that the COSMO-RS approach is suitable for the prediction of salting-in/-out effects. The salting-in/-out phenomena have been rationalized with the support of COSMO-RS σ-profiles. The prediction potential of COSMO-RS regarding aqueous solubilities and octanol-water partition coefficients has been compared with typically used QSPR-based methods. Up to now, the absence of accurate solubility data for hexafluorobenzene hampered the calculation of the respective partition coefficients. Combining available accurate vapor pressure data with the experimentally determined water solubility, a novel air-water partition coefficient has been derived.  相似文献   
Carbamazepine is a psychiatric pharmaceutical widely detected in aquatic environments. Due to its generalized occurrence and environmental persistence it might be considered as an anthropogenic pollution indicator. In this research, a previously developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), based on a commercial monoclonal antibody, was applied to the quantification of carbamazepine in ground, surface and wastewaters and results were validated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).The performance of the applied ELISA methodology was tested in the presence of high concentrations of sodium chloride and dissolved organic matter. The method was not significantly affected by matrix effects, being adequate for the quantification of carbamazepine in environmental samples, even without sample pre-treatment. This method allows the quantification of carbamazepine in the range of 0.03-10 μg L−1, with a relative error lower than 30%. Due to a pH dependent cross-reactivity with cetirizine, an antihistaminic drug, the assay also enabled the quantification of cetirizine in the samples.The application of the developed method to the quantification of carbamazepine was performed by using environmental samples with very different matrices, collected in the geographical area of Ria de Aveiro, an estuarine system located in the North of Portugal. Carbamazepine was detected in all analyzed wastewater samples and in one surface water with concentrations between 0.1 and 0.7 μg L−1. Validation with LC-MS/MS revealed that results obtained by ELISA are 2-28% overestimated, which was considered highly satisfactory due to the absence of sample pre-treatments.  相似文献   
电解锰渣二次提取锰和氨氮的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
锰渣处理是电解锰行业的一个重大环境问题.为了实现锰渣无害化处理和资源化利用,用蒸馏水和阳极液作提取剂,对从锰渣中二次提取锰和氨氮进行了研究.考察了液固比、提取剂种类、提取时间、提取温度、超声波作用对锰、氨氮提取效果的影响,且对提取前后的锰渣成分进行了检测与表征.研究结果表明:阳极液对锰的提取效果明显优于蒸馏水,而蒸馏水...  相似文献   
Various scholars underscore the importance of public engagement with climate change to successfully respond to the challenges of global warming. However, although online media provide various new opportunities to actively engage in climate discourse so far very little is known about the drivers of this form of engagement. Against this background, this study tested a theoretical model on the effects of media and interpersonal communication on participation in climate discourse online using data from a representative online survey of German citizens (n?=?1392) carried out while COP21. Overall, the results show that receiving information on climate change from social media (social networks, Twitter, blogs), active information seeking online and interpersonal conversations about COP21 strongly encourage participation in climate discourse online. Moreover, results provide relevant insights on the role of interest in climate politics, personal issue relevance and climate scepticism as preconditions of communication effects.  相似文献   
为了更准确地了解我国经济发展质量,深刻理解环境效率的含义,本文以全新视角对中国各省环境效率进行测量、分析。首先,基于中国各省农业和工业生产要素投入、期望产出和非期望产出,利用二次型方向性距离函数和收益函数的对偶关系,测算2011年至2013年中国大陆31个省份污染物的影子价格。其次,利用影子价格衡量污染物减排边际成本的优点,根据世界可持续发展工商理事会(WBCSD)提出的环境效率测度公式,研究各省的环境负荷、环境效率,针对环境效率在衡量经济发展质量过程中的缺陷,提出环境效率幻觉概念,结合二者对全国各省进行综合评判,结果表明:全国范围内的各省环境效率值基本呈逐年递增趋势;整体上环境效率值在东中西部呈递减,但东北各省的环境效率值已普遍低于西南各省,且差距有扩大的趋势;出现环境效率幻觉的省份较少,但随着经济"新常态"的出现,其数量在增加。再次,利用环境效率的上升和环境效率幻觉的下降判断,中国仅二分之一的省份环境质量在真正好转。最后,环境效率影响因素的分析表明:全国范围内,产业结构、人均收入以及对外贸易水平与环境效率正相关,政府规制与环境效率负相关,对各地区的影响却呈现出较大差异;政府规制在东部和中部地区对环境效率具有促进作用,且东部大于中部,而西部地区却存在负效应;产业结构在中部和西部地区对环境效率具有积极的促进作用,且西部大于中部,但是东部地区却存在着负效应;对外贸易的继续增加对东中部地区环境效率具有消极的影响,且东部大于中部,对西部地区环境效率有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
城镇化与碳排放是当代中国经济社会发展的两大特征,中国的新型城镇化不仅要求实现人口、土地、经济城镇化的协调统一,还要求在城镇化的进程中注重生态环境的保护,实现绿色低碳发展。因此,从不同维度城镇化视角探讨碳排放的影响因素并对比其差异具有重要的理论与现实意义。本文根据2008—2014年中国30个省份的面板数据测算了各省的碳排放量,运用熵权法对表征土地城镇化、经济城镇化的相关指标进行了整组变量压缩,然后运用ESDA方法分析了省域间碳排放的空间相关性,基于STIRPAT模型分别构建了人口城镇化、土地城镇化、经济城镇化三个维度下的碳排放影响因子空间杜宾面板模型并进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,各省份的碳排放存在正的空间相关性,并且经济因素助长了这种空间相关性。在各城镇化维度下,人口规模、人均可支配收入、碳强度对本省份及相邻省份的碳排放均具有显著的影响,其中:人口规模是最主要的影响因素;人均可支配收入具有显著的正向作用,中国正处于环境库兹涅茨曲线的上升阶段;在经济水平相近的情况下,各省份间的碳排放具有"逐顶竞争"的特征。不同城镇化维度下,各因素对碳排放的影响存在明显的差异:从直接效应来看,经济城镇化维度下各影响因素的弹性系数最大,土地城镇化维度下的人口规模对碳排放的影响最小;从反馈效应来看,在人口城镇化维度下省份间碳排放的"逐顶竞争"特征最为明显;从间接效应来看,经济城镇化维度下的人均可支配收入对相邻省份的碳排放量存在显著的负向影响。  相似文献   
This study examined the first- and third-person effects of emotional and informational messages, particularly relating to the critical issue areas of energy, the environment, and global warming. Due to intense political polarization on such issues, it also explored the role of political party identification. The results of an experiment indicated that informational messages about the environment produced third-person effects, while environmental advertisements meant to evoke emotion caused first-person effects. Moreover, emotional environmental advertisements appealed more to Republicans and those who did not support a political party. As such, indirect, emotional messages appear to represent an opportunity for strategic environmental communicators to design campaigns that resonate with potentially unreceptive audiences.  相似文献   
颗粒物的健康损害效应已得到广泛的关注。尤其近年来,国内外学者们针对PM2.5等大颗粒开展了大量的人群流行病学和毒理学研究,健康损害效应的因果关系得到基本确认。然而比PM2.5粒径更小但数量更多的超细颗粒物(UFPs),其暴露特征及对健康影响的贡献值尚不清楚,缺乏统一的检测方法及策略是影响其健康评估的关键因素。因此,本文根据国内外文献,综述了目前超细颗粒物的检测方法、仪器及策略,总结了超细颗粒物评价方法的影响因素及其存在的不足,为超细颗粒物检测方法的进一步研究提供建议和帮助。  相似文献   
Offshore wind energy development (OWED) is being pursued as a critical component in achieving a low-carbon energy economy. While the potential generating capacity is high, the cumulative effects of expansion of OWED on wildlife remain unclear. Since environmental regulations in many countries require analysis of the cumulative adverse effects (CAE) during permitting processes, this paper reviews the state of knowledge on CAE of OWED on wildlife. We synthesize ecological research on the effects of OWED on wildlife; delineate a framework for determining the scope of CAE assessments; describe approaches to avoiding, minimizing and compensating for CAE; and discuss critical uncertainties.  相似文献   
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