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通过对山西1368-1948年历史文献资料的搜集、整理和数学分析,对该区霜雪灾害等级、阶段、周期及其成因进行了研究。在这期间,山西共发生霜雪灾害419次,轻度106次、中度228次、重度85次。灾害变化可分为4个阶段,1368-1579年为第1阶段,1580-1699年为第2阶段,1700-1819年为第3阶段,1820-1948年为第4阶段。第1、3阶段距平值主要为负值,灾害频次较低,以轻、中度灾害为主。第2、4阶段距平值主要为正值,灾害频次较高,以中度和重度霜雪灾为主。小波分析表明,灾害存在着4个明显的周期,即10~13年、20年左右、45~50年和120年左右的周期。降雪或寒流引起的气温骤降至0℃以下是造成山西霜雪灾害的主要原因。共发生6次寒冷气候事件,分别出现在1578-1588、1591-1607、1631-1642、1669-1672、1690-1699和1830-1836年。出现3次异常寒冷灾害年,分别是1653、1892和1929年。 相似文献
The United Kingdom uses the Defence Lines of Development (DLOD) framework to analyse and understand the key components and costs of a military capability. Rooted in the Resource Based View (RBV) of a firm, an adapted DLOD approach is employed to explore, analyse and discuss the preparedness, planning and response strategies of two markedly different countries (Australia and Bangladesh) when faced with a major cyclone event of a comparable size. Given the numerous similarities in the challenges facing military forces in a complex emergency and humanitarian agencies in a natural disaster, the paper demonstrates the applicability of the DLOD framework as an analysis and planning tool in the cyclone preparedness planning and response phases, and more broadly within the disaster management area. In addition, the paper highlights the benefit to disaster managers, policymakers and researchers of exploiting comparative cross-learning opportunities from disaster events, drawn from different sectors and countries. 相似文献
青藏高原多年冻土区由于自然环境变化和人为活动的影响,不少区域存在如热融滑塌、冻胀丘、融沉、冻胀等与冻土变化相关的冻融灾害。冻融灾害的存在与发展给冻土区环境与开发带来极大影响。在广泛现场调查和查阅相关资料的基础上,分析了各种灾害的形成机制以及冻融灾害的主要影响因素。结合地质灾害形成机理和多年冻土区工程建设的实际情况,确定了以岩土性质、活动层厚度、植被覆盖度、坡度、海拔、纬度为内因,年平均气温变化、人为活动为外因的评价模式。评价结果表明,整个青藏高原在现状条件下以中低风险性为主。中高风险区主要分布在年平均地温较高、人类活动强度较大的区域。 相似文献
云南省Palmer旱度模式的建立——2010年干旱灾害特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2010年春季云南省发生了特大干旱灾害,造成了严重的经济损失。按照Palmer旱度模式的思路,利用云南省的气象和土壤数据,建立了云南省的Palmer旱度模式。通过将计算得到的Palmer指数值与云南省的实际旱涝灾情历史记录进行对比,发现所建立的Palmer旱度模式能够较好地反映云南省的旱涝情况。基于该模式对2010年云南特大干旱灾害进行了特征分析,结果表明,此次干旱灾害是云南省30年来干旱变化过程中的一次突变。而且结果显示,在2010年的云南干旱灾害中,严重干旱地区整体呈现东西走向的空间分布,极端干旱地区主要分布在云南省的东南部。 相似文献
An analysis of seismic risk from a tourism point of view 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mäntyniemi P 《Disasters》2012,36(3):465-476
Global awareness of natural calamities increased after the destructive Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, largely because many foreigners lost their lives, especially in Thailand. This paper explores how best to communicate the seismic risk posed by different travel destinations to crisis management personnel in tourists' home countries. The analysis of seismic risk should be straightforward enough for non-specialists, yet powerful enough to identify the travel destinations that are most at risk. The output for each location is a point in 3D space composed of the natural and built-up environment and local tourism. The tourism-specific factors can be tailored according to the tourists' nationality. The necessary information can be collected from various directories and statistics, much of it available over the Internet. The output helps to illustrate the overall seismic risk conditions of different travel destinations, allows for comparison across destinations, and identifies the places that are most at risk. 相似文献
Disasters have potential short-term and long-term impacts on employment and employment structures in affected regions. While measuring the full economic impact of a disaster requires sophisticated econometrics and mathematical simulations, conventional regional economic models such as shift-share analysis can be used to assess some of these effects. This paper applies shift-share analysis to understand potential long-term impacts of disasters on employment using the December 2003 Bam earthquake as a case study. The results provide further evidence that disasters could have significant long-term effects on the employment structure of affected regions. 相似文献
Kim N 《Disasters》2012,36(2):195-211
This paper proposes a simple indicator to measure the exposure to natural disasters for the poor and non-poor population, in order to assess the global and regional trend of natural hazard and poverty. Globally, poor people are two times more exposed to natural disasters than the non-poor in the twenty-first century. The time trend varies across regions, with poor people in East Asia and Pacific being most exposed to natural disasters, followed by those in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The change of exposure measure over time is decomposed into two factors: a pure exposure change, which could be fuelled by climate change; and a concentration component. The result shows that the total net increase of exposure between the 1970s and the 2000s is driven significantly by the increased concentration of the poor (26 per cent) in disaster-prone areas, whereas the contribution of that factor remains very small for the non-poor (six per cent). 相似文献