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The Yellow River is the second longest river in China and the cradle of the Chinese civilization. The source region of the Yellow River is the most important water holding area for the Yellow River, about 49.2% of the whole runoff comes from this region. However, for the special location, it is a region with most fragile eco-environment in China as well. Eco-environmental degradation in the source region of the Yellow River has been a very serious ecological and socially economic problem. According to census data, historical documents and climatic information, during the last half century, especially the last 30 years, great changes have taken place in the eco-environment of this region. Such changes are mainly manifested in the temporal-spatial changes of water environment, deglaciation, permafrost reduction, vegetation degeneracy and desertification extent, which led to land capacity decreasing and river disconnecting. At present, desertification of the region is showing an accelerating tendency. This paper analyzes the present status of eco-environment degradation in this region supported by GIS and RS, as well as field investigation and indoor analysis, based on knowledge, multi-source data is gathered and the classification is worked out, deals with their natural and anthropogenic causes, and points out that in the last half century the desertification and environmental degradation of this region are mainly attributed to human activities under the background of regional climate changes. To halt further degradation of the environment of this region, great efforts should be made to use land resources rationally, develop advantages animal agriculture and protect the natural grassland.  相似文献   
Measurementofrespirationamountofwhitebirch(Betulaplatyphylla)populationinthemountainousregionofBeijingFangJingyun,WangXiaoke(...  相似文献   
采用RAINS ASIA模型研究了"十一五"期间长三角地区实施脱硫措施前后硫沉降超临界负荷的变化.结果表明,在90%保证率下,长三角地区硫沉降的临界负荷(以S计,下同)总值为78.38万t/a;2005年该地区硫沉降的超临界负荷总值为27.98万t/a,有45.6%区域面积的硫沉降超过临界负荷;如果不实施脱硫措施,到2010年长三角地区硫沉降超临界负荷的情景将急剧恶化,硫沉降超临界负荷总值将增长18.4%,超临界负荷的区域面积将增加到48.7%;"十一五"脱硫计划如期实施后,2010年长三角地区硫沉降超临界负荷总值将在2005年的基础上下降27.4%,但仍有39.1%的区域面积超过临界负荷,须采取更严格的措施控制硫沉降量.  相似文献   
为揭示地下水波动带中细菌群落结构特征及其与地下水环境相互作用关系,选取哈尔滨市第一水源地作为研究区,采集地下水样品以及波动带不同深度(0~5m非饱和带和6~50m饱和带)含水介质样品,分别用于水化学分析和16S rRNA细菌高通量测序,依托冗余分析定量表述地下水质参数与细菌群落相关性.水化学分析结果显示,研究区地下水主要污染物为Fe、Mn、NH4+和有机质,Fe、Mn超标与研究区特定地质背景有关,NH4+和有机质主要来源于人类活动.微生物分析结果显示,非饱和带和饱和带的细菌群落结构差异性显著,非饱和带细菌群落丰度和多样性显著高于饱和带,Proteobacteria、Bacteroidetes、Actinobacteria、Firmicutes和Acidobacteria为研究区优势门,在非饱和带和饱和带的累积相对丰度分别为82.89%和98.64%.冗余分析(RDA)结果显示,门水平上非饱和带中与水质演化强相关的细菌类群是Bacteroidetes、Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria、Verrucomicrobia,贡献率分别为15%、14.8%、8.9%和5.2%;饱和带中对地下水质演化起主要作用的类群为Bacteroidetes、Acidobacteria、Actinobacteria和Firmicutes,贡献率分别为38.4%、19.0%、10.8%和9.1%.属水平上非饱和带中的Pseudomonas和饱和带中的Flavobacterium对Fe、Mn、NH4+生物转化起主导作用.本研究为揭示地下水波动带中生物地球化学作用对地下水环境的影响提供了科学依据,对地下水污染修复具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
基于2014~2017年京津冀13座城市的O3-8h数据,分析O3时间变化特征及污染状况.在此基础上,结合同期气象数据研究近地层O3浓度与气象要素的关系.结果表明:2014~2017年京津冀区域O3-8h整体呈上升趋势,增长率为4.50μg/m3.区域内O3污染整体加重,北京、保定O3污染较为严重;2014~2015年O3浓度与超标情况的月变化主要呈单峰型变化,峰值出现在5月;而2016~2017年为不规则双峰型变化,峰值出现在5~6月和9月.与气象因子的相关性表明:气象要素对O3的影响具有明显的季节差异,其中春、夏、秋季气温是影响O3浓度变化的主要因素,而在冬季相对湿度与风速为影响O3浓度变化的主要因素.此外,分析表明北京、天津、石家庄3大城市夏季形成高浓度O3的阈值明显不同.  相似文献   
通过对2001年4月的一次中亚强沙尘暴过程的观测事实分析和数值模拟,结果表明,源自中亚的强沙尘暴扬起的粉尘,通过西风急流远程传输到韩国、日本、北太平洋、北美大陆.北太平洋地区的沙尘沉积通量空间分布将主要取决于3个方面:沙尘沉积通量随传输距离的增加呈指数衰减;传输路径上粉尘有较高的沉降通量;沙尘过境时的降水空间格局将在很大程度上决定粉尘的沉降空间格局.  相似文献   
水培条件下秋华柳对重金属Cd的富集特性及光合响应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用水培试验的方法,研究了不同Cd胁迫浓度〔ρ(Cd2+)分别为0、1、5、10和20 mg/L〕下秋华柳的生长、光合耐性及其对Cd的富集特性和转移能力.结果表明:①随着Cd胁迫浓度的升高,秋华柳生长所受到的抑制程度有所增加.除20 mg/L处理组外,其余各处理组的耐性指数(TI)均大于70,表现出较高的耐性.②低Cd胁迫浓度(1 mg/L)下秋华柳具有较好的光合耐性,当Cd胁迫浓度达到20 mg/L时,秋华柳的光合系统才受到明显影响.③秋华柳对外源Cd的富集能力较强,随着Cd胁迫浓度的升高,秋华柳所积累的Cd显著增加且主要积累于根部,表现为叶<茎<根.当Cd胁迫浓度小于5 mg/L时,秋华柳根部吸收的Cd向地上部分转移的效果较好.试验显示,秋华柳对于较低Cd胁迫浓度(≤10 mg/L)具有较好的耐受性和富集能力,可用于三峡库区消落带表层土壤Cd污染严重区域进行植物修复.   相似文献   
采用随机森林算法剥离了排放和气象对6种大气污染物(SO2、 NO2、 CO、 PM10、 PM2.5和O3)浓度的贡献,识别了疫情前后武汉市中心城区、郊区、工业区、三环线交通点和城市背景点这5种类型点位的大气污染物浓度变化.结果表明,与管控前相比,管控期间PM2.5/CO、 PM10/CO和NO2/CO分别减小了10.8~21.7、 9.34~24.7和14.4~22.1倍,表明排放对PM2.5、 PM10和NO2贡献减小;O3/CO增加了50.1~61.5倍,表明二次生成增加明显.解除管控后排放对各类污染物的贡献均增加.管控期间,受一些不可间断工序的运行影响,工业区PM2.5降幅最小(20.5%).与管控期间相比,解除管控后居民生活、交通出行和工业生产等基本恢复,使5种类型站点PM2.5  相似文献   
论区域环境规划的综合集成方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域环境是复杂的巨系统 ,在区域环境规划中必须采用综合集成的方法才能有效地解决各种问题。集成是一种有机的结合 ,提出了各环境规划要素集成的六种思路 ,并为六种集成的再度集成 ,提出了区域环境规划的综合集成环境规划室体系。  相似文献   
Understanding ozone (O3) formation regime is a prerequisite in formulating an effective O3 pollution control strategy. Photochemical indicator is a simple and direct method in identifying O3 formation regimes. Most used indicators are derived from observations, whereas the role of atmospheric oxidation is not in consideration, which is the core driver of O3 formation. Thus, it may impact accuracy in signaling O3 formation regimes. In this study, an advanced three-dimensional numerical modeling system was used to investigate the relationship between atmospheric oxidation and O3 formation regimes during a long-lasting O3 exceedance event in September 2017 over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China. We discovered a clear relationship between atmospheric oxidative capacity and O3 formation regime. Over eastern PRD, O3 formation was mainly in a NOx-limited regime when HO2/OH ratio was higher than 11, while in a VOC-limited regime when the ratio was lower than 9.5. Over central and western PRD, an HO2/OH ratio higher than 5 and lower than 2 was indicative of NOx-limited and VOC-limited regime, respectively. Physical contribution, including horizontal transport and vertical transport, may pose uncertainties on the indication of O3 formation regime by HO2/OH ratio. In comparison with other commonly used photochemical indicators, HO2/OH ratio had the best performance in differentiating O3 formation regimes. This study highlighted the necessities in using an atmospheric oxidative capacity-based indicator to infer O3 formation regime, and underscored the importance of characterizing behaviors of radicals to gain insight in atmospheric processes leading to O3 pollution over a photochemically active region.  相似文献   
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