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野骆驼是世界上骆驼科真驼属唯存的野生种,目前全世界只分布在我国新疆和蒙古国的中蒙边境地区,在世界上仅存730~880头左右,是比大熊猫更为珍稀的野生动物,濒临灭绝。野骆驼的生存环境非常恶劣,气候十分干旱,荒漠化十分严重,蒸发量远远大于降雨量,空气非常干燥,日夜温差极大。分布区的植物也非常稀少,没有淡水,只有零星散布的又苦又咸的盐泉,大部分地区寸草不生,只有在盐泉附近长着稀稀拉拉的盐生草、沙拐枣、骆驼刺等。野骆驼能在严酷的荒漠半荒漠地区生活,对恶劣气候环境有很强的适应性,具有耐饥渴抗风暴等抵抗恶劣环境的能力,是动物界中任何一种动物无可比拟的。  相似文献   
洛阳市大气污染特征与相关气象要素24小时变化分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对洛阳市环境空气监测资料的统计,归纳出洛阳市区日内24小时环境空气污染变化特征,并结合同步气象观测资料综合分析,找出了二者之间的联系特征。引入气温日较差这一便于观测、预报的气象要素表征空气污染物垂直扩散特征,为今后进行污染预报提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
Street dust samples (120 in total) were collected under stable weather conditions during the hot, dry season (August and September) of 2004 from six different localities (industrial, heavy traffic, medium traffic, light traffic, low traffic and rural) in greater Amman, the capital of Jordan. The concentrations of Fe, Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni in the dusts were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The high concentrations of Pb, Fe and Zn in the street dust samples were related to both anthropogenic (industrial sources combined with traffic sources) and natural sources. Surprisingly, the concentrations of Cd in the dusts were low. Correlation coefficient analysis and principle component analysis identified three main sources of these elements and the corresponding distributions. The elements Pb, Zn, Cd, Fe, Cu and Ni were mainly derived from industrial sources, with Pb and Zn additionally derived from traffic sources. The street dusts were found to have highly elevated levels of Zn, particularly along the main trunk roads, indicating that the Zn in the street dusts may be derived from traffic sources, especially vehicle tyres. The concentrations of metals in the different street dust samples were found to vary depending on the density of traffic.  相似文献   
The long-term water quality monitoring program implemented by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority in 1992 is extensive and has provide substantial understanding of the seasonality of the waters in both Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay and the response to improvements in effluent quality and offshore transfer of the effluent in September 2000. The monitoring program was designed with limited knowledge of spatial and temporal variability and long-term trends within the system. This led to an extensive spatial and temporal sampling program. The data through 2003 showed high correlation within physical parameters measured (e.g., salinity, dissolved oxygen) and in biological measures such as chlorophyll fluorescence. To address the potential sampling redundancies in the measurement program, an assessment of the impact of reduced levels of monitoring on the ability to make water quality decisions was completed. The optimization was conducted by applying statistical models that took into account whether there was evidence of a seasonal pattern in the data. The optimization used model survey average readings to identify temporal fixed effects, model survey-average-corrected individual station readings to identify spatial fixed effects, corrected the individual station readings for temporal and spatial fixed effects and derived a correlation model for the corrected data, and applied the correlation model to characterize the correlation of annual average readings from reduced monitoring programs with true parameter levels. Reductions in the number of sampling stations were found less detrimental to the quality of the data for annual decision-making than reductions in the number of surveys per year, although there is less of a difference in this regard for dissolved oxygen than there is for chlorophyll. The analysis led to recommendations for a substantially lower monitoring effort with minimal loss of information. The recommendation supported an annual budget savings of approximately $183,000. Most of the savings was from fewer surveys as approximately $21,000 came from the reduction in the number of stations monitored from 21 to 7 and associated laboratory analytical costs.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development of artificial neural network (ANN) based carbon monoxide (CO) persistence (ANNCOP) models to forecast 8-h average CO concentration using 1-h maximum predicted CO data for the critical (winter) period (November–March). The models have been developed for three 8-h groupings of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2–10 p.m., at two air quality control regions (AQCRs) in Delhi city, representing an urban intersection and an arterial road consisting heterogeneous traffic flows. The result indicates that time grouping of 2–10 pm is dominantly affected by inversion conditions and peak traffic flow. The ANNCOP model corresponding to this grouping predicts the 8-h average CO concentrations within the accuracy range of 68–71%. The CO persistence values derived from ANNCOP model are comparable with the persistence values as suggested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USA. This work demonstrates that ANN based model is capable of describing winter period CO persistence phenomena.  相似文献   
固体废物排放统计对象应覆盖固体废物从原材料到最终处置的整个生命周期的各个环节(机构),即矿业--加工制造业--产品流通领域--用户--固体废物收运体系--固体废物中间处理厂--固体废物最终处置场.统计指标体系包括固体废物排放统计指标和排放管理指标;统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理.根据固体废物排放量和已知的固体废物资源化技术,对固体废物重新分类、统计并分类填埋,以便将来实现再利用.固体废物排放控制统计的对象主要是规模以上的污染源,实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的.  相似文献   
江苏省城市生活垃圾特征处理现状及存在问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在调查收集了大量资料的基础上,从地级市、县、中心镇三个层次总结了江苏省城市生活垃圾的特征、处理现状及其存在的问题。提出,江苏省城市生活垃圾产量、可燃组分、热值逐年上升,含水量基本保持稳定,容重、碴石含量呈下降趋势;目前江苏省填埋、焚烧、堆肥和综合四种处理方式中均有一些问题,且能够达到国家标准的很少;还存在管理体制不顺,缺少资金,减量化、资源化尚未引起重视,法规不健全,混合收集,废品回收率低,处理模式单一、技术落后等问题。这些都使控制垃圾产生、实现资源回收利用并确定其处理方式,以及进一步推动江苏省城市生活垃圾处理的深入研究十分必要。  相似文献   
缺氧折流板反应器(ABR)运行影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABR(Anaerobic Baffled Beactor)由于其具有结构简单,出水水质好,运行稳定可靠等优点,在废水处理中得到广泛的应用。本文结合近年来对ABR的研究和试验分析,对影响ABR运行效果的因素作了较全面的论述。  相似文献   
Public opinion and siting solid waste landfills in Kuwait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Siting municipal solid waste landfills in Kuwait had not considered public concerns about the location of such facilities. Kuwait Municipality has disposed urban waste in abandoned sand quarries for the past 20 years in an unplanned fashion. Due to this improper siting criteria, environmental and health problems have risen from old landfills that are located in residential areas. In an effort to help responsible decision-makers in assessing public support for siting landfills a structured, yet simple, questionnaire was designed and distributed to a random sample of heads of households. Statistical techniques were employed to examine trends and relationships between the sample public responses concerning landfill siting criteria. The findings of the research indicated that a significant percentage of the responding sample did not know about the various landfill impacts and less than 50% were aware of the negative impacts of landfills on the public health and the environment. The visual appearance of the landfill scored the lowest impact in the opinion of the sample public while the most important aspect in siting a landfill appeared to be its economic consideration. The research findings also directed attention to the important role that the media could play in increasing public awareness. Results from the cross-classification analysis demonstrated the existence of differences in awareness levels according to age, nationality, martial status, education, and occupation of the responding sample. Statistically, these differences were significant at the 95% significance level, as supported by the test of the χ-square.  相似文献   
用主成分分析的方法,找出影响废黄河2007年水质的主成分,计算各样本的主成分得分,用聚类分析的方法将样本水质分类,结合分类结果及水质综合评分对各样本水质进行评价。  相似文献   
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