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中国实行改革开放以来,工业化和城市化推动了城市经济的快速增长,但城市水环境破坏严重。政府部门曾采取一些措施来改善水环境,但并未有效解决污染问题。由于城市水环境治理问题的重要性和紧迫性,国家科技部在武汉市汉阳区启动“水专项”寻求有效的治理模式。由于采用新的制度安排,注重科学技术与管理制度的结合,明显改善了汉阳地区的水环境。“武汉水专项”的试验显示出市场机制在城市水环境治理这类公益项目中同样是有效率的。构建更加有效的城市水环境治理运作机制既是必要的,也是可能的。构建城市水环境治理运作机制的核心是在确保水环境改善的公共目标的基础上,实现城市水环境治理投入的外部效应内部化,城市水环境治理可以成为具有广阔市场和丰厚盈利的现代服务业.  相似文献   
We investigated relationships between adolescents’ perceptions of their neighbourhood, their mental health and independently assessed indicators of conditions in their residential neighbourhood. The Research with East London Adolescents Community Health Survey (RELACHS) provided information for 2370 adolescents on area perceptions (specifically alienation from/attachment to the area and satisfaction/dissatisfaction with local amenities and services), and on individual and family attributes including mental distress (measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire). These were combined for this study with independently assessed small area geographical indicators proposed by government to measure local deprivation in England. A Bayesian regression analysis using Gibbs sampling investigated associations between the predictor variables and neighbourhood perception. Alienation from neighbourhood and dissatisfaction with local amenities was greater for girls than for boys and for the older adolescents sampled. Those of ‘Asian’ or ‘Black’ ethnicity, from relatively harmonious families, or with higher levels of social support were less likely to express negative area perceptions. While previously published research found no significant direct association between mental health and small area indicators, this analysis suggests that those with relatively high levels of distress did have worse area perceptions. Also, certain independently assessed area indicators were associated with adolescents’ views of their neighbourhood.  相似文献   
The distribution of urban ecosystem services (UES) is often uneven across socioeconomic groups, leading to environmental justice issues. Understanding the distribution of UES across a landscape can help managers ensure an equitable distribution of services. While many past studies have focused on the distribution of green spaces in relation to socioeconomic variables, this research analyzes the distribution of UES provided by these green spaces. This research quantified air pollution removal, atmospheric carbon reduction, and surface runoff mitigation provided by urban trees in Strasbourg city (France). The provision of these three UES was studied at the census block scale by creating an index of UES delivery, which was contrasted with a constructed social deprivation index. Our results show that there is no significant association between the delivery of UES and social deprivation. Some deprived populations benefit from high UES delivery. Results also suggest that mapping associations between UES delivery and social deprivation should be integrated with future development plans to enhance the equitable distribution of UES. This study provides insights into the French context where studies about the distribution of UES at a small-area level remain lacking.  相似文献   
Meaningful human–nature interactions can counteract the extinction of experience and positively influence people’s nature relatedness, health and wellbeing. In this study, we explored urban wild food foraging to understand how best to enable human-nature interactions in cities by means of foraging. Using a structured questionnaire, a total of 458 residents of Vienna, Austria were surveyed. Sixty-four percent of visitors of public urban green spaces previously foraged for wild food species, whereas foraging frequencies were related to the targeted plant species and their life forms. People who foraged more frequently had greater nature relatedness, more childhood foraging experiences and lived on the outskirts of the city, but their socio-demographic backgrounds were heterogeneous. Social acceptance and lack of access to wild foods were perceived to be barriers. To promote nature relatedness through urban foraging, the legal framework, access to low-contamination foraging areas, availability of wild foods and social acceptance need to be improved.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01648-1.  相似文献   
在分析城市空气污染数值预报要素的基础上,建立了包括污染源排放清单,气象中尺度数值预报模型MM5,ADMS-城市模型软件的城市空气质量预报系统。首次提出了空气质量环境背景值的确定等提高城市空气污染预报准确率的有效措施。  相似文献   
Chemical fractionation of heavy metals in urban soils of Guangzhou, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Knowledge of the total concentration of heavy metals is not enough to fully assess the environmental impact of urban soils. For this reason, the determination of metal speciation is important to evaluate their environment and the mobilization capacity. Sequential extraction technique proposed by the former European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) was used to speciate Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in urban soils from Guangzhou into four operationally defined fractions: HOAc extractable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual. The Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn were predominately located in the residual fraction, Pb in the reducible fraction, and Cd and Mn within the HOAc extractable fraction. The order of Cd in each fraction was generally HOAc extractable > reducible > residual > oxidizable; Cu and Fe were residual > reducible > oxidizable > HOAc extractable; Mn was HOAc extractable > residual > reducible > oxidizable; Ni and Zn were residual > reducible > HOAc extractable > oxidizable; and Pb was reducible > residual > oxidizable > HOAc extractable. Cadmium was identified as being the most mobile of the elements, followed by Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Pb and Fe. Iron–Mn oxides can play an important role in binding Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn and in decreasing their proportion associated with the residual fraction in the soils. With total concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Mn increase, these metals more easily release and may produce more negative effects on the urban environment.  相似文献   
利用丽水城区中心及其近郊2个站点的逐时水汽压资料,定义了干(湿)岛强度指数及干(湿)岛强度等级,并发现了丽水小城区干(湿)岛变化强度、频次及时空分布规律,研究发现城区中心的干岛现象与热岛现象之间存在着正相关.湿岛的形成与露、雾、结冰、霜、雨等天气现象有关.  相似文献   
The data collected from the five air quality monitoring stations established by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) in Taipei City were analyzed to assess the changes in air quality. The analyses reveal that the air quality in Taipei City improved over the last decade from 1994 to 2003, as evidenced by the significant downward trends of the various primary air pollutant concentrations, such as CO, NOX, SO2, and PM10. An air pollution fee was collected by TEPA in 1995, and several air pollution control measures were likewise taken to improve the air quality in Taiwan. However, although the extreme daily maximum O3 concentrations occurred more frequently in earlier years and showed a downward trend, its moderately high concentrations increased annually in recent years. It implied that after the reduction of various primary pollutant concentrations, the effective reduction of O3 pollution still remains an important issue.  相似文献   
西藏拉萨市热岛效应及其影响因子分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用2001年、2004年以及2007年三年的EOS/MODIS遥感信息反演的地面温度以及多年常规气象观测资料,讨论了拉萨市热岛现象及其可能影响因子。结果表明:(1)热岛强度的年、季节变化呈现逐渐增强的趋势,其中,冬季的热岛强度最强,其次是春季,秋季和夏季的热岛效应较弱;高温区基本位于城市中心或者县城所在地及其周围,低温区主要集中在各县的郊区;近年来拉萨地区的城市高温区域逐渐扩大,有些高温中心可能向某些区域偏移;遥感资料所获取的地表温度与平均气温之间存在一定的正相关性。(2)无论是年变化,还是季节变化,热岛强度都与风速呈正相关,与日照时数呈负相关,与蒸发量的相关在夏季和冬季分别呈正相关、负相关的相反状况;地表温度与植被分布具有较好的负相关关系,即在城区存在较高的地表温度分布和较小的NDVI,过渡到郊区具有温度减小、NDVI增加的特征;随着城市化进程的加剧,建筑面积不断扩大,人类活动明显增加,排放至大气的人为热增加,这些因素都可能导致热岛强度的增强。  相似文献   
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