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室内空气质量问题已经成为社会各界广泛关注的问题,如何有效地控制室内污染、改善室内空气质量是目前急待解决的问题.文章介绍了室内空气污染的特点、种类和来源,以及对人体的危害,并对传统方法如污染源控制、加强通风透气、植物净化等方法进行了探讨,另外还介绍了目前几种先进的室内环境净化处理技术及各技术的优缺点,进而对室内空气净化技术的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   
以新乡市2006—2012年工业"三废"排放监测数据为依据,通过对城市废水、废气及工业固体废弃物排放情况的分析,找出主要污染特征并提出相关治理对策。  相似文献   
为初步了解乐山市臭氧生成的主要特征和科学管控,采用Pearson相关性分析法分析一年来臭氧及其前体物之间的相关性,并采用OBM模式和VOCS/NOX比值法分别讨论臭氧生成的敏感性和控制性特征.结果 表明:乐山市氮氧化物与臭氧在夏秋两季呈现正相关,在春冬两季呈负相关;从臭氧的敏感性分析得出臭氧生成潜势PO3-NO:夏季>...  相似文献   
The increasing capacity of distributed electricity generation brings new challenges in maintaining a high security and quality of electricity supply. New techniques are required for grid support and power balance. The highest potential for these techniques is to be found on the part of the electricity distribution grid.

This article addresses this potential and presents the EEPOS project’s approach to the automated management of flexible electrical loads in neighborhoods. The management goals are (i) maximum utilization of distributed generation in the local grid, (ii) peak load shaving/congestion management, and (iii) reduction of electricity distribution losses. Contribution to the power balance is considered by applying two-tariff pricing for electricity.

The presented approach to energy management is tested in a hypothetical sensitivity analysis of a distribution feeder with 10 households and 10 photovoltaic (PV) plants with an average daily consumption of electricity of 4.54 kWh per household and a peak PV panel output of 0.38 kW per plant. Energy management shows efficient performance at relatively low capacities of flexible load. At a flexible load capacity of 2.5% (of the average daily electricity consumption), PV generation surplus is compensated by 34–100% depending on solar irradiance. Peak load is reduced by 30% on average. The article also presents the load shifting effect on electricity distribution losses and electricity costs for the grid user.  相似文献   

Best management practices (BMPs) are widely used to mitigate impacts of increased impervious surfaces on stormwater runoff. However, there is limited detailed and up‐to‐date information available on the cost of designing, constructing, and maintaining BMPs over their lifetime. The objective of this study is to analyze BMPs recently constructed by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to quantify their total cost per pound of phosphorus removed annually. A motivating factor for the study is recent changes to regulatory guidelines in Virginia which allow for full or partial substitution of purchased nutrient credits in lieu of constructing onsite BMPs to achieve compliance with stormwater quality regulations. Results of the analysis of nine BMPs found their cost ranged from $20,100 to $74,900, in 2014 dollars, per pound ($44,313‐$165,126 per kg) of phosphorus removed. Based on these results and assuming current credit prices procured by VDOT, purchasing nutrient credits is a cost‐effective option for the agency, especially when factoring in the cost of additional right of way for the BMP. Based on this finding, we expect compliance with stormwater quality regulations through credit purchases to become more widely used in Virginia. Moving forward, we suggest more direct tracking of BMP costs to support comparisons between BMP costs across a range of types and conditions to credit purchases for meeting stormwater regulations.  相似文献   
煤矸石自燃机理及其防治技术研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
煤矸石是我国最大的工业固体废弃物,煤矸石自燃是矿区主要的环境问题之一。并系统分析煤矸石的自燃机理,提出预防为主,防治为辅的对策,并重点介绍几种行之有效的煤矸石自燃的防治技术。  相似文献   
土壤污染治理与开发的环境经济调控对策研究   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
尝试从环境经济角度出发,对比分析国内外土壤污染治理与开发过程中的经济责任认定体系,指出我国存在着土壤污染责任主体不明确、污染治理费用无人负担、市场化机制有待完善等问题,提出在土壤污染治理与开发过程中明确政府、污染者、新地块开发商以及当地社区和居民的经济责任、建立污染治理基金管理模式以及完善土壤污染治理资金筹措与管理机制等方面的调控对策。  相似文献   
应用近两年三明市区环境空气自动监测系统所监测的环境空气中的可吸入颗粒物的大量监测数据,分析总结三明市区可吸入颗粒物的污染现状、规律性,以及可吸颗粒物的主要来源及防治对策。  相似文献   
综合分析1991年至2010年声环境质量二十年演变规律,得出环境噪声在污染治理方面所采取和措施  相似文献   
通过对污水泵进行变频调速改造及污水处理工艺优化,实现了污水处理的降耗节能。  相似文献   
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