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两栖动物生殖内分泌系统(如性别分化、性腺发育、第二性特征)对性激素的敏感性,使得该类动物可用于研究内分泌干扰物(Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals,EDCs)对生殖内分泌系统的干扰作用.两栖动物非洲爪蟾是发育生物学研究的经典模型动物,多年来积累的有关其生殖内分泌的资料可以为生殖内分泌干扰的研究提供参考.论文分析了非洲爪蟾作为评价生殖内分泌干扰作用模型动物的理论基础,总结了评价生殖内分泌干扰作用目前使用的几个指标(性别分化、性腺形态、性腺组织学结构、性激素水平、卵黄蛋白原表达等生物标记),综述了非洲爪蟾在评价酚类化合物、阿特拉津、多氯联苯等几种EDCs的生殖内分泌干扰作用中的应用,最后讨论了非洲爪蟾作为一种评价EDCs生殖内分泌干扰作用的模型动物目前存在的问题.毫无疑问,非洲爪蟾是生殖内分泌干扰研究的良好模型动物,为促进该模型动物更好的应用,需要加强非洲爪蟾生殖生物学和内分泌学的研究.  相似文献   
针对利用数字化技术提高危化品仓储安全监管水平问题,考虑政府搭建“危化品集中式仓储中心+数字化网络监管平台”策略,基于演化博弈理论,构建危化品仓储安全监管演化博弈模型,分析建立数字化集中仓概率(本文简称“建仓概率”)对相关政府部门和危化品仓储企业行为演化规律的影响,探讨数字化集中仓模式下,危化品仓储企业合规仓储的驱动因素。研究结果表明:当建仓概率低于某临界值时,政府部门和危化品仓储企业会疏于监管违规仓储;随着建仓概率提高,政府部门和危化品仓储企业策略呈现周期性波动现象;当建仓概率很高时,虽然数字化集中仓一定程度上可提高政府监管便利性,但从长远看会使政府监管部门放松对危化品仓储安全的监管。研究结果可为政府推行数字化监管新模式和危化品仓储企业实施智能仓储管理提供一定决策支持。  相似文献   
通过对辽宁省丹东市危险化学品、危险源的安全隐患调查,结合实例分析了危险化学品对人身安全、生存环境、社会稳定等方面带来的巨大影响,并提出了相应的预防措施.  相似文献   
活性污泥中典型内分泌干扰物的分析方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对代表烷基酚类的典型内分泌干扰物(EDCs)叔辛基酚、辛基酚、壬基酚、双酚A,和代表类固醇的典型内分泌干扰物17α-乙炔基雌二醇和雌三醇等6种物质,建立了活性污泥水相与固相中的SPE-GC/MS的同时分析方法。对比分析了三种不同的固相萃取浓缩小柱的效果,发现具有梯度极性的Bond Elut-Plexa小柱对所选6种内分泌干扰物萃取回收效果较好。通过所建立的方法对6种EDCs在污水和污泥中的浓度进行了分析,检测回收率达80.5%和84.8%以上。并通过该分析方法对上海某污水净化水厂曝气池中污水和污泥浓度进行了有效分析。  相似文献   
Background LCA is the only internationally standardized environmental assessment tool (ISO 14040-43) for product systems, including services and processes. The analysis is done ‘from cradle-to-grave’, i.e. over the whole life cycle. LCA is essentially a comparative method: different systems fulfilling the same function (serving the same purpose) are compared on the basis of a ‘functional unit’ - a quantitative measure of this function or purpose. It is often believed that LCA can be used for judging the (relative) sustainability of product systems. This is only partly true, however, since LCA is restricted to the environmental part of the triad ‘environment/ecology - economy - social aspects (including intergenerational fairness)’ which constitutes sustainability. Standardized assessment tools for the second and the third part are still lacking, but Life Cycle Costing (LCC) seems to be a promising candidate for the economic part. Social Life Cycle Assessment still has to be developed on the basis of known social indicators.Method and Limitations LCA is most frequently used for the comparative assessment or optimization analysis of final products. Materials and chemicals are difficult to analyse from cradle-to-grave, since they are used in many, often innumerable product systems, which all would have to be studied in detail to give a complete LCA of a particular material or substance! This complete analysis of a material or chemical is evidently only possible in such cases where one main application exists. But even if one main application does exist, e.g. in the case of surfactants (chemicals) and detergents (final products), the latter may exist in a great abundance of compositions. Therefore, chemicals and materials are better analysed ‘from cradle-to-factory gate’, leaving the analysis of the final product(s), the use phase and the ‘end-of-life’ phases to specific, full LCAs.Conclusion A comparative assessment of production processes is possible, if the chemicals (the same is true for materials) produced by different methods have exactly the same properties. In this case, the downstream phases may be considered as a ‘black box’ and left out of the assessment. Such truncated LCAs can be used for environmental comparisons, but less so for the (environmental) optimization analysis of a specific chemical: the phases considered as ‘black box’ and left out may actually be the dominant ones. A sustainability assessment should be performed at the product level and contain the results of LCC and social assessments. Equal and consistent system boundaries will have to be used for these life cycle tools which only together can fulfil the aim of assessing the sustainability of product systems.  相似文献   
Background, aim, and scope  Food consumption is an important route of human exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. So far, this has been demonstrated by exposure modeling or analytical identification of single substances in foodstuff (e.g., phthalates) and human body fluids (e.g., urine and blood). Since the research in this field is focused on few chemicals (and thus missing mixture effects), the overall contamination of edibles with xenohormones is largely unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the integrated estrogenic burden of bottled mineral water as model foodstuff and to characterize the potential sources of the estrogenic contamination. Materials, methods, and results  In the present study, we analyzed commercially available mineral water in an in vitro system with the human estrogen receptor alpha and detected estrogenic contamination in 60% of all samples with a maximum activity equivalent to 75.2 ng/l of the natural sex hormone 17β-estradiol. Furthermore, breeding of the molluskan model Potamopyrgus antipodarum in water bottles made of glass and plastic [polyethylene terephthalate (PET)] resulted in an increased reproductive output of snails cultured in PET bottles. This provides first evidence that substances leaching from plastic food packaging materials act as functional estrogens in vivo. Discussion and conclusions  Our results demonstrate a widespread contamination of mineral water with xenoestrogens that partly originates from compounds leaching from the plastic packaging material. These substances possess potent estrogenic activity in vivo in a molluskan sentinel. Overall, the results indicate that a broader range of foodstuff may be contaminated with endocrine disruptors when packed in plastics.  相似文献   
Summary Experimental tests were conducted to determine whether the ambush foraging iguanian lizard,Liolaemus zapallarensis, was capable of discriminating prey chemicals from control substances and whether this lizard exhibits strike-induced chemosensory searching (SICS) or its components after biting prey. The two components of SICS are a poststrike elevation in tongue-flicking rate (PETF) and apparent searching movements for relocation of prey that has been bitten, but released or escaped.Liolaemus zapallarensis failed to discriminate prey chemicals from control substances, but exhibited significant PETF lasting one minute. SICS was absent inL. zapallarensis because no post-strike movements were observed. The absence of both prey chemical discrimination and SICS exhibited byL. zapallarensis is common to all the insectivorous iguanians and ambush foraging lizards studied to date. However,L. zapallarensis is the first insectivorous iguanian species shown to exhibit PETF. The results suggest thatL. zapallarensis does not use the tongue for detection, identification, or relocation of prey while foraging. The possibility does remain thatL. zapallarensis may be capable of chemically identifying prey once the prey stimuli reach the oral cavity.  相似文献   
Selection of Bioindicators of Pollution for Marine Monitoring Programmes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ultimate management concerns related to toxic chemicals in the marine environment are for the magnitude and extent of biological effects, including those on human health, that may result. Over the past several years, the National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has supported the development and application of a number of bioeffects measurements, including biochemical indicators of contaminant exposure and of reproductive status in fish, prevalence of histopathological lesions, toxicity bioassays of sediments and water, and benthic community structural features. Some of these measurements have been applied as part of regular sampling at the nationwide network of NS&T sites, while others have been assessed in more intensive, regional studies. Our experience with different indicators is summarized and discussed in relation to a set of monitoring objectives and evaluation criteria. Current conclusions are: (a) iterative application of controlled laboratory experiments and field validation tests are required to verify causality and mechanisms of biological responses to contaminants; (b) contaminant concentrations, indicator species, and local conditions vary considerably in different areas and at different times, requiring the use of different effects measurements oriented toward specific objectives and hypotheses; and (c) tiered, sequential application of a mix of indicators, including direct measurements on indigenous organisms and indirect bioassay approaches, is useful and effective for estimating the magnitude and spatial extent of contaminant bioeffects.  相似文献   
危险化学品重大危险源辨识中存在问题的研究与探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据对GB18218—2000《重大危险源辨识》和新标准GB18218—2009《危险化学品重大危险源辨识》以及国内外重大危险源辨识标准的对比分析,提出我国危险化学品重大危险源辨识中存在的四大问题。针对重大危险源涵盖种类仍不齐全的问题,提出将重大危险源从能量和物质两个角度划分,即标准涵盖的危险源种类应加入危险能量重大危险源;针对临界量不合理的问题,提出以死亡半径作为分界点,通过模拟计算确定危险物质的临界量的方法,使确定出的临界量符合相关法律法规规定量;针对重大危险源单元范围划分不合理的问题,提出采用模拟计算,以火灾爆炸事故破坏范围中的财产损失半径来定义单元覆盖距离的方法;针对缺少重大危险源危险性分级方法的问题,通过分析比较国内较为流行的几种重大危险源分级技术的优缺点及适用条件,提出多种分级方法结合的组合式分级方法。  相似文献   
重大危险源的安全监控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对如何辨识重大危险源,以及GB18218-2000<重大危险源辨识>标准中存在不适宜的情况进行了探讨,提出了重大危险源的识别、监控办法.  相似文献   
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