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介绍了重点排放源及区域环境介质汞污染防治监控方案,做了可行性分析,希望对汞污染防治有所启发。  相似文献   
自2003年6月三峡水库蓄水以来,库区支流富营养化和水华问题备受关注。对库区12条重点支流2010—2020年的水质、水华监测数据进行了统计分析,结果表明:12条重点支流均发生过典型水华,近几年水华发生次数减少;水华主要发生在3—9月,以蓝藻和硅藻水华为主。暴发水华的根本原因是水体营养盐充足。支流监测数据表明,水体均处于中营养状态及以上。适宜的温度、光照和缓慢的水动力条件则是暴发水华的重要原因。目前,开展营养盐削减是控制三峡库区重点支流库湾水华的根本途径;通过物理方法、化学方法和生物操控方法消除水华的应用尚且较少;而通过水库生态调度抑制水华为可行方法。  相似文献   
合理确定重金属土壤筛选值是污染场地风险识别和调查评估的基础,过松或过严的标准都会增加风险评估的不确定性,甚至可能会导致风险管控措施失效或修复资金浪费,确定重金属土壤筛选值的关键影响因子是合理确定重金属土壤筛选值的前提。选择工业污染场地中检出频率高、毒性大的砷作为研究对象,通过假设工商业用地下的暴露情景,根据《污染场地风险评估技术导则》(HJ25.3—2014)得到砷筛选值计算公式,利用基于蒙特卡罗模拟的Crystal Ball模型计算公式中各参数对结果的敏感性和贡献率来确定关键影响因子,通过调研国内外砷筛选值现状,从计算模型、毒性评估及关键影响因子等方面对引起各国砷筛选值差异的原因进行了分析探讨。结果表明:工商业用地下土壤砷筛选值取值为0.84~175.7 mg·kg~(-1),均值为21.4 mg·kg~(-1),95%的置信上限为24.19 mg·kg~(-1);风险可接受水平、每日土壤摄入量(IR)、暴露频率(EF)和暴露周期(ED)对砷筛选值的贡献率依次为41.3%、-27.3%、-16.3%和-12.7%,其余因子的贡献率均小于1%;关键影响因子按贡献率绝对值从大到小分别为风险可接受水平、每日土壤摄入量(IR)、暴露频率(EF)、暴露周期(ED)。计算模型和毒性评估存在差异是国内外土壤砷筛选值差异的基础原因,当计算模型和毒性评估差异不大时,关键影响因子才是决定性因素,其影响程度与模拟计算的结果一致。建议我国完善筛选值计算模型,对砷的毒性效应和符合我国暴露人群特征的关键影响因子展开深入研究。  相似文献   
The medicinal and aromatic plants resources of Uttarakhand, India offer significant opportunities of employment and livelihood for rural communities and contribute a large share in the medicinal and aromatic plants trade of India. With the growing trade of medicinal and aromatic plants resources in the global market, the medicinal and aromatic plants business of Uttarakhand is also continuously growing in terms of trade volume, value and market reach. But, considering the ecological importance as well as unregulated exploitations of these resources, the growing business activities in this sector appear incompatible to the sustainability agenda. Through a mini review, this study assesses the medicinal and aromatic plants sector of Uttarakhand and identifies key challenges that seem incompatible for resource and business sustainability and offers some prospective research directions essential for identifying pragmatic solutions to support sustainability in the sector. This review identifies nine key challenges to sustainability in Uttarakhandʼs medicinal and aromatic plants sector. It is therefore pertinent that future research focus on the prevailing challenges of the medicinal and aromatic plants sector of Uttarakhand to develop strategies for sustainable business prospects.  相似文献   
油田开发是一项由地下勘探与钻井、地面油气集输及水处理等多种工艺组成的复杂的系统工程,各工艺过程能源和资源的消耗,对环境的影响因素、范围和程度都不尽相同。文章按照清洁生产审核重点确定应遵循的原则,体现具有针对性、可为审核提供定量准确基础数据的特点,从原料(采出液等)、辅助材料和产品(外输原油等)的数量、主要生产设备运行情况和工艺流程、能源和资源消耗量、各类污染物的排放量等方面,探讨了油田在清洁生产审核过程中确定审核重点的方法。  相似文献   
Ecological restoration has become an important strategy to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems services. To restore 15% of degraded ecosystems as stipulated by the Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi target 15, we developed a prioritization framework to identify potential priority sites for restoration in Mexico, a megadiverse country. We used the most current biological and environmental data on Mexico to assess areas of biological importance and restoration feasibility at national scale and engaged stakeholders and experts throughout the process. We integrated 8 criteria into 2 components (i.e., biological importance and restoration feasibility) in a spatial multicriteria analysis and generated 11 scenarios to test the effect of assigning different component weights. The priority restoration sites were distributed across all terrestrial ecosystems of Mexico; 64.1% were in degraded natural vegetation and 6% were in protected areas. Our results provide a spatial guide to where restoration could enhance the persistence of species of conservation concern and vulnerable ecosystems while maximizing the likelihood of restoration success. Such spatial prioritization is a first step in informing policy makers and restoration planners where to focus local and large‐scale restoration efforts, which should additionally incorporate social and monetary cost–benefit considerations.  相似文献   
中国生态补偿政策评估与框架初探   总被引:82,自引:0,他引:82  
按照法律法规、政府手段、市场机制的体系对中国现行的生态补偿机制与政策进行了系统的评估,总结了中国生态补偿机制和政策在法律法规体系、财政制度、重大生态建设工程、生态税费制度和市场交易模式等方面存在的问题和改进方向.在此基础上,基于不同尺度上的生态建设外部性问题,提出中国生态补偿机制和政策的初步框架,包括西部生态补偿、生态功能区补偿、流域生态补偿和生态要素补偿等.并针对当前生态补偿面临的紧迫问题和可能的应对措施,提出近阶段中国生态补偿应该重点突破的若干政策领域.   相似文献   
城市应急能力评估指标体系核心项处理方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在城市应急能力评估体系的基础上,分析了类、属性以及特征的关系,明确了属性在其中的重要性,建立了以改进的层次分析法为基础城市应急能力评估指标体系权重计算方法,指出权重与核心项之间的关系,确定以第75百分位数作为城市应急能力评估体系属性核心项判定标准,经过专家计算,确定了20项城市应激能力评估体系属性的核心项,为顺利开展城市应急能力评估奠定了基础。  相似文献   
高浓度氨氮废水排放量大、成分复杂、毒性强,因此对环境的危害极大。本文从总结高浓度氨氮废水的来源和特性入手,分析高浓度氨氮废水的危害性,提出高浓度氨氮废水的主要治理技术。  相似文献   
中央企业事故水平分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过调研,掌握了大量中央企业安全生产信息数据。在数据分析的基础上,得出中央企业事故发生频率和伤害水平指标。根据我国现行的事故分类方法,分析中央企业事故类别分布规律。根据我国行业分类标准,比较分析处于不同行业中央企业的伤亡事故水平,并提出加强企业安全生产工作,提高安全管理水平的建议措施。  相似文献   
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