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Kapucu N 《Disasters》2008,32(2):239-262
Community coordination requires communication and planning of precautions to take when faced with a severe threat of disaster. The unique case of the four Florida hurricanes of 2004--Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne--is used here to assess community responses to repeated threats of hurricanes. The paper examines how effectiveness in coordinating community disaster response efforts affects future public preparedness. The findings suggest that pre-season planning, open communication between emergency managers and elected officials, and the use of technology all had a significant impact on community responses. The repeated threat scenario indicates that emergency managers must work vigilantly to keep residents informed of the seriousness of a situation. The study describes how emergency managers in Florida countered public complacency during four hurricanes in six weeks. The strategies identified as useful by public managers in the context of hurricanes are applicable to other natural and man-made disasters.  相似文献   
The suddenness and scale of the 26 December 2004 tsunami and the challenges posed to affected communities highlighted the benefits of their members having a capacity to confront and adapt to the consequences of such a disaster. Research into adaptive capacity or resilience has been conducted almost exclusively with Western populations. This paper describes an exploratory study of the potential of a measure of collective efficacy developed for Western populations to predict the capacity of members of a collective society, Thai citizens affected by the 2004 tsunami, to confront effectively the recovery demands associated with this disaster. Following a demonstration that this measure could predict adaptive capacity, the role of religious affiliation, ethnicity and place of residence in sustaining collective efficacy is discussed. The implications of the findings for future research on, and intervention to develop, adaptive capacity among Thai citizens in particular and collectivist societies in general are discussed.  相似文献   
甘永萍  曾令锋 《灾害学》2001,16(3):49-53
通过对柳州市洪灾特点的分析,探讨了洪灾对柳州市经济、社会可持续发展的制约作用,提出洪灾的治理必须走可发展的道路,采用工程措施和非工程措施相结合的对策。  相似文献   
This article examines local recovery plans that were created in response to the Wenchuan earthquake and then suggests ways that planners can better apply the concept of sustainability to the recovery process. We utilize a plan evaluation protocol to analyze 16 recovery plans in counties and towns that were severely affected by the earthquake. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with public officials and planners, with the qualitative data gleaned from these interviews being used to supplement the plan quality assessment. The results reveal that local recovery plans do not appear to have incorporated sufficiently the concepts of sustainability. We conclude the paper with the following recommendations: emphasizing sustainability as a policy priority during vision and goal development; developing solid databases and planning techniques; designing a diversified set of regulatory- and incentive-based policy tools suitable for local governments; enhancing social and institutional learning; and further integrating multi-level and interagency governmental units.  相似文献   
1961~2015年西南地区降水及洪涝指数空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用西南地区98个气象站连续完整的日降水序列数据,整合降水强度、持续性指数及等级指数形成降水指数体系并研究该区域降水及洪涝指数的空间分布特征,得到以下主要结论:(1) 1961~2015年,西南地区年降水量(PRCPTOT)与极端降水量(R95PTOT)都呈现出“东多西少、南多北少”的分布形态;持续降水日数(CWD)则表现为“南高北低、西高东低”的分布格局。区域多年平 均PRCPTOT、R95PTOT、CWD分别以-13.12 mm/10 a、1.34 mm/10 a、-0.29 d/10 a的速率变化。(2)西南地区不同等级降水日数具有相似的空间分布特征,均呈现出“南高北低、东高西低”的分布形态。(3)西南地区洪涝强度指数呈由东北向西南递减的分布特征;降水总量越多的地区,洪涝强度反而越低,主要由于单站洪涝强度表征的是降水的波动情况,降水量越多波动越不明显。21世纪以来,该 地区洪涝等级以重级为主,2010年以来连续多年出现特重级洪涝。此外,洪涝强度越大,区域性年度灾害等级越高。该研究对于掌握西南地区极端气候变化规律,从而服务于防灾减灾具有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   
梁岚嵩  卢柯宇 《资源开发与保护》2012,(11):1013-1015,1053
为探索和创新汶川大地震以及其他灾情灾后青少年心理援助提供科学决策依据,通过对四川灾区民众的调查分析及其对收集的信息资料研究,着重揭示了汶川大地震灾后青少年心理援助的经验:“三个加强”——加强方式、方法、机制“三位一体”对青少年心理援助,“三个强化”——社会、学校、家庭“三位一体”对青少年心理援助的启示。  相似文献   
通过整理G2京津塘高速公路3年(2007年3月至2010年2月)逐日逐时万辆车流的交通事故灾害和交通流量及气象要素资料,并将万辆车流的交通事故灾害(交通事故灾害与交通流量之商)与同步气象综合指数进行日变化相关分析;结果表明:平均万辆车流的交通事故灾害的日变化最高峰出现在05时,年平均高峰值高达2.34起·辆-1·10-4;年度、春季、夏季、秋季和冬季的平均万辆车流的交通事故灾害与同步气象综合指数均呈正抛物线的偏右侧相关,即万辆车流的交通事故灾害随气象综合指数的加大而增多;统计学检验(R>Rα=0.01和F>Fa=0.01)效果很好.四个季节的万辆车流的交通事故灾害与气象综合指数相关的系数高达0.7781~0.8537.为了更好地将自动气象监测信息服务于高速公路交通安全,在分析成果的基础上设计出了高速公路万辆车流的交通事故灾害的气象综合指数风险等级指标,以期为高速公路交通安全提供客观的科学依据.  相似文献   
由于灾害损失本身的复杂性及灾情统计方面存在的问题,利用区间数替代单一实数值作为灾害等级评估指标的输入更加符合实际。基于上述思路,提出了一种基于区间数的灾害等级评估新模型。首先,给出区间数距离的新定义,该定义能够充分利用区间数所携带的信息;然后,利用线性加权评价函数计算评估对象与评价标准之间的综合相对距离测度,评估对象隶属于综合距离测度最小值所对应的灾害等级。该模型建模过程思路清晰,物理意义明确,计算过程简捷,评估结论符合实际。最后,用实例说明模型的应用方法。  相似文献   
郑州市地下空间开发利用的岩土工程安全问题   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
城市地下空间的开发利用受到岩土工程条件的制约,地下工程实施的可能性和安全性对岩土工程条件有高度的依赖性。以郑州地区遇到的情况为例,讨论了区域稳定性、岩土体稳定性、地下水、地震地质作用、土的工程性质等方面对城市地下空间开发利用安全性的影响,对城市地下工程的岩土工程勘察问题进行了论述。笔者的研究,对郑州市地下空间开发中地质灾害的减轻和预防有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
北京是地质灾害较严重的城市之一,具有灾种多、活动频繁、群发性强的特征。北京山区公路所遭受的地质灾害主要有滑坡、滑(崩)塌、泥石流、岩溶、采空地面塌陷等。为了防止山区公路地质灾害可能造成的危害,笔者通过对北京山区公路所遭受的地质灾害类型、发育特征、分布规律等特点及其所造成的危害进行分析、研究,提出了山区公路地质灾害应急与防治对策,以提高北京市的防灾减灾能力,减少和避免地质灾害造成的损失。  相似文献   
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